• CLASSIFIED W ANT ADS M U ST A C C O M P A N Y A L L C L A S S IF IE D ADS Ceuat n e k word, including Name and address—O N L Y 2c A W O R D Nn Phone O rder» Taken M IN IM U M 25a A N ISSUE W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M AH PRESS ALO H A NEW S Complete Eastern W ashington Ceunty and W estern Multnomah County Coverage • M ISCELLANEOUS T R A D E — For registered heifer equal quality Registered Jersey bull dropped July 12, '45. Sire Fill- pail Goldenrod Design, Dam Gold en Blusher O xford Rosa. Apply L. H. Brawand Cabinet Shop. Metzger, Ore. Phone CH 2929. 5 FOR SALE F O R S A L E — 5 H P H&ndim&n Garden Tractor with riding at tachment, free wheeling with brake on each wheel to make short turns, equipped with special center handle guide control, large rubber tires 600x22, excellent con dition, 2 sets cultivators, weeder and pulverizer, discs, harrow $475. lS50 N W Henry Ave., second house west o f horsehadish factory, Bea verton. N ew heavy trailer, w ire wheels, good rubber, extra wheel and tire $95. 4 F O R S A L E —Antiques — Im ported China, cups, saucers, tea sets, sil ver, cut glass, sugar creamers, jew elry, pictures, books, pillows, lunch sets, casseroles, pyrex, also large variety o f odds and ends of new and used items—Hours 2 to 7 p. m. or by appointm ent—No dealers—260 N. E. Broadway, Bea- verton. 4 F O R S A L E — T w o bottom 14 in. J. I. Case plow. J. A. Lincoln, Phone B eaverton 2713. 1 B U L L D O Z IN 'G W O R K W A N T E D la n d Clearing— Koad Building Basement Excavating P H O N E C H erry 5437 2nd House No. of K ra ft Cheese Co. 50tf Not responsible fo r any debts con tracted by anyone but myself. A lbert J. Hegenan Portland, Oregon 4 A N A P P E A L TO T H E P U B L IC Our returning service men are all in need o f transportation. I'm doing my best to help supply the demand. I f you have a ear you are net u sing—or have no real use for the one you new are using— why not bring it in today and get T O P C ASH for it NO W . Cars also sold on consignment. KELLY M O T O R CO., SW Canyon Rd., and R. R. tracks, Beaverton, Ore. 49tf 0 BUSINESS SERVICES H A U L IN G — Gravel, crushed rock, dirt fill, sand. etc. Call C. Gred- vig, phone Beaverton 3186. 63tf j Far Stave and Diesel Oil Call H arry | Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf j For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Phone Beaverton 3231. tf , Barnes. J L A N D C L E A R IN G A Excavating | W ork done by hour or contract. | Phone Portland U N. 3395 fo r es timates. W ork guaranteed. 51tf j Home Owner* Attention! HOMES — FA R M S — A C R E AG E F O R S A L E — W. L. - N. Hamp N ow is the time chicks from non-broody stock. T o Cash In On These High P rice» Available Tuesdays. Also cockerel chicks. A ll stock Pullorum tested. W e have many buyers anxious to M iller’s Hatchery, 2 miles south of settle in our community. Huber on Huber Ave., W rite Rte. W e Can Get You the Highest 1 Box 916, Beaverton. tf Possible P rice and a Quick Deal A Christian Science fa m ily with one child would like to rent or CALL lease a small acreage. W rite Mult nomah Press, Multnomah, Ore. 4 J. G E O R G E R IS E N H A U E R B U IL D IN G site— acre on F arm ington Rd. Marble Cook. 4 Beaverton 2531 Electric washing machine fo r sale — needs repairs. Toem an’s, Beaver ton 2423. 4 Associated W ith CITY R EALTY CO. F O R SALE -—Oats and vetch hay $30 per ton delivered. W. K. R e y 4#8 Corbett Bldg. Portland B K 5441 nolds, Rt. 2 Bx 325, Tigard, 3 ml. W e have 10 salesmen to assist you N W on W alnut Ave. 4 and our Finance Departm ent will be P a ir lovely beige twin bed spreads glad to help you with your finances. fo r sale or trade fo r antique furni F R IE N D L Y S E R V IC E A L W A Y S ture. C H erry 1294. 