V O L U M E 18. NO. 50 E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Beaverton, Oregon, January 11, 1940 New Fire District To Be Formed Proclamation City Zoning And Building Code Passed By Council At Monday Night Meeting The Annual March of Dimes foi I funds to combat infantile paralysis, | Stressing the "pet peeves" of which opens Monday has been given turning veterans Mujor Brown, official sanction by Mayor E. H. * the ll>4th Airborne Division, Masters in a proclamation as follows dressed the regular meeting of ___________ __ "Whereas the disease of infantile! Beaverton Kiwanis club Wednesday ! ce,ved hls honorable discharge" Dec- Petitions are now being circulated paralysis rages in many cities of night in the Kiwanis Hall. Put M u r-!27 at Siatl1*- Wash, requesting the County Court to es­ our nation every year, leaving in its phy, the new president presiding. tablish a new fire district in the ru­ wake hundreds, even thousands, of Among those at Fort Lawis who ral area adjacent to Beaverton and stricken men, women and children, Walter Norblad, candidate for elec­ received discharges are TSgt including Quatama, Reedvllle, many of them crippled for life, and tion to Congress from the first dts- Valmore H. Bullís, Beaverton. Sgt "Whereas, the National Founda-1 ------- Aloha, Huber. Hazeldale. Cooper Mt., ------------------ -------------- I trtet also gave an interesting 10 nnn- Kloyd D. Schauld, route 1, box 871, Hinton, Metzger, Progress and Gar­ tion for infantile Paralysis, by as Action Protects Present . _____ T ' 3 Joseph P. Zawaske, Beaverton Uons as are ordinarily carried on in 1 utc talk on hi-s actual war experience suring care and treatment for all 1 /-v c den Home communities. with the underground and gave some ' Bfc. Joseph B. Fann, box 87, T/Sgt a private home. victims of poliomyelitis and by car- \ _ Wners ; Lncourages , hi ghl i ghts of his experience follow'ntr George M. Butler, route 3. box 1000 This area contains approximately rying on Its great' program o'f re-\ Prospective Buyers T 5 Bruce E. Feathers. Beaverton. 44 square miles and is now ueing s e a r c h f o r t h e n r e v e n t i n n nnrl ruw- search for the prevention and pos­ ch urch!»1' k libraries, ad *i ' n rnri S WaVr Cep .“ uct™nmS lr ° d Jack J. Langus. radarman third class served by Beaverton Fire Department sible cure of this virulent disease, churches, and non-commer- S <;llv route 2, box 413. At the regular meeting of the City but the only available equipment is has earned the overwhelming grati- Council held Monday evening both a The following men were honorably Inadequate to give proper service. jtude of the American people, and zoning ordinance and discharged at Fort Lewis lately: l»vt. The formation of the new district he March of Dimes a" d a. bul“ ‘¥ «• • «t a in the chmacte, of re.l- „ . ------^ V U D , "Whereas Charles Drake,, R3, Pfc. William V will enable Its elected board of direc­ iwere ldopted f°‘ th** i-ity of Beaver- dontiai surroundings Beaverton T Y V Basket rrounding annually by the National I ton. Jamieson, box 163, S Sgt. Carl W. tors to provide their own equipment conducted Foundation will be held January 14 Restriction No. 2—There may be Ball Schedule The zoning ordinance will permit Huth, R3. box 35; Sgt. Harold R. An­ and personnel or to contract with an to 31 i elected, altered or maintained all | control of the property use and w-ill derson, R2, box 995; Ralph I. Brown, existing fire department for the ser­ HOME GAMES “Therefore, be it resolved that all meet a long-felt need of owners of ¡buildings and uses as provided and radio tech first class; T/4 Donald H vice. citizens are urged to co-operate with improved property for protection p* rmitted in Residential District No. Baldwin, R2, box 404. Jan. 8-- Tillamook at Beaverton. the March of Dimes in Beaverton. .against so-called “shack" construc- 1, and in addition thereto there be Jun. 18 West Linn nt Beaverton. U . (Jgi Theodore J. Philip, Rl. i E. H. MASTERS Mayor tlon on property adjoining or in the permitted the erection, alteration und Jan. 23 ■ ALOHA NEW S — Sherwood at