New Photo Of You o B EAVER TO N E N T E R P R IS E F R ID A Y. F E B R U A R Y 1, 1946 M ___ X ?------ ---------- L BEAVERTON ENTEBFBISE Stahley W. N«therton, Publixher Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class mat­ ter at the postoffice, Beaverton, Ore. A Beaverton Office Enterprise Bldg. Phone Beaverton 2S21 Portland Office 30* Panama Bldg, 3rd and Alder. Phone ATwater 6591 O re 1 S V e s / A A l* FOR A MATCH CO. GOT A BUSINESSMAN.^ r, /-¿it,TO ADVERTISE ON “ ■/ . *'¿23/ C oders -AM O / r landed an OROt rei FOR 10 MILLION' B O O K S ... AInni** ;iT)NLVÌS/f»PER P u b l I s h I e r s' --- IT oqic /W iens j xu&s/M & maD _ _ ___1 ¡N 1302BY J oshua P u s v x P h ilad elph ia attodm ey . . Subscription Payable in Advance One Y e a r ....— .................... -.....-S1.08 sto Ìli AXI OM I n d u s t r y e n - ♦' GIAEERS INVENTED NEW MACHINERY, TO TURN OUT MATCHES 6 0 TIMES FASTER ' than ever B e fo r e .T."> To Face Pharmacy Jr*. ■foOAY^ GIAMT BOo i J MATCH INDUSTRY, PROVIDING THOUSANDS OT JOBS, MAKES BOO BILLIOH MATCHES IN j S r t i C O L O R E D FOLDERS YEARlX.^.f - PHQtmOHUi. ,/ n D U S T R Y AMD B U SIN E SS o u r / 9 6 B j l l / o iy o f t h e s e : * f r e e . * fo r g o o d W i l l . Great Britain Cuts Down On Soldiers’ Cigarettes LO N D O N . — British soldiers in Europe, some of whom have profit­ ed in the cigarette black market, are k) receive no more duty free to­ bacco parcels, the government an­ nounced. Sir Alexander M axwell, tobacco adviser to the board of trade, said the wartim e concession was with­ drawn to help relieve the critical shortage at home. He said large quantities of cigarettes had been going to hands “ other than those for which they were originally in­ tended.” Soldiers will continue to get nor­ m al cigarette rations through the that army. ELOISE PUR KEY One of the touring Redheads is scheduled to meet the Beaverton Jrs. next February 23 in the Beaver­ ton High School Gym. Lucky People Nylon stockings—in Mexico—are a drug on the market. They have become so plentiful that merchant have had to place them on sale at re­ duced prices. CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bua trans­ portation and walking distance from downtown. Finley & Son M O IT IC U N Ood lifted o ff your sins and put them on Christ. Then GoJ put on over you his own eternal righteous­ ness. Sins forever oft and his own righteousness forever on. do God's new photo of you shows you a sin­ less being, all in glorious raiment. This is how he sees you from the instaat you lay hold on Christ as having died for your sins. But until then your sins stand against you. See BIBLE 2 Cor. 5:21. But you still slip. You ate to your­ self like a sheep in the hog wallow. Still a «beep but out of place. After serving Christ halt a century, the be­ loved Apostle John felt the same. Said he "If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not I in us." 1 John 1:8. And he says to get back into step. Confess your sin, take forgiveness. And in it all God never quits us for he that has begun a good work in us will go on in it against the day when Christ comes to take us to Himself. See Phil. 1:8. Jesu« paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow. N E W Y O R K .— Boys blinded in this war (there are less than 1,000 of them) who had never touched a musical instrument in their live«, are learning to play. To teach them, the army special services is doing some entirely new things with music. For the first time, these soldiers are being taught to read braille mu­ sic. Civilians always have been able to get scores of classical music in braille. But not even they could buy a popular tune and learn to play the hit melodies they hear over their radios. Such tunes are not only easier for the amateur to master, but are more likely to capture the imagina­ tion, revive incentive and belief in personal accomplishment of boys of soldier age. x Within a month, any of the mu­ sically inclined blind veterans at Valley Forge General hospital, Dib­ ble General hospital, Old Farm s Convalescent hospital, and Philadel­ phia Naval hospital will be able to play a novelty instrument, and those ! McChesney Rd. Portland, Oregon This space paid for by a Seattle who previously had mastered a 1 business man. legitimate instrument will be taught to read braille music. First the serviceman is taught to read the printed word in braille. A FRESH VEGETABLES man of average intelligence can read grade one braille after a Always at week's study. Secondly, those boys who knew how to play an instrument before they were blinded, are taught to read braille music. Many can ac­ complish this in a month. ( Any Quantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade. Dwarfs. Espaliers, Ornamentals, Berry Plants t Dont«*thing. R e p a irin g J Plano Tailing, Cleaning, IM DKALBR IN SCRAP METAL Highest Prices Paid %Rays Garage Broadway at Lombard, Beaverton A service for the Small Business You will find a Profit In Calling KUBIN JOE Portland Of floe: 415-16 Postal Bldg. E* enlngs : BEaron 4814 51* SW 8 A t . BEaeon <375 5354 SW 49th Dr., (Glenrullen) De Laval SEPAR ATOR « — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPM ENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY iHkme a kabrt n AT. 8461 186 N W Park ‘Christian Science and 1 L.IIIEIII. W ANTED Multnomah, Oregon Announces SS III A FREE LECTURE ON C H R IS T IA N SCIENCE m Entitled TURKEYS “Christian Science and the Power of Love” ALSO DR. JOHN M. TUTT C. S. B. Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving A Dressing Plants: Portland, McMinnvllls, Salem, Albany, Eugsne, Roaeburg, Redmond, Oregon. Municipal Elections Set By Spain for Next March of Kansas City, Missouri Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church e f Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Main Office and Plant , In the MULTNOMAH GRADE SCHOOL Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. M A D R ID , S P A IN . - Generalis­ simo Franco’s cabinet announced re­ cently that municipal elections will be held during the first two weeks of March, 1946. At same time the cabinet announced general amnesty for political prisoners convicted of rebellion before April 1, 1939— the end of the Spanish civil w ^r. S. W . Capitol Highway Thursday evening, 8. E. Oak Streit, Portland, Ore. Phone EAst 8141 February 7, at 8 o’clock The Public is Cordially invited iisiiisiiiEiii£iii=iiisHi=maiii=iH«nauiBmiEMi»i»Mnni3MSNW Youth Recovers Bicycle Stolen Over Year Ago N O W .... Q U IN C Y , ILL . - Jimmy Feld, 15, rates as good detective material around the Quincy police station. Jimmy reported he had found in a secondhand store a bicycle stolen from him a year ago. An officer established the youth's ownership. "M y brother and I have been looking for the bike every day since it disappeared,” Jimmy said. Beaverton has complete HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR How about your subscription? SU FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY AT water 2181 Riverview Cemetery WEST END MELLWOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral fhupel at No Extra cost Riverside is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of ovsr 8800,000 (deal Cleaners -b y - Why not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLEAN­ ERS. SKILLED WORKMEN OUR M OTTO: MOOD SERVICE GOOD CLEANING SATISFIED CUSTOMERS W e have a very 4 Days Service Fruit. Nut. Flowering and Shade Tree«, Rom's. Berry Plants Shrubs, etc. SEPTIC TANKS Large supply of peaches, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap­ ricots, walnuts and filberts as well ss roses, flowering shrubs, and berry plants. Large orchard plant­ ers. Order Now while our stock Is still complete! Our new 1948, 40- page catalogue Is now available upon request. To call at our nur­ sery, take highway 99 W We are located 17 miles southwest of Port­ land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Do not leave highway 99W. Watch for our sign. TUALATIN VA LLEY NUR8RRIFK “Concrete” R o u t« 3 . Box 318 Sherwood, Oregon R H E U M A T IS M 666 COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid. Tablets, (talee. Nose Drnpa Caution use only aa directed. to complete your job, 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, I, Oregon -MOTORS- All sizes and makes repaired, rewound and guaranteed, E L E C T R IC E L E M E N T S REW OUND. AT. 8884 FOR SALE Notice to Residents -o f. Tigard and Beaverton Plastic Lamps Electric heater elements Radio and Flashlight Boudoir & table Lamps Suncraft Sun Lamps Batteries Small Flourescent Fix­ Record Player Needles G -E Glow Lamps tures and Tubes Cutting Needles Ideal for Nite-lite Auto Aentennas PHY BLOCK & SLAB WOOD For Immediate Deliveries CALL GARFIELD 9314 Microphone* Complete Radio Repair Good selection of Tubes and most required parts Leonard's and Ernest’s WRIGHT FOB. COMPANY RADIO ELECTRIC , M tw liw in d ng 4ec c v » »»*c - " j W tliw * * • «* * • in­ Vacuum Cleaner, Toasters, and all Pipe and Products Co. and A R T H R IT IS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for Infor­ mation. Mrs. Anna Pauts, P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. 51tf PARTS your war-worn items that will have to be run for awhile. SEE Y O U R B U I L D I N G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R Concrete selection of cluding Washing Machine, Electric Iron, €21 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton Portland good ^ INCOME TAX SERVICE . . . ACCOUNTING SERVICE . . . SIU2lllSIHSIHHIIIS1ll=lM=IM^Hn^yi^^l^SMISIl^SIIISIUSntìl5IUMHI3HI3IU 0. R. NICHOLSON & SON VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Phone OH. 2928 11.333 S\V 6tli and Barbur Blvd. PHONE ALOHA M12 M1LLEBS G10CERY —Phone Beaverton 2882— S traw berry Plants GEORGE F. GORDON § Blinded W ar Veternns Learn to Play Music M AVIITO M , ORIGON 1