g FOR SALE - WANTED - BUSINESS SERVICES CASH M UST A C C O M P A N Y ALA H C L A S S IF IE D ADS Count each word, including N am e ! and add re«»—O N L Y 2c A W O R D N o P h »a e O rder« T a k e« M INIM UM 26c AN ISSUE ' W e Publiah the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IO A R D SENTMMEL M U LTN O M AH P R E S S A L O H A NEW S C om plete Eastern W ashington County and W estern M ultnom ah County C overage W e assum e no finan cial responsi bility fo r errors w hich m ay appear In advertisem ents published In these co lumns, but la case w here this paper is at fault will reprint that part e f a i advertisem ent in w hich the type graphical m istake occurs. • FOR SALE F O R S A L E—W estinghouse E lec tric R ange. Apt. 3, W ashington St., at Front, Beaverton. 6tf SM OO TH TOP W ood Range, Coiled, Cream Enamel. $40. also dining room table and 4 chairs $40. F irst house west o f Un ion O il Tanks, H iw ay No. 10. 6 U SE D TOLEDO D IE S — E hrlich i P lu m bin g & A ppliance, Aloha. 6 ' M ontag trash burner with coils ex cellent condition. C H erry 1844. 6 i F O R S A L E — Conn B aritone Saxa- pbone, case and stand, ailver fin ish, g ood con dition. Call CH. 1522 R om ine. 6 F O R S A L E or R E N T — 158 acre stock ranch, over ^ under cu l tivation, bal. pasture, good water right, Irrigation. Small house, no b a m , in G lenw ood, W ash. Mae Jenkins, M etzger, Or. P hon e CH. 2857. 6 W E ST IN G H O U S E R A N G E —Ele vated Oven, g ood condition, Apt. 3, W ashington at F ront, B eaver ton. tf BUSINESS SERVICES A LL A R O U N D V IN CEN T LUMBER CO. Finish — R em odeling — R epair A. H A R R Y M ac IN T Y R E R oute 1 B ox 435 Phone Beav. 2828 A fter 6 p. m. — Leave Order, tf "A Complete Lum ber Y ard" W e Deliver Anywhere P AIN TS — SASH — PLUM BING Phone 6191 _ Aloha, Ore tf B A B Y S IT T E R —H igh sch ool girl will care for children evenings C H erry 3357. 6 E lect rio ft A cetylene W elding Metal L ath« W ork R. H. W IS E 7715 SW Capitol Hwy. M ultnomah CH. ISSI Home Owners Attention! HOM ES — F A R M S — A C R E A G E T o Cash In On These High Prices W e have m any buyers anxious to settle in our com m unity. C ALL J- G E O R G E E IS E N H A C E R Beaverton 2531 A ssociated W ith C IT Y R E A L T Y CO. 425 C orbett B ldg. Portland B it 5441 W e have 10 salesm en to assist you and our F inance D epartm ent will be glad to help you with your finances. THACTOK and TEAM W ORK See— L E E ROBIN SON Rte. S, B x 1547, Oak Ave. (2 miles W. o ff F arm ington ltd. Beaverton. P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188 tf P O W E R SPRAYIN G and F O R S A L E —W . L. - N. Ham p ch ick s from n on-broody stock. A vsila b ls Tuesdays. A lso cock erel chicks. A ll stock P ullorum tested. M iller’s H atchery, 2 miles south o f H uber on H uber Ave., W rite Rte. 1 B ox 916, B eaverton. tf B A S E M E N T E X C A V A T IN G — Dirt M oving — Landscaping — F en cin g — P low in g — D iscin g H arrow in g — A lso Concrete Mixed O n T he Job F O R SA L E — W ood, green block and slab m ixed 2V4 and 3V4 cord loads. R eubea Johnson, P h ose 193J N ew berg, $9 per cord. 45tf F or In form ation P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2188 L. H. BKAYYAND Builder and Cabinet M aker M etzger, O regon P h on e: C H erry 2829 5 F O R S A L E —C oncrete, Sand, R oad Gravel. Crushed R o ck , Mason Sand, and Dirt. P hone 2216 Beaverton, W rite V. E. F L E E N O R , Beaverton, O regon. 49tf W e live in W ashington County. We pay taxes ln W ashington County. W e know W ashington County R eal Estate. W e can sell you r home, farm , or any Real E state you have. W rite or call us. W e ’ll be right out to see you. Wiggins & Hibbard, REALTORS F O R S A L E —N ew Zealand W h its rabbits, you ng doss, end bueks from pedi. stock, excell, condi., 4 lbs up, $g up. W itch Hazel R ab bit Farm , H ml S W lteh Hazel School s r Y oungs M arket, main hiw ay bet. B eaverton A Hillsboro. 