BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Miss Daley Hendrix, ten years Presbyterian missionary to Korea, will speak at the Beaverton Church o f the Nacarene, Sunda> night, Jan­ uary 13 at 7.30. Sht will also speak to the young people at the 6:30 houi. Friday, January 11, 1946 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Stanley W. Natherton, Publisher Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneei Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class m at­ ter at the postoffice, B eaverton, Ore. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY VOTE JANUARY 11th Firestone Products For the Home Ritz Theatre Subscription Payable in A dvance fl $1.00 BEAVERTON Beaverton O ffice E nterprise Bldg. Phone Beavtfrton 2321 Portland O ffic e 308 Panam a Bldg.. 3rd and Alder. P hone A T w ater 6591 For Your Car Tel. 2482 P ..Ü .U » Saturday M atinee 1:30 Shew changes Sunday 1:30, 4, 6 30, 9 ll ATION i 7:50x20 F IR E S T O N E T IR E S 7:00x20 F IR E S T O N E T IR E S Shows every N ight 7 to 11:30 Special water For Your Farm Truck • • • • • Sunday-Tuesday, Jan. 13-15 SON OF L A S S IE Peter Law ford, D. Crisp, J. L ockhart Feather Y o a r Neat— News A C artoon Leonard's & Ernest's F or Prom pt, C o u r tn iw M O T O R R E W IN D IN G , A P P L IA N C E R E P A IR SE R V IC E HOME and A U T O R A D IO S E R V IC E W e are offerin g T w o Day Service and a 90 day guarantee on our service work. Have you had you r R adio repaired Cut this N ext d oor to F loren ce B eauty shop fo r Future R eferen ce U. S. CONGRESSMAN — All Berries. Prunes, G rapes— F E R T IL IZ E R , d u s t , w e e v i l BAITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Beaverton 3271 TO M A IN T E N A N C E , R E P A IR IN G , W IR IN G , M O T O R W O R K T em porary Phone A L O H A 6161 4 Days Service ( A ny Quantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade. D w arf». Espaliers, Ornamentals, llerry Plant« VILLA RIDGE NURSERY P hone O il. *»** 11333 SW 6th and Harhnr Hlv*. C LO SED SU N DAYS GEORGE F. GORDON j P IIO N E ALOHA 6612 ! D cm othlng, R epairing For Immediate Deliveries CALL GARFIELD 9314 STUARTS ELECTRIC SERVICE OUR M O T T O : W e are rem inded con stan tly thru all o f the m eans o f public com m u n i­ cation that we must be ralndful o f our tra ffio hazards and do all that 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton we can to reduce the terrible toll exacted each year thru avoidable a c­ cidents. It seems to us that if the other fe l­ low knew ju st what we intended da- lng b efore we accom plished our change o f direction, or spesd m uch I m i ï m T i ï i ï ï ï m could be done to accom plish this c o m ­ mon purpose. g SPECIAL " V E N T I L A T E D " Tills could be achieved by the sim ple operation tft rolling dow n the window and giving the proper hand signals to identify our next m ove to c Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. both thoae follow in g as well as those £ 5819 SW M acadam Ave., Portland, 1 O regon A T. 8384 approaching within short range. In the winter tim e it is often dis­ tasteful for us tQ "stick out our hand” but we believe you will agree that a wet hand is more quickly dried than the tears o f mourning. Strawberry Plants DRY BLOCK & SLAB WOOD IM P R O V E OU R S E R V IC E Oscar Edlund, a journeym an with 20 years experience has joined our firm . GO OD S E R V IC E G O O D C L E A N IN G S A T IS F IE D C U STO M E R S A m ericans will see doodlebug plane.» with controllable wings, the position o f which own be changed at will by the pilot. (This means grea t­ er safety, and easier handling by elim inating the need fo r ailerons, ele­ vators and rudder.) _______ WRIGHT FUEL COMPANY De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y iflmoe M ell , J Î See your Building Material Dealer Income Tax Returns | hziwbthmn * Dhtribulor. 