The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, February 01, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Farm Land Values
Are High in the U. S.
Farmers Urged to give
pacific Fruit Express to
Winter Care of Implements Add 2,000 New Cars
Schnectady. Feb. 1—Farm land
values are high, and “In the United
States as a whole they are 57 per
cent above 1940” , Dean J. E. Carrl-
gan of the college of agriculture. Uni­
versity of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.,
declared In a General Electric Farm
Forum address here over WOY.
“It is very important now to be
careful about long-time investments
In farm land,” Dean Carrlgan point­
ed out.
“This is especially true If
you cannot pay cash and have to
shoulder a heavy mortgage. ’’
One pretty good rule to follow Is to
look back over the past 30 years,
and “if It is a dairy farm you are
buying, get the average price of milk
ofver this period and figure that is
a good Index of what the price may
be during the next 30 years,” he said.
According to Dean Carrigan there
are other things to take into account,
as follows:
Is the soil fertile?
Find out the
crop production.
Are the fields relatively large and
free from stones?
Is the. farm located on an all-
season road to markets?
Is the farm large enough to use
labor and machinery efficiently and
to keep enough cows or other in-
member of the Cabinet.
She is
It will take several years for far­
Marjorie Ringham. a senior at
Arbor Rose Bobbie's Pansy 99185. a
Purchase of 2.000 new railroad re­
President of the Womens’ Athletic
mers to obtain all of the new ma­ frigerator cars at a cost of about Brown Swiss Cow owned by Albert Jamestown
College und the daugh­ Assn, and a member of the Spanish
chinery needed for replacement and 312.000. 000 has been authorized for Meier, Beaverton. Oregon, recently- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ringham Club, International Relations Club,
expansion, states Cate Motor Com­ Pacific Fruit Express Company by completed a record of 13.277.4 lbs of Beaverton, was one of the six and Jimmy Janes.
She is a vice-
pany, Forest Grove, Ferguson Sys­ its joint owners. Southern Pacific j milk. 537 56 lbs butter-fat. according Jamestown
College students chosen president of the Watson House Coun­
tem dealer here. In sounding a warn- i and Union Pacific railroads .it was 1 to a report received from the Sec re for Who's Who Among Students in cil, was vice-president at the Jun­
ing on winter care of tractor and im­ I announced yesterday.
1 tary of the Brcvwn Swiss Cattle American Colleges and Universities.
ior Class and served for two years
plements with a view toward longer
Marjorie is president of the Janies- on the Panhellento Council.
The new cars will have latest de- i Breeders Assn. Beloit, Wis.
| vices to make them the most mod-
This is one of the five highest ; town College Student Association, the jorie is an English major and earns
He pointed out that all manufac­ iern cars of their type in the world, records made by a senior two year second woman in history to serve in part of her college expenses as an as­
turers are rushing tractors and var­ 1 according to K. V.
She has been an ac­ sistant in the Physical Education
Plummer, vice old Brown Swiss Cow in 365 days on that capacity.
tive member of the YWCA and is a Department.
ious types of equipment to dealers president and general manager of twice a day milking.
everywhere as production increases, Pacific Fruit Express
Other cows in the Meier herd that
but that the serviceability of mach­
Last year, despite
car builders' have recently completed records are:
inery now in use can be maintained difficulties, the company obtained Mollie of Arbor Rosee 78803. Ramona
by the following helpful suggestions: delivery at 1.000 new cars, costing
Arbor Rose 91170 and Arbor Rose
Keep the battery clean, the term­ 35.296.000, to help haul an all-time ' i of
Daisy 102851. Mr. Meier has develop­
inals greased, the ceils filled with 1 record volume of perishables. This
clean distilled water.
The charge in | all-time volume is expected to be ap­ ed one of the highest producing
the battery should be maintained by proximated again in 1946. Hope is Brown Swiss herds on the Pacific
that most of the 2.000 additional cars Coast
The New Building located at
come-producing units to give a man will be delivered in time to help
Cate Motor Co. suggests that a hot
his living, pay the interest ar.d prin­ speed the next fall and winter crops
engine be allowed to cool gradually
to market.
cipal. and leave a reserve?
before filling with cold water.
In what condition are the build­
freezing weather let the engine cool
running the engine or taking it to a off a bit before draining the water.
in Aloha, Oregon, will be Completed, and
J service station for re-charging when
Is there a good water supply?
If in doubt about the care of your
What are the social and civic fa-
machinery contact Mr. Cate at For­
Never store the battery on a est Orove for suggestions.
cltitlties such as schools, churches, time.
recreational and trading centers, etc. concrete floor or In a damp place.
Meier’ s Cow Completes
Honor Roll Record
Marjorie Ringham Among
** a W 'no”
Main Hiway and Vista Avenue
Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS
Oregon Mutnal Policies are NON- ASSF.S8AIUE. You NEVER pas-
more than the premium on the face of the policy.
Oregon Mutual
maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon
Insurance Laws.
IUTH” was the subject of
the Lesson-Sermon in all
Churches of Christ, Scientist, on
Sunday, January 27.
