Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1946)
MARCH OF DIMES GUARDING YOUR HEALTH Discharged Service Mens' Opportunity BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Extension services in all stater have been requested to make homt gardening, a major activity agair Washington: — Discharged service Published Friday of each week by the this year, according to a wire re nen returning to civil life will have Pioneer Publishing Ce., at Beaverton, ceived by Wm. A. Schoenfeld, dean 90 days, prior to July 1. 1946, to re Oregon. Entered as seognd-clasa mat and director of agriculture at Ore enlist in the Regular Army and re ter at the poatofflae, Beaverton, Ore. gon State college. The request fol tain their present grades, under a lowed the White House food con new War Department Personnel Subacription Payable in Advance One Tear------------ --------- ------------ $1.00 ference the last day of February at Procurement Service. which the necessity of maximum In the first four months of the production and conservation current world-wide recruiting cam Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg. food were stressed. paign. all recruiting records were Phone Beaverton 2321 The Oregon Extension service had broken a total of more than 500,000 Portland Office—$M Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 9501 'already launched a 1946 home gar enlistments being secured. den program when the request was Increased pay rates adopted during received, Dean Schoenfeld points out. the war period are still in effect. This will be conducted in every For former service men the recruit county of the state in cooperation ment act authorizes, in addition to with local committees and other retention of former grades, generous APEI re-enlistment bonuses, furloughs and P u b u s i h i s 4 - * su R ati on agencies. M. L. Wilson, national extension travel pay for reenlistment furloughs. Tremendous sfrides have been in 1895 by William Conrad Roentgen, private offices. In addition, Mobile director, has requested that all war The law also continues in effect the time gardening committees be con wartime family allowances for de made in the conquest of tuberculosis German physicist. This remarkable X-ray units are operated by the U. tinued or reconstituted, and that the pendents and makes all the loan, re in the twentieth century, yet the ray, which has the power to pene S. Public Health Service, State O.S.C. Extension service plan to adjustment, and educational bene disease is still one of the greatest trate opaque matter, has become the Health departments and voluntary conduct an intensive home garden fits of the G. I. Bill of Rights ap public health problems in this coun chief diagnostic weapon in the fight health associations in the vast na National 4-H Club week, March 2 ing program throughout the year. plicable to men without previous try, killing approximately 55,000 per against tuberculosis. By means of tion-wide campaign to find unknown to 10, Is being observed lp every the X-ray, doctors can see the lung cases of tuberculosis. service who enlist before October sons a year. county of the state through the co Every adult should have a chest Prior to the latter part of the nine- and study pictures made of it. 6, 1946. operation of scores of organizations Progress made in the development X-ray at least once a year. It is It also changes the Army’s retire teenth century so little was known all eager to help Oregon’s 30,000 club ment policy to permit a soldier to about tuberculosis that doctors could of X-ray machinery in the past 25 the only way to be sure he hasn't members continue to “ make the best qualify for an annuity after 20 years offer little hope of recovery to its years has placed this diagnostic aid the disease and that he isn’t commu better," announces H. C. Seymour, of service. Formerly he had to serve victims. Then in 1882 Robert Koch at the disposal of everyone. Today nicating it to someone else. Prompt, Courteous Service state club leader at O.S.C. The Mobile Chest X-ray Unit will 30 years to 'qualify for retirement discovered the tubercle bucillus prov-1 X-ray equipment is included in ev- Quality Workmanship County club agents are taking this pay. If a soldier leaves the army ed that it was the sole cause of the ery modern hospital. Many physi- be in Washington County March 11- occasion to enlist more boys and | cians have X-ray machines in their 16 inclusive. as a master sergeant after 20 years disease. Special Consideration girls in the program this year than So it became known that tubercu- j of service, his retirement pay is $89.- to Emergency Orders ever before, and to let more people 70 a month. If he completes 30 years losis is caused by a germ, and germs , know about what the youngsters in the army, the monthly retirement aie catching. This means that people Marion Pfenning, Joseph WilHanss have done and plan to do in the with tuberculosis transmit the dis-1 pay check jumps to $155.25. many projects they undertake. TIGARD CLEANERS Educational benefits of the G. I. ease to other people. Despite the competition of war Koch's discovery was an invaluable j Bill of Rights constitute a potential jobs and other youth activities, Ore college, vocational, or business schooi contribution to knowledge about this \ gon’s 4-H program In 1945 set a new Medical science, scholarship fund for all young men baffling disease. record in value of projects and a physically and mentality qualified however, still faced with many prob near record In numbers enrolled and for army service. If they have com lems connected with it. Advanced perPfentage of completions, state Ex pleted high school or otherwise pre tuberculosis was easily recognized by tension service records show. pared themselves, each can acquire, the experienced doctor, but tubercu Piano Tnning. Cleaning Value of projects reached a new by serving a three-year enlistment, losis is difficult to cure in its ad DEMOTHING, REPAIRING high of $591,873.38, against a cost of the funds to attend college for 48 vanced stages. The doctor wanted to $362,885.43, leaving a new high in months, equal to a