V. - VOLUME 18, NO. 51 ESTABLISH ED 1927 First Security Bank Deposits Show Gain Of Million A Year > Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, January IS, 1946 MOST POLIO P A T IE N T S RE­ COVER; M ARC H OF DIMES ASSURES CAKE Rebekah Lodge Petition Out New Officers Asking For [ District Bus Service Install BOOST YOUR HOME TO W N AND M AKE A B E T TE R PLA C E TO L IV E Population Growth In Tualatin Revealed In Survey Old Timer» Hello There! Beaverton Rebekah lodge met by Earl E. Fisher Tuesday evening with installation of During the winter of 1906-07 there j officers. District Deputy President, was extreme cold weather and plenty ! Ellen LaRue with the assistance of of snow and ice. Fanno’s Beaver- Myrtle Hardman installing officer, dam flooded during the winter—was | installed the following officers: frozen over with solid ice. Arthur ) Bertha And, i son, Noble Grand Clement, a new comer from the East, A gain of over 1,000,000 in deposits ~ ci£culated ask- Lucille Jones. V. G.; Edna Sheets.R. ! Growth of population in the Tua where there were long cold winters during the year 1945 was reported mg the Tuiat.n Valley Stages to ex- s N. G ; Evelyn Scott. L S. Matin Valley has cont?nued slead^v and much good skating, hitched up by Jay Gibson, president of the First tend their line from Bertha-Beaver- N. G.; Frankie Butts. R. S. V. G.; both before and after the ending of his horses to his heavy wagon, filled Security Bank of Beaverton at the ton Highway to Scholls and Progress ida Harris, L. S. V. G.; Hattie Tay- the war it is indicated by latent o J up the wagon box half full of hay. close of business December 31. With - J " iB>‘averlorl; jtor, *ccy: ;_ Mabel Gilmore treasurer erating figures of Portland General and took over a jolly skating party total deposits amounting to $*,147,- i £ ?pies oi the Petiti°n can be seen at | Minnie Hedgepeth, chaplain; Eva j Electric company. The flumes of young people two miles south of 323.35 . Hadleys Feed Store, I'eelshers Store i Wilson, I. G.; Evelyn Frost, t). G.; ¡leased here by R. R. Easter division Beavertcln. On arrival at the 16 Such a substantial gain in bank |and Mrs. Crane, both on route 1. j Mae Leisk, warden; Leona Rand, \ manager, show increases in the num- acres of ice, a hot fire was built at deposits has been accomplished in Beaverton. | conductress; Mildred Harris, musi- bei of residential consumers of elec the Old Fanno Rock Quarry on the the same year period previously as These busses go out from 6th and rian, Fern Haines, I ’. N. G. Refrcsh- trie service during 1945 In the Tuala­ southeast side of the Beaverdam. the gain from the close of business Yamhill, Portland and would make the , meats were served to a splendid at- tin Valley division to be greater than Home had skates and others went in 1943 shows there has been a gain loop including Scholls Ferry Road, tendance. those of all but one of the other five up to the August Fanno house and of $2,111,917.47 in deposits in these Kiteon, Farmington, Denney. Allen Adeline Frost piesented a 45 year¡Oregon divisions erf the comnanv borrowed chairs from a fine fellow two year period. J. B. Imlay & Sons to avenue, Watson Street and Front St. veteran jewel to Anna Mae Rogers | Figures for the 12 month period named George Blasser, supt. of the and Progress. Stages to run every from the Beaverton lodge members prior to December. 