‘ I VOL. 1Ç. NO. 5 E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 V Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, March 1, 1946 Babson Discusses Labor Portland Organist To Be Guest Speaker Dr. Cramer Spoke at If Washington County council U a C |ja BOOST Y O t m H O M E T O W N AND M A K E A B E T T E R P L A C E - D L IV E J lit Red Cross Campaign Opens Today— Quota $28,300 OOUQ tlGCIlOH W1HS Mrs. Arthur T. Dungan, organist ; "Tho m odern H igh School has T he 1946 A m erican R ed Cross and ch oir d irector o f P ilgrim Con- ' changed from a classical college 1 fund cam paign opens today in W ash gregational C hurch in Portland will ! preparatory school to a term inal in-1 ington cou nty with the eight areas be the speaker at the M arch 6th ! stitu tion ” , accord in g to Dr. F. J. i strivin g to raise a com bined quota m eeting o f the Ladies A id in the Cram er, Dean o f the E xtension Di- o f 928,300. C ounty Chairm an M srvin BABSON P A R K . 1 1 a.. March 1— Bethel C ongregational Church. . vision o f H igher E ducation w hen he j T he High School bond election W. B rink q f H illsboro hopes to top H aving sorved in W ashington as A s Mrs. D ngan is well know n in Port-1 spoke at the County C ouncil m eet- passed by a good m argin at Satur- the goal m the cam paign between sistant S ecretary o f Labor during E T land and through out the state fo i ing. Dr. C ram er continued, "N ow J | day’s election while the c o n s o lid a -' now and M arch 15. sistant S ecretary o f Labor during her m usical ability. H er husband. | we are balancing high sch ool course l ‘A0n, i°f. *5? B! ! Vert,° " ° rade S ch° o1 I*unda raised in the drive, which W orld W ar I and later as D irector- R everend A rthur T. Dungan, was so that they will continue to in i l strict No. 48 with the R aleigh [ is being conducted throughout the G eneral o f In form ation and E du ca pastor ^of the B eaverton C ongrega- elude form al academ ic in form ation 1 istiict was a split issue. ¡nation in Jfarch, will m ake possible tion, m any letters are com in g to me j tional Church in 1929 and ’30. and explanatory and practical tech - B eaverton voted favorably on th e, the continvaition o f services to vet- asking as to what can be done to | Mrs. Dungan will speak of ...» ! ......... ............________ , ________ the nical training. E very student ________ should I consolidation, with R aleigh turning erans, hospitalized soldiers and sail- prevent strikes. I am replying ‘‘N oth-1 E aster m usic and also o f the Pas- have at least enough language, liter- tho proposition down. | ors and occu p ation troop s as well as ing can prevent strikes, but C o n -! sion music, w hich she says is often j ature, social science, m athem atics, This split in vote thereby nullifies com n iunity health, educational, and gress can do som ething to m ake con fu sed with the E aster m usic. She natural science to understand the j any action T o pass, both groups disaster relief program s. them less serious." Upon referring | has a w on derfu l spiritual p r e s e n ts -! social and natural world in w hich ! were needed to accept the proposi- A pproxim ately 400 veterans cases to certain notes w hich I made at the J tion in her m essage and know s the he lives. Then there should be som e I tion. a m onth are being handled in the close o f W orld W ar I, I find the f o l - ' field o f religious m usic well. All fam iliarity with the cultural and low ing conclusions. T hey are 100 per i wom en interested are invited to bring recreational su bjects fo r the fu rth - The regular m onthly m eeting o f cou nty through the o ffic e o f Mrs. Es cent equally true, today, at the close sandw iches and join the grou p fo r er developm ent. In addition there ( the high sch ool botird will be held telle Krueger, hom e service secretary. I Thursday, March 7, and at this meet- This includes loans, ou trigh t finan W,ar c o ffe e and dessert. Be sure