1 IVIRV THING DAI RYMAN ^ ^ F o « m - /U v a mo . C u t.- ía l t 185 NW Park • L a k e ( it / AT. 6461 I f it is Plumbing you want C a ll- Beaver Heating & Plumbing Company RIGHT-NOW CLEANER Far General Hom e Cleaning Dishes, Laundry, Woodwork Harmless-—Sanitary Replace« Soap • S ett« for Hand« ASK ALL GROCERS — Com es in po c ko ge * 25c — 50c — $ 1 0 0 ACCOUNTING SERVICE HEATERS--PUMPS-- SEPTIC TANKS Etc. HERMOSA PRODUCTS 60. A Service for the Small Business 104 N .t. Russell Street, Portlond, Oregon 1. Monthly Profit and Loss statement, showing gross receipts, cost of sales, analysis of ex­ pense and percentages covering current month and year to date. Carl's FIXIT Shop ALO H A, O R E G O N We are here to serve you Gas A ppliance« R epaired and Sold 2. Balance Sheet showing assets, money owed and your net worth. 3. Withholding Taut reports. 4. Social Security Reports. W ashing M achines and Small A pplian ce« Repaired Saws Filed and Gum m ed 5. State and Federal Unemployment reports. Beaver Heating & Plumbing Co. 1st & Main St., Beaverton Phone 2622 I .a tv n M owers Sold A R epaired A L L T H E A B O V E SERVICE FOR h A SM AL L M O N T H L Y FEE — You Will Find a Profit in Calling 1 w \ THE OLD JUDGE S A Y S . . . ^ n a n o Tuning, Cleaning, — v JOE KUBIN W ANTED SW F O U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 8181 Notice to Residents ■of* Tigard and Beaverton BUYERS— PACKERS W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to Wie IDEAL CLEAN ­ ERS. S C om plete Funeral Service In New C athedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverside is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800,000 1 0 9 South W a tso n St. (deaf Cleaners A W E T H A N D vs. AN O B IT U A R Y CREM ATORIUM M AUSOLEUM CEMETERY Pd. adv., N orblad for C ongress­ man Com m ittee Joseph D. Felton, Salem, Oregon Service W ednesday-Sat u n lay, Jan. 16-19 T H O SE K N OK AItIN O YOUNG C H A R M S R obert Y ou n g Laraine Day, Ann Harding, Bill W illiam s Tarzan and the Am azons News Sat. M atinee 1:30 — Added feature M onster and the Ape out Veteran World War II Experienced Legislator Educated in Oregon Practicing Attorney R E P U B L IC A N N O M IN E E FO R RADIO-ELECTRIC CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans­ pot tation and w alk in g distance from dow ntow n. W E S T END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E N0RBLAD THE WHITE HOUSE B O OST Y O U R H O M E T O W N Wed.-.Waturday, Jan nary 9-12 C H IN A 8 K Y 8 R andolph Seott, R. W arrick Helen Drew H aving a W onderful Crim e Pat O 'Brien, Carol Landis George M urphy N ew «— Saturday M atinee 1:30 0 . R. NICHOLSON & SON D E A L E R IN S C R A P M E T A L Highest P rices P aid % R aya Garage B roadw ay at Lom bard, Beaverton Riverview Cemetery i for W A L T E R Beyond Aloha, at Tobias R eam s o f copy have been written on this subject, but with it all there Is still considerable tim e that could be spent on reflection by each resi­ dent o f his hctme tow n on what he could do to make the tow n a better place in w hich to live. Did you ever stop to think that your hom e tow n is "y o u ” ? And it is your hom e town because you live th ere? Most o f us cam e from som e other place in the coutry. W e cou ldn 't all have been blessed with having this as our birthplace. H ow ever we are here now and thus It is now ours to BOOST and BUILD. W e huve