1945. show resi- DephBlts at the close of business Fanno onion ranch for many years. Enlarge Building 40 minutes. Passengers to be pick­ and a 40 year veteran jewel to Hut- dentlal customers in the Tualatin in 1940 totaled $827,517.01 and a com­ Blasser asked one fellow, "W hat are panion of these figures showed an Valley division of the company in you going to do with a chair this cold A 50x100 building site adjacent to ed up along the roads, short hauls tie Taylor a gift from her husband Increase of $3,519,806.34 in deposits the present building of the J. B. to be 10 cents. Hattie Taylor Past Noble Grand creasing — * ----- to 9,399. a gain night” ? The guy said: “ My girl sits from 8,893 in a five year period. Imlay A Sons Feed Seed and Hard-j ™ 8/ ou‘ e , open up a big President, prsented fe rn Haines with of 5.7 per cent. General commer­ in the chair and away she will go For a close analysis the deposits ware stor’e in Aloha will be used to Idl8tnct whlch heretofore has not a Past Noble Grands pin. A gift was cial and industrial users of electri­ over the ice” gain here during the last two years construct a new building as soon as been served by bus service and would also presented Fern Haines from the city increased from 760 to 832 or Oh Boy—those were great times. has appoxlmated $100,000 a month. 9.5 per cent. it is possible to start construction it tend to bring more people into the lodge. country along the proposed route. Edna Sheets was elected trustee was learned this week. Combined figures for the entire for three years and Myrtle Hardman PGE territory, which covers the Beaverton T Y V Basket At the present time it is necessary People Urged to Collect elected to drill captain for the com­ whole or portions of Multnomah, Ball Schedule to move a residence which is on the Beaverton Post V F W to Clothing for Drive ing term. Clackamas, Washington, Yamhill, property and this will be moved back Install Officers Jan. 30 Ellen LaRue of Aloha, is chairman Marion, Polk, ,tind Columbia coun­ facing Alexander St. The house has j Jan. 18—West Linn at Beaverton Paul Knepp, chairman of the Beav­ Jan. 22—Newberg at Newberg ties plus the city of Vancouver he!d at erton district for collecting clothes been sold to Mrs. Frances Gunther. | installation of the officers for th e ,° f ‘ he d!nne,u to, Jan. 29 Sherwood at Beaverton With this addition the plant and new Beaverton Post No. 4617 Vet- Feb 14 by thc ladles oi ‘ be Needle showed residential customers increas­ for the Vlctqry Clothing Collection, club. It is open to the public. 2:80 p. m. ing from 141,438 a year ago to 144,996 reports that the response has been store of the Imlay Co. will be more ! erans of Koreign Wars will be held as of the end of November, a 2.5 Jan. 25—Forest Grove at Beaverton at the Beaverton Grade school, very slow to date and requests that than double its present size. per cent increase. In general and Feb. 1 —McMinnville at Beaverton Wednesday, January 30, it was an- j Picture Gallery Wanted the citizens look over their surplus commercial classification the gain Feb. 5 —Tillamook at Tillamook nounced today by Francis Moort | clothing and bring them to the dif­ Theatre Construction for At Beaverton was six per cent and the total num­ Feb. 8 —Hillsboro at Beaverton post commander. ferent churches where it will be col­ Aloha Started ber rose from 14,255 to 15,129, Feb. 12—Tigard at Beaverton The public is invited to attend lected January 31 end sent to head­ .. ... this _, On several occasions of late in- Feb. 16—West Linn at West Unn of quarters of the drive In Portland, to Westlake Theatres Inc., have se- installation i ne« o icirs qUj,.jes have been made “ Is there “ Feb. 19—Newberg at Beaverton . gallery .. . located at . .. cured a building site on the nighway ! which Commander, r Fran- t- ' photographer’s be forwarded to other countries. wn.cn include: .nc.uuc Bea­ P T A to Hold Feb. 22—Forest Grove at Forest Gr. " ,,,* The business men of Beaverton in Alogia and plan to start construc­ ds Moore; Sr. Vice Commander, Ted verton” “Town Talent’ Program vanoe Many UnM of business ale well , ep are sponsoring an ad urging people tion of a modern theatre early in Hetu; Jr. Vice Commander, Vance to donate what they can now to the February it was announced this i resented already in this thriving com- j The next meeting of the Beaverton Elwin Paxson’s A. Benniso-n, Huber; Post Advocate, munity—but if you want to have a . Grnde School P.