to take j should be tech n ical training fo r ev- I lug it is expected som e actien will be cial grants, long distance calls, fix C O M P II .S O R I A R B IT R A T IO N advantage o f this splendid opportu- ery day living and a chance to ex- C om pulsory abritration, except in nity to hear an outstanding speaker, plore certain basic vocations. taken relative to the high school im ing a ffid a v its so the vets can present disability claim s to the governm ent, the case o f railroads, public utilities, provem ents. Mrs. N orton P eck and Mrs. L. P. j C ounciling, especially vacational etc. and other m onopolistic enterprises, Putnam are hostesses for the day. j is a much needed service in high Legislation now pending in Con- is both im practical and unjust. T o B esides aid to veterans in m ilitary Mrs. P eggy Sargent, sopran o s o lo -; school w * have had very little 1 gress will determ ine the program for talk com pu lsory arbitration for co m ist will appear with Mrs. Dungan. school im provem ent here when it is hospitals, the R ed Cross has taken and still do not have enough a c petitive industry is foolish. It how T he L adies A id will m eet at the cord in g to Dr. Cram er, w ho con clu d then determ ined ju st how m uch F ed -1on a new Job this y ear in service to ever, is p ractical in the case o f non church fo r their regular business and eral aid can be received |the veteran s’ adm inistration hospi- ed with. T he United States has the com p etitive and m onopolistic enter program on W ednesday. M arch 6th, on ly eduucational system open to One bill, now pending, was intro- ! B ,inR 8aid' prises. H onest collective bargaining at 12:30. every one. duced by W ayne Morris o f O regon j ^***r*t'* Quotas Listed. should be encouraged in all cases; Under virtually the sam e organ iza D uring the lunch hour Mrs. R o | w hich would possibly allow 45 per but it must be on the basis o f supply land Dustin o f Tualatin con ducted a ' cent Federal aid and 5ft per cent tional plan as was em ployed last year and dem and fo r labor in a free and short F ounders D ay P rogram assist district funds. This bill would allo the H illsboro area No. 7 has the lar Mrs. R obert Barnes, form erly non-controlled m arket. But even this ed by Mrs. O tto G eorge and Mrs. cate m onies accord in g to the need gest quota with Forest G rove No. 2 Miss Maxine Cady leads to a discussion o f the ju stice o f on the list with $8,400 and $8,300 for T hom pson, past presidents. The n om in the locality. inheritance and whether we can have their respective districts. inating com m ittee will be Mrs. O tto It is im probable, said I. R. Metzler, truly free enterprise along with the G eorge, Mrs. K atke and Mrs. R ob supt., that any funds will be ex p en d -1 Laurel, No. 2, $2J00, H enry Hesse, inheritance o f property. Pioneer House Receives bins. ed before next July, however, noth- ch airm an ; lig a id , No. 3, $2800, Mrs. V oluntary M edation Boards should ; „ i. . .1 _____ j _ . ■ e. .1 V iirn C n Iw u t/ ui r m n n • New Roof ing can be determ ined until after the V ern Calway, ch airm an ; Beaverton, m aterially be strengthened and t h e ir ! No. 4, $2600, Mrs. J, N. Talbert, school board meeting. Bee Keepers Meeting use encouraged. These boards should I A nother landm ark o f the E ighties ch airm an ; W est Slope, No. ft, $2000, It is possible that tem porary pro con sist o f three prom inent men all ' has been dolled up with a new roof Sunday in Court House A. N. W etterborg, ch airm an ; Aloha, by m aking o f w hom have the public's respect: —the old Jim R anon s dw elling just visions may be made No. 6, $850, Mrs. F. E. Tuttle, chair classroom s o f the present shop fa ci —one selected by the Unions, one by j S pring m anagem ent and the man- East o f Ida and Bill’s M arket on m an; O renco, No. 8, $850, with Mrs. lities and when new con stru ction is the Com panies, and one by them | the ¡C anyon H ighw ay. Jim R anons