BEAVERTON E N T E R P R IS E Alcoholic Studies Institute T o Be Held In Portland Friday, March 8, 194g_______ Metzger Girl Scouts Active REMEMBER— Not The Girl Scouts of Metzger have Pleasant— But True -1 members and are known as Tioop Our decisions on local and nation An institute . . . . based . . . on ,, the . Yale . .. 28. They are active in community al affairs have a bearing on world t a , Pr ,..n , politics. We must choose well so is the 10-year-old Oregon Fellowship, « - » « * > •»«r i « » ■ - * . this can never nappen again. of cookie sale which wil Istart March A son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. which finds in Yale university's 7th, with a goal of 40,000 boxes of program a practical approach to the cookies set for the ten day sale. The Smith, route 3, boa 29, Beaverton Green Stamp* Green Stampe alcohol problem which has been its money raised by the sale of cookies has been home since the first of the ne litre objective all along. will be used for improvement of faci year. was one of four sons in the Articles Savings Herat To present the scientific rather lities of Camp Wildwood and there service, all of whom are now home The following letter was received than the emotional approach in a |de more camping for more search for solution 01 alcoholic f / _____ 00 28 ,____ u j 420 « a boxes ___ from one of their sons, Bert, it fol W » d e l i v e r F r e e of C h a r g e to Tigard, B e a v e r t o n , M u lt n om ah a n d W a y Points has ___ sold lows: evils, the fellowship has arranged of cookies to date. e v e r y T u e s d a y , T h ur s da y a n d Fr ida y. S h op h e r e for all y o u r H o u s e h o l d a n d the abbreviated course along the April 25, 1945, Germany The Raleigh Hills troop will visit Dear Mom; line followed by Yale. Clothing n e e d s “ you II find Qual Quality prices your d ge a e t . y o u ’ll ity M e r c h a n d i s e at pric es to suit y our Bu ud Thiee of the leaders in the insti- troop 28 at the community clubhouse I am dropping you a line to let tute Dr. T. Frankkn Hudson, Port-. March 21st. The visiting troop will you know what’s going on around land clergyman; Dr. Thompson L. entertain with folk dances and troop here. I was up to the place where Shannon, another Portland minister. 28 will serve refreshments. they burned al lthose people and I The past few weeks the troop has took some pictures, I will send them and member of the educational ad vlsory committee to the Oregon been busy making friendship bags j to you as soon as they’re finished, liquor control commission, and Mrs. to send overseas. Thirteen bags j Mom, everybody back home should W. W. Gabriel institute president went to Holland from the Metzger gee it; it’s terrible. There were and secretary of the advisory com troop. The bags consist of needles, places in the barn where the bodies mittee, attended the Yale institute thread, buttons, hairpins, ribbon, were four or five high, that was in last summer as Oregon's represen comb, small pad, pencil, pins (safety the corners where they all seemed and straight), small game or toy, to push and then at the doors where tatives. ¡washcloth, hard candy, crayon, and the poor devils were machine gun Others will include: Governor Earl Snell, Ray Carr, small greeting card and girl's name ned when they tried to get out. Most chairman, Dr. John R. Montague, of'a n d address. The girls of Metzger of the bodies turned black from be the educational advisory committee; , troop expect to receive letters from ing cooked so bad. Dr. H. M. Erickson, state board of Holland, thereby gaining pen pals There was about 990 to a 1000 that health; Dr. Thomas L. Meador, and furthering international friend- were pushed into a cement con Portland health bureau; Dorothy j ship. struction of a building with a tin McCullough Lee, Portland city com Melba Edith Searles, troop scribe roof and four big doors. There missioner; Ray Stanton, managing was about four or five feet of straw director, Oregon Safety association; on the floor and then they poured Ben Heinz, director, Portland Traf- On the evening of February 25, i on- the 8traw; that made a real fic Safety commission; the