BEA VERTO N E N T E R P R IS E Friday, January 4. 1946_______ _g You Caw («ch a n g a W « C iva and Oraan Stamp* fa r Uta tu I A rtici*« HaraT Green Stam pi a t t« tra Savings HaraT A i p m. at M' i A P II: | of sewing unit and Mrs. J. R. Tal bert ia the general chairman. Redeem & K & Polio Drive to Start Jan. 14 WE DELIVER FREE OF CHARGE TO TIGARD, BEAVERTON, MULTNOMAH AND W AY POINTS EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, & FRIDAY MAIL ORDERS AND PHONE ORDERS ARE PROMPTLY FILLED Outstanding Values In W a ln u t Finish — TW IN -SIZ E i m ü • k \ $ 1 4 .95 A marriage license has been issued to John Wesley McGill, Portland, [and Maude Evelyn Alexander, Beav- glerton, and to Clarence Grove L a s t ®| man, route 1, Cornelius, and Ross | Eastman, route 3, Beaverton. S S U '* “A ; V S t y l e d at Ill u st ra t ed ¿•t. >-■ *«« ■ Here’s a splendid opportunity to purchase a modern designed, sturdy constructed Bedstead at an excep tionally low price. They come in T W IN SIZE only and in a beautiful SIX -C O A T Walnut finish. One or more of these Bedsteads will indeed make an attractive bedroom and the price for this occasion is only $14.95. 3 R ì m u LEGAL NOTICES $ i ,1 3 «ft I * -A '•*«} 4' / ! S $ New Duroc Group J& t «i- Ü * N O TICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be received S S by the ALOHA HUBER W ATER k j DISTRICT, Washington County, Ore- g 1 gon, for the purchase of $120,000 par value General Obligation Bonds of said District in the denominations S of $1000 each, dated January 1. 1946, J| bearing interest from the date there- b of, and maturing as follows: k $2000 on July 1st of each year, 1947 k to 1953, inclusive; k $5000 on July 1st of each year, 1954 B to 1959, inclusive; jl $6000 on July 1st of each year, , [I960 to 1967, inclusive; $7000 on July 1st of each year, 1968 to 1971, Inclusive, k And for the purchase of $95,000 • par value Revenue Bonds of said k I District in denominations of $1000 k each, dated January 1, 1946, bearing Kj interest from the date thereof, and J maturing as follows: | $2000 on July 1st of each year, 1947 to 1951, inclusive; S ■OP*' . S HERE AT L A S T ! Automatic Gas Hot W ater Heaters $ 58.95 • 20 Gallon Size In our new appliance department we have Just received a shipment of the famous “ Presidential Line” iras automatic water heaters . the heater you have been waiting for . . . it heats 28 gallons o f hot water per hour. It is approved by the American Gas Association. Ready for immediate delivery terms are one third down and the balance up to 12 months depending upon the balance. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $82.00 • 30 G allon ‘‘M ission S ta n d a rd ” G a s W ater H eater • 40 G allon “ M ission H e a v y D u ty ” G as W ater H eater $110.00 Beautiful New Netherland Blanket S j $3000 on July 1st of each year, 1952 J to 1964. inclusive; k $4000 on July 1st of each year, 1965, k to 1968, inclusive; k $5000 on Jaly 1st of each year, k 1969 to 1974, inclusive; k All Bonds maturing after July 1, 1955, may interest, be redeemed at par. plus interest - j a, c rued on any ' accrued bearing date on or after July 1, 1955, 5 upon publication at least 30 days prior to contemplated redemption date of one notice of intended re- k demption in a newspaper of general k | circulation printed and published in E the County of Washington, State of ^ Oregon. Interest payment dates on b | said Bonds shall be January 1st and k July 1st of each year. ^ Bidders shall name the rate of 111 - terest bid on said bonds, and ttlfl COSt of legal opinion required shall be paid by the purchaser. Bids must 5 be delivered to the undersigned at J 527 Railway Exchange Building. 