CLASSIFIED WANT AOS CASH MUST ACCOM PAN V ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count M d t word, including N tm t aad addreee—O N LY 2c A WORD N o Phono Orders Taken M IN IM U M 25c A N IS3UH W e Publish the B E A V E R TO N E N T E R P R IS E TIG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTNOM AH PRESS A LO H A NEW S Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County ' Coverage We assume no financial responsi bility for errors which may appear In advertisements published In these co lumns. but in case where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. FOR SALE FOR SALE—White Leghorn, New Hampshire chicks from non broody stock. Hatching weealy. Order early for choice dates. Mill er's Hatchery, 2 miles south of Huber avenue, W rite route 1, box 916, Beaverton. tf FOR SALE —Clothes cabinet, small range, heater, Kraut cutter, fruit Jars, round dining table, 6 chairs. Mable Jones 54 mile W of Beav erton on Farmington, end of Oreenway Drive. 52 FOR SALE — Circulating wood heater pre-war like new (No-tin) $$40. Sewing rocker like new, comfy $35; good china base table lamp, late style, $3. Head and legs for Hollywood bed, new, full sle $10. 50 N. Lombard, Beav erton. 52 FOR SALE one reed baby buggy. $7 Phone CHerry 3926 52 FOR SALE block and slab wood at summer prices and immediate delivery. Call BEacon 8046 Johnson Fuel Co., Glencullen. 53 FOR SALE—3 room house, 1 bed room, garage, 2 acre tract, Mc Donald, Ore., 8-10 of mile East of 99W highway. Tigard, Fruit trees, berries. W ill sell my equity In con tract. Must sell at once, serviceman Also baby buggy and bed, etc. C. Covington, P O Box 767, Tigard. 52 FOR SALE—Concrete, Sand, Road Gravel. Crushed Rock, Mason Sand, and Dirt. Phone 2216 Beaverton, W rite V. E. FLEE NO R , Beaverton, Oregon. 49tf L. H. B R A W A N I) Builder and Cabinetmaker Portland Phone t i l . 2929, Metzger Store fronts; school, restaurant and store fixtures; school furniture; unit cabinets of all kinds, includ ing kitchen cabinets. Office furni ture rebuilt, refinished and com pletely renovated. All kiuds of building and remodeling. Wood working of all kinds. 48tf WOOD FOR BALE—2*4 cord loads old growth 16 Inch block and slab Immediate delivery; lots of Inside wood. Wilson Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Beaverton phone 2491. 82 FOR SALE—Guernsey and Jersey heifers, your choice $65 each. Cot ters at Scholls. 46tf FOR SALE—Wood, green block and slab mixed 2 Vs and 3 Vi« cord loads Reuben Johnson, Phone 193J Newberg, $9 per cord. 4f>tf ACREAG E A HOMES W A N TE D We can sell your home, farm or acreage. Have hundreds of buy ers that have cash. Your Wash ington County specialist. located In Portland at foot of Canyon Rd Call BK. 1475 or write W A Y N E E. N AG LE 1800 SW Jefferson, Portland 1, Ore. tf r M ISCELLAN EO U S FOUND—2 large milk goats. See Mrs. Cooper, Tigard 2506. 52 FOR Immediate Service on Haul ing Gravel. Sand and Crushed Rock, Phone 2363. 53 SOME CHOICE Dates still avail able for Custom Hatching of baby chicks and poults from tested stock. L Y M A N ROSS HATCH K R Y Aloha. Phone 6441. 51 NOW is the Time to Order your 1946 baby chicks and poults from LYM AN R O S S HATCHERY,, Aloha. Phone 6441. New low prices. 54 W A N TE D -Ford model “ A " or " T " condition no object. Phone Beaverton 2825. 52 W A N TE D —Suburban and Farm properties. We have the buyer, you have the property, let’s get togeth er. We are In contact with many Eastern buyers who have cash and want to locate here. Our appraiser will call on you. No obligation. S L A Y T E R R E A L T Y CO M PANY “ In downtown Portland“ 528 SW Salmon Street, BR. 1146. 51tf Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. R. Twomblv CH. 2267. 8tf A N A P P E A L TO TH E PUBLIC Our returning service men are all in need of transportation. I'm doing my best to help supply the demand. I f you have a car you are not using—or have no real use for the one you now are using— why not bring it in today and get TO P CASH for it NOW. Cars also sold on consignment. KELLY MOTOR CO., SW Canyon Rd., and R. R. tracks, Beaverton, Ore. 49tf C A R P E N T E R wants house to rent or lease. W ill repair or remodel. Multnomah or Garden Home. CH 1262. Allan 53 W A N TE D M ALE H E L P —General i work $1 per hour, Multnomah-Ti- gard district. See or write H. C. Peterson. Tigard. Ore., Rt. 2 Box 374. 