a w onderful opportunity to get in and w ork with those w ho have been bearing the brunt o f the responsibility orf our tow n in its m a­ nagem ent and prom otion. E ach ane o f us should be a w alking A D fo r the com m unity where he lives to publi­ cize its advantages and help seek a rem edy fo r w hatever m ight appear disadvantageous to hiai. We should be able to en joy the know ledge o f progress we have helped m ake pos­ sible with each passing year. This is a program we can 't wait until tom orrow to start. It con cern s our daily living and N O W is the time to start. Let's continue to be know n as a “ com m un ity a f b oaster«'’. — P hon e B eaverton 2S83— should b« more balanced. When trustees are news in that land ot palm trees and tanned dam ­ sels. they are no garden variety o f trustees. Y our« with the low down, JO S E R R A N E W E L E C T R IC IRON S 8 IL E X C O F F E E M A K E R S Kireatone d elax« Hot Heaters Im perial Seat Covers i A m erica plans: P ocket radios no ! l.trgei than a packet of cigarette». (T iny vacuum tubes developed for use in the "rad io proxim ity fuse." wondet developm ent oi the war, will make such miniature sets possible. f P O R T L A N D O F F IC E 4IV-416 r natal Bldg., H Enron 4514, A10 SW Third Avenue E V E N fN G S : R E n con 0375 5354 S. W . 4»th D R I V E (G LK N C I IJ.E N ) '" V TURKEYS 9h ! AlJtO SEE THE JOB THRU! Live Poultry and Eggs R eceiving A Dressing Plants: Portland, McMtnnvlU«. Salem. Albany. E ugene, R oseburg, R edm ond, Oregon. CHOICE OF Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. Large supply of peaches, apple«, pears, cherrte«, prunes, plums, ap­ ricot» walnuts and filberts as well as roses, flow erin g shrubs, and berry plants. L arge orch ard plant­ ers Order N ow while our stock is ■till com p lete! Oai new 1946, 46- page catalogu e is now available upon request. T o call at our nur­ sery. take h ighw ay 99W W e are located 17 miles southwest o f P ort­ land or 1 m ils pest Six Centers. D o not leave highw ay 99W. W atch fo r our sign. T l AJ-ATIN \ A LL E Y NY RAF. H IE S R ou te S, Box 119 Sherw ood. O regen T H E A T R E OF SERVICE SSwir EDUCATION: UP T O 2 YRS. COLLEGE P hone E A «t 8141 Fruit. Nut, F low ering and Shed« Tree», lioaea, Harry Plants Shrub«, «1«.. Gif TRAVEL: Main O f fit'« and Plant a. E. Oak Htre-t, Portland, Ora. : I W H IL E SERVING CAREER: LIBERAL RE T IR E M E N T PROGRAM MEN 17-34 P H Y SIC A L LY & M E N T A L L Y Q U A L IF IE D ARE ELIGIBLE TO ENLIST NOW.. in the UNITED STATES ARMY I 614 S W 11th A V E N U E and VICTORY CENTER PORTLAND. OREGON I MARRY: “ I don’ t know what they’ll weigh up, Judge, but my cattle and poultry sure have been gettin fatter since I started to use distillers’ dried grains in their ration.” OLD JUDGE: “ You're about the tenth one who ha* told me that, Harry. How do you account for i t ? ” HARRY: “ The by-product recovered from grains used by distillers is very high in vita­ min and protein content. It's the best feed supplement we can get to balance the rations we feed our dairy cows, livestock and poul­ try. Mixed with original gram, these dis­ tillers’ dried grains have a much prater feeding value than the original grain has.” OLD J l ’DCiE: “ Have any trouble getting all you n eed ?” HARRY: "Yes. at times, even though the distillers produced pound* of it for the year endin’ last June. I hope they’ll be m a position to produce a lot more next year. * OID Jl IX,E "Then I guess nobodv can tell you gram is wasted in distilling.” HARRY: Not me. Judge . . . I know.” r*M » SrlU M M IRM«.* »* Com*, rrm tt »* Akmkolm i n e « f > Im lrubU t / « «