Rt. Rev. 1946, Orenomah Chapter held it's 1 nieg hot fire. Benjamin Dagwell, Episcopal bishop; Inspection with Beaver Chapter No. How some people can be so cruel of Oregon; Dr. Lawrence S. Bee, 106 at the Masonic Temple in Mult is more than I can figure out, but I assistant professor of sociology at nomah. A capacity crowd was in will tell you one thing, we’re too Reed college; Rea Putnam, state su- attendance and a nice evening en- ____ easy on them, what we should peiintendent of public education; poyed by all. Hazei Graham, Wor do is do the same thing to them, Dr Willard B. Spalding, superln- thy Grand Matron and Sylvan West, I swear I would be the one to throw Beautiful flattering, tuxedo trimmed coats tendent of Portland public schools; I Worthy Grand Patron were present the match to them too after seeing that are meticuously made of finest 100% Ray Cenway, administrator, state j and inspected the work of the two that, a fellow would do It and would pure virgin wool fabrics in such glorious liquor commission; Judge J. J. Quil- j chapters. Following the meeting re- not give it another thought. shades as winter white, moss green, spring lin, Portland municipal court-; Wal- j freshments were served in the dining They have German civilians bury den Sampson, director of research | hall, blue, American beauty, oatmeal and beige. ing them and some of them fainted for the educational advisory com- j Sumptuously trimmed with quality furs . . . when they saw it. I don’t know mittee to the liquor control; Dr. I whether they did it to get out of choice of G R E Y SQUIRREL, MOUTON, Victor P. Morris, University of Ore ' burying them or that they couldn’t SA B L E D Y E SQUIRREL, P E R SIAN LAM B gon; Mayor Earl Riley, Portland; believe that anyone could do such a and W H ITE L Y N X D Y E WOLF. Dr. Herman Dick^ and others. thing. Well, that's enough for that. Well Mom, everything is kindar CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and Main Sts. Beaverton quiet around here right now. Now Sizes 10 to 18 Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Drorbaugh re and then there's a few that come in George W. Springer, Pastor turned from a six weeks visit *to 9:45 a. m. Morning worship and and give themselves up but other C o ats That Will M a k e You the Southerin California last week. Sat preaching service. wise everything is quiet. urday night a group of Beaverton Topic; The Masters Prayer of I thought there for a while, we L o v e lie st L a d y In the friends enjoyed a potluck dinner at Intercession. were going to beat the Reds to Ber their home in Portland, also cele Following the sermon the Lord's lin but we kinda run up against a Caster P a r a d e brating Dewey’s birthday annivers supper will be observed. j brick wall. • ary. Bible School Class session 11:00 A. Say I read a piece In the paper M. 1 where some woman, the wife of a Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. prison commander, who took the Robert S' Farrell, Jr., Evening worship service with spe skin off a prisoner’s chest that had Announces Candidacy cial music by the orchestra at 7:30 a tatoo on it of a woman and made P. M. a lamp shade out of it. Mom, build Robert S. Farrell Jr., secretary of Midweek Bible study and prayer me a little room off the side of the state, today announced he would be | service Thursday SC h / p M The house and put some shelves in it Fa s h i o n - W i se a candidate in the May Primaries for Topic for study will be ‘‘Deceit." - because I’m going to start collecting re-election to that office. Serving 1 heads and I will want some place to successfully as legislator, speaker of Spr ing Collection of the | put them. Well, don’t look so as- CHURCH OF THE NWZAKEXE the house of representatives, and i astonished, it’s nothing over here to 459 S. W. First St. for the past term as one of Oregon’s I Coats Y o u W a n t | go around killing peole; everybody Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor three principle officials, Farrell has 1 I does it. It seems to be a hobby Sunday School. been a lifelong republican. A na- ! 