25 tf D ining table and chairs. 35 H am p shire red hens 1 year old. M arble C ook. 4 W ANTED B O O K K E E P E R w ith T yping ex perience, short hours to start. P. O. B ox 402, Beaverton, Ore. 6 W A N T E D — D ressm aking and al terations in home. M rs A. M Mc- Caulley, 4128 S.W. M arigold or call C H erry 2653. 8 W A N T E D — T W O young men to w ork in g rocery store. Cedar Mill G rocery Store. 8 JU N K — Batteries, Scrap Iron, A l uminum. Brass, C opper — H ighest prices paid. O. R. N ICH O LSO N A SON P hone B eaverton 2497 fo r pickup, or deliver our yard. E ntrance ad- ] join s Union Oil D epot— Bertha-Bea- verton H iw ay. 9 -------------------- - ■ ------------------------------ I H O U S E K E E P E R T ak e ch arge o f home, 2 chlldren-glrl 1H yrs. Boy sch ool age. Sun. and som e eves, o ff. $60. start. R oom , board. Phone B R aooa 3079. tf HOUSE C L E A N IN G W ork wanted by the hour, care e f children In the evenings. Hazel Puokett, 1st and L om bard B eaverton. 54 SH O P S P A C E W A N T E D — Lease or R e n t—fo r m odern F oley Saw Filing Equipm ent or ground suit able fo r building, H iw ay fron tage preferred. B ox J — Enterprise. Beaverton. 7 | M ISC E L L A N E O U S AN A P P E A L TO T H R PU BLIC | Our returning service men are all ln need a f transportation. I ’m doing m y best to help supply the dem and If jreu have n aar you are not using—« r have no real u»« for the one you now are using - why not bring it ln today and get T O P CASH fo r it N O W Cars also sold on ronolgunrtnL KELLY M O TO R CO . SW 'Janyon R d . and R . R. tracks. B o n ’«rton . Ora. 49tf LA N D SC A PIN G , Pruning, Spray- i ing, G raftin g A tree surgery. W . j A. Green, Beaverton, 2967. 58tf —S A W F I L I N G - TO O LS S H A R P E N E D O at Farm ington R d. to Oak A ve. 1st H ouse on R igh t, or leave at j H olland Feed Store. tf ' F R IE N D L Y S E R V IC E A L W A Y S Let Us Gas your Gophers and Moles F O R S A L E —G uernsey aad Jersey heifers, your ch oice $55 each. Got- ters at Scholia. 45tf ! ; f SE P T IC TA N K S, com pleted $100, anywhere on W est Side, 20 miles from city Portland, SU. 1737. 2tf C O A L-W O O D R A N G E — One Milk Cow. Cor. B roadw ay and L om bard, B eaverton. 6 W O O D —G ood B lock and Slab available now. W ilson Fuel Yard, Bx 398, B eaverton 2491. 6 I C E SSPO O L -SE PT IC T A N K O W N E R S A T T E N T IO N A dded equip ment allows faster service. We pump A wash septic tanks, com m i. or residential. Guar, w orkm anship. Sewers connected. Cesspools and septic tanks con stru cted. Schulz Bros. Sanitary Service, Portland, TA. 3235. 2tf W e Can Get Y’ou the Highest Possible Price and a Quick Deal PRUNING Phone Beaverton 2188 A g ood w ork ing con d ition fertili zer fo r sale; W ill deliver. R ay C. Foxton, B eaverton phone 2719. 6 John J. R eiter P hene T igard 2661 R E IT E R R A D IO ft E L E C T R IC S U D I C I R adio Repairs All makes o f E lectric E quipm ent and W irin g P.! O. B ox 743 L ocated with T igard Mike H ine Paint Store tf N ew la the time P R E -W A R W alnut D ining R oom Set, Six Cl\alrs and B u ffet; also cabinet radio. 402 Broadway, B eaverton. 6 F O R S A L S — 7 acres B urbank P o tatoes in field. 