4 F O R S A L E — T w o brooders one oil one coal. C H erry 1961. 4 F O R S A L E —Falcon K n igh t Sedan Phone T ig a rd 3203. 4 F O R S A L E —6 55 gal. oil drums $1.40 ea. C H erry 1294. 4 4 Good setting hen houses and lots o f chicken wire. C H erry 1294.4 F O R S A L E — Mbntag Circulating heater. Burns wood, coal, briquets. James Hahn, Rt. 2, Bx 345, T igard Ore. 4 F O R 8A L E — 7 acres Burbank P o tatoes in field, l t i mile S of F arm ington Road on Hyland road. W. N. Keeler, R t 1, Bx 545. Beaverton. Conner and N ora Rd. 2tf PO W ER SPRAYING and tf V A N ’S R E F R IG E R A T IO N S E R V IC E Com m ercial — Domestic — Any Make or Model Guaranteed M otor Service — CaU M e Day or N igh t — Hillsboro 3671 or 302» tf A good w orking condition fe rtili zer fo r sale; W ill deliver. R ay C. Foxton, Beaverton phone 2719. 6 Your Income Tax Return Must be in by March 15th W O O D —G ood Block amd Slab available now. W ilson Fuel Yard, Bx 398, Beaverton 2491. 8 Incom e Tax A F O R S A L E —Concrete, Sand, Road Gravel. Crushed Rock, Mason Rand, and Dirt. Phoae 2216 Beavertoa, W rite V. E F L E B N O R , Beaverton. Oregon. Accounting Service S EE JOE K UBIN 415-1« Postal Bldg., Portland. B E aron 4514 E venin g» BE. 0375 Residence 5354 S W 49th Dr. (G L E N C U L L E N ) F O R S A L E —Wood, green block and slab mixed 2% and 8'4 cord loads. Reuben Johnson. Phone 19&J Newberg. $9 per eerd. 4Ttf O P E N F O R B U S IN E SS M U L T N O M A H C A B IN E T SH O P Made to order cabinets and furni ture. W e w ill call, estim ate and f help you plan your built-ins free o f charge. E. A. D A M E — C. W . K O I L M A N • Phone CH erry 1236 R S A L E - N ew Zealand W h ite rabbits, young dose, and bucks from pedi. stock, excell, condi.. 4 lbs up, $8 up. W itch Hazel R ab bit Farm. % ml S W itch Hazel School or Youngs Market, main hlway bet. Beaverton St Hillsboro. 25 t f N O W we can come to your home and clean your U P H O L S T E R E D F U R N IT U R E using regular plant methods at P O R T L A N D P R IC E S — NO T R A N S P O R T A T IO N C H A R G E S —W ork fu lly guaranteed. F O R F R E E E S T IM A T E S Call EAst 1933 H. W . R A N D , 1553 SE Miller, Portland. i Dining table and chairs. 35 Ham p shire red hens 1 year old. Marble Cook. 4 CESSPO O LS, septic tanks, clean ed and Installed by journeyman plumber. Free inspection. W ork guaranteed, GA. 9033, Portland. 2tf F O R S A L E — Guernsey and Jersey heifers, yonr choice $56 each. G oi ters at Scholls. F© # TRACTO R and TEAM W ORK See—L E E R O B IN S O N Rte. 3. Bx 1547, Oak Ave. (2 m ile» W . o ff Farm ington Rd. Beaverton. tf i PR U N IN G Phone Beaverton 3811. W ANTED W an ted to contact a reliable house builder to build in Beaverton. W rite Frank C. Meadows. 3205 N. E Clackamas St., Portland. Ore. 4 W anted man with drag »aw to oaw up felled trees near Multno mah for part o f wood or wages. Phone Beaverton 2509. 4 A T R A D E — I f you are interested in learning Inquire E N T E R P R IS E W anted to Trade— 1600 lb. horse for app 1200 lb. horse. Tom Kess ler. Tigard. Ore., highway 217 to Satler Rd.. 1st bouse on left. 4 HOU SE C L E A N IN G W ork wanted by the hour, care o f children In the svsntngs. Hazel Puckett 1st a nd Lom bard Beaverton 94 John S. B elter Phone Tigard 2621 R E I T E R R A D IO A E L E C T R IC S E R V IC E Radio Repair* A ll m ake» o f Electric Equipment and W irin g P.! O. Box 743 Located with Tigard Mike Hine Paint Store tf L A N D S C A P IN G . Pruning, Spray- tag. G raftin g A tree eurgery. W. A. Greea. Beaverton, 2967. SUtf C E S S P O O L -S E P T IC T A N K O W N E R S A T T E N T IO N Added equip ment allows faster service. We pump A wash septic tanks, comml. or residential. Guar, workmanship. Sewers connected. Cesspools and septic tanks constructed. Schulz Bros Sanitary Service Portland. T A 3235 2tf S E P T IC T A N K S , completed $100 anywhere on W’ est Side 20 miles from city Portlaad. S U . 