9:45 a. m. A special musical treat this Sun j with some of them. tive of Oregon he knows Oregon’s Well, Mom, I’m going to close be problems and he knows of its great Jay morning. fore I have a head in this letter on future. i 11 a- m. Morning worship. , In commenting on his candidacy Paator >s exchanging pulpits 3 As A Always, Your Son, Love for re-election Farrell said: "Dur-| ^ ith Portland Mt. Scott. Rev. Hugh BERT ing my term as secretary of state ; Glass will bring the morning mes I have endeavored to conduct th e isa? ej many and varied duties of that of- ! 6 30 P. M. Hl-N-Y and N.Y.P.S. 7:30 p. m. Youth Week Climax Legion Baseball flee (one of the largest in the United Clifford Fanger, young W arm ing Up States) in a prompt, efficient and ! service. seminary student of the church will courteous manner." As vice-president of ____ the _______ national i sPeak- All young people are ex- _______,____________ Legion baseball under the able association of Secretaries of State I tended a cordial welcome to this ; guidance of Tommy Ramsdell will ____ ___ — -------------------- J begin whenever the weather permits nient by that association in secu rin g j ^Wednesday ^ 7 30 p. m. program,; playing on the now damp grade national legislation designed to make : Medical missions and Native Work- j school diamond. Plans have been The coat that adds a touch of | ^ ^ “ w -m b e ^ r o f | ' made to grade the field, a much distinction to your Easter out J ! the armed forces. I assisted in se- ; needed improvement, according to BETHEL fit, the ever popular covert. . . ^¡curing the enactment of the W arj i coach Ramsdell. Contributions from CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Act which en - 1 D ----------------- ----- j . . . . ! anyone interested in seeing the fel- tailored to perfection of 100% ¡¡j Ballot Commission confines • of | “ i I ev- J- G. # Dickey (Interim) Pastor lows enjoy summer sport will be ablcd those within the . . . n n l o n n I .* « « > 0 4 . « »4...... ___ A-1 . . pure virgin wool. Beautifully 1 this country to vote their respective !<In Place of Rev. Sturtevant until j appreciated by everyone playing lined with rich rayon satin. next summer) state ballots and at the same time with the club. Friday, 2 p. m.. World’s Day of to see that these ballots through Federal regulations were expedited ; Prayer^ in Methodist Church. Our A marriage license has been issued | i to those states for counting. All church’s part: Devotional led by to Herman A. Windolph Beaverton, i Oregon can be proud of the splendid Mrs. Putnam; solo by Mrs. Dickey, and Ardath J. Frizzell, Park Ave. Hurry and choose yours '(record achieved in the number of j accompanied by Mrs. Randall; ad- hotel, Portland. i ballots mailed and returned to this dress by Rev. Paul Dickey of Port- now in brown, blue, moss : land. state.” V7 Mf Mf Mt M fM f ’ -V? Mt Mt ' At Mt M t« green, black, cocoa, gray 9:45 a. m. Church School, Miss Am- "As a member of the board of con arette Barns, Supt. and light green. In sizes 10 trol I am especially Interetsed in Adult class is studying Jesus. the early completion of the state to 20. 11 a. m. Children’s service 20 min building program as approved by the people in the special election of utes; sermon topic: “Lent Begins"; BEAVERTON Oregon’iT'state' Hospital j*mi, by th! cbolr' , , last year 1 5 30 p. m. Junior Pilgrim Fellow- 11 and other institutions as well — USE O U R higher education have too long been ' p' denied a normal and sound construe- w .. m. Picture "N* Greater C O N V EN IEN T tlon program, the health, welfare I „ „„ ’ _ All invited. 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship. and training of unfortunates too long L A Y -A -W A Y PLAN W’ed. 8 p. m. Study of “Our neglected. Adequate housing, care and treatment for the present are ¡Christian Faith” (Horton) In the Pil- H A V E YO U R C O A T All invited. This is provided by the mandate of the vot-| f Shows every Night 7 to 11:30 ers last June. This program must i a Lenten study, with short worship PAID FOR BY REGULAR PRICES Candle light. not and cannot be held In abayance t service. Children 16c Adults 40« Thursday 8 p. m. Choir prac EASTER or side-tracked. It must be com- j Special Saturday Matinee 1:30 tice. pleted as speedily as possible in so (Remember community chorus show changes Sunday 1»30. 