1*4 m ile S o f F arm ington R oad on H yland road. W. N. Keeler, R t 1, Bx 545. Beaverton. C onner and N ora R d. 2tf CARPENTER W O R K 220 S.W . Alder, E venings BR. A T 8623 1341 tf SA N D and G R A V E L All K inds o f R oad R o ck P rom p t D elivery Anyw here P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 2942 B. J. Shepherd J. L. Jersey SU. 2680 A L O H A 6617 S H E P H E R D ft J E R S E Y E xcavatin g and Grading Land Clearing and T renching General C ontracting E stim ates G ladly Given by H our or C ontract 6816 SE Mall St. Portland 6. Or. 20 Y ears E xperience tf A C R E A G E ft H O M ES W A N T E D W a can sell you r home, farm or aeraage. Hava hundreds o f buy ers that have cash. Y our W ash ington County specialist. lo c a t e d in P ortland at foot o f Canyon Rd Call B R. 1476 or w rit« W A Y N E B. N A G L E 1600 SW Jefferson , Portland L Ore. tf GEORGH FREY R egistered E ngineer L ot and Subdivision Surveys CH. 2248 7425 SW 32 A ve. 8 Your Income Tax Return Must be in by March 15th In com e T ax ft A ccoun ting Service SE E JOE K U BIN 416-16 Postal Bldg.. Portland. B E a con 4514 E venings B E. 0375 R esiden ce 5354 SW 49th Dr. (G L E N C U L L E N ) O P E N F O R B U SIN ESS M U LTN O M AH C A B IN E T SHOP Made to order cabin et« and fu rai- ture. W e will call, estim ate and help you plan you r built-ina Tree o f charge. E. A. D A M E — C. W . K U H LM AN P hono C H erry 1236 N O W we can com e to you r home and clean you r U P H O L 8T H R E D F U R N IT U R E ualng regular plant m ethod» at P O R T L A N D PR IC E R , —HO T R A N S P O R T A T IO N C H A R GES- W ork fully guaranteed. F O R F R E E E S T IM A T E S Call EAst 1933 H. W R A N D . 1553 8E Miller, P ortlaad. 6 CESSPOOL, S E P T IC T A N K O W N ERS’ A ttention! Septic tanks j cleaned, pum ped, $12.50 T., inc. ; d igging hauling, pum ping back filling. A l’s Sanitary Service, P ort- ! land. SU. 7778. * Klee trinai A ppliances R epaired W ashing M achines, Sewing . M achia* and all heusehald a p pliances—See E D D IE OLD M AN Johnson Road Opp. N. W . Christian Horns or M arshall W ells Hdw., B eaverton tf L. H. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinetm aker P ortland Pkoue CH. 2926, Metegnr Stere f rents; school, restaurant and stere fixtu res; aehool furniture, unit cabinets o f all kinds. Includ ing kitchen cabinets. O ffice furni ture rebuilt, reftnlshed and c o m pletely renovated. All kinds of building and rem odeling. W ood w ork in g o f all kinds. 48tf Behind Your Bonds F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O TO R CO., P hone T igard 3381 tf COED Far Stova aad Dlesal Oil Call Harry Barnes. Phona B eaverton >231. tf L A N D C L E A R IN G A E xcavating W ork done by hour or contract. P hone P ortland UN. 3396 for es tim ates. W ork guaranteed. 51tf IN D IA G IV E N DONT WAIT- C ALL B E A V E R T O N 2011 F ar F urnace V acuum Cleaning Services A R epairs on all types bf j H eating Plants nr F red ’s F urnaa» Service 144 S. 4th, St., H illsboro 1361 M tf FOOD PROCESSORS The Campbell Soup Co. plant at Camden, covering five city blocks and employing 4,500 persons, is only one of New Jersey’s vital food proc essing establishments that add to the Nation’s wealth behind Savings Bonds. Other big name firms with huge investments in the state in clude Coca Cola, Maxwell House Coffee, Kraft-Phoenix Cheese Corp., National Sugar Refining Co., and Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. World orders will keep them busy for years V, Imlay’h Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS The Man W ho Is Contented to Wait For Customers To Find His Store For quality, fair price and service J. B. lmlay & Son» R E E D V IL L E ALOHA. O R E J. Triasitrv Difiartmint BRADLEY'S ) FOR RENT F O R R E N T 5 room house with 1*4 acre Including berries and you ng bearing fruit trees or with 5 acres including filbert trees. Go 2 blks past C atholia School at T i gard, turn right at W alnut Ave., then left at crossroad. F irst street E rrol Ave., second house, Mrs. E. J. Jerm aun, R t. 1, Bx. 498, Tigard, Ore. 5 P A IN T IN G ft PAPERH AN G LN G W o rk Guaranteed W ork D one Prom ptly C A L L CH arry «176 46tf P A IN T IN G — Outaide our specialty. Spray painting; rem odeling. Free estim ates for spring at reduced prices. Term s. Go anywhere. Call E A st 2216. 