-T. A. will be held drive which ends January 31. week. Sport Dope The high schools are sponsoring H. L. Percy using his 35-years of John J. Bleziffer, Chaplain, Howard picture taken you must travel to Tuesday, January 22, at 8:00 p. m. in a drive with the students also col­ theatre experience will manage the A. Harrison, Surgeon, Murd M. Hik- Portland. jthe grade school auditorium. A “Town The spirit of our team supporters ox„ (3 _ years) lecting needed articles. movie house. , . Beaverton; ,, ... Trustee . , The last photographer in this com . Talent” program is being planned. As is reflected In the boys themselves- The Westlake Theatres, an Ore-¡John E I iley, ^ e s t Slope; Trustee m was the late Vincent Mazzei, this meeting ,s to be held during the so let's really show the squad that gon corporation, operates a theatre (2 years) Eldon E. Pfiefei Reedville, who toc»k pictures here about 20 years month set aside for the “ March of Robbins Feed On students and townspeople alike—are in Clatskanie, Oregon, and several in l Trustee (1 year) Chester T. Hunka- ^ Times have changed since th e n - Dimes” to raise funds for fighting lOOty behind the hoopsters. Tonight Chilly Breakfast southern Washington. r plllar' B®averto" ’ ,. . now there are thousands of people ! Infantile Paralysis, a movie will be Beaverton tangles with West Linn, There are several species of birds Appointive officers. 1 ¡residing in this vicinity who would j shown of victims hospitals. As — and the gym should be packed to I. E. Matheny, Officer of the Day, like to have some pictures taken now ¡one knows where nor when this dread in western Oregon that remain north Robert Swope Returning the rafters. Talk it up kids, and Howard D. Raynor, Patriotic In- during the winter among these are and then. | disease will strike next. All are urged we’ll have a crowd at the game that Pearl Harbor , T. H.—T-3 Robert i structor, John J. Bleziffer, Post His- the robins, whose main diet is angle (Ed Note:—This appears to be a , to attend this meeting and help sup- will really give the basketballers an worms the year around. When the Swope, ot Aloha, Oregon, is one of j torian, Melvin Smith, Post Service real opportunity for some enterpris- j port this drive.) incentive to give all they've got. First ground is frozen over, the angle worm 5,000 high-point Army veterans whom j Officer, Wayne S. Thurman, all of ing person with such artistic talents. The executive board meeting was game, 7 «/clock . A squad game, 8 the Navy is returning to the States | Beaverton Guard, Patrick J. Moore, business is not so good. Possibly a chance for some returning j held Jan. 10 at the home of Mrs. Nor- o'clock. Be there. for discharge aboard the USS Ad-1 Beaverton, Last Saturday morning 38 robins in veteran to put to use some new found I ton Peck. Those present were Presi- This ship left j -------- ---- one flock were counted eating frosted mlral Hugh Rodman. America's favorite winter sport, l abilities through photographic expeci- dent Mrs. Oraydon Pace; second vice apples under an apple tree at August Nagoya. Japan, December 22, and | Reminiscent of Earlier ence in the service. Mr. Fisher has president, Mrs. Glen Ely; and three skiing has its enthusiasts at Beaver­ • o Tacchella's place on Beaverdam Road was expected to arrive in Seattle | very possibly touched a source for a committee chairmen and assistants; ton. about January 3. L)ate Mr**' FanJ 1 of Dimes. Services 11 a. m. Morning Worship at 10:55 a. m. : terview was a rather peculiar busi- 1 ny Robinson at Farming on. ey ^ Qn j anuary 26 Mr. Antrim will minutes of play. Saturday School 9:30 a. m. S. S. ¡ness The Hil-Hl hoopsters were paced See other advertisement in this combination in Beaverton’s »Pen* their bfe in Oregon mostly in ; be at the high school to show a film Teacher’s Staff meets Saturday after­ early daya. by Bob Amicher, 