was aging o f bees will be am ong Guy Paine acting as chuirm an. beek eeper’s j one o f the early day carpenters j com pleted^ the ^shops would again be jointly. These men should be given I top ics discussed at a Citizens of W ashington county su fficien t funds to secure all neces- 1 m eeting to l»e held in the cou nty 1 when B teaverton eaverton was a village. He restored, Mr. Metzler said. should rem em ber the w ar veterans sary in form ation within a reason- \ One principal consideration will when m ak in g contributions, Brink cou rt room s, M arch 3 at 2 p. m., re- was a fast w ork er and built many able tim e and both sides should ag I ports P alm er S. TorVend, cou nty h ' o ld in g s in E astern W ashington [ undoubtedly be the stabilizing o f j em phasized ree In advance to accept their d eci | agent. P rof. H. A. Scullen, Oregon count>, oftentim es on con tract. building costs before any definite ac- i t w as pointed out that the W ash- sions as final. It m ay be possible to j State College, J. D. Burt, N ew berg At one time he and P eter Spencer j *8 taken, it is believed. | m gton cou n ty chapter lust year con - have U nion-Com pany agreem ents for iand J. O. Kane, B anks, are sched- ! were in the real estate business in One of the im portant m a tte rs' trihuted an estim ated 32,000 man ‘‘coolin g o f f ’ periods during the limi I uled on the program . The recent- B eaverton "R a n on s and Spencer” w hich will be up for discussion at hours o f w ork on production alone, ted time that these M ediation Boards ■ ly form ed W ashington C ounty Bee- ; their o ffic e was on B roadw ay where the board m eeting T hursday night in addition to procuring 2173 pints of are reaching a decision. • keepers' Assn, is sponsoring the R asm ussen's garage now stands. will be the selection o f the teaching blood for the ben efit o f our arm ed Both corp oration s and unions ! meeting. F or m any years the old R anons j sta ff for the next year. This deci- forces. should equally be su bject to the same T he cou nty chairm an said ch eck s property has been ow ned by Hattie j sion must be made by the 15th o f anti-trust laws and the sam e co r Rossi, the present owner. ! March and follow in g this board meet- can be m ailed d irectly to the H ills Clifford Meyer At Home poration laws w hich have com e to _______________ ing it is probable that the annuonce- boro o ffic e if solicitors should miss people during the next tw o weeks. ment will be made. C lifford M eyer, w ho has been sta In this th isg con conn p ™ c t i c e * Chief Will in nection , both , labor and \ i Indian , . , _ Visit . tioned at the G reat Lakes N aval ! Herbert F. Homrich Is m anagem ent should have an equal l N a z a r e n e C h u r c h b u n d a y Station fo r the past eighteen m onths Returning From Service r e l i g i o u s FUJM t o b e K iiovvN 90-Days T o Re-Enlist And right to press their views to one an SU N D A Y e v e n in g » li Relam Rank, Maj.-Gen. other and to the public. Both the Chief Kiutus Tecum seh, lyric tenor I with his wif™ *Evelyn and* 'son G arry P fc H erbert F. H om rich, husband ve unions and com panies should gradu W e n a t c h L 0 Indradnantrib°ee ’ wiil0rbe m ' Mrs M ey er is fr o ™ Grays Lake, H- o f Mrs. Ariel S. H om rich, o f Beaver- T he M ethodist Y outh F ellow ship G i l b e r t A d v U e * ally , con solidate their operations so W en atch ee Indian tribe, will be in , ---------------------- > * Into ton, is one o f 1200 A rm y v e te ra n s , o f B eaverton will present on Sun- ^ that the in d u stry .a s a whole will be | f t “ » ^ •'their ow n home, back o f the g a m g e returning to the States for discharge day evening at 7:30 in the M ethodist W ushington — D isch arged service negotiating rather than independent jS cb °°> tbla * ™ day ™ °rni" g at 9 4* , at o n ce . C lifford, in partnership ! aboard the USS H am pton, and at- Church, a stirrin g C athedral Film men returning to