Catholic D irectory to be Distributed Feb. 10 Church Services r S w is s Alps Hold Interest of Regulor Army Men Pearl Harbor. T. H - Melvin W. Weaver, CM3c, husband of Mis. Dorothy M. Weaver of Beaverton, Oregon, is one of 1,313 Navy veter­ ans returning to the States for dis- , charge aboard the USS Montour, an I attack transport of the Magio Car­ pet fleet. This ship left Okinawa ■ January 17 and is scheduled to ar- | rive in San Francisco about Febru- I ary 3. The USS Montour la one of the Navy’s auxiliaries which main­ tained supply lines close behind the U. S. sea, air and land offensive throughout the Paclfio war. CHL'KCtl o r t IIBIST Second and Main Sta. Beaveiton George W. Springer. Pastor 9*6 a. m. Morning worship and preaching service. Topic—The Sufferings of Christ and the Glory That Should Follow. Following the sermon the Lord's (upper will bo observed. Bible School Class session 11:00 A. M Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Evening worship service with spe­ cial music by the orchestra at 7:30 P. M. Midweek Bible study and prayer service Thursday 8:00 P. M. The Topic will be lddlatry. Publication of the first annual Catholic Directory for the Archdio­ cese of Portland in Oregon, covering all counties in the western portion of the state , has been announced by Rev. George Sniderhon. pastor of St. Cecelia parish in Beaverton. Directories will be distributed at all Sunday Masses this week. Febru­ ary 10, Father Sniderhon said. The directory issued by the Board of Directors of ..Catholic Charities. Inc., in Portland, is published to sup­ ply information about Catholic churches, schools and institutions, clergy and religious in the western half of the state of Oregon. In ad­ dition to listing all parish clergy, the times of Masses and other serivces at CHURCH OK THE N AZARENE each parish and mission in the arch­ 459 S. W. First St. diocese are provided in the directory. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor In charge of preparing and issuing 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. the directory were Charles W. Went­ Chief Tecumseh in full dress, spec-( worth, chairman of the Catholic ial guest. Charities finance committee, and S. 11 a. m. Morning worship. A. Nlzic, chairman of the directory 6:30 P. M. Hi-N-Y and N.Y.P.S. committee, both of Portland. "It is 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. the Intention of Catholic Charities," Wednesday 7:30 p. m. midweek Wentworth declared, “to issue a re­ prayer meeting. vision of the directory each year on "Catholic Charities Appeal" Sunday. WEST HUXS The directory also supplies infor­ LUTHERAN CHURCH mation on other ..Catholic parishes Canyon Road, near Sylvan and institutions in Washington coun­ Werner J. Frits, Minister ty including St. Mary’s of the Val­ Sunday, March 3 ley and St. Mary's Home at Huber, Sunday School 9:45 a. rn. and parishes and missions at Forest Divine 8ervice 11 a. m. Grove. Hillsboro. North Plains. Roy, Holy Communion. Verboort and Tigard, together with Wednesday, March 6, 7:30 p. m. Vernonia in Columbia county, cared Missionary Guild and Church Coun- for by the priests from St. Mary's :11 meet at the Chapel. Home at Huber. . METHODIST CHURCH 4th and Watson Sts. Talented Singer Rev. Everett L. Bowers. Pastor | Here on V i»it Parsonage: 356 Broadway 9:45 a. m. Church School. Growing Miss Frances Burke of Buxton, is ivery Sunday. Mrs. Nan Bourquin, visiting this week with her sister Supt. Mrs. Mae Thomas at Beaverton. 10:55 Morning Worship. During her 4 year course at Banks Sermon: Damaged Souls. The minted title of a great book by Ga- High School, Miss Burke studied vo­ cal music and has a beautiful lyric naliel Bradford, Text Ecc. 10:1. 