Beaverton, Box 200, Beaverton, was recently dts maintenance oI multiple-story dwell adjacent area. 2:30 p. m. charged at Seattle, Wash, from the A building code has been needed ,n« s- «P ^ tm en t houses, lodging or Pfc. T/5 Haakon Toiiefsen of Aio- Names of Campaign Jun. 25 Forest Grove at Beaverton navy under the point system. badly by Beaverton and its provis- ,room,nK houses, hotels without shops, Feb. 1 McMinnville at Beaverton. ions will also provide a means and c,ub"' hospitals and sani- S -s K fiS L S T " Director. Announced M A R TIN DOESC1IEK W ORKS Feb. 8 Hillsboro at Beaverton. control of the type of construction ! tar|um9 other than for contagious O V E R 20 Y E A R S ON O.-E. Feb. 12 Tigard at Beaverton, The Cooper Mt. P T A sponsored a County Chairman Ray Antrim of within the City. Full inspection o f i and >nsane, schools and institutions 1 Feb. 19—Newberg at Beaverton. card party at the school house last Aloha this week announced the general construction, plumbing and otber than for coriecttve pui poses Martin Doescher formerly of Bea­ names of campaign directors for all ! electric wiring is required ( and undertaking and mortuary par- Saturday. GAMES A W A Y FROM H ERE verton and of late years residing nt but a few of the districts in Wash- In the past, some prospective pur- | ,ors- buildings shall not exceed 34 Cornelius, recently retired ofter la The Cooper Mt. Sewing club met at ington county for collection of funds I chasers of Beaverton property Jan 4 McMinnville at McMinnville boring over 20 years on the section f o r i 9,01 ies ol feet in height and shall the L. M. Schouboe home Wednesday. for the March of Dimes. Jan. 9 Sherwood at Sherwood 2 p.m. for the Oregon Electric. "Once development have inquired regarding ntd occupy ^ more than 70”} of^ the area of an interior lot or 80', of the Jan. 11— Hillsboro at Hilslboro. A meeting of the Cub Packs will again we have an opportunity t o ; the above controls and upon being area of a coiner lot. While at Beaverton, he was with Jun. 15--Tigard at Tigard. battle | informed that none exiSt, have in- be held at the Community church to­ share in the unrelenting the late Jim Hennchan, section fore­ Jan. 23 Newberg at Newberg. Central Business District There man, for many years helped pump night. I f you have a boy between against infantile paralysis,” he said. | vested elsewhere. Feb. 5—Tillamook at Tillamook. “ Pollomyvelitis,” he pointed out. I Permits are required under the shall be permitted erection, altera­ the ages of 9 and 11 contact Mark Feb. 15- West Linn at West Linn. many hand cars up and down old tions, maintenance, and uses pro- "Is one of the most expensive di- 1 new building code and application Antrim, Cubmaster, for Information section No. 7 and then spent the bal­ Hospi­ must be supported by a copy of i vided for and permitted in residen- | Feb. 22—Forest Grove at Forest ance of his time with Roy Stuart, on bring him to the meeting tonight. seasee known to medicine. talization fen a single patient costs plans. f tlal 1 and 2 in addition thereto there , Grove. section fir email at Hillsboro. Full information is available at the may be erected, altered, and muin-1 Harold Price returned to New | '«ore than $2,500 a year. Some cas- Traveling on gasoline curs to and York this week after a very pleasant j es require continuous care for sev- City Hall and all contractors art- tained convention halls, retail stores, Elwin Paxson’s from work Mr. Doescher has wit­ community meeting houses, public or urged to give the matter their at­ visit with his parents Mr and Mrs ! eral years. nessed much progress on the O.