Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1946)
bkavtl RTON e n t e r p r i s e ONE Aloha-Huber School Notes Friday. March 1. 1946 ----- On F iida>, Feb. 8 our boys play ed a gam e with Cornelius. C orne SILVER T E A H O N O RIN G lius won by a score o f 24 to 13. Our .outstanding player was Donald Ham- FO U N D ER S’ D A Y I bleton, who made all 6 baskets in By MHS. R . H. BESM KH N, the second quarter. T he executive board o f the Beaver- W e were lucky and both squads ton tirade School Parent T eacher *<>«» w&*n w« P*»>'ed K eedv“ le * * b- Association met at the hom e o f Mre. 1 *>■ T h* “ core being 13 to 17 for Shofner. | the B squad and U to 34 fo r the A On February 17, 1946. T he N ation- | »quad, al Congress o f Parents and T eachers T he fourth grade boys and girls had com pleted forty-nine years o f are getting ready ta play soft ball life and grow th. T hru all these The troys will play HiMsboro in bas- years inspiration has been drawn | ketball. from our "F ou n d ers". We have T he Girl Scouts met Feb. 6 in the learned that as long as there are cafeteria. T hey worked on our danc- hoines w ith children in them, schools ing badge. T he tw o eighth grade fo r children to attend, ch urches with | Scouts served refreshm ents. The responsibility fo r vitalizing the pow- ' party was for Mrs. W ooten and Mrs. er o f the spirit in a m aterial world T aylor. T he seventh grade scouts and com m unities m ade up o f m any .clean ed the cafeteria after the party, kinds o f people and institutions as Mrs. F rances Shewm aker, govern long as these things exist, there will m ent in spector o f the hot lunch pro be a definite need for a united ef- gram visited our school Thursday, fort on the part o f all w h o are in -'S h e was very well satisfied with the terested in the best developm ent o f ) w ay things were goin g theit children into useful and intel ' T he 5th and 6th grade students ligent citizens. Children are our ! enjoyed a m ovie on Health last business. ¡Thursday. T he great challenge o f today, for | T he 6th grade Science Class stu- parents and for teachers, is tw ofold : ¡dents are m aking draw ings o f the Let us strive earnestly and unceas- planets show ing their position in ingly to make the world a place j relation to the sun. where homes m ay be established In j N ancy S hortridge o f the 6th grade peace. Equally im portant, let in land D ick S hortridge o f the 5th take upon ourselves the task o f edu -i grade have w ithdraw n from our < atlng young people fo r adult res- sch ool and entered school in Hills ponsibilities. boro. If we can meet this double chal Isla Dunn o f Sllverton has entered lenge we shall bring to fulfillm ent our school and Is in the first grade. the Ideals envisioned by our F ound Our school is to have an art ex hibit exch ange with the H illsboro's ers forty nine years ago. The B eaverton Grade School P.- Barns Schools. T hey will bring their T. A. observed Founders Day on art pieces to our school and we will F ebruary 26 with a Silver T ea held ' j a g e our pieces to their school at the Grade School A uditorium ut 8 P. M. The guest speaker w as Dr. Cub-Master Awards lo n g , A ss’t. Sup't. o f Public E lem en Garden Club Met Wednesdy, CAM P FIRE GIRLS tary S chools in Portland. A Tableau Made Sunday and M inuet w as also presented. R e M ultnom ah G arden clu b m et W ed The Kinunka Cam p Fire Girls held Cub Scout Leaders, Den Chiefs, nesday in the hom e o f Mrs. F. E. freshm ents were served by the 3rd their regular m eeting on T uesday at Den M others and ex-Den M others, grade m others under the directions W eissenfluh, 6937 SW 55th Ave. Mis. the G rade School. The grou p dis o f Mrs. W ard and Mrs. B. Johnson, tw enty-five In all, gathered Sunday J. B. G ates spoke on new flow er cussed its birthday project based on evening, F ebruary 24th, at the home i seeds on the m arket and Mrs. A. third grude R oom M others. the them e "A t H om e in the W orld ". At the regular m eeting prior to o f G ra y ^ m Pace, who Is tem porarily L. Speakm an told o f new vegetable A fter m aking plans for a Valentine the T ea it was voted to continue the retiring from his o ffice as Cubmaet- seeds on the market. party to be held at the next meeting, "m ilk sule.” M ilk is available to alt er, to present him with a farew ell F or the next few m eetings the pro the girls played som e games. present from Cub pack 517. students in the Grade School. je ct o f the club will be the review C. Bryan W alker, W ashington o f Louis B rom field ’s "P leasant Val Mrs. R obinson, S afety C hairm an, stated