5 ) A T T E N T IO N R A B B IT R A IS E R S G ive you r S tock a Good Start in L ife by feeding a feed upon which you can rely, one that contains all the needed ingredients in their right proportions. T hat is the kind o f j rabbit feed w# now have to o f f e r ,! com pressed under the cold pro- | cess m ethod w hich means vita min retained feeds direct from mill to you. W R IT E O R C A L L ON US AT ACM E F E E D MILLS, 966« NE O L ISA N S T —SU. 9000 P O R T L A N D 16, OR. 7 Will Find Instead When It’s T oo Late That He Need Not Wait Anymore V E T E R IN A R IA N Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian TELL East o f B eaverton Hiway 6 Beaverton P ortlan d S5U COM. 9924 W H A T YOU H A V E F O R SALK With an Advertisement In This Newspaper J r ig h t - n o w c l e a n e r fo r G*n«rel Ho*»* C U aelea Pith t v LoueSrv, W ooSwerb H orm lcn— S«i*l»*ry S mi I ocm S oso * Softer for H z ! sk AU cr o c u s BRONCHIAL COUGHS COUGHS COLDS —Como» • in pockoge* 25c — 50c — $1 00 HCRMOSA PRODUCTS CO. 104 M l. R*ao*ll Sfreef, forttonS, O rtfoe dt uo e P A IN T IN G — Outside; our spe R H E U M A T ISM cialty spray painting. R em odeling; and AR TH R ITIS free estim ates and reduced rates I su ffered for years and am so fo r spring. T erm s available. Will go anywhere. M U rdock 4164. 5 thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly VANS R E F R IG E R A T IO N answ er anyone w riting me for in for- S E R V IC E Commerctnl — D om estic — Any i n a tio n . Mrs. A nna Pautz, P. O. Box Make or Model M tf 828, V ancouver, W ash. Guaranteed M otor Servire _ Call Me Day or Nigh* — H illsboro 3*71 or 3029 tf 6 FRO M C H AN CE TO A T T E N D OSC W A N T E D TO R E N T Furnished OREGON STATE C O LLE G E , or unfurnished house or apartm ent March 8—A student from India, Miss in Beaverton er vicinity. P erm P ram ila Pandit, will enter this in anently em ployed. Pbon# 3671, stitution at the opening o f spring H ighw ay Tire Service. 65 term, April 1, on a Joint scholarship provided by the O.S.C. H om e E co C om plete A ppliance repair service nom ics club and the H om e E con om Clocks, R adios, R efrigerators ics association. W ashers, and all other H ousehold Miss Pandit is a graduate of E lectrical A pplllances M orris college, N agpur university in 90 Day Guarantee India. She later had a year of P ick Up and D elivery hom o econ om ics at A llahabad A g E D D IE OLD M AN ricultural Institute and Is n ow com Johnson Road ing here for a year o f advanced Opp. N. W . Christian H om e or study in home econ om ic». M arshall W ells Hdw., B eaverton 3tf P lant an ad ln this h om e town D E A D or W orthless Stock picked newspaper and w atch you r business up Free o f C harge Anyw here. develop. P rom pt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or UN. 4502. W estern States R endering Co., N. C olum bia Blvd. ft H urst Ave., P ortland. (Suc cessor to Denley R endering C om pany.) F ar Stave and Diesel Oil Call H arry Barnes. Phoaa B eavartoa 3281. tf PR O V H IT TO Y O U R SE L F YOU DO N’T NEED A TRADE N o H idden Charge* All Makeo and Models ’32a to ’42a See Ue B efore Y ou B CY —SELL OR TRADE D A SK A L O S ft W IL L IA M S O IA N T U SED C A R C E N T E R T h ree Lota 6501 N E Union 5600 N E Union 5300 N. Interstate Portland W Ehater 117» or O A rfleld *4*3 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E Friday, M arch ,S, 1948 C J Soil Scientists In Dem and H atch Inc., Portland, SUnset Hod- LVspite th e advantages o f national | A keen dem and exist sn ow for 1104 L A B R O F E E D S FOR S A L E W e deliver in load lots free. Dairy **rvlc* llf* insurance over oth er p o l i - ' !? * n J ffaine<1 *n «>11 science, reporti; feed a specialty t f I c,es’ *he m a Jo r l*y o f veterans are U r’ P ° w'e*’s. head o f the soils J.v 1 