4, 6:30, 9 far as existing funds will permit and in accordance with the immediate practice Monday night in Bethel | I A needs of the several institutions, church social room) sound business judgment, of course, Wed.,-Saturday, March 6 to 9 • O A T DEPT. METHODIST CHURCH being a determining factor.” 4th and Watson Sts. SONG OF OLD WYOMING "Oregon has done 'too little, too BA LCO N Y Rev. Everett L. Bowers. Pastor In cinecolor long ’for those institutions. We are Parsonage: 356 Broadway E. Dean and S. Padden a growing commonwealth and we Hotel Berlin are" unprepared a .d £ j c.SSt dJL. ^ y o u ^ T n d £ I Fay Emerson. Helmut Dantine care for, accommodate, treat or re Mrs Nan Bourqutn, a,.J? Supt. News habilitate those in need now and in 10:55 Morning Worship. [ the future. With one possible ex- ■ First Sunday in Lent. ception every hospital, training 1 Sermon "A Noble Exemplar”. SAT. March 9— Bargain Matinee school, and penal institution in the 1 Text 1 Peter 2:21. state is crowded far beyond ca- | 7:30 p. m. M.Y.F. in the upper’ CANT ESCAPE FOREVER j pacity at the present. This should j ; room. George Brent and must be remedied.’* Wed 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m. W.S.C.S. Serial—Monster an dthe Ape "The cessation of hostilities has Thurs. 7:30 p. m. Choir Rehearsal.! eliminated fatalities on the war front but It has accentuated them WEST HILLS on the home front. The lifting of SUNDAY-TUF.SDAY — March 16 - 1 » T .m iT R A N CHURCH "SPANISH MAIN” ¡rationing restrictions has seen a pa 11- | Canyoa Road, near Sylvan (Technicolor) Ing Increase in the number of traffic We«-- or T Fritz Minister T. Heir.reld. M. O’Hara fatalities here in Oregon s* wcV. as 1st Suni-v, in | ent. March 1C "No; On Account" an alarming increoso in accidents Sunday School 9 4* a. an. and destruction to property. As an Cartoon and News Divine Service 11 a. m. officer of the American Association Lenten meditation on the general of Motor Vehicle administrators and them'“ The Cro-n of Christ and N ew est hats fdr spring . . . help you look your loveliest! Direc- ns director of motor vehnles for WEDNESDAY — SATURDAY March IS to If toire bonnets, flower-laden brims, lovely new veiled and bow- of my office to stem end reduce this, K.. ___. _ . "SING YOl SINNERS" Crosh. MacMuiraj, E. Drew trim beauties. All flattering — delightfully designed to com- .o h ,r . I«.. u Ii ; i , t t » ’ F.n and man hours in industry. To nij »nil nr.,v ,. vnn , ra . * “ T ill BRIGHTON STRANGLER” plenaent your new ensembles. Come in today and find your own y y Y mind it is the nation's and Oregon's ^ w(>’ t ,, ]u ‘ ' ' welcome John Loder, J. Duprrz most acute and immediate problem News special favorite! See our exceptionally fine assortment of hats "If nominate«! and re-eiected I riL G R lT I LUTHERAN CHURCH shall continue to give sincere and Farmington. R«1 at Menlo, lien verton for matrons, famous Gage models in all colors and styles. [! conscientious service to the many Saturday — n\RG \ 1 N MATINEE Erwin A. Oerkerv Pnstor t>oards and commissions of which j Sunday March K Schot I 9:45 a. m. | (he secretary of state is a memhei ¿j . . . . M ILLIN ERY B A LCO N Y "B L U " 'S IN T l f r N IG H T " Married and the father of tv 6« Divine Service—11 00 a. m. with Priscilla Lane Walther I -n r -a -nee’ s this Sunday S daughters Parrel is a member of the fVin','ng „ p' m. r‘, Serial: 'Monster and the Ap«” - Oregon Bar aasooiation and^d £ Ient-n ser R i M F M B i R Y O U R E XT R A S A V I N G S ARS S A H GREEN STAMPS W h e n Y o u Buy H e re I in the practice of law for nin , « . . . ___. . vices. W e d n r s d a a t "• p n u e o H u n r a c R K M M 6Ÿ ¿URO 6 MOR Hi so " Luxuriously Furred Church Services $33 .95 a a Ritz Theatre Tel. 2482 New Spring Millinery $5.95 to $7.95 } || f l l i i « W B W g w w « i M » i i i m i n w » w m w s « m m H g M « w m n m n a i i i « H i m n m i i m i n H i m n a n n n i s i i n i n m i i a i i i E u n n n n i a i „ 5 i „ 5 i„ = „ | i ¡rsjs^var * ,h* A cordial welcome to all. If you want to Mil It quick, you U «— -lied ad.