F r id a y , M w r c h M M * PROGRESS FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS AT PROGRESS Lockers Now Available F»r Particular* — Phone Beaverton 2385 HORRY F. ELIANDER 3 pen from 9 a. m. to 7 D e p a rt-' M H**- “ boro, and suggestions requested or I the services o f the County Sanitarian •5* In our last article on p u rification may be engaged. | o f rural water supplies we discussed I general con stru ction o f w ells and ! springe. T his tiuie we ehould dis- I cuss m ethods ol imp roving and dis- j in fectin g the sm all water supply. A spr.ng supply is d ifficu lt to dis- f Infect since the w ater is flow in g con - W ashington, Do. C.—R epresentative stantly; the location and m ethod o f W alter N orblad (R< o f O regon ap­ coll, cu n ' and storin g is m ore lm por- peared before the A griculture A p­ o f the I tant. P rim ary attention must be glv- propriations Subcom m ittee j en to the exclusion o f all su rface I Committee on A ppropriations and ur- water. A diverting ditch should be J ged increased appropriations for re- I dug several feet from the spring ! creational facilities in our National I 1 area and com pletely around it on I Forests and fo r the utilization o f ’ forest products. | the uphill side. I f the spring area is wide spread I Mr. N orblad stressed the deteriora­ { and slow in flow ing, it may be nec- tion o f the recreational facilities in j egsary to install underground col- the National Forests due to the pro­ - lecting tiles w hich will con vey the secution o f the w ar and the need for ground w ater to a collectin g box. The reopening the areas to accom m odate | tile lines m ay be laid in gravel if the thousands o f people w ho are and necessary to assist the flow , but will in the m onths to com e seek ou t­ great care should be taken to use door relaxation. The R epresentative lines should be chlorinated before called particular attention to the cov erin g w ith an im pervious clay or service men and wom en who are occu p a­ con crete layer to exclu de su rface wa­ resuming their peacetim e tions and are planning on enjoying ter. If the epring is feirly well cen tral­ the full benefits o f the parks in our ised, it will be su fficien t to use a co l­ national forests. In presenting his argum ent for in­ lecting box alone, o f a size that will adequately cover the spring area; in creased appropriations for the Pa- ; this case the back side or bottom, cific N orthw est F orest and R ange depending on flow , will be open or Experim ent Station, Mr. N orblad re­ perforated to allow entrance o f the minded the C om m ittee that one o f the biggest and m ost destructive water. D isin fection o f a well Is relatively fires that ever raged in the N orth­ simple. F or every 1000 gallons o f west the T illam ook burn- occurred water in the well, one should add in the F irst O regon District, which to the well approxim ately one pint he represents in Congress. H e urged o f Chlorox. W hite M agic, or M aster that as little tim e as possible be lost ' X (S.2fi%), or about 1H pints o f Pu- in bringing this and other non-pro-1 ductive areas back into tim ber pro­ rex or Sanox, etc. (3 % ) This should be m ixed thoroughly duction and that the P a cific N orth­ and allow ed to stand for 24 hours west F orest E xperim ent Station be b efore pum ping out. It Is necessary adequately financed to carry out to pum p on ly until the water is not plantisig research on the T illam ook and sim ilar devastated areas. | excessively distasteful to taste. In ch lorinatin g the well, the ch lo­ rinated w ater should be circulated P lant an ad in this hom e town ! by pum ping it fro m the well and dis­ newspaper and w atch your business ch a rgin g It back into the well thru a hose o r pipe, b efore the standing period, is begu n; it should also be BUYERS— PACKERS pumped through the entire system — — All Barries, Prunes, Grapes— tanks, coils, etc.— running the water F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL through th e various fau cets until the BAITS. A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON od or o f ch lorin e is discernible. Details con cern in g the developm ent and con stru ction o f w ater supplies will not be con sidered here. In d ivi­ dual cases m ay be d escribed to the SANITARY SIPS «A V S R T O N ENTERPRJSS p. m. West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO Dick Kokich Teacher of H O O H tN A N D C L A a a JC A L A « « « B D IO N Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd., W est Slope, Ore. (deal Cleaners Why Hot favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLEAN­ ERS. OUR M O T T O : GOOD S E R V IC E GOOD C LE A N IN G S A T IS F IE D C U STO M ER S 4 Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton 1 W ashington ro u n ty Health Oil Burners K resky FOR WOOD STOVEs Norblad Busy Oil, Gas and Electric Water Heaters i Ehrlich Plumbing & Appliances OREGON ALOHA I R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Beaverton 3271 H ow is your su bscrip tion ? is rio/iis courts ivâ/ipraiijè | R D C. JOH NSON, P astor Youth W eek Sunday 9:45 A. M. E very Y oung Person in S. S.—A M usical Treat. 11:00 A. M. R ev. Hugh Glass o f Mt. Scott P ortland will speak. The B eaverton P astor will be in Mt. S cott ch u ich . 