letting their w artim e insurance lapse I P“ rtn»ent at O.S.C. The U. S. Bu- after d isch arge from the service, reau o f reclam ation is seeking 10 or P A I N T I N G Hugh E. R osson. departm ent o f vet 12 such men fo r the B oise office, E xterior and In terior W ork erans a ffa irs director, said today. and the Venzuelan governm ent de Free estim ate»— w ork guaranteed In M arion cou nty alone, on ly about sires three to help start soil survey REFERENCES tw o out o f ten veterans are keeping w ork there. The O S C. soils de- M ILTON K. D R A K E their governm ent insurance In force. Purtment, w hich is unique in corn- Garden H om e, O regon accord in g to an estim ate m ade by b*n‘ n8 soils, drainage and irriga Beaverton 2794 CH. 1826 tile county service o ffice r, H. C. tion w<>rk, has graduated som e 145 T ree T opping. R em ovin g, Saalfield. R osson pointed ou t that m aJo r students in addition to Hedge T rim m ing this figu re coin cides w ith the na- ‘’“ ur*»«» given to m any thousands o f Out o f tow n calls taken tlonal estim ate o f lapsed policies, as Equip, for d ifficu lt Jobs, Insured i disclosed in a R eader's D igest article Estim ates— R eferen ces for F ebruary entitled, "Soldier, Hold T ia ffic fatalities in O regon for I.E N N 'S T R E E S E R V IC E On T o Y our In su ran ce!” 1945 clim bed 42 percent over the P ortland— E A st 6524 Stf A dvantages of NSLI insurance. 1944 figure Secretary o f State R ob V eterans Adm inistration o fficia ls say ert S. Farrell Jr., announced today. B U LLD O ZIN G — Finish grading a is that it is cheaper than private in A total o f 349 persons m et their specialty. BURGHBS BULLD OZr ! surance, It has a cash value after ' on the streets and highways IN G W O R K , P ortland. B R . 5224, | the first year, and it can be bor- ln 1945 com pared to 245 in 1944, an A T. 4615. 7 roWed on, up to 94 percent o f its increase o f 104 or 42 percent. ------~ ~ cash value after it has been con ° f al> types o f ai contribu- D R E SSM A K 1N G ft S E W IN G verted. ting to the staggering death toll in All kinds o f Clothing Mads Furtherm ore, if the veteran be- O regon collision with the pedes- THELM A DEW com es disabled, his insurance re- trtans accounted fo r the highest fig- T I f e ra 2484 mains in force and if he rem ains ur«. claim ing a total o f 119 while A ppointm ents a lter Sept. 1 ( disabled more than six m onths, he ■ the year 1944 claim ed 75 fo r this tf does not have to pay any premium s type accident. Collision with 1 other j until he has recovered. His lnsur- claim ed 100 lives follow ed by non- W E C U R E A N D SM O K E i ance is ca rrie d free during his Ill collision which accounted fo r 79. YOU R P O R K CUTS ness. T o 'a l acciden ts for the year were 25 years Experience T he Veterans A dm inistration stres- j estim ated to be 45,000 com pu ted to ALDER M ARKET sea the fact that national service life ! 32,047 in 1944. O f this figure 8,000 Lewis Bros. I insurance is carried by the govern- j persons w ere Injured com pared to C o e 1st and W ashington SL previous year. In this tf I m ent both before and after it has ! 5,845 the PORTLAND, OREGON ______________ _______________ _________ j been converted. Som e veterans, it is con nection rural fatalities were CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K - U t ' ou t- are undo> the ln'P re®- higher than urban. The rural death us plow your garden. H ow ard sion that a f,e r conversion, their in- toll being 233 com pared to 149 in Wsa. Smith. Johnson Rd. A Divle- t r a n c e is then carried by a private 1944. T he S ecretary o f State urged all loa at»., P hone B eaverton 2462 4t f ; com pany. It is still governm ent m- ____________________________ __________ j surance, veterans advisers stress. drivers and pedestrians to assume H ID E S ft W OOL, C A