civil life will have com panles. T his is the E nglish cus- fll^ h T h L .T „ " with his brother R ay, also recently tack transport o f the "M agic C ar entitled 'The B lind B eggar o f Jeru- 90 days, p rior to July 1, 1945, to re This dram utio episode t a - , , nu8t |n the R egu lar A rm y and re- om and should be adopted in the £ di J f af . blJ eath e‘ h w ld,ess’ as an j returned from the ¿>rvice, are re- j pet” fleet. T he ship left Saipan, Jan- saleni.” Indian Chief. u n ited States. . . . . . . . , | open in g the garage and their old j uary 25 and is scheduled to arrive ken from the ninth ch apter o f St. j tain their present grades, under a H e is a It is a m istake fo r President T ru ls a ^ OI 1 v I a v e e lj aS cu stom ers will be glad to know they in San F ran cisco about F ebruary 10. (John in the New 1 estam ent, d e p ic ts . new t y a r D epartm en t regulation an- m an to get m ixed up either with the gates o f the nounced by M ajor General H arold N. ‘n Y “ rk “ “ Gh‘l a g°; are back at the old stand. The USS H am pton is a ship ol the a beggar outside ............................................... H e w as received by Mrs. E leanore rates o f w ages or prices o f goods. ! N avy’s supply fleet w hich covered Jerusalem tem ple, w h o was blind Gilbert, D irector, M ilitary P ersonnel R oosevelt at the W h ite House. As to inflation, — follow in g W orld ¡th e A tlan tic and P a cific oceans car- from birth. H e was healed by Jesus. P rocurem en t Service. The public is invited to hear C hief Lawrence^ Kirkwood W ar I, we su ffered from inflation 1 rying m en and m aterials to U. S T his story gives a vivid presenta- In the first fou r m onths o f the cu r Enlists in Navy’s V-5 overseas. tion o f the grow in g hatred o f the rent w orld-w ide recruiting cam paign, but very little was done to prevent Tecum seh this Sunday. tem ple authorities for the Master. all recru itin g records were brok en — it. W e have taken a great Btep fo r The attem pt o f the tem ple priests a total o f m ore than 500,000 enllst- w ard in these past tw enty years in R E B E K A II N E E D L E & SOCIAL L aw rence K irk w ood. R oute 2, Box Jack Dyer on Riverside recogn izin g both the advantages and CLUB TO M E E T F ill. M A R. 1 j to force a beggar to deny the m iracle m ents being secured. 157, B eaverton, O regon, has reenlist- . . „ 1 and discredit the pow er o f Jesus falls. In creased pay rates adopted during dangers o f inflation. T oo m uch in-1 The R ebekah NeedIe and Social ’ ?d l" the N avy's fam ed V-5 pilot Jack Dyer, CMM, U SN R, son o f J , h„ *amn,A and the war period are still In effect. F or flation should be fought like a praf- c i i b 'w i Y f m irt* F r i d ^ M a V c h T l o r j ‘ ra‘ n‘ n« Program the Naval A viation j M | !^ j Conoly, o f ' Beaverton, 1Ie is ca8t out the tem ple’ ri<» hut som «om o e inflation in fio t u « now » m -*-»uai . . luncheon . . . . I . d a ICadet ~ regon, is one o f * «o* ♦.... w /hen Jesus hears o f it he goes lm- form er service men the recruitm ent rie fir»- fire; but u s t; i a de8Sert at noon. . Mrs. ' ' ' “ “ " Selection Board at Seattle BeBlUe an- O 881 *.r..........., N avy veter- act authorizes, in addition to reten be necessary in view o f our trem en- H arris and Mrs. M ildred H arris will j no^ . a^’ . , , D ans returning to the States aboard j dous war debt. Certainly, wages and be hostesses. . K ‘ rkwI? 1 °„d i a a Krad,i f e .o f the Bea* ! the USS R iverside, an attack trims- A grippin g story o f trem endous tion o f form er grades, gen erous re- price* should be considered by the T he dinner put on at the A lo h a ! ^erto® 5,tghr f ? h oo,‘ ,H ® p ort o f the M agic Carpet fleet. This sign ifican ce that explains w hy Jes enlistm ent bonuses, fu rlou gh s and re-enlistm ent fu r sam e M ediation B oards if price* are | G range hall by the R ebekah clu b ,b er o f the D rlvers clu b- and Debate 8hip left P earl H arbor, January 30. u» *o