52 W A N T E D —A good experienced saw filer, and lawn mower sharp ener. Carl’s Flx-lt Shop, Aloha. 53 W A N TE D To Buy—Fat heifer or cow for beef. Albert Kehrll, R2. box 993, Beaverton. 53 W A N T E D — L IV E P O U L T R Y W ill weigh and pay cash At your place Prompt Pickup S fn lre -V V rltr L W. FOREM AN R l. Bx. 87, Sherwood, Oregon 56 W A N TE D to Rent—2 bedroom, unfurnished house in or near Beaverton. Permanent. Referen ces. Phone AT. 0351 extension 47 days. Call at Apt. 2, 1st and Main, Beaverton, or write P. O. Box 87, Beaverton. 53 FLOORS New or Old—Sanded A finished, best materials used, work guaranteed. Free estimates G. Q. White. UN. 1181. 50tf | HAROLD A. PETERSON E LE C TR IC A L CONTRACTOR B EAVE RTO N 3130 Call U8 for Estimât ee P A IN T S Imlay’s Freeh Mixed Feed« FISHER TH01SEN PAINTS For quality, fair price aad servloe FOR TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO . Phons Tigard 3381 tt J. B. Imlay & Sons W A N TE D TO R E N T Furnished or unfurnished hsuse or apartment In Beaverton or vicinity. Perm anently employed Phone 3871, Highway Tire Service. 55 R E E D V IL L E ALOHA. ORE I V E T E R IN A R IA N Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian East of llwsverton Highway 8 Beaverton 3511 tf the New foRD r^ c ro e «s o u * # r Hcrt it a partial list of near-by owners who art enthusiastic about this Entirely Different tractor CATE MOTOR CO. Ford Tractor Dealer for Washington County Forest Grove, Oregon THEN, TRY IT ¿GGS ON YOUR ■-¿¡te Maximum egg production . . . at lower cost. That’s the story o f Triangle X-tra egg pro- i ducar. A carefully balanced ' feed supplying the require ments for more extra grade | eggs Mash or pellets. t f T R IA N G L E X-TRA EGG PRODUCER Neighbor what he 9 fo r MORE Extra Grade * D e k d •toc*t picked up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call D E N LE Y R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portlaad. tf A s k Voor N Fpr Stove and Cf.esei Oil Call Harry B EAV ER TO N E N T E R P R IS E Pai te- Thons Beaverton 3231. if Friday January 25, 1946 You can use classified ad vs. to ad vantage. Plant one in this paper. How about your subscription'.’ GET YOUR PRIORITY FOR B U ILD IN G TH E N COME TO US. W e will fill the hill Put your dimes in March of Dimes containers. FARM KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Phone Beaverton 3201 C A. B AK KE N , Mgr. John J. Reiter Phone Tigard 2621 R E IT E R RAD IO A ELE C TR IC SERVICE Radio Repairs All makes of Electric Equipment and Wiring P .! O. Boot 743 Located with Tigard Mike Hine Paint Store tf LAND SCAPING , Pruning, Spray ing, Grafting & tree surgery. W. A. Green, Beaverton, 2967. 53tf Electrical Appliances Repaired Washing Machines, Sewing Machine and all household appliances—See ED D IE O LD M AN Johnson Road Opp. N. W. Christian Home er Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton tf BULLDOZING W O R K W A N TE D lan d Clearing—Road Building Basement Excavating PH O N E CHerry 3437 2nd House No. of K raft Cheese Co. 50tf -C O O K IN G ELECTRICALLY HOME R E F R IG E R A T IO N SERVICE Domestic — Commercial Phene Collect— llillslH .ro 3029 D A Y OK N IG H T tf Far Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Phone Beaverton 3231. tf FO R SA LE —New Zealand White Barnes. rabbits, young does, and bucks For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry from pedt. stock, excell, condi., 4 Barnes. Phone Beaverton 5231. tf lbs up, $2 up. Witch Hazel Rab L A N D C LE A R IN G A Excavating bit Farm, H ml S Witch Hazel Work done by hour or contract. School or Youngs Market, main Phone Portland UN. 3395 for es biway bet. Beaverton A Hillsboro. timates. Work guaranteed. 