1717. 2tf P A P E R IN G A P A J N T IN « — 10 years experience, reasonable rates. First Class. Free estimates. Call 8 to 8, Telephone CH 1826 or tele phone CH 5437 any time. R. W H IT L O W , Box 808, Tigard, Oregon 26-38tf C A L L B E A V E R T O N 2011 For Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Services A Repairs on all types of H eatlag Plants nr F red’s Furnace Service 144 S. 4th, 8t., Hillsboro 1361 ’¿ ttf Civilians Can F ly Now P. B. H AG G H auling Contractor ©oncrete, Rand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Reute 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard *44« tf P A IN T IN G A P A P K R H A N G IN G W ork Guaranteed W ork Done Prom ptly C A L L C H erry »175 4«tf P A IN T IN G —Outside our specialty. Spray painting; remodeling. F r e « estimates for spring at reduced prices. Terms. Go anywhere. Call E A st 2216. 8 I F O R T O W C A R call V E R M 1 L Y E M O TO R CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf W A N T E D TO R E N T lAiinished or unfurnished house or apartment in Beaverton or vicinity. P erm anently employed. Phone 3871. H igh w ay T ire Service. 55 Speck.» Fix-it Shop U w n m o w t r Sharpening Saw Filing, Appliance llepsir ! Bth A Capitol Hlway, Mumien »mah Ree. Phoae CH. 1M7 tB .E C T IU C A L CO NTRACTO R BEAVERTON Trees, Shrubs, Piaats f and Vines TO Landscape Service STUART’S ELECTRIC SERVICE Rt. 2, Box 1, Tigard Across from St. A ath oay Scheol MA IN T E N A N CF.. R E r A IK IN G , W IR IN G , M O TO R W O R K Tem porary Phene A L O H A «161 Carl's FIXIT Shop Saws Filed and Gummed ALOHA, OREGON Machine» IM P R O V E O P R w in n e r . Oscar Kdlund. a journeyman with 20 year« experience has Joined eur firm. KARL'S NURSERY Washing 3130 Call t ’ 8 for Estimates F L O O R S N ew or Old Sanded A finished. best materials used, w ork guaranteed. Free estimates. G. 0. W hite. UN. 1181. 50tf —Ph en e Beaverton 2982— 0. R. NICHOLSON & SON D K A lJ gR BS SCRÌAP M E T A I, Highest Prices Paid '«R a y s Garage Broadway at Lombard, Beaverton Repaired TA Complete Appliance repair service Clocks, Radios, R efrigerators Washers, and all other Household Electrical Appllianees 90 Day Guarantee Pick Up and Delivery E D D IE O L D M A N Johnson Koad Opp. N. W . Christian Home or Marshall W ells Hdw.. Beaverton 3tf l.awn M ow er» Sold A Repaired D E A D or W orthless Stock picked up Free o f Charge Anywhere. Prom pt Service. Call collect UN. 1221 or U N. 4502. W estern Stutes Rendering Co., N. Columbia Blvd. A Hurst Ave., Portland. (Suc cessor to Denley Rendering Company.) 3tf Live Poultry and Eggs I PAINTS Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. I inlay’» Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS E N T E R P R IS E February 22, 1946 HAROLD A. PETERSON — Ga* Appliances Repaired and Sold GEORGE F. GORDON PRO NE A L O H A 6612 De mot hing, Repairing W ANTED Piano Tim ing, ( leaning. TURKEYS R eceivin g Portlaad, Albany, Redmend, R IG H T -N O W C L E A N E R for General Hour* Cleaning Dube«. Laundry, Woodwork Harm let*— Sonifory Replaces Soap • Softer for Hinds ASK A L L 6ROCERS — Comes in poctages A Dressing Plante: McMinnville. Salem, Bugene, Roaeburg, Oregon. 25t — 50c — >1 00 HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. 104 N.E. Russell Street, Portland, Oregon Main O ffice and Plant RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from thin terrible affliction that I w ill gladly answer anyone w ritin g me for infor mation. Mre. Anna Pautz, P. O. Box 826, Vancouver, Wash. 81tf S. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. Phone EAst 5141 J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IIJJE A LO H A . O R E VETERINARIAN Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian East o f Beaverton lleaverton 3511 Ilivvay 6 Portland COM. 9924 S West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO D ick Kokich Teacher of MODERN AND C L A S S IC A L A C C O R D IO N Accordions f©r Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd., West Slope, Ore. CtSCALS I L L S See S I I L S fo r New S IL L S & Foundation» fo r your Home G. E. H ILLS General Building Repairs and Rem odeling 151 Cedar Street, Beaverton Mash or Pellet TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER THE OLD JUDGE SAYS. . . U P A I N T I N G E xterior and In terior W ork Free estim ate»— work guaranteed REFERENCES M IL T O N K. D R A K E Garden Home, Oregon Beaverton 2794 CH. 182« 'A H O R S E P L O W , CulUvator, Har ness. Horse weighs about 1400, gentle, drives either single or double. W ill sell at a bargain. Call CH. 3251, 7621 8 W 30th Ave., Multnomah. 4 Tree Topping, Rem oving, Hedge Trim m ing Out o f town calls taken Equip, fo r difficu lt jobs, Insured Estim ates References L E N N ’S T R E E S E R V IC E Portland— EAst «524 3tf B U L L D O Z IN G — Finish grading a specialty. BU RG E RS B U L L D O Z IN G W O R K , Portland. BR. 5224. A T . 4615. 7 D R E S S M A K IN G a S E W IN G A ll kinds o f Clothing Mads TH E LM A DEW Tigard 2484 Appointmants a fter S ept 1 tf CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K I a t us plow your garden. Howard Was Smith, Johnsoa Rd. A Divis ion its . Phoae Beaverton 2462 4tf H ID E S S W OOL, C A 8 C A R A — A specialtp. L E E BROS., >5 SW Clay Portland. , A T. 3*34. tf W l HENRY:' T v e .icaH that tame thirr*-*veral times lately . . . that alcoholic* are really •ick people. It was news to me. Do you agree with that statement. Judge?" people ? ” OLD JUDGE:"\'a, it's true. Henry. It's no OLD JUDGE: "Because it has been dis notion of mine . . . it’s a statement made by scientists who have studied the subject.” covered that, in many cpsts , excessive drink ing is a symptom of some physical or emo tional maladjustment.. nol the cause of it ." HENR Y : " What did they find out. Judge ? " OLD JUDGE: "W ell, as a result of their medical research, they found out that ap proximately 95% of the people who drink, drink sensibly. 5% do so unwisely, at titties. W E C U R E A N D SM O KE T O U R P O R K CUTS 29 years Experience ALD ER M ARKET Included in that 5% is the small percentage known as alcoholics." HENRY: "B u t why are they called sick HENRY: "N o w I understand it. Judge. I am glad to hear of the modem approach to this problem and that so much is really being done to heip these folks.” Lewis Bros. Tkn » Cop 1st and Washington S t PORTLAND. OREGON tf ii 'I iuii M iponio-rd ty I TA ALSO For quality, fa ir price and service R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. P R O V E IT T O Y O U R S E L F Y O U D O N ’T NEED A TRAD E N o Hidden Charges A ll Makes and Models ’32s to ’42s See Us B efore You BU Y—S E LL O R TR A D E O A