The Golden T e x t was, "The
Lord is good; his mercy is ever­
lasting; and his truth endureth
to all generations.” (Ps. 100:5).
Among the citations w h i c h
comprised the Lesson-S e r m o n
was the following from the Bible:
“And the Word was made flesh,
and dwelt among us, (and we be­
held his glory, the glory as of
the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth. For the
law was given by M o s e s , but
grace and truth came by Jesus
Christ." (John 1; 14, 17).
The Lesson-Sermon a l s o in­
cluded the following corielatlve
passages from the C h r i s t i a n
Science textbook, “ Science and
Health with Key to the Scrip­
tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “The
Word was made flesh.’ Divine
Truth must be known by its ef­
fects on the body as well as on
the mind, before the Science of
being can be
Hence its embodiment in the in­
carnate Jesus,— that l i f e - l i n k
forming the connection through
which the real reaches the unreal,
Soul rebukes sense, and Truth
destroys error.” (p. 350).
Will be available April 1st
Applications for Lockers will be taken at
Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company
M c M i n n v i l l e
Organized 1894—40 y r*. of Reliable Service
Chas. L. Walker, Agent
Phone 1732
New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave.
Hillsboro, Oregon
“ Every Form of Protection"
No Orders Sunday, Feb. 10
Southern Pacific is happy to announce that plans are under way for the v
Lei ut moke your outer gar-
merit* (even your umbrella)
' resistant to rain, fog, snow
between Portland and San Francisco
, and moisture. The very
best insurance against get­
ting "soaked to the skin" in
stormy w eather. SE C C O
weatherproofing is safe.
The cost is low. Ask us
about it. Phone us now!
Carl's FIXIT Shop
Beav. 2773
Gas Appliance» Repaired and Sold
Dry Cleaning is not enough,
it requires He Vitalizing
Washing Machines and
Small Appliances Repaired
Saws Filed and Gummed
Lawn Mowers Sold A Repaired
r , • —
* _ U
Two brand new custom-built streamlined trains far
daily daylight service; CASCADl w ill be streamlined!
This is the announcement we had to
postpone through four long years o f war.
Refrigeration Co.
Sales and Service
700 S.E. Hawthorne EAst 6707 I
Leaving Portland and San Francisco in the morn­
ing and arriving iu the late evening, the Shasta Day­
lights will speed daily in each direction over Southern
Pacific’s famous Shasta Route — certainly one of the
most magnificent scenic trips in all the world.
Each aeaton the Shasta Daylights will have its own
individual window, and these windows will he of
unique design— much taller than the windows on any
other train. Through these enormous windows you
will see the lovely W illam ette Valley, the rugged
Cascade Mountains, Odell Lake and Diamond Peak,
M t. Shasta and the vast lake behind Shasta Dam,
California’ s Sacramento Valley.
Onr returning veterans need and must
have transportation
Aboard the Shasta Daylights, travelers from all
over the world will enjoy a close-up grandstand view
o f the wonders o f Oregon. The trains will, we think,
be a fine advertisement for the state.
If yon can drive your car to my lot 111
bny it at Top Ceiling Prices
W ith our companion Daylights between San Fran­
cisco and Los Angeles, the Shasta Daylights will en­
able tourists to see almost the entire Pacific Coast in
the traditional comfort and luxury o f these famous
streamliners created by Southern Pacific.
W e are happy to tell our friends in Oregon that
plans are under way for the first streamliners in
Southern Pacific’s postwar program— the Shasta Day­
lights. W e fH-omise you that we will spare no expenae
to make these the finest and most luxurious stream­
lined coach trains ever constructed— Oregon's Oun
S. W. Canyon Hoad and B. R. Tracks
Beaverton, Ore.
Past, powerful diesel-electric locom otives will
smoothly pull the Shasta Daylights. The extenors will
be brilliantly streamlined in red, orange and black.
The interior color schemes will be inspired by the
soft blues, greens and browns of Oregon’s lakes, rivers
and forests. The Shasta Daylights will have every
modern refinement in comfort and service that we
and the builders can conceive. Above all, they will be
safe, solidly built and dependable.
W e have given our ideas to the designers of the car
building companies, who are now working out the
details and technical specifications. As soon as bids
are received, we will place orders for actual construc­
tion of the Shasta Daylights for delivery, we expect,
before the end of the year.
A faster streamlined CASCADl
Our plans include streamlining the Cascade, making
it a de luxe overnight sleeping car train between
Portland and San Francisco. Raaed on designs now
being worked out, orders will be placed for triple
unit articulated care for the Cascade— each unit
consisting of a lounge car. a dining car and a kitch­
en car. (If you have ridden our famous Lark between
San Francisco and Los Angeles you know how stun­
ningly beautiful these three-car unite ere. The dining
car end lounge ere one continuous room 131 feet
long, with no partition between the care. They are
the only cars of this kind in America.)
Aa fast as the manufacturer can deliver new
streamlined sleeping car# they will be placed in
service on the Cascade. This, we hope, will be early
in 1947. The Cascade, aa well aa other trains, will be
speeded up aa eoon aa the present heavy traffic load
eases, and before we receive the new equipment-
Tho friendly Southern Pacific