1| Poitland, Oregon, by 5 00 o'clock k iv M., January 21. 1946. and must be k accompanied by a certificate check k in the sum of $4300 as a good faith £ deposit. Bids will be opened pirb- licly at a Special Meeting of Com missioners on January 21, 1946. at S Woolen Mills * 1 2 .9 5 A new uni sually beautiful blanket in jacquard pattern, made of 100 per cent Virgin Wool and smartly finished in lifetim e looped wool binding. Choice of six attractive colors. Dusty Rose, Ce dar, Peach, Gold, Green, Blue. Size 72 x 84. • Size 21 x 27 Each . . . . Sheriff J. W. Connell has an nounced that first quarter collection | of 1945-46 taxes amounted to $ 1 ,- 1)21.930.24 on a levy of $1,243,072.51. This is 82.22 per cent of the collec tion of the roll. 1944-45 and prior taxes collected amounted to $18,394.11 which is 79.89 per cent of 1943-44 roll and 82.16 per cent of 1944-45 roll. Ritz Theatre Tel. 2482 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Firestone Products For the Home Sunday-Tuesday, Jan. 6-8 W ITH O U T LO V E Spencer Tracey, Katharine Hepburn He F'orgot to Remember N ews—Cartoon N E W E LE C TR IC IRONS SILE X COFFEE M AKERS For Your Car Firestone deluxe Hot Heaters Imperial Seat Covers water Wed.-Saturday, January 9-12 C H IN A SKYS Randolph Scott, R. Warrick Helen Drew Having a Wonderful Crime Pat O’Brien, Carol Landis George Murphy N ews-Saturday Matinee 1:30 For Your Farm Truck 7:50x20 FIR E S TO N E T IR E S 7:00x20 FIR E S TO N E T IR E S THE WHITE HOUSE Beyond Aloha, at Tobias 1 ~ Cut this out for Future Reference ’ "••¿V I jÊr-rr grig f j^ i#lo nú coasts w ii/i p/viis. i e Phone What’s Your Goal For 1946? A retrospective l o o k is advantageous only as it influ ences favorably one’s present and future actions. As you look back over 1945, were you satisfied with those ac- activities that filled your life? If not—why not chatnge your perspective—choose a better goal.. “ Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus Look full in His Wonderful Face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim *n the Light of His glory and grace. ” ECONOMY STORE IM PRO V E OUR SERVICE ALOHA. OREGON Under New Management CHARLES & G E N E V IE V E STUBBS Fresh Meat and Vegetables GROCERIES Are planning a Delivery Service— Date to be announced I,at«r Osrnr Edlund. a journeyman with 20 years experience has joined our firm. LIST TOUS HONE STUARTS E L E C T R I C S E R V IC E DOWN PILLOWS Collections High For First Quarter LEO N ARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor the Huber Commercial Club at Hu-I J| bet. Otegon, at H I M o'clock The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. E A R L J THOMPSON, Secretary Data of firat publication: Januaiy 4. 1946. Date of last publication: January 18. 1946. Luxurious 100% GOOSE FOR SALE—Concrete, Sand, Road Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand, and Dirt. Phone 2216 Beaverton Write V. E. FLEE NO R , Beaveiton! Oregon. «otf Fred T. Evans, FW A assistant di vision engineer, at Seattle, has an nounced that union high school dis BEAVERTON trict here has asked the Federal Works Agency for a loan ot $8800. This district in Septembei borrowed $880f from FW A to cover planning costs for construction of an addition costing $250.000 to provide a gym, cafeteria, study room, six classrooms, Shows every Night 7 to 11:30 office and modernizing of the pres Special Saturday Matinee 1:30 ent structure. The second addition is for an audi- Show changes Sunday 