vigorou sly opposed the relig- travel pay fo r T he law also continues in to he fixed fo r m ore than a short, i ladies last T hursday was a huge s u e -! eaP** ... ---------- ar»H s peop e, ot an loughs. and ia is aohpriulpd scheduled to arrive in San m os caders o H e will begin his $27,000 a e ro n a u ti-; " . . . month Xhe R iverside am ateur production, the film has i e ffe ct the w artim e fam ily allow - tem porary period. cess clearin g over $250.00. cal education M arch 1. H e will t h e n 1* , , ______. / c lv lines utilized the availability o f p ro fe ssio n -1 ances for dependents and m akes all C orporation O fficia l v. L abor Leaders attend fligh t sch ools to win the S o u i h o u t t h i P a c m c a n iy Eu- «1 characters in H ollyw ood. A sliver ¡the loan, readjustm ent, and educa- Letters are com in g to m e asking the M l •' ana o offerin ffe r , g wU, be reteived to d sfra y tional ben efits o f the G. I. Bill o f N avy’s fam ous "W in gs o f G o ld .", throughout , A L O H A N E W S If the corp ora tion s have as good ‘ C om m issioned as an E nsign in the ropea" " al8, espl e le, ._ incurred expenses. R ig h ts applicable to m en w ithout leadership as the big unions? M any Ì The A loha-H uber P.-T. A E xecu - N avy, o r a 2nd Lieutenant in the th ref t ° f _,u “ d e,8 ea ’ 8ur’ previous service w ho enlist before investors feel that too m any corp o- tive com m ittee met at the hom e o f M arine Corps, he will serve aboard *ace an<4 aeiial u .1 .«K. Miss Nadine B oettcher, daughter of O ctober 6, 1946. ration o fficia ls have inherited their Mrs. Charles W ilson, T hose pi esent carriers, at advanced bases, and on It also ch anges the A rm y's retire Mr. and Mrs. A. A. B oettcher, has , jobs, while m ost union leaders have w ere: M esdam es W illiam North, continental shore stations, operating P o u l t r v M e a t N o w B est m et the qu alification s fo r m em ber m ent policy to perm it a soldier to fou g h t, their w ay to the top through Chester Lore, Melvin Anderson, Les- high-pow ered fighters and bom bers c • mu . ship in the newly form ed w om en's qu alify for an annuity a fter 30 years sheer ability. These investors would ter Crosby, A lbert Schiaefli, Melville fo r w hich the N avy is noted. B u y A s D U p p l y IVIOUI11S ch oru s at W illam ette university. |of service. F orm erly he had to serve not ob je ct to paying large salaries to W right, E lm o Taylor, Phaye G reg- j A pplications are still being accepted . ,. . ii Miss B oettch er is in her freshm an 30 years to qu alify for retirem ent I f a soldier leaves the arm y ° f„ . the.‘r . C° m.Pan.ie\ , F , ^ l or> and H enry T hom as and young men 17 through 19 who j thJ hc° * * k^n they wanted year at W llla m e tte a n d plans_ to m a- j pay vided they have the needed ability. as a m aster sergeant after 20 yenre w ant to fly are urged to w Selection the war b« taU8e o t ^ a ic i t y Jor in business adm inistration. T ---- o o —— m any h olders ------ now — seem Mr. H azencam -- p "D irector aval A via viation » stock ------------------ — , ----------------------- ---- ------- o f School N »>aval u on c Cadet aaei K i t n iu n > - . - „ „ inilnlve ! ° f service, his retirem ent pay is $89 - ^ ! i ” g _ ,a ltb . . 1^ ,the ab<Hty o f lunch program s was also present. • l n M arion Street. Seattle, 4. aind h; « h_ pr,,C _ . _," ,i,U r“ ires Mr8 K J G reller returned from a 70 » m onth. I f he com pletes 30 themselves^ fully l^ t with her m other. Mrs. Viola years in the arm y, the m onthly re these com pan y o fficia ls w hom they H e gave interesting reports on sev- W ashington, for inform ation. rem inds Noel L. Bennion, extension m echanically re-elect every year by eral program s o f d ifferen t schools _!_________________ Sutton, and a sister, Mrs. Bert Cor- tirem ent pay ch eck jum ps to $155.25 poultrym an at O.S.C blindly signing absentee proxies. in O regon. He answered m any ques- A ’ » Cl t rick, o f C am bridge, Idaho. Mrs. Krel E du cation al benefits o f the G. I. B ennion points to the fact that , •_ ____ A_ her m other ____ able w.