6 foot 8 Inch center paper. Mr. Snider conducted I Washington county with the excep-, there wh<$ bucketed 4 field goals and 2 7:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fellow­ noon 3:30 p. m. a barber and butcher shop. There Ition ot a *ew yeara '' e" ey 1L ; ------------ ■— — — free throws for 10 point total. A Organization of the Oregon Dis- . wasn t enough business for either ship with Lee Robinsoh leading. ln the state of Washington. _ j , ; A , i i >K n CLUB MEETS TO D AY trio of scorers. Whitworth, Harter, Laymen’s League, 'one but with the two he managed t o 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bring your old clothing to the trtet Lutheran < nms 1 < 1 ’ 1 their 58th wedding anniversary Feb- Beaverton Community Garden Club and Ross potted 7 points each for the church for the National Clothing sponsors of the Lutheran Hour, will keep busy. ruary 8, 1944 quietly at home because , will meet today at 11 a. m. with Mrs. locals. be held this Sunday afternoon at 2:30 drive. of his failing health. Mr. Mclnnis H. R. Nelson and Mrs. M. C. MoKer- • _____ The capacity crowd roared its ap­ in Zion Lutheran Church, SW 18th Donald Bear to Return died six days later. ¡cher acting ns hostesses. Guest proval as 3 points 0 )r less separated and Salmon, Portland. CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E Surviving are two sons, Don Me- ; speaker will be Mrs. Henri Morasch, the foes throughout the entire en­ Choir rehearsal Wednesday even­ Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Pearl Harbor, T. H.- Donald Bear, Innls of Reedville and Kenneth Me- t Columbia district vice-president, and counter. the second Beaverton loss in ing and Adult Bible Class on Tue •- 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. EMlc of Beaverton, is one of 1,277 Innis and two daughters Mrs. F. L. j Mrs. R. B. Denney will speak on It as many starts. Contest begins with Portland Mt. I day evenings at 7 :45. Lineup: Whitworth (7) F; Harter Let’s get off i The Lutheran Hour every Sunday high-point Navy veterans whom the ( D q U v ) shook and Mrs. Ray (Alice) 1 chcns Mrs. T. W. Blakeney, Mrs. E. Scott Sunday School, (7) F; McKnlght (5) C; Ross (7) O; ¡9:30 a. m. over K A L E and at 1 p. m. Navy is returning to the States foi g hook 0f Chehalem Mountain; two D. Brice and Mrs. B. L. Templeton to a good start. discharge aboard the USS Sibley, an brothers, C. M. McCormick of N ew -1 will bring winter arrangements. Mrs. Blggl (2) O; Subs. O'Donnell. 11 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas­ KWJJ. attack transport of the Navy's famed berg and Ira G. McCormick of Che- Geo. Davis and Mrs. Helge Wester- A cordial welcome to all. tor speaking. T IG A R D GAME Magic Carpet' fleet. This ship left baiem Mountain. Eighteen grand ling will have charge of door prizes. "Holiness—God's Plan for Man.” Guam, Dec\ 22,^and is scheduled ^to chHdren and five great grand chll- ( At the December meeting a Christ- 6:30 p. m. N. Y. P. S. and Hi-N-Y. TILE V.ALLEY Ths same deft ball-handling that arrive in San Francisco this month. a~~ 1 -1 iU dren. Two daughters, Mrs. J. A. (Cas- ! mas party was enjoyed with exchange 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. COM M UNITY CHURCH The USS Sibley participated in the sum York and Mrs. J. L. (Jessie) of gifts. Mrs. Pat McCloskey won the i was •how'* a* ainB‘ Hillsboro Friday U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Mid week ' . - .... . night enabled the Beavers to trounce invasion of both Iwo Jima and Oki­ prize for the prettiest wrapped pack- prayer and Bible study. 