6:30 P. M. E very Y oun g Person in N. Y. P. S. 7:30 P. M. Y outh's Service. Y oung P eople singing, reading the Scrip­ ture and leading in prayer. C lifford F&nger, sem inary student will bring the evening message. All Young People In Beaverton And Vicinity Are Cordially Invited To These Services Don Sez! N O W Is The Time— Prepare to mow ’em down Be an early bird— Get your lawnmower sharp­ ened now — Don’t get lost in the wilderness of your uninhibited grass. Beaverton CITY CLEANEBS &DYEBS Don's Sport Shop Beav. 2773 F arm in gton R oad Next T o P eggs Í Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow P hone 36 D ry Cleaning is not enough, it requires R e Vitalizing W E G IV E P O R T A B L E A R C W E L D IN G A C E T Y L E N E W E L D IN G ií.M ) B U R N IN G S. & H. GREEN STAM PS Your— RED CROSS M U ST CARR Y O N — G I V E A L O H A 6523 M. N. W E IS E N B A C K N orth W heeler Ave., Aloha Valley View Service Station W e Specialize In M OTOR T U N E -U P A N D BRAKE REPAIR Lubrication — Gas — Oil »Vest Slope Open 1 to 11 — Work Guaranteed A U C T I O N S A L E H aving disposed o f ou> Milk R oute we will sell the follow in g D airy Tattle and Farm M achinery on the old Denny fa r m on Jam eson R oad. V»mile W est o f P ortland G olf Club & 1% miles East o f Bea­ verton. Go W est o f Portland on Canyon R oad to the end o f double lane. L eft on Sunset R oad. F O L L O W A R R O W S . M O N D A Y . MARCH 18 Sale Starts at 10:30 a. m. — Benefit Lunch at Noon Products Engineering Company employs 30 men today. Might it not employ 300 fiva years from now? • Almost svsry community in the United States today aspires to be aa industrial center. All want industries that tance from national markets, but such problems already have been overcome by many Oregon enterprises. provide job s and pay-rolls and which sell their products to the Tar flung corners o f the nation or the earth, bringing in cash and thus giving our community a “ favorable trade balance.” Every community including ours has the opportunity to acquire and develop such industries. This company has long realized that its own opportunities for growth come through the growth o f such industries, and we are especially pleased that our area now contains many fine industrial pay-rolls which provide livelihoods for thousands o f our customers, and whose taxes and expenditures build our communities into better places in which to live. All Rutlnett Start» Small Unique Opportunitina Here But just look at the things we can do better: Where, for instance, is there a better place for textile production, for soft w ood products, for fine specialty food products, canned, frozen, dehydrated or fresh; where a better setting for line arts or crafts or for inventing new products or for research or laboratory development or for the skilled professions. These are but a few o f the many commercial opportunities in which Oregon abounds. Let us look well to the Little Business. A large number o f l ittle Businesses equals a Big Business, and evory one o f them might themselves grow into Big Business within just a few years. We have seen it happen before, and we But while we glory in these splendid industries, let ut will see it happen again. It is through such multiplication not overlook the Little Industry—the shop with one or and growth that our community will grow ever greater two or half a dozen men. For practically every great along the pattern lines all o f us wish to see realmed. industry today started from just such humble beginnings. PGE’ s opportunity for future growth inevitably is W ho can say that the Little Business with a man or two bound with the economic future o f this area. If you with a lathe or sewing machine or a laboratory will not prosper, so does PGE. within a few yeers become another one o f our great 65 Head Purebred High G rade Holstein and Guernsey Dairy Cattle 65 12 to freshen by sale date, 7 to freshen by June 1st, 7 in June and balance to freshen later. 25 R egistered H olstein C ow s and heifers, 10 grade H olstein cow s and heifers, 19 Guernsey cow s and 5 G uernsey heifers, 3 grade Jersey cow s. 1 R egistered H olstein Bull, 2 years old from S. B. Hall herd. 1 B cgistered H olstein Bull, 1>2 years old from Lindow Bros. H erd, 1 R egistered G uernsey Bull, 4 years old. Purebred H olstein« are from Carnation B lood lines with em phasis on production. H ave con cen t rated on blood o f M atador Segis Orm sby. Herd has lieen on II R I test for past 6 m onths and m aking over 1 It». B. F. per day average. H ave operated grade “ A ” D airy fo r about 7 years. Machinery and Equipment Hay w agon, sin gle row kale planter, horse draw n sulky cultivator, 15” P apec ensilage cu tler and blow er pipe, IF x 36’ silo, 12’ x 86’ silo, E airbanks-M orse 4 H P gas engine, E lectric clipper and 2 extra sets blades. I pair h oof trim m ers, t chain hull halters, 5 cow lial.ers, S section spring tooth harrow . 14” w alkin g plow, 60 ft. cow chain, double harpoon fork s, 3 rubber tired wheel barrow s, 2 saw dust forks, 2 ensiloge forks, scoop shovels and fork s, 8 unit Surge milking m achine with h. .p. m otor and pum p and 65 stall rock s 65 stanchions, 40 drinking cups, 3 to 4 M ft. 3” x 12" plank, milk cans and buckets, milk scales, fa b ric tractor belt. N um erous oth er articles. 40 gal. fly spray. F ord Ferguson row cro p cultivator. T erm s: See clerk for term s. Sale under cover, D E N N Y BROS., Ow ners J. W . HUGHES, A uctioneer A. H. Ahts. of The C om m ercial ______________________________________ National Bank o f H illsboro, C lerk i Bainbow Electric Construction, Inc. ! -W I R 1 N G~ That is why it extends to the manufacturer, to the enterprises. There are a thousand things that Oregon farmer, to the merchant, a cordial invitation to consult or and Oregonians can do as well or belter than they can be advise with members o f as trained technical «»«T on any done elsewhere. We have some handicaps, such as dis- problem o f electrical application. ThrongA tit Industrial end engineering service departments PGE offers consultation and nd\ sore services St the application e f passer te the needs o ) manufacturers. This service it yours fo r the asking. — ___ CO M M ERCIAL — IN D U S T R IA L HO USE W IR IN G Estimates Gladly Given Service Calls Taken Care of Promptly PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC C O M P A N Y For Service Call Beaverton 2 4 8 1 N1TE CA L L S — Hillsboro 16F14 L E A V E ORDERS AT RICHIES H A R D W A R E '