- to be v.. up ... It is surely up to the stockh olders tions and suggested new plans that L o m p a n y A d o p ts ¿Slogan ■nnion points to « ■ *-*•» ier reports Bill o f R ights constitute a potential poult r in< luding tui - the e am ount o f poultry ^ L-H aa , c h .i r ..fier an accident college, vocational, or business school o f corp oration s to get as loyal and were w orth while especially to the ‘E a t M o r e F ilb e r ts able leaders as the union m em ber- : ladies w ho are directly responsible j keys now in c° old ld storage is at an i i which T r o k e heV hip three m onths sch olarsh ip fund for all you ng men Furtherm ore the sup ship gets. M oreover, stock h olders 1 fo r the good lunches served to the ; A fter ten years o f research, Perry all-tim e high. Mrs. Sutton is m aking her physically and m entally qualified for must som e day insist that their di- children and teachers. T o Mrs. L ore i l . A bbott has developed and design- P*>’ is larger as grow ei s l“ aI j, ,om e at present with her daughter, arm y service. I f they have com ---- -— ------. ls . get . results . . - ick en en s s and e e l ru u ra I e , 1 w Mri, „ u rectors and - o fficia fo r I goes a lot o f - the cred - it because she ed a gradin g and crack in g machine, --------------- ket m ore ch ch ick ana som som C orrlck. pleted high school or otherw ise pre them in the lorm o f larger divi- is the cafeteria chairm an. w hich in one operation grades and | b r« ed ,n 8 bens becau8e . pared them selves, each can acquire, now Merelee dends when, as and if the labor lead ! c r a c k , the field run and elim inates, W ith all classes of poultry elce and ana Bunny nunny Sutton m iu on o u, f E u . 8ervtnK a three year enlistm ent, happy to ________ _ . funds tffl c o uege for m ers get m ore fo r their union mem- ,, E very parent will be gene visited their sister, Betty, and ^ crushing o f the nut|8bortaKe ^ee^.’, breakage or c.u sn .n * w,e — ' “ n ing“ below ceilin g prices, this m eat — ^ and aunt, Mr. an<i M r . E bership. S tockh olders will som e day learn that the hot lnuche* will con- J. m onths, equal to a little m ore than insist upon annual physical exam ina- .........— tinue to the end o - - f ---------- school The inch m m acnine achine nas has been }8 ■ probably the week-end. , flve ordln ary 8ch oo, y e a rl i n the ---- ------- rn e 1 18x36 8X3« men neen — -------- w 1 ii the beat buy, B«=nmun J,e- Kreller. over ---- ------- ------- tions and audita con cern in g the desivned to have su fficien t weieht H*ve8- L iberal use o f it now ill J B Sutton o f Eu- ca8* ot men with no dependents, to- \° o f b a c k in g and ye be b *lP consum ers as weil as the Ore- Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sutto health of com pan y d ire cto r, and o fft- ; , . M n - L* 8ter C,[osb y had ch arge o f Betty o f ^a * govern m en t allow ances for tui- rials the le same as they now have an- ,h e G* y ^ prof?rat" w h ‘ c ^ M ovable b t one man This m achine «o n poultry industry, he says. gene visited their daughter, tion, fees and subsistence will am Sunday. nancial audits. was held Feb. 19 The tea ch er, had ” * ! W I n d , w r hour o -------------------------------- P ortland. Saturday and Sun ount to $5,645 for the 48-month per nuai financial auoits. ¡ch a rg e o f the refreshm ents.................. .. cracl1 300 Pounds per hour or | Icle D Dunn, 7-years Chi rg * one ¡ T i n ? ¿ S i operation S P E C IA L M U SICAL E V E N IN G ! ^ L « ittle 1 . Icle unn 7 -y .^ r . old, lost iod. T rain in g is available in any o f Mrs. W ilson served a very fine one ton 7 hours operation her m other tw o w eeks ago in Sllver- and trades Funeral services w ere held Feb lunch and the m eeting adjourned. T he A b b ott Co. is now In produr _______ A m usical program has been ar-1 ^on as a result o f an autom obile ac- m ore than 200 skills w hich will prepare soldiers fo r ad- 23 for H arvey M Johnson at W . E. I _ , , i!