7:30 p. m. Moving picturea, spon- soprano voice. lored by the M. V. F. See ad In his paper. Recent guests at the A W. Buch­ anan home were Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Cable of Portland, Dr. and Mrs J. Roane of Vancouver, Washington, Mrs. Mattie Carson, Mrs. Minnie Bar­ ry, Rod Chownlng, Darrel Goodman and Kay Lewis. C A M P F IR E G IR L S E con om y G rocery installing The Kennuku Camp Fire Girls held F ood Lockers their regular meeting January 27 In RPB U A 5 5 T | The Economy Grocery, which was j recently purchahsed by Chas. and I Genevieve Stubbs, of Reedville, is undergoing complete rennovation throughout. A 312-unit frozen food locker is being installed and a grand opening is planned for April 1. Two "Guordions of Victory" who enjoyed their three-day pots taking In the tights ot St. Moritz, Switzerland. They ore stationed in the Army at Occupation in Germany. Qualified civilians 17 to 34 years ot oge, inclusive, who desire travel, adventure, and comradeship may enlist as Regulars in the United States Army. K eebaugh C onover Miss Lois R. Keebaugti, daughter of Mrs. W. P. Keebaugh, and How­ ard L. Conover Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Conover were united in marriage in a double ring cere­ mony at the Nazarene Church in Beaverton, Saturday evening, Janu­ ary 19. Rev. Leonard C. Johnson officiated. The bride' was given In marriage by her brother, Oris P. Keebaugh, Mrs. Ernest E. Wertz, the brides sis­ ter was matron of honor and Lyda, Jaunita, and Ramona Keebaugh, also sisters, were bridesmaids. Miss Ruth Keebaugh, niece of the bride was flower girl and Stuart Keebaugh. a nephew was train bearer. The bride wore a white satin ; the City Hall. The trial seekers made cups and candle holders from tin cans. The wood gatherers made head bands. Refreshments were served by Marilyn Boyer and Phyl- i lis Palmrose. Next week Marga­ ret Pons and Carol Choslltt will serve. + -LENTEN SERVICES - dress with finger tip veil and car­ ried a bouquet of bouvardia and chry­ santhemums centered with an orchid. The matron of honor wore a pink taffeta dress and the bridesmaids, blue taffeta. They carried bouquets of daffodills and tulips. The bridegroom was attended by his brother Mervin Conover. The church was beautifully deco­ rated with a white arch entwined with ivy, candleabras and palms. .enten Services will be conducted Every 1 o'clock. The Lenten theme will be: Ash Wednesday Pastor Wednesday evening “ THE CROSS." Gerken yill preach on: wesson in Obedience." Com e Bring Funeral services were held Wed­ nesday for Charles Simmons, of Aloha, husband of Dorothy Simmons, son of Mrs. Julia Skaggs, father of Sally and Warren Simmons, Mrs. Cora Kimball, Mrs. Agnes Vaugh Mrs. Hazel Wells, Mis. Julia Phelan. E very W ednesday Others to Christ P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R C H Farm ington Road at M enlo if You C an’t G et A It’s not the dealer’s fault. We don’t think it’s our fault. ^ fZ u* - Maybe it’s nobody’s fault. But here’s what happened: i / 4“ T J.lL Here’s how fast G. E. and its affiliated companies were making and shipping things for you: NOV. OCT. IR O N S C LO C K S 6 0 ,4 4 0 1 8 1 ,9 9 8 THE VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Dr., Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor Services 10:30 a. m. REFRIGERATO RS W A SH ERS 3 ,0 6 8 HIGHWAY CHAPEL emporarily located upstairs in ths Odd Fellows Hall .Beaverton Orville J. Poulin, Minister Sunday School 10 a. m. Messing worship 11 a. an. R A N G ES 3 ,0 5 6 R A D IO S 85 1 2 ,7 5 5 TOASTERS ^ 67,564 177,681 - 17,577 4,672 8,973 5,129 312 D EC . 85,968 256,038 28,432 6,874 8,996 9,401 2,386 On hand Dec 31,1945 p ,r 2 % days* production 1 2H days* production * 4 days' production V 4 % days' production 3 days' production 1** days* production n , n p (N o ehipm ent. were m ad. hrcnuM. produc­ tion wan inad&juaU to provu t. «ampU$ fo r Settler.). E. Out of the 2 ,4 8 5 , 138 appliances manufactured in 1944 and 1945, General Bectric shipped 98%. LATTER-DAY SAINTS American Legion Hall Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sacrament meeting 6:30 p. m. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch rest. IU m .4 COMMUNITY CHURCH Graydon D. Lores, Pastor Sunday School 9 60 a. m. Miry Antrim. Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening servtce 7:80 p. m. ST. CECELIA CHURCH Masses 8 25 and 10:25. RMY NAVY MEN KCENTLY DISCHARGED The following men have been hon- -ably discharged at Bremerton: siden Home—Allyn F. VanPatten, aman first class: Tigard Robin K. obson. radio tech., third class; Rt 2; loha— Arthur A. Carlson, Jr, toe- Mieomnn second class; Beaverton- homas K Wilson, radio tech, 2nd ass The following men have been hon- ably discharged at Fort Lewis: eavsrton—Pvt Llyle L. Smith route Beavertoo: Gleneullen S-Sgt Jack Bolen. Tigard Pfc. James L. Me- jy, routs 1; Multnomah—Cpl. Wll- im V Reichert 7609 SW 33 Avs.; oha—T-4 Frank Exentr: Beaveiton F 8ft John W. Mason . the war ended, we weren’ t able to get back into production o f some appliances as soon as we bad hoped, and production rates weren’ t as high we had hoped. A number o f unfore­ seen things like material shortages made the jo b harder. But there were only 120 days be­ tween V-J D ay and December 31,1945, and in those 120 days we partly recon­ verted our factories from war to peace­ time goods and got production started. During the year we turned out 2,313,791 electrical appliances. We shipped these appliances out practically as fast as m ade— so fast that at the end of the year more than A fter ax I • - ‘ t.l * r-í< 98 per cent o f those we’d built since reconversion began were out o f our factories. M ost o f them were in the hands o f users. Then, on January 15,1946, our plants were closed by the strike. N ot a single electric home appliance has-been built or assembled there since. And, because our warehouses are practically empty, your dealer won’ t be able to obtain any more until we can get back to making them. We want to get back to producing as fast as possible. The manufacturing organization is set up; the machines are ready, waiting to be set in motion. These factors will help us to do an even faster jo b then we did in the months before the strike. But we can’ t pick up production quite where we left off. Production Eiro are too complicated for that. A great many things have been dislocated by the strike. When the strike is over, and the refrigerators and toasters and radice you’ ve been waiting for begin to conre off the lines again, we’ll get them into hands ot our dealers just as fast as we can. They’ll be competitive in price. They’ll be General Electric quality. So, please don’ t be impatient with your dealer—or with us. * ' r yf GENERAL ELECTRIC at On this The Cross—A G -E Appliances and Radios ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Wheeler Avenue Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, Acting pastor 10 a m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Communion service. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. The young people of the church dll dramatize the song—Tell It gain. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study took of St. John, chapter 6. Friday 7:30 young peoples’ meeting lobert Swope C. A., pres. A friendly welcome is extended to IL REEHVTIJ.E COMMUNITY PRLHBYTBRIAN CHURCH Rev. Hampton, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. aa. O. eiger, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Haines and baby Cathy, from Salem, were guests at the Henry Thomas home Sunday. D on’t Blame Tour Dealer 1 PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Kannlngton. Hd at Menlo, Beaverton Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Sunday School—0:45 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Saturday school Saturday at 9:30 l. m. and S. S. Teacher's Staff at 30 p. m. Lenten Season opens with divine ervice next Wednesday evening, Lsh Wednesday, at 8 p. m. Sermon ry pastor on The Cross—A Lesson in j Obedience. A cordial welcome to all. BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH lev. J. G. Dickey (Interim) Pastor ( In place of Rev. Sturtevant until j next summer) 9:45 a. m. Church School, Mias Am-j irette Barns, Supt. Adult class is studying Jesus. 11 a. m. Supt. Hicks of the Anti .iquor League, speaker, anthem by he choir. 5:30 p. m. Junior Pilgrim Fellow- hip. (Senior group will attend Sa- em Conference). Wed. 12:30 p. m. Aid Society, ~4rs. Dungan, speaker. Wed. 8 p. m. in Pilgrim Room, he pastor will lead a study of Dr. lorton's book "Our Christian Faith" ,11 welcome. BEAVERTON EN TB UPRISE Friday, March 1, 1946 | W eaver to 4>e Discharged