little more than learn to fight it in its early stage. Phone: ALOHA «613 profit of $228,987.95. Total number five ordinary school years. In the There are two reasons why it is of clubs last year was 2428, Just 100 case of men with no dependents, to important to find tuberculosis in its under the previous year’s total, tal government allowances for tui early stages. One is for the protec while the total number enrolled in tion, fees and subsistence will am tion of the individual and the other projects was 29,249. Total number ount to $5.645. If the individual has is for the protection of society. The completing projects was 22,160, dependents, his allowances will to cure of the individual often rests up-1 while the number of clubs with 100 Plastic and Chrome Bath tal $6,845 for the 48-month period. on finding the disease before exten percent completion was 1125. Training is available in any of more sive damage has been done the lungs. Room Accessories National Extension Director M. L. than 200 skills and trades which will And control of the disease depends Medicine Cabinets Wilson has called upon club mem prepare soldiers for advancement in upon finding the unknown cases bers to devote the same energy In the service. which are threatening the health of | 8’ x 7’ one piece Garage meeting the postwar conditions that The new recruitment act author other persons in the community. they displayed in growing "food to Doors a n d overhead izes army enlistments for 18 months, Another nineteenth century discov feed a fighter.” Youth, with train two year or three years. Those who ery opened the door to early diagno Hardware. ing and some direction, can play an enlist for three years may select sis. This was the X-ray, discovered important part in meeting the their branch of service and overseas 3 in 1 Asphalt Shingles knotty problems of rural people, he theater. » Mineral Surface Roll said. Roofing Ten guideposts for 4-H club pro TO IMPROVE OUR Plant an ad in this home town grams this year have been adopted. newspaper and watch your business SERVICE ^llass Cloth, Glass Fabric Clubs and their ..leaders following develop. and Cello Glass these will provide opportunities by Oscar Edlund, a journeyman with which youth are: 20 years experience has joined SPECIAL— 15” x58” door 1. Developing talents for greater our firm. usefulness. 3 hinges ........ 50c 2. Joining with friends for work, STU ART’S COME IN AND SEE US fun and fellowship. TIGARD, OREGON ELECTRIC SERVICE 3. Learning to live in a changing “Where friends meet to Eat” world. MAINTENANCE, REPAIRING, —Meals—Lunches— Drinks— 4. Choosing a way to earn a liv WIRING, MSTOK WORK Special Barbecued Sandwiches ing. 5. Produclnng food and fiber for Temporary Phone Teny Marconi Preps. Babe Hess home and market. ALOHA «161 Phone Beaverton 3201 C. A. BAKKEN, Mgr. 6. Creating better homes for bet ter, living. 7. Conserving nature's resources for security and happiness. 8. Building health for a strong America. Sharing responsibilities for com Residential & Commercial munity improvement. 10. Serving as citizens In main taining world peace. W IRING Stanley W. Netlierton, Publisher National 4-H Club Week Tigard Cleaners YOU'RE TAKING THIS PAPER! But How About Your Neighbor? George F. Gordon Ask Him to Subscribe For: A College, Business or Trade School LONE OAK BARBECUE Education For KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. YOU! Capitol Electric Co. With Your Tuition Paid How is your subscription? Does your neighbor subscribe? 7729 SW Capitol Hiway Phone CHerry 1334 NOW AVAILABLE Limited Number of New Machine« Yes, your tuition up to $500 per Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner-Air Purifier ordinary oohool year paid for 48 For Sale» or Service on Your Old Electrolux ceive $6A per month living allow Phone Tigard 3519 This is tho opportunity open, upon months of college, trade school. ance—$90 of l>u»lne»» or And—you al»o re you arc 17 and over who enlist in the new peac«'- FREE DELIVERY at We Buy Watches Running sr Not J. DOUGLAS WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING 25 years experience Reg. under State I .aw of Oregon 3554 SW Falcon St., Multnomah married. their discharge, to men tlme Regular Army for 3 years. m Suburban Pr and Farm Lands la Our Business WE HAVE BUYERS AND CAN SELL YOUR PROPERTY M URPHY Get all the facts at your nearest U. H. Army Jackson Grocery Store . . . Recruiting Motion 1 M L T T COMPANY 7772 SW Capitol Hiway P h tfn e C H e r r y 1629 Portland, Oregon S tra w b e rry Phone BEAVERTON Fresh VEGETABLES and FRUITS HAROLD A. PETERSON m o to r r e w in d in g . H O M E an d A U T O E i M O SERVICE Ws ars offering Two Day Bervios and a 90 day guaiantss on our service work. Have yeu had your Radle rry lsed 10 9 So«tk W atioa S t Vext door to Florence Beauty shop VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Phone cm. 2928 11333 SW 8th and Harbur «ltd. CLOSED SUNDAYS .enten Services will be conducted Every I o'clock. The I-enten theme will be: tih Wednesday Pastor Wednesday “THE CROSS." Gsrken artll preach on: Come Every Wednesday Bring Others to evening Christ PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Farmington Road at Menlo at On this "The Cross '^osson In Obedience " We Want to Take This Opportunity to Thank Onr Many Friends and Clients for Your Fine Support and Loyalty, and to Announce that it will be Our Pleasure to Continue Serving you in onr New Location. Permanent Headquarters will be Announced late? + -LENTEN SERVICES- RADIO-ELECTRIC APPLIANCB REPAIR ftKRWFE 3130 Gall VS for Estimates Leonard's & Ernest’s For Piwmpt, ( ourtsmis Serriee P la n ts ( Any Quantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade. Owarfa Espalier«. Ornamental», Berry Plante ■ .BCTMCAI. CONTRACTOR BEAVERTON Having Sold our property at our former office location 9656 S. W. Barbur Blvd., We will be Temporarily Located in the office of THE MURPHY REALTY CO., at 7772 S. W. Capitol Highway—same phone number—CHerry 3467. MULTNOMAH, OREGON 614 8. W. 11th 561 Lombard St. 3894 W e w is h t o ANNOUNCE A E. H. Cole & W. J. Williams BROKERS Formerly E. H. Cole Realty Co.