Rev. George O’Keefe Back on Visit ad to present th e sam e to the under­ lin ed duly verified, w ithin si* m onths from the d ale and publica- „ion of th is notice. JAY GIBSON Father O’K eefe of Salem w as In B eaverton first of th e w eek greetin g A dm im atrtator ^ COUNTY OK W ASHINGTON ¡friends. F irst Security Bank. Beaverton, Ore. J Prior to accepting the position at D ate of first publication, Jan. 2^ ¡Salem F ather O'Keefe served the & UNION HIGH SCHOOL. 1946. J D ISTRICT NO. 10 JOINT, j Beaverton parish 1933-’45. D ate of last publication Feb. 22, ft W ashington and M ultnom ah counties H e inform ed us th at he and h is 1946. m other Mrs. O’K eefe, have had a NOTICE IS H E R E !;Y GUVBM that, i touch of flu sin ce C hristm as, but '" at the School D istrict Bond E la tion both are recovering. hereby called, to be held at the j S | Beaverton U nion H igh School Build- | Ida and Bill Build R ing, In and for School D istrict No . 10 ft Joint, W ashington and M ultnomah New Greenhouse f t 1 Counties, Oregon, that on the Tw enty- 1 Ida and Bill are building another * 1............... ‘ “ * ‘ ~ 1946. I green house about sam e cap acity as p. m. their first one just E ast of B eaverton be sub- on Canyon H ighw ay the tw o g la ss thereof the buildings w hen com pleted, w ill form bonded in- a "T” and w ill be com pleted in tim e »260,000.00 j ; for the 1946 plant and flow er bual- funds j ! ness. __________ build- equip- | TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY to the j present building, to provide separate I OIL Queen incubator, 500 capacity; buildings and equip sam e on property galvanized feed in g hoppers, all owned by th e union high school dis­ sizes. Ed Young, 3 mi. NW B eav­ trict num ber 10 Joint, W ashington erton, near B arnes school. 2 £ and M ultnom ah Counties, Oregon, in ft i and for said school district. T R A D E — For registered heifer . The vote to be by ballot upon equai quality R egistered Jersey 9 1 which shall be the w ords "BONDS bull dropped July 12. ’45. Sire Flll- YES" and "BONDS NO”, and the pail Goldenrod D esign Dans. Gold­ ^ .v o t e r s shall place a cross (X ) he­ , voters be­ en Blusher Oxford R osa. Apply ft I tw een the w ords "BONDS" and the | L. H. Braw and C abinet Shop or ft | word “YES", or betw een the words | Phone CH. 2929. 2 HALF-PRICE S A L E I ft I “BO ND S” and th e word "NO", w hich- P A I N T I N G ft ever in dicates his choice, E xterior and Interior W ork ft I The polls for the reception of the Free estim ates—w ork guaranteed ft | ballots cast for or again st the con- REFERENCES 5 | traction of 9aid indebtedness will, I MILTON R. D R A K E ft I on said day and date and at the Garden H om e, Oregon ft [ place aforesaid, *be opened at the B eaverton 2794 OH- 1826 ft hours of 2 o’clock p. m. and rem ain | 2 1 open until the hour of 7 o’clock p. m. on the sam e day .at w hich hour the sam e shall be closed. By order of th e d istrict school ' LiTtOH. board of School D istrict N um ber 10 Joint W ashington and M ultnomah U S U A L L Y $2 Counties .Oregon, m ade th is 21st day of January, 1946. | FOR A LIMITED TIME W. D. CAM ERON, Chairman, U nion H igh School D is- j ONLY —^1«* trict N um ber 10 Jt. W ash ington and t § '” !M ultnom ah Counties, Oregon. • • Helps battle wind burn, ■ ATTEST: E L E A N O R ZU R C H ER J S WE DELIVER FREE OF CHARGE TO TIGARD, BEAVERTON BEDROOM S UI T E < 0 0 .5 0 CONVENIENT TERMS DOROTHY GRAY • Beautifully Grained Full Clustery Double Bed WcitWr • Large, Roomy Four-Drawer Chest • Gorgeous Vanity with S Heavy Plate-Glass Mirror r '* 4 Beaverton!® CITY CLEANERSl & DYERS| 1 r 9 MW-' ;• f • Matching Nightstand Is Optional at I# $9.95 f? Y 9 Companion Matching Bench Optional at r^L Clerk, U nion H igh School D istrict 1 ft No. 10 Jt. W ash ington and Multno- ft ] mah C ounties, Oregon, ft j D ate of F irst P ublication Feb. 8, ft 1 1946. ft I D ate of L ast Publication Feb. 22, ^ 11946. NOTICE OF A D M IN ISTR A TO R ’S SALE N o. 6678 IN T H E COUNTY COURT O F T H E STATE OF OREG ON FO R T H E ! COUNTY OF W A SH ING TO N ^ In the m atter o f the E sta te of Etta ft I May T allm an D eceased ^ I Pursuant to an order of H onorable H. D. K erkm an, Judge of the County Court far W ash ington County, Orc- : gon, m ade and entered the 5th day i ] of January, 1946, in the esta te of Etta May T allm an, deceased, I w ill 1 on and a fter F ebruary 11th, 1946, offer for sale at private sale for cash | i to the h ig h est bidder th erefor the j follow ing real and personal