1 Tim. 2. SW Gabel Lane at Fairway Dr.. nawa, and was one of the many at- Marlin preceeded her in death. Tigard's squad 33-20 Tuesday on the __________________ age, having topped a gold wrapped Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor loser's own court. tack transport which sent troops, • K> ft with a corsage made of white CHURCH OF CH RIST Services 10:30 a. m. Many of the local's counters weie ashore on these important stepping Frozen Food Locker» plne rosette and tiny cones of larch George W. Springer, Pastor long shots or keyhole ringers, but * stones to the Jap home islands. Available April 1 at Aloha and other woodsy material. Mrs. Geo. Tlgards defense was apparently no Second and Main Sts. Beaverton H IG H W A Y C H A PE L Martin wr$n for the most original 9:45 a. m. Morning worship an d ; Temporarily located upstairs ln the ’ ai C i f f i r & r * ^4 p _ „ i ; _ I mystery to the Orange and Black as .. W ------------------------ A new building located on the main wrapped package with a gift wrap- ----- preaching service. ! Odd e l l o w * Hall H n l l .Beaverton Beaverton ! . l ' . . eW lU C e r S J l . C --------- e c e lia and attempted mgny Odd F Fellows A l t a r Srwiatv Firat M e e l in u highway and Vista Avenue at Aloha ped ln Santa Claus paper and a hard they P011*“ ' Topic—"Why Men are Attracted to Orville J. Poulin, Minister A lta r o ety r St Meet g iU be completed and 1000 all 8teel hoiled egg dressed as Santa Claus more, lay-ins Christ. Sunday School 10 a. m. 1. mounted on cedar greens spray and Following the sermon, the Lord's There will be a meeting of the St lockers will he available April NEW COMERS TO AI.OHA Morning worship 11 a. m. Applications for lockers will be ta - | tiny gold walnuts mounted on the supper will be observed Cecelias Altar Society Wednesday, ken at Emerson's Garage, Aloha, Feb. j wrapping. The ladies made 88 sprays Mr and Mrs. Robert B. Kerr have Bible School class session 11 a. m. January 23, at the parish house. All ST. C EC ELIA CHURCH Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m the members of the parish art cord­ 4 to 16. No orders Sunday, Feb. 10, and swags for decorating the Veter­ purchased a house and acre tract on Masses 8:2S and 10:25. ans' Hospital. Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. ially invited to attend. Meeting —— — Vista Avenue in Aloha and plan to Midweek Bible study and prayer ALOHA COM M UNITY CHURCH starts 1:30 p. m. promptly. N E W HOME CONSTRUCTION make this their home. Among boys honorably discharged j ___ Wednesday 8 p. m. New officers presiding at this first STAR TS A T ALO H A Graydon D. Loree, Pastor from this community at Bremerton, Topic— 'Self Control.” Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hudson of meeting of the year are: Mrs. V Sunday School 9 :50 a. m. Emel, president: Mrs. L. Lamberger i Lester Hodges, of the Sunset Her- Wash., are Thomas M. O'Halloran. Rockaway, were ln Beaverton at­ M iry Antrim, Supt. has started mach mate 1-c, Tigard; and Paul F tending the installation of the offi- W E ST H U M vice-pres.; Mrs. E. Sinclair, scry.; vice station in Aloha, Morning worship 11 a m. construction of a seven room home Rasmussen, motor mach mate 1-c of | the" Masonlc Lodge and East LU TH E R AN CHURCH Mrs. B. Holland, treasurer. Evening service 7:30 p. m. (*i Alexander St., Aloha. Metzger, and * --- T-4 Robert K. Ham- n ajso sending for a subscrip- Canyon Road, near Sylvan i mons, Rnd Robert J. Hinkle, both of | t,on to the Enterprise, Werner J. Frit*. Minister SPE C ÎAL ANN O U NC EM EN T ALO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD rcrute 1, Tigard, from Fort I^ewis. | * January 20 Wheeler Avenue The Methodist Womens S. C. S. Friday. Jan. 25, Is the régula, date * ,r « m B* a v «r‘ ° n Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Rev. Rilia Mae Stephens, -----am supper at the into tb«* Masonic Temple l..