-E. Sport Dope Price our well known postmaster and 1 The following directors have been | tention before commencing any con- private institutions, service stations, during recent years. A fine ballasted with or without repair shops, whole­ Aloha (Reedville, Hazel- | struction. wife. Harold Is now an illustrator chosen: A fast-moving McMinnville aggre- track, heavier steel rails, and a sale offices, sample rooms, public for several popular magazines, and dale, Huber, M cKinley)- Mrs. Robert Zoning Ordinance jgatton possessed too much scoring change from electric equipment hack buildings, armories or arsenals, ga­ Andros, route 3, Beaverton. Tigard i Residence Dist. No. 1—There may his work is in much demand. punch for the height-deficient Beav­ (Metzger, Durham. Tualatin) —Vei n I be erected, altered and maintained rages, including shops, and custom ers Friday night as they administered to steam and Diesel engine power. Mr. Doescher mude a lot of friends Ed E. Evans .Seattle, Wash., and O. Bishop, Tigard. West Slope- ¡only single family and two family manufacturing wherin goods are re­ while at Beavertdn and took quite an Mrs. J. A. Nooan, Los Angeles, Cal., Rev. Werner J. Bishop, route 1, Ce- j dwellings and 14 stoiry court apart- tailed on the premises to the ultim­ a 47-34 licking to the visitors. Mac's lead was shaky throughout interest in city politics. He retires came to Aloha tej spend the holidays ! dar MUI (Bonny Slope, Barnes school j nients with or without such acccs- ate consumers, newspaper and print- wlth their sister Mrs. H. T. Brown-j West Union, Bethany)—Mrs. N. P. jsory buildings as are appropriate to j lng establishments, advertising signs the encounter; Beaverton crept with­ on over $4000 per month pension. in two points of knotting the count rigg and husband, and also attend ¡ Johnson route 2 Beaverton. Garden ¡such dwelling, including private ga- shall be permitted in this district. LT. T H O R N B U R G their installation as worthy matron | Home— Mrs. George Sturley. rages, pergolas, greenhouses, and hot, In the unrestricted district, their in the third frame, but could never and patron of Beaver O. E. S. ! houses for private use in connection! shall be permitted all erections, al- gain the upper hand during the re­ Lt. (jg ) Theodore R. Thornburg, iwith such single or two family 1 terations, and usees permitted in one, matning minutes of play. A M E L N E LS O N co-pilot on a Ventura, Navy Patrol ! dwellings. The raising of vegetables j two and central business district and Coach Duncan's casabamen were A L O H A -H U B K R NO TE S Amel Nelson died January 7 at j and produce shall be permitted with- J In addition thereto there shall be ' closely-checked by their opponents, Bomber, missing since October 28, 1944, was killed according to word Illness has entered our faculty. Beaverton after a lingering illness of|in this district. Livestock and fowls permitted to be erected, maintained j but Bill Harter potted 12 points to received from the Navy Department, Mrs. Yarbrough fell and punctured several years. He was born Feb. I shall also be permitted to be kept or altered all types of wholesaling pace the Beavers, and Bob Whitworth on a combat area patrol off the coast her lung. It will be necssary for 15, 1880, In Rockford, 111., and wus|and raised within such district under and manufacturing except those ex-|hit the hemp fo|r 9. of Mtndinao in the Philippine Islands. her to remain at home for some 65 years, 11 months and 7 day9 old. , 'such regulations as the _ __ City Council ^luded by _ ordinance or contributing George Allyson was htgh-point man Lt. Thornburg was a graduate of time. Mrs. G. Christiansen of Witch Surviving are his wife Mary, four i may by ordinance from time to time a nuisance. ¡of the game with 14 counters for the Forest Grove High school and at­ Hazel is substituting for Mrs. Yar­ sons and one daughter: Lorraine. El- prescribe; provided that the present' The complete zoning ordinance ! Grizzlies, tended Pacific University in 1939 brough. win and Edgar of Beaverton, Ward ; ordinances and regulations covering provides for protection from institu- Beaver Lineup thru '41. Having completed Civilian of Milwaukie, and Oris of Portland, j the keeping of livestock and . . „ fowls in , i Itions when emission . of odor, . . . dust, , i Harter, and Whitworth, forwards; Pilots training he enlisted in the U. Mrs. Whitehead spent part at her Six grandchildren, four sisters and the City of . „ Beavereton shall remain ! smoke, gas or noise would he of- Mt.Knl ht centcr; Ro88 and Blg , S. N. R. and graduated from Pensa­ vacation in the hospital as she had a three brothers. as controlling until changed by the fensive. In the unrestricted dis- ,uards cola Naval Air Station in April 1943 throat operation. She plans to be Mr. ..Nelson's parents m oved to | City Council. The occupation of ! trtet a special permit must be ob Tillamook ( am,. as a naval aviator. He took opera- back in school next week. Mrs. South Dakota when he was a small | such dwellings may _ engage __ _ therein tained for such trade or industry. ! Tbe v,slUng Til|anlook hoopilVer8 tloriHl training at Jacksonville, Flori­ Whitehead has a splendid attendance boy and later to Minnesota. There he and use such dwelling for the prac-1 Passed by Council and approved by *d ' f " ° ” p8l.e " da and joined his squadron at W hit­ record as this is her first absence married Mary Bixby. They came to tice of such professions and occupa- Mayor January 7. seac.mst w o rth -w h ile T . L . . nleht by Island Naval Air Station, Whidby seacoast worth-while Tuesday night from teaching due to illness in her Oregon in 1924 and have resided in j as they handed the Beavers 54-37 Island, Wash., in July 1943. 18 years of teaching. M rs.^Clara ! th|s communlty for the past 22 years. D E A N P U C K E T T HOME He is survived by his widow Mrs. i High point man for the locals was Megargel of Hillsboro is s u b s titu tin g ',. Ne,son was a farmer the most H EN W A K E S HM U P FROM T H E S E R V IC E IN T1IE M O R NIN G ? McKnight with 11 counters. Roslna Thornburg of Beaverton and for Mrs. Whitehead. of his life; he was also caretaker _ . . All the support that can possibly was the son of the late D. A. Thorn­ Dean Puckett. 2C \Aate. Tender has ,)p nfforded th, Beaverton team burg of Forest Grove. Mrs. Stella Boswell was called to of the Beaverton High school for 14 j During the recent w-ar and this years. He was highly respected by j po8t.war period—it is hard to buy an been honorably discharged f.om the 8hou,d bfi ,ven Everyone 8houId Medford the day after Christmas as ' aiarm clock—they seem to be scarce. navy and Is home after three year» be R ..h0me,tO(Wn bo08t/r- and Ket C A L V IN B A R N E S SELES R ANC H her mother, Mrs. Ida Schuler, passed all who knew him. Funeral services were held in the | one of your reporters heard a good in siM-vice. away there. ; as many rooters young and old alike, ON W IL S O N R IV E R ROAD Christian Church, Beaverton, on Wed-1 fjr„t „ f the week at Benson's City Dean's en ire sea du y was »pent ((iU to ( he ca8ab' COITte8ta. nesday, Jan. 9; the Rev. Geo. Sprin- : Market. A lady came in the door aboard the USS Nashville, a cruiser, j __________________ Mrs. Irene Layton went to Lincoln, Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Barnes up Nebraska, December 27 as her fath­ ger officiating, Melvin Beeler sang i and 8aid she f OUnd a "freak'' in her and during his service was in nine m ^AVERTON G RAD ERS FIV E Gales Creek Way on Wilson River er Thomas W. Carroll, passed away "Rock of Ages,” and "Silver Threads pouitry yard—at the Brown-Putnam major sea encounters. In one of the sold their ranch last week. This was E1FT1I GAME there on that date after an illness Among the Gold” accompanied by place just West of Beaverton on battles 140 aboard the USS Nashville j formerly the Benards ranch. Mr of a month. Mrs. Layton returned Mrs. Walter Myers. w’ere killed. Dean and his wife are ; ^ scrappy little Beaverton Grade Barnes has been making extensive Farmington Road. Committal was In Crescent Grove to Aloha on January 5. It seems they sold all the roosters, making their home in Portland. j School basketball team extended their Improvements and has the property cemetery. W. E Pegg Mortuary In so they wouldn't eat up the egg Vernon Puckett, who was recently ; winning streak to five games last seeded down and In good shape for Miss Gideon was ill with the flu care of arrangements. mash, and stop a lcjt of rooster crow­ discharged from the Navy is now liv- Friday night as they trounced Metz- the now owners. the first week of her vacation. She ing at break of day and kept the pul­ ing with his wife and family in W ll-jKer-8 f tVp ih _ io . Dale Lindsey was spent the last week with friends in "T H E B U N N E L L SIST E R S" lets to lay eggs while the price is lamina. Vernon spent his sea duty j high point man with 8 tallies. Norm O LD T IM E ItAKN Tacoma, Washington. R E T l'R N TO H O L L Y W O O D ¡aboard the destroper Dewey. j Haines and Bud Ramsdule each COM ING D O W N I high. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Scott divided Everything was going fine until Herbert, another ofthe Puckett boys countered 4. and Bill Bernhardt made "The Bunnell Sisters" as t e> an g a^urday morning at daylight every- who has seen service with the navy , -j points. The young Beavers draw Al Pesenti and Co. have been busy their vacation between Albany, Ore­ nnen sisters known on Hollywood sets an gon and Seattle. Washington. o ra- , bo^y wa8 awakened by crowing down and his wife, the former Lois Eaton, their toughest assignment against Tl- the last few days tearing down their dio audiences, the daughtets o r in the chicken house. Upon investi- ( were visitors Sunday at the home o f| KHrd Grade School tonight on the old barn on Beaverdam Rond. R e­ Mr. and cently they purchased another barn , K . Mrs. Gordon and family , and Mrs. W A. Bunnell of es tjon and beboid there stood a hen btB mother, Mrs. Mabel Puckett, in Tigers own floor. almost new—painted lt white and « th BV Ilf S* n,h J° 9° | S1° P '' returned to Hollywood. Tues- ( n tb<> neat Clt|wini{? Beaverton. Herbert is a storekeeper |,|„PUp: and San Francisco, Calif., with Mr day, where they are under contract -------------- -------- I 2C and Is now stationed in Seattle. Ron Kell and Dale Lindsay, for- keeps his cow In the West end while Ron Gordon’s relatives. They met their to a movie studio. They !-peni a « .»SIIINGTON COUNTY E M EEDN He has been in the service two years. | wards; ’urds; Norman Haines, center; Bud Speedy Claasen keeps his race horse son George in California and he re­ day vacation here at the home of ¡ BOND QUOTA BY 45.8(4 -----------------~—— 1 D .n»s > u and mu Ramsdell Bill it.mharH» Bernhardt, «■•••*<• guards. in the East end. turned to Aloha with them as he Is their parents. j 4 Much good lumber Is being saved to Clubs Decorate Hospitals Reserves Metcalf, Petticord and now discharged from the army. While here they lent their talents The f ,nRl report on the Victory construct a new double garage in the | Crain. on several occasions for programs ¡ jjQan drive lists Washington county near future. Beaverton Garden Club was one o f ----------------------- Mrs, Dooher and Mrs. Bushnell over Portland radio stations and also • at 4Vg f)el cent ab(A.p u, 8eriP8 e jwu| four such clubs in the Columbia dist- A M E R IC A N LE G IO N spent their vacation at home with HGT. W A R R E N D O BYNS HOME their families. Mrs. Dooher spent made an appearance in The Dalles, bond qUOta with sales of $823.774 to- j rict wb(rb participated in the deco- •Il'N IO K U ANEK AM . ON T H IR T Y DAY L E A V E .ward a quota of $565,000. The county j ration of the Veterans hospital on Christmas day with her sister in Oregon. Over 40 boys attended the Ameri­ _ B D v u i'D T n v , finished eighth in the state Benton Marquam hill during the holiday sea Portland. Mrs. Bushnell and family M S IT S SON IN B REM ERTO N Warren Dobyns USMCK, is can Legion Junior Baseball meeting j _ wag f,r8t with m 6 per cent. HQn Just pa88ed. were guests at the home of Mr. and Monday noon at the high school. Bob , spending a thirty day leave a * Mrs. Carl SUvander In Oswego on J. J. McMahon visited his son. I Best »howing by Washington coun- j w ben the decorations were com Whitworth, hard-hitting shortstop of ■ home of his parents on Nellson road Christmas day. Warren spent 24 months In the Pa When we returned to school after our vacatiafei we found that Mr. Ver­ million had been very busy for the floors had been reftnlshed during our absence. He keeps our building very clean for us. tot 212 per cent of a $1 370,000 quota contest STO RK S H O W E R G IV E N winners. FO R MRS P A U L