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 toriam. chorus and band rooms, lab oratories, 22 classrooms, and other facilities. A two story masonary ad dition would be built. Friday-Saturday Jan. 4-5 PA N A M E R IC A N A Philip Terry, Audrey Long Robert Benchley TH E CLOCK Judy Garland, Robert Walker The News—Saturday Matinee 1:30 Added feature—Monster and the Ape W SS TO Too Late to Classify Evans Announces I oan To Beaverton High School ^ SS Made by Portland The annual hearing of the Oregon Hate Game Commission with refer ence to angling regulations will be held at ten o'clock Saturday morning, lan. 12 at its offices in 616 Oregon Building. Portland. Oregon. Consideration at that time will be given to seasons, bag limits etc. The hearing is open to the public. Count} Chairman Ray L Antrim L ' j ! Aloha has been busy during the k past weak setting up i < i o ift n l Zane Matney Graduates A ration for the annual March of Dimes campaign foi funds to comlrat Pvt. Zane Matney. son of Mrs. Lu : infantile paralysis which is sehed- la B Matney, route 1, box 220, Beav 5 uled to start on January 14 and tun erton. was graduated this week from the AAF Training Command's basic * | until Junuary SI tirplane and engine mechanics $ course at Keesler Field. Biloxi, Miss. ^ Stretcher Secy.-Treas. A C. E. Stretcher of Beaverton, was ^ elected secretary-treasurer of tlie Northwest Duroc Breeders associa tion meeting of swine raisers last week in Portland. A bred gilt sale is being planned by the Oregon Swine Growers assn, and the Marion County Livestock assn, for some time in February at the Oregon state fair grounds Salem. f \, Bedsteads ¡Red Cross Sewing Meeting Annual Hearing State Game Commission Ian. 12 I Ladles- Don't forget I d Croaa M A IN TEN A N C E . R E P A IR IN G , W IR IN G . MOTOR W O RK Temporary Phone .ALOHA 6161 $13.55 — H e r r In d ee d is a p iH ow s u p re m e I t ' s so ft, lig h t , is t c r ls c o m fo rta b le Q e n e ro u a ly f ille d w ith fln e a i 100", (lo c a r d o w n C o v e re d w ith s t u r d y lo n g w e a rin g t t c k il .» I n a a tn p e d p a H e i u ■ !!!■ ■ ■ W W W W W I I I R I I I ~ lll~ lin CASH S H O W E R S O F BLE SSIN G S* v' .»o l R h < • l V ** B ID D IN G D IP T . — M AIN FLO O R Winchester KWJ.I SUNDAY 3:30 P. M. SALE! Transfer Patterns buyers Waiting Realty Co., 515 SW Stark St., Portland E A R L S. BRIGGS SW Representative In this complete transfer set you'll find pretty patterns to stamp on baby dresses, gertrudes. bonnets and little bibs and there is also a smock- Ing pattern that may be used on coat, dress or bonnet You'll find that you can quite easily apply any of these motifs to ready made garments, too, thereby giving them a very Individual touch 10c C le a ra n c e S a le of D a in ty C ry s ta l C le a r LUCHE HANGERS • Regularly (1.00. Now to clear at ^ Veto* mi **• Okucfc •# Am R m M M 79c FRESH \EG E TA B LE S Always at A G O O D S E L E C T IO N OF M ILLERS GROCERY USED CARS OFFERED PO R TA B LE ARC W ELD IN G A C E T Y L E N E W E LD IN G A N D BU RN IN G Now on our Lot. Trade-in» A L O H A 6523 M. N W E ISEN RACK North Wheeler A i r , Aloha Price Ceiling». accepted — term* if de*ired. KELLY MOTOR CO. W E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon Eat Ah 1910—Serving 35 year* PHONE BEAYERTGN M il Strict O P A also sold on consignment. Sturdy, practical hangers de signed so that your garment will hang neatly and will not readily glide off. I YOUR EXTRA SAVINGS ARE S&H GREEN STAMPS ! § WHEN YOU TRADE HERE . . . C1I. 3727 j S. W. Canyon Road and R. R. Tracks Beaverton, Ore. Car»