° “ ’ * * £ * « ! * - ! ragged at t h i A ssem bly ol G o d ' cld#nt and i8 m aking her hom e with I’egg s M ortuary. Services end 1 ..NM.C,l “ ,S.'.—dlf d „.at a.ndV,T1 ! ! l ! ' ,aJ „ " * ' ! ° n,^ J ,ntr n,1,!. church for Sunday evening, featur- , he H enry T hom as fam ily interm ent Lincoln, Nebraska. Grade School Consolidation Loses j j » / f js r p jin : 1s v r r ; p « £ m ia iv's rrt - » S “. , ' S ' a ’ k l * " " " ' ° ' o r “ ,’ * ‘ hT h ? . d . p . . d . h. p h . » ■ slogan, "E a t M ore F ilberts.” and ex- baphone w ith w hch b « ba8 travel' d C orporal A. E. (J a ck ) Frost, son of L. F. Frost, form erly o f Beaverton , Rev. Adolph H aberly late o f Oak tend8 to the grow ers o f O regon and extensively^ He was invitedl to take ~ V“ ssra ... r S ste ss » W est • C oast Say. » z x z y u s : thre* y*ar' m,W “ lect ! their branch o f service and ov ersea . r * .. - - . - - . - He had charge o f a silver band on deai m 0re than Just the little black V jP O . r i . D U llO C K K C l U m i n g C A R D P A R T Y board his ship He was form erly a instrum ent that will stand on the B ea verton B eaverton boy and is the brother o f ba || table. Y ou're w aiting for hun- A pre-Lenten card party will be Rev R illa Mae Stephens, w ho pas- dreds o f small. Intricate parts. G eorge H. B ullock, AM3c, son o f A M onday evening Feb 25 a sur- held to n ‘Kht at 8 00 p k* in th* B^a * tors the church. The public is in- Y ou 're w aiting for a bew ildering Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Bullock, o f Bea- Funeral services fo r Rev Adolph prise show er was given by Mis E m - verton 1 ° ° F h a" "Ponsored by vited to attend, no adm ission charge am ount o f central o ffic e equipm ent. , verton l8 returning to the States Haberly o f Oak G rove and father eet Ki rk and Mirs Clark Bailey for , lhe st C ecelia A ltar Society. A V alentine party was held at the f,-or your telephone com p an y has I „b oa rd the USS Lenawee, which left o f John H aberly o f Aloha, were held MUs Evelyn Day at the Bailey home R efresh m en ts will be served. Stephens hom e recently for the chil- not been allow ed to m ake any m ajor Guam, F ebruary 9, and 1* scheduled at the M oreland Presbyterian church in Beaverton. Guests included Me.»- ----------------------------- ! dr«n in the A ssem bly o f G od Sun- i d d itione to hom e fron t farilitiei* to a rrlve in San F ranclaco about in P ortland Feb 19. dam es Sue Day, Nellie Jam ieson. Funeral services were held Satur day school. All present voted It a j for over f our years , F ebruary 23. T he USS Lenaw ee is R ich ard M R ice. P R 2c, son o f Mr Helen Seidler, F loren ce LaFond. Mary day at F inley's M orninglfght Chapel grand success. I T h at's a long time, and It w lll|one Df the Navy** m any attack trans- and Mrs C R ice o f R te 3 is hom e- E rickson Ann M oore E m m a B alf for M artha K oen ig o f route 1, Beav- I t ake tim e to m ake these necessary | ports w hich supported the seizure o? w ard bound from Samar In the P h i - --------------------------------- erton. w ife o f Jakob Koenig, m o th e r 1 Mr. and Mrs Otto Kiel and Mr j installation* and extensions b efore , stepping-stone bases to Japan by llppines. after serving 3 years with Mr. and Mrs. Verl Fleenor and! o f A lbert K oenig. Mrs M argaret C. ' and Mrs. H arris ere spending theit you can have that m uch needed tele f carryin g thousands o f fightin g men the navy as a parachute rigger. He brother called in old frlenda In V er- H erner and Jacob Koenig, J r , o f vacation in C alifornia and plan a phone. Your patience and under- and their equipm ent to Invasion has been overseas since last M arch, nonla recently. P ortland. trip Into M exico before they return, standing wMl be greatly appreciated, beaches and U. 8. held beachheads. I