F1RST—God the Father. For his own glory the Father wills whatever comes to pass. Even the sparrows, Yes. Electricity- lights the room. for Jesus said—“Not one of them is It is light. And electricity runs the forgotten in the sight of God." BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE washing machines It is power. Then N EXT—God the Son He Is Christ, Stanley W. Netherton, Publisher I you plug in the iron and have heat. our La>rd. Whatever . the Father Three wills, Christ the Son brings to pass. Published Friday of each week by the It is light, power and heat. So is electricity. Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, in one. This helps us see God thru the eye He created ana upholds the universe Oregon. Entered as second-class mat­ KNOW Of the Bible. The BIBLE tells of God and is the owner ..thereof. ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore. the Father God the Son and God the YOUR BIBLE. By the wtll of the Holy Spirit. Not three Gods but | Subscription Payable in Advance One Year — $1.00 One God as seen in three ways. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, February 8, 1946 Three In One Beaverton O ffice—Enterprise Bldg, j Phone Beaverton 2321 ! Quate to provide all necessary educa- Portland Office--30* Panama Bldg, tlonal advantages for our children. Parks and recreational facilities 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6501 must be Included in the plans for a well-rounded civic life. We must not forget all such im -! provements are costly and a well de­ O r [do@N U s u r e r veloped municipality must weigh the P u b l i s h e r s ' 4 is^cfdi a t i o r burden of required taxation so that “the tail never wags the dog.” The D og’s Tail “No wage is too high that Is earn- ed.”—Henry Ford. j Many and complex are the problems “The logical way to do it is to see ! confronting a small city. With a •ur free enterprise system works.”— j growth in population all of the fa­ Wenatchee Journal. cilities conductive to public safety, health, education and community “Ag riculture wants to be on a sell­ advancement must be considered and supporting basis not dependent upon provided for. government.”- -Albert S. Goss, Mas­ A rapidly growing tawn must of ter, National Grange. necessity provide streets suitable for handling an increased number of TO IMPROVE OUR people. Lighting must be adequate to provide comfort and protection. HER VICE Public health is the primary factor Oscar Edlund, a Journeyman with and the two most neceasury functions 20 years experience has joined of a city are to ..provide sufficient our firm. quantities of good water and proper sewage disposal. These are MUST S T U A R T ’S issues and cannot be disregarded. | Without them a city will be stopped ELECTRIC SERVICE in its tracks. We must not forget MAINTENANCE, REPAIRING, one of the primary reasons for the WIRING, MOTOR WORK growth of outlying sections is the at­ traction of the ..freedom and more Temporary Phone healthful surroundings possible la a AJXMIA «161 well organized small town. Schooling facilities must be adc- f ! Three in One, Father, Christ the Son tasted death God the Holy Spirit. | equal in power and glory and waiting for every man. to give you victory for here and now ALSO—God the Holy Spirit. When and eternal Ufe for the ages to come. Christ had died for our sins and had -O Happy Day that fixed my choice ascended back to glory. He sent God on Thee, my Saviour and my God. the Holy Spirit to convict us of our lost state. We go on lost until we possess Christ, the Lamb of God. slain for our sins. McChesney Rd. Portland, Oregon A mystery. Three Persons in One. This space paid for by a Seattle family God the Father ,God Bie Son and I javaj i Make Your Reservations For FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS----- T TO BE î S I L L S See SILLS for New SILLS Si Foundations for your Home G E. SILLS General Building Repairs and Remodeling 151 Cedar Street, Beaverton West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO Dick Kokich COM PLETED APRIL 1 Teacher of ECONOMY GROCERY MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studi* Canyon & Howett Rd., West Slope, Ore, I CHAS. A GFNEVIEVE STUBBS I Aloha 6112 Aloha, Oregon I «= IIIE IIlE H I= IH H III= lll= IM £ liI= lil= lllH IIIE II1 2 IU = lii= ll!= lll5 U ß AT HOME... Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, A FREE LECTURE ON C H R ISTIA N SCIENCE NOW.. Entitled We can come to your HONE and clean your UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE « Christian Science: The Science of Soul, God” ill DR. JOHN M. TUTT C. S. B. Using Regular Plant Methods at of Kansas City, Missouri Portland Prices NO TRAN SPORTATION CHARGES W ork by experienced men all work fully guaranteed Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. In the CIVIC AODITOBIUM CallEAst 1 9 3 3 S. W . Third Avenue and Clay Street Tuesday evening, February 12, at 8 o’clock H. W. RAND - 1553 SE Miller St. Portland The Public is Cordially invited ftl=lll=lll=lll=lll=IU=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIEIII=lll=li;£lll=llfHIII=lll=ttl=lll=m 5lll5m £IH3inSIIIEin W e have a good supply o f: Outside White Paint Pur« Boiled Linseed Oil Kimsul Roll Insulation 4 in Concrete drain tile Red blend 3 in 1 Asphalt Roof Shingles Texolite “330” cold Water Paint WI LLAMET T E VALLEY R A I N F A L L AVERAGE I NC HE S FIÍ ma 4 P R E C I P I T A T I O N I N I NC H E S Am V 1! MAT BY ' JULY JU N 4 * MONTHS AUG .. * SEPT OCT NOV DEC ’ ' • • - ■V • K1NGSLEY-BEAVERT0N LUMBER CO. Phone Beaverton 3201 . . * « ♦ ? C. A. B A K K E N , Mgr. # ♦ ♦ « .♦ _ * • * • Notice to Residents -of- Tieard and Beaverton • I IE U s REGULAR ARMY OFFERS TO MEN BETWEEN 17 and 34 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 18 M O N T H S 24 M O N T H S 36 M O N T H S «♦ . ♦ ♦, » A . * WRIGHT FOIL COMPART KNLINT FOR: - .... V ♦ . * ... For Immediate Deliveries CALL GARFIELD 9314 A cadem ic ♦ » - ♦ ♦ • ’ » e ». DRY BLOCH i SLAB WOOD Vocational Ore. Annaunree You wouldn’t send your floors out to be cleaned?... “The Hild Process” For FREE Estimates GET YOUR PRIORITY How’ about your subscription? Trade Taitlrm A Living Allowance* FOR: 30 M O N TH S 36 M O N T H S 48 M O N TH S I p T* S800.ee PKR SCHOOL W A R FOR TUITION end LAB FFF.M SSA.ee (single) SMI ne (merrled) IVr Month Living A B o w n n s Enlist Now in the REGULAR ARMY 614 S W 11th Avenue or Victory Center, Portland ------------- ,---------------------------------------— --- ' * • . • * ■ Why IRRIGATION is a Big Business in the Willamette Valley Irrigation is a big business in the Willamette Valley. But it is destined to grow bigger— much bigger. When you look at the above chart showing the average annual rainfall by m onthsjn the Willamette Valley, you realize some amazing facts which upset popular beliefs about Oregon's climate. For instance, we think o f the Willamette Valley as having a rainy climate—as being a “ Green Land,” and we do have a heavy rainfall in the winter months. But we have a corresponding deficiency o f rainfall in the six summer months. Look at these figures showing the average rainfall in the Willamette Valley by months (45-year average): WET MONTHS October................... 3.81 November............ December............. Januars................ February.............. March \............... DRY MONTHS April................. May.................. June.................. July................... August ............ ..............45 Saptember......... 32.41 10.27 4 What do these figures mean? They mean that the verdure you see in the summertime is mostly tree*— both evergreen and deciduous. They mean that Oregon is particularly well adapted to growing trees or tree crops because trees can send their roots deep enough to get moisture; and for seed crops which the dry summer months aid in ripening. But for pasture, for green beans, for berries, and vegetables, and various other crops, late spring and summer irrigation is an essential. Irrigation increases pasture yields by as much as 9 to 1. Tomatoes, string beans, and many other vegetables show increased yields o f severaf hundred per cent when irrigated. Such increases in production resulting merely from the addition ot water show the remarkable opportunities that exist for improving both the quantity and quality o f our agricul­ tural products through irrigation. PCiL is calling public attention to irrigation in the W illamettc \ alley because it is one o f the region’s greatest opportunities for creating new wealth that will benefit all o f us who live and work here. PGE plans to do a lot ol talking about this and other opportunities which exist for making more profitable our agriculture, manu­ facturing, retail business and home living. Nor dives PCiL stop at merely “ talking up” the area it serves. PGE believes in doing, too. It pioneered, for instance, many o f the applications o f electric power to the jo b o f irrigation now in use on Willamette Valley farms. Its rural service men, experts in their field, are constantly at work advising farmers who seek more profitable wayi o f operating. Through lls agricultural servlet department PGE offers a fr ee consultation and advisory service on Irrigation and other operations applying e k e trick y to the farm . P O R T L A N D GENERAL ELECTRIC C O M P A N Y