SC A R A — A A nother advantage veterans over- a m ore determ ined and responsible sp ed alty. L E E BROS., 25 SW < look is thnt NSLI that h c S expired understanding tow ards reducing this h igh Clay Portland. AT. 5SS4. tf since discharge because the veteran startling death rate on our — ------------------------------------------------------ I "fo rg o t" to pay the prem ium m ay be w ays in 1946. H om e R efrigeration and washing ] reinstated any tim e within eight m achine services. Call K. R. , years after it was taken out. Insur- I T w om blv CH. 2267. Stf J ance that has lapsed recently m ay j be reinstated within six m onths af- j P A P E R IN G PainMng & Kalso- ter discharge or within three m onths j mlning. neat, experienced w ork after lapse, w h ichever is later, by man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A filling out a form and subm itting tw o j Lias the Might of America Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2518 m onthly prem ium s if the veteran is I 40tf ln the same physical con dition as j when the insurance lapsed. T R A C T O R W O R K —Plow ing, Dis Converted insurance has a cash cing, Cultivating. H arrow in g, value after the first year and if the W ood Sawing. S. P. L indley veteran lets it lapse after that, he P hone T igard 2469, located 2 mi. m ay draw out the cash value or S T igard on 99W. 10 take a paid-up policy for a portion o f the amount o f the original policy. P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G — 10 Conversion must be done within years experience, reasonable rates. eight years after it was taken out— First Class. F ree estimates, Cali either to ordinary life, tw enty-pay A T w ater 2220, CH. 1826 R . W H IT LOW , Box 808, Tigard, Or. 26-38tf life or thirty-pay life. B U LLD O ZIN G W O R K W A N T E D Land CMarlng— R oad B uilding | B asem ent E xcavating PH ON E CHarry 3437 2nd H ouse No. o f K raft Cheese Oo. 50 tf -------------! H AU LIN G— Gravel, crushed rock, dirt fill, sand, etc. Call C. Gred- vig, phone B eaverton 3186. 53tf P. B. HAGG Hauling C ontractor C oncrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons S eed , Crushed R o ck and R oad Gravel Raute 1, Bax 26, Tigard, Oregon Phona T ig ard 2444 tf g 1 Vets Insurance Vir tue Explained FRENI Loosens - U p ~ Raises Thick Choking Phlegm -With Amazing Speed Spend fS r e n t s t o d a y at any good d r u g » t o r e f o r a b o ttla o f B u c k l e y 's f 'A N A D I O L M ix ture— T a k e a c o u p le o f d o » » » at b e d t i m e — f e e l Its Instant p o w e r f u l e f f e c t i v e action spread thru th ro a t, h e ad a n d b ro n e h t a l tubes. It D E A N 'S W lM M B P k a A M f e f t a M « * Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS V H O E T A B I.E 8 Oregon Mutual Pollrlea are NON- A SSE SSA BLE . Y »u N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the fa r » o f the polley. O regon Mutual maintain* m ore than th re« Unaea the surplus required by Oregon Insurance law*. A lw ays at MILLERS GROCERY Oregon Mutual Fir« Insurance Company or M c M i n n v i l l e Too Late to Clatsify Organized 1*64— M yra , FOU N D Sunday - D o g In B eaver ton, w rit« Jay H auger R 2 Bx 89 6 C H IC K E N F E R T IL IZ E R C H arry 2177. $1 eack • starts at 6nee to loosen up thick, choking phlegm—soothe raw mem branes and make breathing easier. Sufferers And Buckley's gives quick relief from those persistent, nasty. Irritating bronchial cougha due to But be »ure you get Buckley'» C’ANADIOL, Mixture— made In If.B.A.—by f i r the largest selling cough medicine In oold wintry Can ada. Get Buckley’s CANADIOL to day—You get relief Instantly. DRUG STORE o f R eliable Service New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. ’’E very F orm o f P rotection " - Chaa. L W alker. A gent Phone 1732 H illsboro, Oregon