S K A L O N A W IL L IA M S G IA N T U SED C A R C E N T E R T h re » Lots 6501 N E Union 5600 N E Union 5500 N. In terstate—Portland W E bster 1175 or G A rfield 8432 6 Friday, stock picked up free of U charge anywhere. Call oollect UN. 1221; night cal) D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Portland. tf A T T E N T IO N R A B B IT R A IS E R S G ive your Stock a Good Start In L ife BUYERS— PACKERS by feeding a feed upon which you — AH Berries, Prunes, Grape»— can rely, one that contains all the 1 F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL needed ingredients in their right I B A IT S . A V A IL A B L E IN SEASO N proportions. That is the kind o f | rabbit feed we now have to offer, i compressed under the cold pro-1 cess method which means vita- j min retained feeds direct from Beaverton 3271 m ill to you. W R IT E O R C A L L O N US A T A C M E F E E D M ILLS . Photo T in tin g— Export W ork 9660 N E G L IS A N ST. SU. 9000 MRS. J. F. S A U N D E R S P O R T L A N D 16, O R. 7 Burnham Ave., Tigard, P A IN T IN G — Outside; our spe Back of T ig a rd Cleaners cialty spray painting. Rem odeling; B ring your favorite picture to me free estimates and reduced rates A rtistic results certain fo r spring. Term s available. W ill Mail % A ria » Garage go anywhere. M Urdock 4164. 5 Hatch Inc., Portland, SUnset 1103- 1104. I.A K K O F E E D S F O R SALE. W e deliver in load lots free. Dairy feed a specialty. tf ßEAVERTON St I T R A C T O R W O R K — Plow ing, Dis cing, Cultivating, H arrow ing, W ood Sawing. S. P. Lindley Phone T igard 2469, located 2 ml. S T ig a rd on 99W. 6 tf L. H. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinetmaker Portland Phene l H. 2950, M etzger Store fronts; school, restaurant and store fixtures; school furniture; unit cabinets of all kinds, includ ing kitchen cabinets. O ffice furmi- ture rebuilt, reflnlshed and com pletely renovated. A ll kinds e f building and remodeling. W ood w orking of all kinds. 4Stf and washing f Call K. R. P A P E R IN O — Pain 'In g A Kalso- miaiag. neat, experienced w ork man L. L. Seeley, R 2. Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phoae Beaverton 2816 46tf Electrical Appliances Repaired Washing Machines Sewing Machine and all household appliances See E D D IE O L D M A N Johnson Read Opp. N. W. Christian Home or Marshall W ells Hdw., Beaverton A C R E A G E S H O M ES tY A N T E D W e con sell yeur home, farm or acreage. Have hundreds o f buy ers that have cash. Teu r W ash ington Ceunty specialist. Located ia Portlaad at foot o f Canyon Rd. Call B R . 1476 or writo W A Y N E B. NAG LE I S M SW Joffersen, Portland I, Ore tf # Home R efrigeration machine sc vices Tw om blv CH 2267. CESSPOOL. S E P T IC T A N K O W N E R S ’ Attention! Septic tanks cleaned. pumped. $12.50 T . Inc. digging hauling, pumping back fillin g A l’s Sanitary Service, P o rt land. SU. 7778. 5 W A N T E D — L IV E P O U L T R Y W ill weigh and pay cash At your place Front pi Pickup Service— W rite 1- W F O R E M A N H I, Bx. 87, Sherwood. Oregon 56 4 W e assume no financial responsi bility fa r error# which m sy appear in advertisements published in these co lumns, but in case where this paper is at fault w ill repriat that part e f an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. * W A N T E D F E R T IL IZ E R — Cash paid fo r Fertilizer. Address P. O. Box 1, Beaverton, Oregon. 4 CAM I ■ —S A W F IL IN G — TO O LS S H A R P E N E D Out Farm ington Rd. to Oak Avr. 1st House on Right, or leave at Holland Feed Store. ti ( .t n j f t n t i »< A m i o i u ï » c * | l fo r