property, j to-wlt: North tw o acres o f Ix>t F ive <5>,| in SPEN CER HOM ESTEAD, tow nship One (1) South, of R ange One (1) W est, of the W il­ lam ette M eridian, W ashington County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof, except rights of the public to any portions thereof lying w ithin the boundaries of roads and h ighw ays; H ousehold goods in the dweNing on the above-described property. Bids w ill be received by the under­ signed at the o ffice of L otus L. Langley, 1124 Board of Trade B uild­ ing, P ortland 4, Oregon. Said sale will be subject to con firm ation of the above-m entioned Court. L E S T E R D. TALLM AN A dm inistrator de bonis non of the esta te of E tta M a y Tallm an. deceased. LOTUS L. LANGLEY, A ttorney for A dm inistrator, 1124 Board of Trade Bldg., P ortland 4. Oregon. D ate of first publication Jan. 11, 1946. D ate o f last publication Feb. 8, 1946 1 NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R S In the m atter o f the esta te of K at­ herine Block, deceased, the County Court of the State of Oregon for W ash ington County has appointed the undersigned A dm inistrator of said es­ ta te and all persons having claim s again st said esta te are hereby requir- 1 $6.95 Beav. 2773 c h a p p i n g , skin dr yi ng. Filmy, non - sticky powder base and soothing after-the- bath lotion. Put plenty on the shelf-NOW ! D ry C leaning is not enough. It requires R e V italizing W E GIVE DEAN S DRUG STORE PH O N E B E A V E R T O N 3774 "Double Green Stam ps on all prescriptions filled here.’’ VV S. & H. GREEN STAMPS B eaverton M eth odist Church 4th and Watson Sts. P hon e 3695 E V E R E T T L. BO W ER S, P astor M orning W orship 10:55 a. m. Church School 9:45 a. m. Race Relations-Sunday SER M O N : “P R E J U D IC E S MUST GO." A cordial w elcom e aw aits all who attend. House Cleaning Time ■■■ Annually brings to mind the need for certain replacements, substitutions or additions in the household furnishings. This year—more so than those past this condi­ tion is true. Your furniture has taken a lot of wear along with everything else. WE WANT TO HELP YOU-. An excellent selection oi upholstered living room suites awaits you here Ritz Theatre BEAVERTON Tel. 2482 P v z 'v u i h in g . hone Show s every N igh t 7 to 11:30 R EG U LAR P R IC E S Children 16c A dults 40c Special Saturday M atinee 1:30 Show ch an ges Sunday 1:30, 4, 6:30. 9 Feb. 6 to 9—Wed. to Sat. E vening M EDAL FOR B E N N Y D orothy Lamour. A de Cordova Zom bies on Broadw ay W ally Brown, Lugosi, N ew s Serial M onster and the Ape rJ'H IS is another one of those outstanding FURNITURE VALUES for which our furniture department has become justly famous. It’s a real opjKjrtunity for you to buy a handsome modern Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suite at a splendid saving — and on the easiest terms. We suggest an early Saturday—B argain M atinee— Feb. 9 B R ID E BY M ISTAK E visit to our furniture department, as we have only a limited number of these Show con tinu ous Sunday only 1:30 p. m at regular prices. -1 Feb. 10 to VS—Sunday to Tuesday S Fu rniture D ept., D o w n stairs Location Y O U R I X T R A S A V I N G S ARK SAN ORKKN STAMPS WHEN BUY NIKI YOU -A th e w ea v er t o n BROADW AY AT WATSON !t«W cvr :-r ^ ^ ' '§ ~ H'M, I r.; r ; SS2 ^.’2; ■ t1 P hon e 3691 C H R IST ’S Saturdav—B argain M atinee— Feb 16 H IG H E R A H IG H ER F rank Sinatra S eria l—M onster and the Ape Cut thte out for F uture R eference EM ANCIPATIO N PROCLAMATION “If the Son »hall m ake you free, ye «hall he free indeed. ” Jn. 8:36 T he proclam ation of Abraham Lincoln freein g the slaves w as and Is the best new s ! KeK IS to |6 _ \Y e d . to s a t Even. IN C E N D IA R Y BI.O N O E TECHNICO LOR B etty H atton . Barry Fltagerald C harles R u ggles In th e Public Eye. Cartoon and New* ' 1 # m lo/ud cow ls w it/i fuuu4£ B oogie W oogte—Cartoon and New* • A W o n d e rfu l O ifi to G lvo ‘ HER” fo r V alentinos ¡REMEMBER B from C H R ISTM A S IN CONNECTICUT S , Barbara S tan w yck 4k D ennis M • 353 5 L E O N A R D C. JOHNSON. P astor suites to sell at this special price. All three pieces — Bed. Chest and Vanity — priced at only $99.50. • Mall O r d e r s P rom ptly Filled J WI/IVVIA* It L l t l V l t the colored m an could ever have received. T h is proclam ation of Jesu s how ever, a f­ fects all colors and creeds- for all men are chained by sin. T here is no legislation of man that can do i t It is the H ave you been set free? L eonard C. Johnson. P asto r gift of God. tt s .