SCH IEB E!. 8Rrth that la the foundation work o f l te" d the nieeting^H a r s M t '•«* "-b- _____ i Jrsrur , r s s l ? js k Young Dobyns will return to the U. • The sixth grade spelling sunshine turns ended with the girls the Mr. and Mrs. Garnet The boys will entertain the girls at “ “ w ^ . i ? r K M K.rT Mrs Paul Schtebel. rte 2. Beaver­ UUU,CT on ......... -r- daughter Lynne, have moved to Ar- a skating party at Hillsboro. A ton. was honored with a shower given Oregon finished twelfth among the | ; „ puddles the field are dried up. At a meeting in Salem, January «. Another handicap the team shop new contest has begun which Is a for her at the home of her sister. Mrs states in series E bond sales with yacht race between one group in Joe Moshofskv at 1C> N F Portland $*>7 172 47H or nearly $5.000.000 over the Townsend First District Council will have to overcome Is the deplor- has ° P * " '‘d ■" JV” daughter of Mr. "The Black Swan" and another £ £ d ‘ In iir , « l i r 1 » , - i .-.nt .m.nlmou.ly r^ .n .m .n d .d th ». .11 ,.h i. e d i t i o n of th. dl.mohd .1 p n , ayfleld. The best group In "The Barracuda.” The many friends in Beu h,„,h.t Black Swan's captain Is Carolyn D es ,the bon0red guest, a sister Annabel!* the top in E bond sales. It was an . ...... - ....... --- ■ . . tb ».ti.h verton go with them. Brlsay and the captain of the Barra-; f k Mr, A Holboke. Mrs , nounred that the payroll savin, pro , Mad at the special election to be held The rain has washed t h ' pl^h- ! France. Holboke . Mrs Her- gram will be continued a. a per-!t«*U y to fill the vacancy In Oregon mg mound, and1 the Infield J . about cuda is Lorraine Mick Pfc. Wm. W Caldwell of route 1, Dyi* R Smith of rout e 2, and first nard. and Miss Margaret Holboke , rnanent divUirm of the treasury de- representation In Congress left by the as smooth as a washboard. It s about Pupils of Mrs. Bushnell'* ----- recent death of the late Congressman (time that someone who wants to see . c Loeento. B < Beaverton, ! partment. I ___ a . - I h , 0 _41 * M t A K n sf 1 sn i l l 14 4* n 1 1 ■ 1 144— I grade have made a New Year s reso- I were among thoee present *the fellows have clean fun and dts- j __ ®gt James W Mott. ___ Robert 8 Shively, route 1. __________________ P|ay their baseball ability. beside« I T/s lutlon to work better and more quiet­ i have been honorably discharged front Funeral services were held Satur­ < AMI* E IR E G IR L " Tommy Ramsdell himself, did some- ly. Members of table groups with A W E I-fO M F . TO OUR day for Emily H Megert of Cedar Fort Lewis best records for the month will have j NEWCOMERS The Camp Fire meeting was at the thing about this problem of scraping ! Mill, wife of Alfred F mother of their names published in the school ^ an £ h om e here .moving Doris Evelyn McClelland of Beav Virginia Huddleston Scribe down from Hillsboro Mr Geertg'ns, NKW FROZEN FCM)D I.O< H E R " erton. passed sway this week. She A marriage lice nse has been i*- school In Astoria. L r8turned war II veteran la employ­ was wife of Benjamin, mother of | #u" d to Leonard R Dreyer, Beaver Wdfk will begin Immediately on B E A V E R T O N R EB E C C A LODGE ai ed with the firm of Grauer and Ack- The boys and girl* each have Benjamin Jr U 8 Navy. Drustlla ton 8nd mora O Campion. 1743 8E construction of a building for 1.000 TO H O LD D IN N E R IN ALO H A basket ball game this week Thejerm an here Aherle PoUland. sister of Arthur | M8pl8 Avenue. unit frosen food locker* at the corner girls play th# Beaverton freshmen Beaverton Rebecca Lodge will h< ker, Seattle, Mack and Frank of A son Lary G was born Jar, 4 to of Main St and Vista Avenue In girls at the Aloha gymnasium Friday ------ - L t A f k ir i to be steel white a dinner at Aloha Grange Hall Thurs-; Loe Angeles; Joe. Portland Ernest,! A son was born Dec. 2» to Mr and evening January II. The boys A a" d M * „ ' I ' n.med Lnr- inam .l ^ t # for pladag order, will day February 14. A raquast is n.ade San Diago. Ray Prascott. Ore., and Mrs. Curtis C. CarpV 8 w .rd *E and B squads will play Reedville Besjsrton H* ha* besn named Lar »J ^ p