BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE F riday January 36, 1946 B E A V E R T O N E N T E B P B IS E S tanley W. Netharton. Publisher Published Friday of each w eek by the P lon eei Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class m at­ ter at the postoffice, B eaverton, Ore. Mother Born Again Leonard's & Ernest's Far from hom e and M other, the boy listened to the naan who cam e over ndon-tim es and road to them i RADIO-ELECTRIC out of the Bible. And one day, away —Phone B eaverton Í»Hi— down inside th e fellow there w as a Fur Prom pt, C ourteous Service stirring. The fin gers o f his heart reached out and laid hold on Christ as the Saviour who had so loved him ( MOTOR R E W IN D IN G . CENT RAL1.Y as to die for h is sins. God honored Subscription Payable in A dvance A P PL IA N C E R E P A IR SER V IC E LOCATED O ne Tear .................................JCl.OO th e fellow s faith 4hd toek up in him. ! HOM E and AUTO RADIO Cióse to bus traas- By that the chap w as born again, SE R V IC E B eaverton O ffice E nterprise Bldg. born of God, from above and m ade i p o ita tlo n and Phone B eaverton 2321 w alk in g d istan ce en e of the peeple of God. W e a ie offerin g Two D ay Service P ortland O ffice 608 P a n a m a Bldg., from dow ntow a. See the new life werk out. F irst and a 90 day gu aran tee on eu i 3rd and Alder. P hon e A T w ater 6591 the chap quit his w andering to take service work. a steady job. He saved up to go back to the old home and Mother H ave you bad your Radio repaired The night before he sailed, his coun O rec | o © N e *S/I APIR trym en gave him a banquet and 109 South WaisoB St. handed him suras of m oney for P U B 11S HI l t S 4 i$V ^IRTI ON their folks over there Back am ong N ext door to F lorence B eauty shop them , he told what the Lord had done for him in dying for his sins and in g iv in g him a glad heart. And out of it, h is Mother also turned to RHEUMATISM the Lord, not only because of what j he told her but also from his com ing \ k P H O N E ALOHA 6812 M O R T IC IA N and ARTHRITIS out of th e old rowdy w ays into i FW FO U R TH AT MONTOOMKKY ^ Hem othlng, R epairing C hriet-likeness. ATw«tter 2181 Ye m ust be born again. 1 verily I I su ffered fer years and am eo j a Piano T uning, Cleaning, verily eay unto th ee—YE MUST BE than k fu l hhat I found relief feom th is | BO RN AGAIN. terrible a fflictio n th a t I will gladly an sw er anyone w ritin g m e for in fo r­ m ation. Mrs. A nna PauKz, P. O. Box For G e n eral H o u m C le e n le e W EST E N D M cChesney Rd. Portland, Oregon 825, V aacouver, W ash. 51tf i D o h o t, L o u sS ry , W e e d » .« « Ha railaaa— Sesttar» SEI.LW OOD BR ID G E T h is spaee paid for by a S eattle Raplaca« Soap • Satlar lor M b usin ess man. ASK ALL CROCIRS f GEODGlTT g OMON 5 RIGHT-NOW CLEANER J. P. Finley & Son \ Riverview Cemetery S tra w b e rry — Comao in pockagM 25c — 50c — »1.00 HERMOSA PRODUCTS CO. P O R T A B L E ARC W ELD ING A C E T Y L E N E W ELD ING A N D B U R N IN G 104 N.K. Rut M il Stroat, Portion«, Oraeoe ALOHA 6523 INCOME TA X SE R V IC E . . . ACCOUNTING SE R V IC E . . . A service fos the Sm all B u sin ess You w ill find a P ro fit in C alling JOE KUBIN P ortland O ffice: 415-1« P ostal Bldg. E ven in gs: H Eaeon 0375 5354 SW 49tli Dr., Phone OH. 2928 11333 SW lltli and Harbar Blvd. C LO SED SU N D A Y S SE P A R A T O R S — M ILK ERS COM PLETE E Q U IPM EN T AND S U P P L IE S FO R T H E DAIRY IN D U ST R Y —All B erries, Prunes, G rapes— F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL BAITS, A V A IL A BLE IN SEA SO N R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Liquid, T ablets, Salve, N ose Drope C aution use only as directed. mkme kCriíel Beaverton 3271 hOfwttrtunn k IHttrtbuton ALSO C U LV ER T »EW E R * /tg h ' Ä ÿj CONCRETE PIPE TURKEYS A * 1 V IR Y T H IN G , j Isllle llls Ills s llls llls E llIrr 111= 111=11 W A N TED Why not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the IDEAL CLEAN­ ERS. OUR MOTTO: GOOD SE R V IC E GOOD C LE A N IN G S A T IS F IE D CUSTOM ERS 4 Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton Millions of children like this one face a winter o f suffering from exposure. WHAT CAN YOU SPAKE THAT THEY CAN WEAKT Clothing that you may consider old can bring new life to some person to whom war brought despair and destitution. Your spare clothing will be distrib­ uted free, without discrimination, to vic­ tims o f Nazi and Jap oppression in Eu­ rope, the Philippines, and the Far East. D ig into your attics, trunks, and clos­ ets today . . . dig out all the clothing you can possibly spare. VICTORY CLOTHING COLLECTION For Overseas Relief January 7 to 31 BE A V H R T O N B A K E R Y On B roadw ay H O LLA N D S F E