that S afety P oster Contest is C ounty Scout E xecutive, presented ley." being planned. Mrs. R obin son also Mr. P uce with a service pin and con At the last m eeting Miss H arriet reported that a survey Is being made gratulated him on his three and one- Thayei read an article from the m ag h alf years o f success as Cubm aster. to show the necessity fo r S top Bights azine The Land, giving Louis B rom An Assistant Cubm aster pin was field ’s early life. Miss T hayer took the in Beaverton. I f we are to succeed in this project it will be necessary presented to Paul Knepp, and a Cub first third o f the book and Mrs. J. J. to have the support and backin g of m aster pin to Fisher Logan, who R ae the second third. has accepted the Cubniastershlp. all civic organizations in Beaverton. A ftei the review s each m em ber will At the close o f an enjoyable eve read the book and a general discus ning, refreshm ents were served by sion o f what was gained from it will M rs. G raydon Pace. be held. Carl's FIXIT Shop A I.O llA , O R E G O N Induction Many Sea Gulls On Beaverdam M aeldnes R epaired Saws Filed and Gummed Lawn M owers Sold A R epaired Bronchial Beaverton CITY CLEANERS & DYERS COUGHS (Rctwhin? From Coldt) Buckley's Famous "C A N A D IO L Mixture A cts Lilt« a Flash Beav. 2773 Dry Cleaning is hot enough, It requires R e Vitalizing W l L IV E S. & H. GREEN STAM PS Your— RED CROSS M UST CARRY O N — G 1 V E Rp end 46 c e n t s today at any drug store for a hottl e o t B u c k lo y 'e O A N A P I O L M lxfu rs . T o k o a eotiple o f e lp e nt bedU me. Feel l u Inetant pow erful e f fe c t iv e action s p re a d t h r u th roat, head and b r o n c h ia l t u b e » — sta rt # a t o n c e to looeen up th ic k , c h o k i n g p h le gm , s o o t h e r a w m e m b r a n e » — m a k e b r e a t h in g easier. f fu ifc rrrs f r o m t h o s o perslatent. nasty I r r it a t in g co m rh e o r b ro n ch ia l lrritaMnna d u e to eold a find B u c k - ley’» b r in g s quid» n n j e f fe c t iv e r e lief. I ' o n ’ t w e l t — g e t B u c k le y 's C a n - a d lo l today, You g e t relief lu aiau lly. + Beaverton M ethodist Church 4th an‘i Watson Sts. E V E R E T T L . B O W E R S , P astor A S T IR R IN G m P hone 3695 R E L IG IO U S colored hym nalugue day Eve at 7 »0 by T U E and travelogue M E TH O D IST Silver sponsored Y O U TH . this Sun F E L L O W S H IP P ortland, The Man W ho Is Contented to W ait For Customers T o Find His Store O regon for by a Seattle ’ W ill Find Instead When It’s T o » Late That He Need Not Wait Anymore GIRL SCOUT N E W S The Girl Scouts had their first ; m eeting January 30, since Mrs. B lank) our leader, was at Nebraska since ( Jan. 8. W e collected our dues. W e ¡elected officers. They are as follow s: I Janice Osfield. president; Caryl j Short sac rotary and treasurer; M ai- | vel Morgan, Sgt. at A rm s; B everly! Blank, scribe. W e later discussed plans for a Val- | entine party. Oui m eeting was end-j ed. B everly Blank, scribe. TELL W HAT m H A V E F O B BALE W ith an Advertisement In This Newspaper 3Ms Ibi» ar... H mio filò coatis uHt/i pwaùje I 83 ■ L E O N A R D C. JOH N SON , P astor P hone 3691 Chief Tecum seh— Spokane Indian Reservation T E C U M SE H A “Concrete” SEE Y O U R B U ILD IN G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R Portland Concrete Pipe and Products Co. AT. 83*4 5819 SW M acadam Ave., P ortland, 1, O regon W. E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, O regon Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 8411 DON'S SPORT SHOP T em porary Phone AJ.OI1A «161 — Phone B eaverton 2982— W e are now sharpening Lawn- m ow ers with our brand new Ideal law n m ow er sharpening m achine. W hen In B eaverton Plastic and Chrome Bath Room Accessories Medicine Cabinets 8' x 7’ on* piece Garage Doors and overhead Hardware. 3 in 1 Asphalt Shingles Mineral Surface Roll Roofing Zalass Cloth, Glass Fabric and Cello Glass SPECIAL— 15 ”x58” door you Hoad. n«<«t to Pegg’e Trees, Shrubs, Plants Is Your Washing Machine Doing its ? lob? Your New One Nay Be a Long Time Arriving FREE KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. at \\ e will see that your present lackson Grocery Store . . . 561 Lombard St. Service 3894 KARL'S NURSERY Fresh Rt. 2, Box 1, Tigard VEGETABLES and FRUITS A cross from St. Anthony School A. B A N K E N , Mgr. P O R T A B L E ABC W E L D IN G ACETYLEN ■ W M D I N U ANI» BI R M X O A L O H A 6523 M N. W E 1SK N B AC K N nr Hi W h e Irr Ave.. BUT: D E L IV E R Y 50c LOM E IN A M ) SEE | s 1 machine con tinues to give service if you call on us with your troubles • 0 • Phone BE A V E R T O N and Vines Landscape 0. R. NICHOLSON & SON D E A L E R IN S C R A P M E T A L Highest P rices Paid m t R ays Garage B roadw ay at L om bard, B eaverton stop Visit Don’s Sport Shop F arm ington C paid DON'T WAIT S E P T IC T A N K S Chester T. Hunkaplllar. also o f Beav- ! erton. was a recent event at the | Bethel Congregational ch urch In B eaveiton , R ev. John G. D ickey per form ing the cerem ony. T he bride w as attended by the TO IM P R O V E OU R brid egroom 's sister, Mrs. George F Smith. T hey both w ore tailored S E R V IC E suits with smnll huts nnd corsages Osear Edlund, a jou rn eym an with o f spring flow ers. 29 years experience has joined T hom as J. W ard Jr., the bride’s our firm . brother was best man and Maj. Gene B row n and G eorge F. Smith ushered. S T U A R T ’S A reception was held afterw ards in the church parlors, Mrs. Joel T. W ard ELE CTR IC SERVICE the bride’s aunt, and Mrs. G eorge K im brough poured. M A IN T I NX\ ( E, K E f X lK lN L . W IR IN G . M O T O R W O R K Complete Model Airplane Supplies including Gas Motors, Balsa Wood. Pre- W ar Rubber Bands See Us For: Phon. B.averton 3201 Rd. This space fam ily. C larence E. Scheckla, CMM, son o f Mr John Scheckla, o f Tigard, ta re turning to the States aboard the USS Sarasota, an attack tran sport o f the M agic C arpet" fleet. T his sh ip left Peleliu January 30. and Is scheduled to arrive in San D ieg o about F ebru ary 21. T he USS S arasota is one Of the N avy's vast fleet o f ca rg o and tran sport ships w h ich m aintained long and often hazardous supply lines throughout the A tlantic and P a cific during W orld W a rII. A The w edding of Mrs. P atricia Ea-1 A New Service O fferin g 3 hinges McChe.mey C H IE F Eaton-Hunkapillftr o f T hom as J. W ard, | it ton daughter f and Chester T. H uukapillar, Jr., o f { B eaverton, son o f Mr. and Mrs. ; I W hich day counts m ost with y ou ? is it the day o f your biith o r is it the day o i your w edding? Or is it that April day in the long ago when Christ died for your sin s? Believe G od ’s W ord that Christ died for your sins and — ON E God writes youi name in the B ook o f Life. By that you es cape the Lake of Fire, for— W hoso- evet was not found written in the B ook o f L ife was cast into the Lake o f Fire. E scape the pains of hell, escape the Second Death. K N O W Y O U R B IB L E . T W O —R eceive Christ as having died for your sins and G od touches your soul into life. He im parts his own G od-life to you as to those o f Bible tim es—"A n d so G od has given life to you also w ho were once dead in trespasses and sins in which you passed your lives after the w ay o f this world, under the sw ay o f the P rince o f the P ow ers o f the air, the spirit w ho is.n ow w orking am ong the sons o f disobedience,” Eph. 2:1-1 BIBLE . F ace about. God w aits to breathe his G od-life into your soul. N ow is the day of salvation. Make this your birthday into eternal life. W AY F orm erly (B eaverton Sporting G oods) FILM — The Blind Beggar of Jerusalem—• Also As th e high w aters begin to recede on the B eaverdam land around Bea verton, large flock s o f sea gulls arrive daily to divide up the angle worm business with the robins and klldeers. It is quite interesting how the birds strive to be first to pick up the angle w orm . If the robin does not see the angle w orm he will hop up and down tw o or three tim es on the wet ground —the jar causes the angle w orm to | stick out it’s head—qu ick as a flash the robin grabs him. The sea gull will dive in shallow w ater for the angle w orm while the kildeer seems to m ake the md»t noise. A few days after the high water has gone, then com es the busy m ole digging tunnels just below surface— ^ angle w orm s are also his main diet. \ 1 I C L A R E N C E 8 C H E C K L A ON HOM E F R O M O V E R S E A S DAY See and H ear a real Indian C h ief 9:45 a. m. Sunday, M arch 8 Has A ppeared on Y outh for Christ W rites P oetry Sings Own Songs CO M E T H IS S U N D A Y - H E A R .. T he follow in g men have been ord ered to repotr fori nductlon Feb. 27, 1946: W illiam D. Losli, R t 2 B eav erton ; N ew ton A. Stewart, Rt, 1, B eaverton: H orace A. Dodge, Rt. 2, H illsboro, Ore., (Induction postpon e d ); R obert Jam es Vettcrletn, Aloha, Ore., (volun tary In du ction ); John L. Murr, M etzger, Ore., (en listed). (la s A ppliances Repaired and Sold W ashing Men Report for APRIL A loh a FREM I VEGETABLES Always at MILLERS GROCERY Prompt Service— Guar anteed Workmanship LEONARD’S & ERNEST’S RADIO ELECTRIC 109 W A T S O N ST. BEAVERTON * *