VOLUME 19, NO 4 ESTABLISHED 1827 Beaverton, Oregon, F rid ay, February 2 2 , 1946 Babson Discusses Deserves b lv , '* . ** borrowing and SPBndJnK BOOST TO U R HOME TOW N AND M AKE A B E TTE R PLAC E TO LIV E West Coast Tele . Co. Budgets $73,650.00 For Year To Provide Needed Service In Valley Som e “ re even “ nnnecessarily ! money with the idea of i •^honv-UP thelr mort* aSea with hm° ney when' •*. and if in- | nation becomes rampant. Such poli- 1 JOBS— A W A IT IN G V K TE R AN S WHO A P P L Y TO T H E IR LOCAL j SELEC TIVE SERVICE H.-G. To expand facilities and provide necessary service to Install telephone service to the many applications now on file, the West Coast Telephone Co. announced this week a budget for 1946 of »73,650, which includes un item of »40,000 for cable and other outside plant equipment and an item of $5,000 for new central office equip ment and $2,500 for a building addi tion to house that equipment, accord ing to Harley J. Barber, manager. In addition to the above $26,150 has been included to cover the total cost of purchasing and installing 750 new telephones. This figure is rather con servative because that many unfilled applications for service are being held at this time, and it is antici pated more orders will be received as soon as the public feels that instru ments and materials can be secured. "However, the present trend of conditions indicates that we will not be able to secure more than 750 tele phones this year. In fact, if the month of January may be taken as any indication of trends throughout the year we will not be able to pur chase that many," said Mr. Barber. Plans call for the installation of new cables east on the Bertha-Bea- verton Highway and the Canyon Rd., also north to Cedar Mills and west on Farmington Road to Huber Ave. The cable running north to Cedar Mills will also serve Walker Road and other Intermediate areas. These proposed additions will make classi fied telephone service available to the many new people who have moved into this area during the last four years. It will also provide additional facilities for the growth which is an- tcipated during the next few years. “Contrary to the policy practiced by the telephone companies in the past, we have not been able to pro vide service adequate to handle the anticipated growth o f the area ser ved’’. said Barber. “ During the last four years the critical material short age made such policies impossible,” he continued. In addition to the developments mentioned, It is announced that the Pacific Telepsone & Telegraph Com pany has also included in their bud get for this year several additional toll circuits to carry the business between Beaverton ‘ and Portland. These circuits are badly needed and have been needed for months, but the necessary equipment for terminating additional circuits has not been avail able. According to present plans the Pacifto Company will attempt to con nect the first of these circuits by August of this year. While the Beaverton area, which Includes areas extending several miles north, south and west of Bea verton proper and Includes Cedar Mills, Aloha, Farmington, and other similar communities in this area, is perhaps the most critical area ln the West Coast System at the present time, plans for similar developments for the Tigard, Stafford, and Gres ham areas which have also experien ced phenomenal growth during the last four years, due to the population Increase ln the areas surrounding Portland. ling a f* th* biKgeat kind of gamb- Advioe to Small Businessmen Veterans who are unemployed are Big business, which has had ex 1 asked to report to local Selective perience in Germany. France and Service headquarters lmmedlatly as other countries that have really suf there is work available for several fered from Inflation, will not get at the present time, according to oaught. It has learned from sad Lilliam Gilham o f the Beaverton of experience the great need of large fice. reserves during an inflation period. Immediately upon discharge many In fact, as inflation advances, every I of the veterans cease to visit their concern should more • than proper- ' i local boards when work is not avall- tionally increase its reserve. I able on the first few calls, our local This especially applies to small ! | boards are constantly being contacted businessmen who have not extensive l | by employers seeking workers and credit facilities. They now fail to j those who have not been successful realize that when inflation gets are asked not to abandon hopes with well under way it will be very diffi the first few calls, but rather are cult to get credit either from banks | urged to continue to keep in close or from wholesalers. As prices will i touch with their boards, so they may then be going up without notice, ! ’ secure work us it ;s turned in to the and goods will be worth more than i | offices. money, wholesalers will give no cred- | “V , K°Pds. m.UStJ?® bought ° " a ' The world champion girls basketball club who face the Beaverton Pharmacy Jrs. ton ion o« mte on the Beaver- strictly cash basis. This means that , ton high school court A preliminary game starts at 7:15 with the Herhead-Pharmacj game at 8:18. Jrs Hnui> Earl E. Fisher Files Wl ,need n' ore worklnK Chet Slovick. Aloha, F; Ron Whitworth, Beaverton. F; G ene Schaudt, Progress, C; A1 Rawson, Multnomah G; Dick For State Representative aaG* . at ?I,e81nt Senz, Beaverton, G. Subs Nick Kurlis, Forest Grove, M yron Baumber, Multnomah. Advice to Wage Workers I — __________ __________________________________________________ _____________ _ ________________ j Earl E, Fisher last week filed his Wage workers also need to lay up 1 _ reserves during the next two o r j Gordon Hughson Now IN T E R E S T IN G PROGRAM H ELD | intention of filing for State Repre- Cady-Barnes Marriage ; sentative on the Republican ticket three years as well as do their em- A t A1~L=. C L h CL A T KlW ANTS W EDNESDAY Vows Saturday for Washington County. His plat- ployers. Systematically save a por- loha r l X l t Shop The problems faced during 23 years ! form follow: Miss Maxin Cady, daughter of Mr. tion of your weekly wages. Some Gordon Call Hughson and wife and Mrs. Hillis Cady and Robert . I j with - ith t^e Vigorous action in building 4 lane t|je Salvation Army was the® the day you will be comfronted with a have settled in the Aloha district. Barnes, *son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry subject of the principal address be- 1 traffic on Canyon Highway from lot of unemployment. Now is the - i d° " _ j , °,vei Ca lls Eixit 'Barnes, were married in Bethel Con- f°rc the regulai weekly meeting of W'est Slope to Beaverton, Aloha- ^ y?u_ a" d , you! ! Shop, located in Aloha, and is putt- gregational church Saturday evening i Kiwanis Wednesday night delivered Huber, Reedville, Hillsboro, Forest pare for it and lay a reserve aside . . . .... n . ' nf> in all kinds of gas appliances by Rev. T. Arthur Dungan of Port- by Major Theodore Oldenberg, who Grove, thence to the county line of in bank accounts or Victory Bonds., tQ ae„ besides his ,a * n mQP^ el. and Don ° n t be content to build up only hig complete saw fiIing sh in whlch land. The bride was given in mar- heads the Salvation Army work in Gaston. This present stretch of highway Is money reserves When unemploy- he has an expert 8aw fl,Pr recom_ riage by her father. She wore a dress Portland. The Ladies provided a ment starts in again the least effi mended by Simmons Saw Co. of of white marquisette over white sa- , ham dinner which was enjoyed by the most congested dangerous 2 lane tin and carried a white orchid and j all. highway in Oregon; and we are not cient workers will be let go first. Portland. white prayer book. The matron of Leonard Adams acted as program going to await another 10 years— Those who show the most interest Hughson repairs washing ma honor, Mrs. John Cramer (nee Betty ! chairman for the meeting and Mrs. but demand action now! in, and knowledge ot their work we chines and other household appli Bonnet) wore a light blue dress and i Pat Murphy presented the club a will be kept and promoted. Ask ances. Mr. Hugson is a World War carried an ¿irmful of white flowers. I check for $50.00 to be used in the your boss to recommend some trade Veteran of th last war. Here is the butter situation today: Mr. John Barnes (a brother o f the j club's program for helping under paper to which you can subscribe groom) was best man. privileged children. The money was ®“ y <* C^ 11fe,ed h er1 *3° t0n hay and An orchestra composed of three gathered by the ladies to assist In ’ <m 111 ee w You know young ladies of the university; Miss this work. ; and *he pr0f‘ t8 knowledge in your head as well as TO MAY PR IM A R IE S Johnette King, the pianist, Miss ____________________ 1 " , ... _______ . , money in the bank. Among the first of the political stir- What About Inventories? Miss Sweeney, who taught here I try is the dairy business. J° In pie- „ . „ . „ I rings leading up to the May pri- Irene Clark cellist and Miss Marian The average retailer now is carry- | mariea was tho announcement last Saltness, the violin, plajed the wed- ln the high Bchooi was in Beaverton vious sessions of the Legislature we ing only a portion of the Items no- week ot Earl Fisher of Beaverton, ding march and during the recep visiting friends and also attending , were in the thick of the fight for mally carried. Moreove, the sup- ftllng fol. state Representative on the tion. the Cady-Barnes wedding. the dairymen and if elected— we Ushers were David Cady, brother piles of these Items are much ¡eS8 j republican ticket. It is expected that ! know what to do ln settling the but- of the bride, Earl Bolliger, John Cra Mr. and Mrs. W illis Cady gave a than normal. Putting these two next week wiI1 bring the announce- I ter question. factors together it will be seen that | ment of j 0 John80n> republican mer, jr., and Ernest Metcalfe. Aunts dinner for the bridal party on Friday Old Man Tualatin Am Rolling Those present were- Mr. ' Along but mighty slow! much more capital will be requlr- , incumbent throwing his hat in the of the bride-groom, Mrs. Ruth Bauk- evening. Washing us and Mrs. Metcalfe cut and served j and Mrs. Bolliger. Mr. and Mrs. King, ed to carry a normal inventory as race ton county never has had adequate T. . ___ __. . , , | the bridal cake. Pouring were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. inflation progresses Look at our lowlands to- p . >y many that H. G. j Margaret Fleetwood, Mrs. Howard J Cramer, Bob Barnes, Maxine Cady, 1 drainage. Certain big I day and many weeks hence— under have the reserves°to °'w ea th er T h " WlU fU* f ° r County CommiB' ' Fuller, Mrs. Harold Bnrnes, and Mr*, j David Cady, Ernest Metcalfe. water until too late In Spring to McCallum. “ Gamma Phi Beta" girls inflation storms but this Is not so plant many vaulable crops. The Mrs. Carrie Leonard is visiting with the small merchant or manu- W ord ha9 becn recelved here f j assisted during the reception also to clean up the with her son and wife and baby in time has arrived Tualatin and widen the channel to facturer. Many small stores ^ 1 the death of J W. Williams in Cali- I a " w " „ for the' Seattle beach for a week. some day be crowded out. This will fornla Mr. william s visited here < ? nd Mfrs' ^ arnes * ° r. retl rn to Glance Mrs. Malin (nee Mildred Yates) la uniform width of 50 feet not be due to “ bigness“ but because each fa„ over „ i for a few days, and will return to not be due to "bigness d u i Decause j eacb fall over a period of 4 years I a ICVV “ "n,, " " " »rn'miates was out to the Cady and Barnes at a map of Washington county— the large concerns are now saving ; with his daughter, Mrs. Margarette i weeding. -there are too many curves and their profit« and are paying small ; Lagerfeld and made many friend.s j from the U»>versity in June. wedding. ! crooks in the Tualatin River be- dividends while the little ones are bere- He was ninety-eight years old I tween Scholls and the City of Tu puling out all their profits for their j and always enjoyed good health, j alatin. To clean up this river and families to spend foolshly. J _________________ it’s branches we believe is a meri W EST IUL1.S torious program, which will remove iIX small Mary Jane Martyn To Rule church or the nazarene LU TH E R A N CHURCH a long time drainage handicap 459 S. W. First St. businessmen to store up reserves. During “Spring Reign Canyon Road, near Sylvan in the rich Tualatin valley and will Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor What I have said above to wage D t . A n n u a l H S p aopant Werner J. Fritz. Minister promote the best Interests of Wash 9;46 a. m. Sunday School. worker applies also to shopkeepers D l A n n u a l * » . ra gea n t February 24th ington county. H alf hour special musical program and little manufacturers. Now I s ! ^ b,_annual o lr , Reserve ing Sunday School 9:45 a. m. preceding classes. the time to spend money and hour pageant, the Spring Reign, will be Divine Service 11 a. m. 11 a. m. Morning worship. on study to become more ef^eient held ,n the Beaverton High Schooi Speaker Rev. S. Slefkes, President of Fish Market Wanted 6:30 P. M. Hi-N-Y and N.Y.P.S. In your own line. Of course, money audltorium March g at g p m the Northwestern District, Everyone At Beaverton 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. In the bank is always a goo re This event will consist of the coro- Wednesday, 7:30 P. M Rev. D. invited und welcome.- Your correspondent overheard a Ncwberg Defeated By ard and inventories are good re- natlon of the Gir, Re8erv.e y ueen Swarth, District Supt. of the Amert- PILG R IM L U T H E R A N CHURCH conversation Saturday that was ln- serves to have stored away. and a sem l-form al dance following can Indian District will show motion Earmington. ltd at Menlo, Beaverton terestlng two men were discussing Beaverton Hi Tuesday During the troublesome years that the ceremony. j petures, and still colored slides of the busines will some day encounter, Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor - business opportunities in Beaverton. Sponsored by the Girl Reserves, a work among the Indians. Beaverton broke a four game los other reserves than money or mer nation-wide high school girls service j Sunday School—9:45 a. m. They said: “ some lines of business _____ chandise will be needed. Looking organization, the colorful pageant Morning Service 11 a. m. were well represented.” One man ing streak on their own floor Tues M ETH O D IST CHURCH back over my 50 - years in active n has Saturday School in the morning at wished that a new fish market would day night by squeezing out a 25-23 ------------------------ , o o become ucvuiuc a u a u iu u u a cavri a tradition at i o Beaveiton. 4th and Watson Sts. 9:30. open up business ln this city—making victory over the luckless Newberg business. I am greatly impress &nd official announcement in 1944 Rev. Everett L. Bowers. Pastor The Walther League Winter Con- a specialty selling fish, clams, oys- tigers. with the relationhip between p >- tbg ceremony was given the title of Only smooth ball-handling on the ical reserves and business success. ••gpring R eign”. o-.r AarM n£ ? * :- .?f>6- ? ,oi| ,d'vay Mr„ ference Saturday to Sunday at Sal- | ter» and other sea foods in season. Unknown men who have the physi-j W e ir e r 'o T ’this year's crown will NanB0urquin Su'pt We are now p r o - , nion Creek, Wash. also handling a full line of smoked part of the visiting team enabled them to stay ln the chase, for the cal reserves to “ take the gaff- rath- be Mary Jane Martyn elected by the vidj c,j}88 ¡ „ . “ruction for all ages Walther League Social Sunday eve- salmon and other smoked fish, and Beavers held a 16-11 halftime bulge. salted fish in brine, with a complete er than the "brilban leaders^ student body vote, with Mary Pointer 10 55 A M. Morning Worship. Ob- ni^K aj ^ | 1(" ‘n)(, to ,lU Early ln the first period the locals stock of canned fish, oysters, clams, the ones who survive panics and | ^ Crown p rincess. The entire 3ervance of Laymen's Sunda> See and etc.,—In his opinion would be a built up a 6-2 lead, but two quick depressions. , court will consist of Mary Jane Mar- . in tbis nanei good new business opportunity at field goals by Spetdel knotted the I^-t's Not Forget Spiritual Reserves tyn Mary Pointei Ann Hoskins.: 7 30 P. M. Methodist Youth K- llow TH E V A L L E Y count and the scoreboard showed a Beaverton. COM M UNITY CHURCH I must say a word about a - - Dian Krleske. Evelyn Marsh. Mari- ship with Harold Von Reedon, loader. 7-7 tie at the first quarter mark. portant spiritual reserves. There 1- jyn p^nch, Shirley Cart, and M a r - j ______ U NITED P R E S B Y T E R IA N Beaverton was closely checked an old saying: "Troubles neve com* garet Harrison. B ETH EL SW_Gabel Lana at Fairway Dr.. |kav(.r, Io%„ 4lh stralght throughout the encounter, but New Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor singly.” When things are Koin*L Boys selected to act as escorts to; C O NG R EG ATIO N AL CHURCH It was the too-familiar story of berg could not sink enough lay-ins It Is easy to forget God and the the royai court during the eventngs Rev j q Dickey (Interim ) Pastor * i • ■ i 1 “<•> a. m too. much height against the Beav and long shots to take the lead at Church and Prayer. Then when program are Norman Toelle. Bruce j n piace Df Rev. Sturtevant until ers last Friday nlte, as they dropp anytime during the fray. troubles come we complain because p OWell, Jack O’Connor, Jack Ross, nex^ summer) H IG H W AY C H A PE L High point man of the evening ed a 29-26 decision to a towering we cannot quickly get that all‘ P °w' Jerry Moshofsky, Jack Grier and 9 45 a m. Church School, Miss Am Temporarily located upstairs ln the uinn Club, waa Harter with 11 points. McKnlght erful help from Faith for which we John McKnlght. irette Barns, Supt. Odd Fellows Hall .Beaverton The Lions, playing on their own and Whitworth each tallied 7. are so hungry. To enjoy sptrttuai Admission for the colorful pro- Adult class is studying Jesus. Orville J. Poulin, Minister floor, built up a 10-8 lead at half help in time of trouble, we must gram wiu be 75 cents for adults.35 j A m Sermon Topic: 'Why Sunday School 10 a. m. 1 one point of overtaking them op- build it up in our daily lives when cent8 ior children. ; Christianity?” ; Anthem by the choir. Morning worship 11 a. m. Elaine Hansen celebrated her 11th : ponents by the third period 15-1*. things are going welL Before go- ^ ----------------------- 6:30 p.m. Junior Pilgrim Fellowship West Linn's control of the back birthday at her home out Watson RE ED V IL L E COM M UNITY Remember How could | lir.. w l«i.or. boards and superior height were Ave. Twelve little girls In her class P R L S H Y T K R IA N CHURCH 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship, Mr. 1 : too much for the visiting squad, being present. A most enjoyable time ours Sermon on the Mount as told W e F o r g e t ! Rev. Hampton, Pastor Knepp, advisor. however. and despite a Beaver was had by all. in Matthew, Chapter 7: verses 24-29. j m. G. I Miss Jacqueline Thomas of Pacific 1 Sunday School 10 a. j rally late in the last frame the green Your state income tax return must university Is director of the young Geiger, Supt. Mrs. Rose Allen, a sister of Mrs. j and yellow consistently piled up Hetu, 1 InH net a fn ro A nnl 1 G I J ____ _ . __ R E PO R T ON MARCH OF DIMES be . # filed on o or r h before April 15 V c p l e s work under the auepPes of . _______ Worship who has been visiting at her Service 11 a. m. enough points to maintain’ their 2-3 COLLECTION For your convenience ln filing the ^ ReligioU8 Education Committee. home for some time has returned Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. ^ point advantage. A total of $56138 was collected return, a State income tax auditor wlu be preseht Sunday. Smith was high point man of the to her home In Eureka. California. from the Beaverton district for the will be at the Beaverton City Hall ------- L A T T E R -D A Y SAINTS affair with 11 counters and Harter Franclne Claire, infant daughter of March of Dimes program for the I ebruary 2T7, from 8 30 a. m to 5^00 CHURCH OF CH RIST American Legion Hall I of Beaverton a close second with 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Krleske. for Infantile P m No charge will be made for Second and Main Sts. Beaverton National Foundation Main St., Hillsboro, Ore. Lineup: Whitworth (8>-F; Harter Ellis Ave., Beaverton, was christened I the service. George W. Springer, Pastor Paralysis. Sunday School at 10 a. m. (10) F; MrKmght <6) C; Bigg! (2) at West Hills Lutheran Church. 9 *5 a. m. Morning worship and The schools made a very good Sacrament meeting 6:30 p. m. | G; Ross (2) G. Thursday evening, the Rev. Werner Mr. Shunk. who has been ill for preaching service. showing with Beaverton High School Elder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch J. Fritz, officiated. lea d in g the parade with $19173 The some time, is again able to be out Topic: “The Sufficiency And Pow Brest. CARD OF TH A N K S Grade School followed closely with on the street. er Of The Scripture” Mrs. Chas. Slmson, S. W Canyon Following the sermon the Lord’s AI/OIIA COM M UNITY CHURCH $111.« Cooper Mountain echool ac^ Mr8 S|nUh R daughter of Mr and We wish to express our sincere Lane, entertained the West Hills Lu thanks and appreciation to all our counted tor ** V " 1 a* M arys of Mr> Hunkapillal and hpr . supper ■ ved. Graydon D. Loree, Paator theran Missionary Guild at a lunch friends and neighbors who were so eon Tuesday. February 12, In honor Sunday School 9 5Ô a. m. the Valley for »1X53. » „ have returned to their home in Win- Bible School Class session 11 00 A. The Beaverton drive for funds was 1 Texa- M. kind and generous to ua during our of Mrs. Lee Webster, past-president. M rry Antrim. Supt. sponsored/by the Beaverton P.-T. A. i ' . Christian Endeavor 6 30 P. M. recent bereavement and for the many Mrs. Webster received a lovely cor Morning worship 11 a m. which appointed Mrs Tony Bozich Do not forKet th« c* rd Party ln I Evening worship service with spe- beautiful floral tributes to our loved] sage. Evening service 7:30 p. m and Mrs A. W. Beguln as workers the Masonic Temple Saturday night f |ll mu8ic by tbe orchestra at 7 30 one. The Beaverton Theatre collected A good time and refreshments are ^ The American Legion Junior Aux ALO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD Mre. C. R. Simmons and family. »82 40 which was sent direct to the promised. Midweek Bible study and prayer iliary held their February meeting Wheeler Avenue National headquarters but this am- Mrs. Dooher snd Mrs. Boswell ^ rvic e Thursday 8 00 P M The Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, A shower was given Miss Maxin Wednesday at the home of their ad ount Is credited In the total. are both absent from their teach- t0pi0 win b« “Sin” . Cady on Saturday evening by the visor, Mrs. f*rudenoe Norris. Acting paator ---------------------- tng positions due to illness. Mrs. ------- The girls sent Valentines to their ladles aid In the Congregational 10 a m Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs Meadows bought a Mills and Mrs. Christiansen are sub- ST. C EC ELIA CHURCH 11 a. m. Morning worship. church parlors. She received a lot of adoptee. James Mltz. a patient at the new home on th# highway last weak, atitutlng for them Maeaea » 25 and 10:35. Veterans Hospital. 7:S0 p. m Evangelistic servies. beautiful gifts. SUND A Y IN THE CHURCHES S ?