*t Sat Among the Beaverton boys who will hold a meeting in church Wed­ ¡for , the --- fellowship Divine Service 11 a. m. Acting pastor urday to attend the installation of have received their honorable dis nesday, January 23. There will be Church of Christ. Adrian Stas who Sermon: Hallowed Be Thy Name. 10 a m. Sunday School. officers of Ionic Court No. 1, Order [charge at Bremerton Navy yard are: work ln the morning and a 2.V lun­ ¡has been an Army Chaplain station- Dr. Montano speaks at Bethlehem 11 a. m. Morning worship. of the Amaranth. Ruby Jansen of Robert N. Engelke, chief spec. (A ), cheon served at noon «u.d business Luth. Church N E 39 and Senate. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. ' ed in Alaska, will be guest speaker Aloha, was installed as a Royal Mn- j Beaverton From Fort I .owls Sgt. meeting and program at 2 p. m You are welcome at West Hllla 7 30 p. m. Thursday Bible Study. ¡The young people will bring the de- tron and Fayne Engleke as Faith August J. Sincick, route one. Pfc. votions. This is a pot luck supper Church. A1 Jannscn was one of the installing Melvin F. Wright, at Aloha, at Fort Eddie Biddle, the man with the big at 6:30 o’clock. R E E n V T IJ j; COM M UNITY officers Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown- LreWU. i smile at B. and T. is recovering nicely The Mary Martha Class enjoyed an B E TH E L P R L S B Y T K R IA N CHURCH from * recent operation at the Port- , evening of fellowship and fun at the ilgg. Matron and Patron of Beaver C O NG R EG ATIO N AL CHURCH Rev. Hampton, Pastor Chapter were escorted to the East. The Social Club of Eastern st* r , land Sanitarium. It will possibly be i home of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Wyt-i Rev J. Q. Dickey (Interim ) Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m O. ___ _ „ _ . »»■* f r\A*y tor election of o f « - N m ( ttfn, b#fors he is back at work. jtenberg of Beaverton. After a deli-) Miss _ Roberta (In place of Rev. Sturtevant until Geiger, Supt. McCloskey. daughter | cerg Mrs. Alice Falrweather was | next summer) icious pot luck supper a business of Mr and Mrs W E McCloskey, ejected as president and Mrs. Meul- First Lieut. Doris B Harris, N742I- Worship Service 11 a. m. meeting was conducted by the class oi Beaverton, and E. Theodore Wll- ]er as secretary 153 ANC has received word that she 9 45 a. m. Church School. Misa Am- Young People's C. E. 7 p. no. | president, Mrs. Walter Payne The u S. Navy, son of Mrs. John j I has beer, promoted to Captain, arette Bams, Supt. remainder of the evening was spent Wilson, were married at Seattle Dec. I A son was bom Jan 6 to Mr and | L A T T E R D A Y SAINTS Adult class has new course; better) i in an old hat sale! These hats They will live in Bremerton. Mrs. Wm. A. Feeney, he has been j Mr. and Mrs Don Walker i nd Mr*, American Legion Hall join up. j were modeled by the gentlemen | named Thomas P. Beele Walker drove to California last Main St.. Hillsboro, Ore. 11 a. m. Installation of church of­ present enhancing their beauty The Masonic and Eastern Star t week. Sunday School at 10 a m ficers; anthem by choir; sermon top­ ! White elephant glfta were redeemed lodges will hold services next Sun-! The LaFond house on Second and | Sacrament meeting 6 SO p m ic Squash or Personality; W hich’ la |U In St. Vtneent'a Branch by forfaits. All in all ¡.he evening day at the Masonic Home near For- Angel Street, ceught fire Monday | Mis Beneon Elder J. T. S Peterson, 6 SO p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship at night, but not much damage done. Ihoepltal. est drove at three oclock. i was most dgilghtful, J Preet. parsonage. • i More than half of the men, .vo­ rnan and children attacked by infantile paralysis get well, ac­ cording to the National Founda­ tion for Infantile Paralysis, which conducts the March of Dimes. Of those attacked, the Founda­ tion says, 50 per cent recover completely, 29 per cent are left with slight residual paralys.s, 18 per cent remain handicapped and 3 per cent die Give to the March of Dimes. January 14-31, and help assure the best of care and treatment to all needy poliomelitls victims, regardless of age, race, creed or color. Sunday In The Churches