E D STORK On B roadw ay F IR S T SEC U R IT Y BA N K F ront and W atson K IN G SL E Y -B E A V E K T O X LU M BER CO., On F ron t St. S K Y-W A Y On H igh w ay It. I. MAC LA U G H L IN A CO. N ear H igh School H A R T S H A TC H E R Y R oute 1, B eaverton R IC H E Y H A R D W A R E On B roadw ay M eC REA DY L U M B E R CO. On B roadw ay S P E E D Y -F R E E Z E On H igh w ay AT. 0461 135 NW Park M I L L E R S F ront and W atson D R A IN SEE YOUR BUILDING MATERIAL DEALER Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Live Poultry and Eggs R eceivin g Portland, Albany, R edm ond, De Laval BUYERS—PACKERS COLD PREPARATIONS (G lenculleu) Com plete Funeral Service in New C athedral Chapol at N o E xtra sunt R iverside is a eo-operative asso­ ciation w ith assets of over »800,000 V I L L A R ID G E N U R S E R Y 666 UKaean 4514 610 SW 3 Av, C R E M A T O R IU M M A U S O LE U M C EM ETER Y P la n ts ( A ny Q uantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade, Bw arfs. E spaliers, O rnam entals, Berry Planta M. N. W KISEW BACK N orth W heeler Ave., Aloha Ideal Cleaners 0. R. NICHOLSON ft SON D E A L E R IN SCR A P METAL H ighest P rices Paid »(R ays Garage B roadw ay a t Lombard, B eaverten A D ressing Planta: M cM innville. Salem . Eugene, Raaeburg, Oregon. 5819 S.W. M acadam Av., Portland. 1, Oregon A T w ater 3384 Another Mala O ffice and Plan» Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. Notic ,e to Residents -of- Tigard and Beaverton B. E. Oak Street, Portland, Own. P hon e R A st MM N ew Freedom G A S Kitchen * . u. Nut, F U w erlng bud Shad« ruit. Tree«, Roue«, Berry P lante Shrub», etc. Large supply of peachea, applea, pears, cherries, prunes, plum s, ap­ ricots, w aln uts and filberts a» w ell as roses, flow erlag shrubs, and berry plants. Large orchard plant- era Order N ow w hile our stock la still com plete! Our new 1946, 40- page catalogu e la aow available upon request. To call at our nur­ sery. tak e highw ay 99W. W e are located 17 m i l e s sou th w est of P ort­ land or 1 m ile past Six Bornera. Do not leave highw ay 9*W. W atch for our algn. __ TUA4.ATIN VALUEV N t'K S E R tE S R out« 3, B ox 31« Nherwoed, Oregon ' DRY BLOCK & SLAB WOOD For Immediate Deliveries CALL GARFIELD 9314 WRIGHT FUEL COMPANY i t THE OLD JUDGE SAYS. . . I ■ * H ERE are the three m ajo r “ freed o m s" that make every “ N e w Freedom G as K itc h e n " click! > FREED OM IN C O O K I N G . . . A m iraculous new G as ran g e w ith sm okeless b ro ile r, fo o l-p ro o f oven bak in g , top-of-stove co o k in g so fast and flexible you'll t ur n o u t easier, b etter m eals th an ever before! See these new m o dern G as ra n g e s —today. A nd look for the C P Seal. N IW N EW FREEDOM IN W ATER H E A TIN G . . . thanks to a new autom atic G as w ater-heater . . . the m ost econom ical and efficient wav to supply all th e necessary hoc w ater for a m odern laundry and autom atic ' d is h w a s h e r!' . f r e e d o m |IN F O O D S T O R A G I . . . A new silent G as re frig e ra to r; , I T so spacious yo u 'll have m ore ro o m for frozen foods i ;» be ab le t o * keep all foods at th e peak o f freshness m uch lo n g e r. Start p la n n in g N IW DICK: "I wonder bow the distiller» (eel about that new movie built around an alcoholic." OLD JUD0K: " I t't funny you asked that. Dick . I was just reading a piece about it." DICK: "What did it say?" OLD JVDGK: "A very sensible statement. It said the beverage distillers are fully aware o( this problem and are cooperating in every way possible to help solve it. The alcoholic is to the beverage distilling industry what the recklesa driver it to the automobile industry. There is nothing wrong with the fS l < automobile, but in the hands of a man who doesn't know how to drive it or is reckless, it becomes a menace. Likewise, it's not the use but the abuse of alcoholic beverages that causes trouble." DICK: "Wonder why it is most men can drink moderately and others can’t? ” OLD JUDGE:" Intensive research at a gTeat university has shown that most excessive drinkers are really sick people. They are suffering from some physical, social or emo­ tional upset. And great strides have beets made in developing clinical methods of help­ ing tl ese unfortunate people.” . I I N O M « » 0*00-0» 4» Co*,«>«*»» of AkoW. --- , " for your “New Freedom Gas Kitchen'«—todav! * — . . W ON DER FLAME * T H A T C O O LS AS W ILL AS HEATS t!iii.iiUj»i.pjj¡^;;^,,>;ii|iliiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiHBiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiitiiiiiii)iimmiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiniiimiiiimiimimimmiiiiiiummininnmnnHimi*H PORTLAND GAS & COKE COMPANY I w r o p ImOmtt’ tm, ¡m . --- mmSS ■ th e * * g 9 't »