B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E Friday, F ebruary 15, 1946______ BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE You Want 4 call P ublished F riday o f each w eek by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, O regon. E ntered as seeoad-claas m at­ ter at the p ostoffice, Beaverton, Ore. Subscription Payable in A dvance One Y ea r...... ........ .................... ...........$1.0# B eaverton O ffic e —Enterprise Bldg ; Phone Beaverton 2321 P ortlan d O ffice — 30* Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater «581 BEAVER PLUMBING A HEATING CO. Heaters, Pumps, Srptlc Tanks, etc. UKAVKK PLUMBING A HEATING CO. 0REc]o©Nt^s/m* P ublishers In Bodies Of Glory IF IT ’S PLUM BING Stanley W . N etherton, Publisher First and Main, S i a t i on gives us a glim pso o f R esurrection Morn. W ith a shout. He Is to raise those o f His w ho are in the grave His then living are also to '>c caught Y ou see the old people gather in u p - W c shall not all sleep, out we the chapell for their Sunday Ser­ shall all be changed and com e into vice. Many are gray and feeble; our bodies o f g lory .—B IB L E . The som e are helped in by the nurses and centuries pass and then com es Ju d g ­ others sh u ffle in alone. M any a r e 1 ment Day when Christ is to raise the hard o f hearing and the aged wom an { lost. Such as denied that He died up fron t is stone blind. for their sins. A n d what Bible top ic will best fit W hich for y o u ? R esurrection with here with so m any present w h o are the saved or to go on to Judgm ent soon to pass o n ? Best to tell them Day and w oe? o f Christ and R esurrectiton and the j new bodies o f glory. G o back to the j day when Christ raised back to life | his friend Lazarus who had been | McCheaney R d. Pertiand, O regon dead until the flesh was in decay. It was then that Christ tnam ed H im ­ This space paid fo r by a Seattle self the resurrection and the life. He fam ily. Beaverton ( O nions have been cultivated from i time im m em orial arc repiesented on E gyptian m onum ents. F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H airy Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf DON'S SPORT SHOP F orm erly (B eaverton Sporting G oods) PORTABLE ARC W K LIH hO ACKTYLHNE WFJ.Dr.NO AN D B U R N IN ® A New Service W e are now sharpening Lawn- m ow ers with our brand new Ideal law n m ow er sharpening m achine. A L O H A 6523 M. N. W E ISE N B A C K North Wheeler Ave., Aloha Complete Model Airplane Supplies including Gas Motors, Balsa Wood, Pre- W ar Rubber Bands (deal C le a n e rs Phene 2622 S I L L S S in si IL S to t New SILLS A Foundations for your Homo G. E. SILLS General Building Repairs and Remodeling 151 Cedar Street, Beaverton Why not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLEAN­ ERS. W hen in Beaverton you stop Visit Don’s Sport Shop OU R M O T T O : F arm ington R oad, next to P egg ’s GOOD SERVICE GOOD CLEANING SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 4 Days Service Carl's FIXIT Shop 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton ALOHA, OREGON 1 — —------ -------------— Gas Appliances Repaired and Sold SPORT FANS...Here It Is! Saws Filed and Gummed THE GAME OF THE TEAR I .awn Mowers Sold & Repaired TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER o • Beaverton Pharmacy Juniors Dick Kokich All American Redheads STOVE AND DIESEL OIL vs. Teacher of W O R L D ’S G IR L S M ODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION M etered O il Service DBI.IVEKDD CH AM PIO N S and Accordions for Rent ' Available to play far Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & . Howett Rd., W est Slop«, Ore. HILLCREST GROCERY Beaverton Pharmacy Seniors 11192 SW Capitol Hiwy vs. | Pip« and Products Co. 1st GAME 7:16 P. M. Oregon Mutual rolieles are NON- A SSU M AB LE . You N E V E R png mere than the premium en the fnee of tke policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the eurplus required by Oregon Insurance La we. * EnUtled REDHEADS 8:15 P. M. i T i I FOR s i * 6 of Chicago, Illinois in Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMMVNVlLLE Organise« ISM— «Syre. i ef Reliable Service 31 Chas. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “Every Form of Protection" s Phone 1732 !!! Hillsboro, Oregon Miscellaneous Items: Lucita Towel Bars House Numbers Medicine Cabinets > , Hand Saws Poultry Netting Chrome Edgings Chrome cabinet hardware Acme Sash Balancers Red blend and Green 3 tab Asphalt Shingles j uh “ SURE, it’s not only a smart f.rnily but a grand family, too. Look at them — having fun! ^That’s John Smart— the father— 'making like Nelson E d d y ; that’s 'Joan— the mother at the piano. And the kids— Tom, home front service and now at college — ane, she’s in high school— and lal— look at him, now— he’» tinging ear from ear— and him ao serious when he’s on Safety Patrol. Yep— they have more fun and more friends— and in all ray years on this beat— I ’ve never had to worry when people come out of that house— they don’t have to have any alcoholic stim­ ulation to have a grand time. Phone Beaverton 3201 C. A. B A K K E N , Mgr. Notice to Residents -o f- Tisard and Beaverton DRY BLOCK & SLAB WOOD For Immediate Deliveries CALL GABFIELD 9314 WRIGHT FUEL COMPANY rjL-J. 4224 S. E. 62nd Ave. Thursday evening, February 21 at 8 o’clock The P ublic is C ordially invited Radiocast over Station KWJJ :...=m=" “Rototill” THIS Spring i Doing the work of PLOW-DISK and HARROW IN ONE OPERATION C « a n m , Ì.JLX.O. FILBERTS Plant RICH & SONS guaranteed Filberts for best results Digging is completed and we have several thou­ sand in surplus in sizes 5-6’. 4-5’, 3-4’ and 2*3’. WRITE or PHONE HILLSBORO 3011 40 page color catalog of complete line of Nursery stock soon available. “ THE WORLD'S WONDER TOOL” ROTOTILLERS are made in several sizes and models. Special attachments are b e ­ ing developed for furrowing, hilling, covering, mowing and many other important labor saving uses > » * Place Your Order N ow RICH & SONS Nursery Dept. ” E" KELLY MOTOR CO. Tualatin Hiway > t r A CARLOAD IS COMING 4 miles east of Hillsboro on Cornell Road HILLSBORO. OREGON -”r , THE CHURCH EDIFICE <11=111=91113111=111=111=1)1=111=1,|H ,I Come in and See I s. KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. I > A WILL B. DAVIS, C. S. M em ber o f the B oard o f L ectureship o f T he M other Church, T he First C hurch o f Christ, Scientist, In Boston, M assachusetts. * GRAND NI ô H* it4o V A n n ou n ce« “Christian Science: The Divine Plan for Meeting Human Needs” THE SMART FAMILY Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SURANCE COSTS Ore. A FREE LECTURE ON C H RISTIAN SCIENCE AT. 88*4 M mmu M ì Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, S Beaverton Hi Gym Admission 751 SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D EALER 5819 SVV Macadam Ave., Portland, 1, Oregon SBIIUSIIISnislllSIUSIIIsUISilUBIlISlllsHIEll SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 “Concrete” PH. 1313 B. R. STBVkNS HiUsboro Town Team • • • S E P T IC T A N K S Repaired e West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO Portland Concrete Washing Machines 7 * Beaverton §