51tf 25 tf r W ANTED P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G —10 years experience, reasonable rates. First Class. Free estimates. Call 8 te 5. Telephone CH 1826 or tele phone OH 5437 any thsie. R. W H ITLO W , Box 808, Tigard, Oregon 26-38tf will qualify you for the O Y o u ’ve always wanted to go “ A ll - Electric." Now makes it easier than ever before with electricity literally “cheap enough to burn.” The new low rate is designed to encourage the use of electricity for all purposes in the home and on the farm. P G E customers now using get this new rate upon application. Others will qualify and can apply as soon as they install both an electric range and water heater. Pennies are now too big to measure the cost o f kilowatt-hours in P G E territory! The cost is P A IN T IN G A PA PE R I LANCINO Work Guaranteed Work Done Promptly C A L L CHerry 2175 46tf down to mills. Under the new rate, range and water heater users will get 300 kilowatt-hours of electricity for a m inim um charge o f only V4.50 and another 700 for 6 mills per kilowatt-hour. DRESSM AKING A SF.WINO All kinds of Clothing Made TH E LM A DEW Tigard 2484 Appointments after Sept 1 tf Excess kilowatt hours beyond 1,000 per month cost 8} mills. CUSTOM TR AC TO R W O R K —Let us plow your garden Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. A Divis ion sta. Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf - « s a w P A P E R IN G —Painting A Kalao- mining, neat, experienced work man L. L Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2816 40tf! I m a y a c t u a lly save m oney b y in s t a llin g a n »/metric range * The average home use of electricity where there is an electric water heater bul no range, is 424 kwh a month, costing $6 52 under PGE’s general residential schedule No. 8. The new “ All-Electric" rate will apply if an electric range is added This will bring toul consump tion up to 540 kwh a month, and will cost $5.94. an actual saving of 58 cents a month after adding a range. Portland, Oregon Gentlemen: Please enter my application for the new “ All-Electric" rate I use an electric range and electric water heater and I understand that I shall he hilled a minimum of $4 50 each month for which I am entitled to use 300 kwh's of electricity. Name Address (Street or rural route and number) G ty . . . . Diversified Use M akes Lower Rates Possible Not only greater use of electricity, but mors diversified use, makes lower rates possible. The "All-Electric'' rale will encourage full home use of electricity by diversified appli ances which, taken all together, provide a more even, “ constant level" use of electric distribution facilities This enables us to supply you with more electricity, at a lower rats. The new "All-Electric" rate gives advance savings to those who use electricity for three of the most important jobs in the hom e- lighting, cooking and water heating—and in addition speeds the trend toward lower and lower rates for all customers. * - ............ P ortland G eneral E lic tr ic C o . HIDES » WOOL. CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROA-, U SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf A customer w ith a n efectrrc w afer heater electricity for cooking and water heating will P. E. 1IAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf Cor. 1st and Washington RL PORTLAND, OREGON POE with a new low rate providing homes and farms C A LL B E A V E R TO N 2011 For Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Services A Repairs on all types of Heating Plants or Fred's Furnace Service 144 S. 4th. St.. Hillsboro 1361 M tf Civilians Can Fly Now W E CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PO RK CUTS 25 years Experience A LD E R M A R K E T Lewie Bros "A//-£/ectr/c Home" rate new FO R E X P E R T B ICYC LE R E P A IR S and a Full line of Bicycle Part.« and Accessories visit the B E A V E R TO N SPO R TIN G GOODS Next to W. E. Pegg World Bike Specialists tl ................ State.......... ....... « ♦ The example given here appHet to homer end farms now bitted for all their electric service under our Schedule i, wfucA upplus to most parte o f PGE territory. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY