■* VOLUM E 18, NO. 49 E S T A B L IS H E D 1927 Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, January 4, 1946 OldManTnalatin Am Rollin'Along I Joint Installation Held Last Week at Beaverton I t orner Short St. A C anyon H ighw ay P ublished W eek ly In B eaverton Plant Announcement Beaverton Well No. 2 Analysis Returned 0. K. A fter 19 years o f continuous ser­ vice to the com m unity, H. H. J e f­ A joint installation ot the Masons fries is retiring us publisher of and Eastern Star was held in the the Enterprise, having sold his M asonic T em ple Thursday evening interest to Stanley W Nether- w ith a large crow d attending. T he I 1 installing o ffic e i for the Masons was \ ton. The sale was effectiv e Janu­ ary 2. | Ed T aggart, w h o has just returned Joe Meek Came to this ‘ from ov e rs e a s, and B ruce Steel. The N etherton fam ily have been County over 100 Years ago W h o is now mastei o f Beaver ch ap­ residents o f Beaverton for the iter A F. A A M. for the com ing past six months, m oving here earl e . f is h e r year. Mr. Grauer was installing from Portland, where they had Chem ical analysis o f the water F orm er D ralntage Supt. Diet. No. 2 ¡M arshal lived foi eight years. from B eaverton City W ell N um ber T he follow HQp ing o ffice rs were in - 1 Upon com pletion o f the addition T w o was received yesterday and T here has been great advancem ent stalled: Bruce Steel, W orsh ipfu l I to the Enterprise building it showed the w ater to be suitable for in W ashington county since the first M aster; H arry W right, Senior W ar- j will be possible to render still human consum ption. white men located in the rich Tuala­ den; 'Fred Gertsch, Junior W arden ; greater service te the com m unity tin valley, including Joe Meek, who A ndrew K ennedy, T reasu rer; Five sam ples w ere taken during R oy by expanding equipm ent and fa- helped make history at C ham poeg Berst, S ecretary; the eight hour preceding test and W arren Goodin, ciities. In 1943. fou r out o f five stated the water c o n ­ Senior D eacon ; F rancis M cGeorge. W ith all her industries and glor- Junior D eacon ; H enry P fenning, Sen- form ed with accepted bacteriological ious advancem ent W ashington coun-1 ior Stew ard; Simis Green, Junior School Begins on Schedule standards o f purity fo r drinking water. T he other sam ple indicated ty has made down through the years stew a rd ; Paul B out well, C haplain; was present and there has been one serious h a n d !-' W n l. Grauer, M arshal; W alter K ef- School began on schedule W ednes­ certain bacteria ca p — D rainage. A t d ifferen t tim es ! f er Tyler, attributed to operating day with the Christm as holidays pass­ this was the Tualatin river has been im proved 1 T he installing o ffice rs for the E ast­ used in drilling and ed. No changes were noted in the equipm ent also som e o f its tributaries, drainage ern Stai were Stella E llis o f P ort­ enrollm ent and are not anticipated pum ping where such con tam ination districts have been form ed; for in­ land, Installing M atron; Darrell Ellis prior to ending o f the sem ester was likely to have occu rred. stance D rainage D istrict No. 2, Beav- Portland, Installing P a tron ; Iva Sum ­ January 18. accordin g to I. R. Metz- It is considered very fortunate the .erton creek, a branch o f R ock Creek, mers Installing M arshal; Mabel G oyt ler, superintendent. analysis proved ns su ccessfu l as it w hich em pties in the Tualatin south­ Installing C haplain; Minnie Schoene, B arring unforseen hazards the did. east o f H illsboro near the old Joe Portland, Installing S ecretary; Cor- school year will end May 24 with the In an interview with Mr. Goyt, H are sawm ill site; said D rainage riene Shappert, Installing O rganist; com pletion o f 176 required teaching city superintendent, earlier in D istrict No. 2 was organised in May, H arry Eliander, Installing Color days. H ow ever, "w e can ’t predict the week it was learned that a cq u i­ 1882, by pioneer onion grow ers o f Bearer. the w eather,” Mr Metzler said. sition o f pipe and m aterial to bring along Beaverton Creek fo r six miles T he follow in g o ffice rs were install­ City Council Meets Monday 18 Attend Dinner the water from the new well Into the F or m any years B eaverton Creek ed : Pearl B row n rigg, W 'orthy Ma­ HOME B A S K E T B A L L SC H E D U L E present mains would be available was cleaned each autumn, but the tron ; H arry B row nrigg. W orth y P a­ Addition of well N um ber 2 to the f , At Heidelburg Inn this spring so that tho present water outlet, R o ck Creek, was full of logs, tron ; Louise M cG eorge, water system , sew age disposal, the Jun. 8 T illam ook at Beaverton. A ssociate supply would be augm ented by the On Thursday evening, D ecem ber Jan. 18 W est Linn at Beaverton. same as other tributaries o f the T u ­ M atron; H enry Pfenning, A ssociate building code, are su bjects which new well to elim inate any thought 27, m em bers o f the executive board alatin and the Tualatin R iver itself P a tron ; Jan. 25—F orest G rove at B eaveiton. at the regular M yrtle Nelson, Secretary; will be discussed o f a water shortage this com ing oi the B eaveiton G rade School PTA has m any reefs and too m any curves, M argarett Scott, T rea su rer; Feb. 1 M cM innville at Beaverton. E rnes­ m onthly m eeting of the Beaverton summer. M erle Davies, I¿-'j, look at a map o f W ashington cou n ­ tine Beeler, C onductress; Mary Bon- City Council M onday night at 8 p. tn. together wilh Miss H illsboro ut Beuverton. principal ot the grade school, en joyed ! p»eh j > T igard at Beaverton. W e believe that the city is to be ty, note all the crook s and turns in lokke. A ssociate C onductress; Dru- in the cou ncil cham bers. a social evening ut the dining room 1 congratulated on this successful the Tualatin between Scholls and cilla G oodin, Chaplain. It is also possible that the city Feb. 19 N ew berg at Beaverton. The dinnei was venture and m any thanks in appre­ Tigard. read at oi - the H eidelburg. , . . , . Special m usic was given by Mild- zoning ordin an ce m ay be ciation for a job well started are due Last week there was held a mass | red Osfield, Melvin Beeler, M ary Lee this meeting, accord in g to E. H. Mas-1 f° . ° Wed_ by tttble Kaniea Elwin Faxon’s the city officia ls fo r their perse- Mrs. P ace, president, announced m eeting at the County Court House, \ jadden, N ancy Jackson and Patri- tors, m ayor. verence and hard work. that starting January 7 ’-j pint bot­ Basketball Review H lllsboro. It was attended by m any c ja Madden, after which refresh- tles of m ilk will be on sale at the At the tim e the pum ping opera­ pi om inent citizens from all sections nients were served in the dining New, Replacement Sugar grade sch ool foi children o f the first, o f W ashington county, also U. S. En- j room D espite a noticeable lack o f height tion was started this area was ex­ three grades. Books to be Issued gineers to discuss cleaning up the | _________________ ___ in the 1946 basketball roster, Beaver periencing som e very cold w eather Tualatin and all its tributaries, o f _ . . . , »»/• The next regular m eeting o f the prospects appear bright in the loom - und the sm oke from a fire which Beginning January 1, a sugar ra­ executive board will be held January j tng T. Y. V. league loop clashes to those on the job had built to provide logs, reefs, debris and w idening the D C H V C r t o n H i g h W ITIS tioning o f a single sheet will lie is­ 10 at Mrs. som e slight com fort clouded the channel to a uniform width o f ap- S e c o n d f r o m W o o d b u r n N orton P eck's home, i determ ine this year’s cham pions. sued those not having ration book M em bers are urged to attend. would take proxlm ately 50 feet. That m eans ! In pre-season encounters the home i above picture but it B eaverton Creek, R o ck Creek, Cedar five com bined speed and shifty hHll- |more ] hnn sm oke to cloud over the B eaverton high won their second num ber 4, accord in g to an O PA an­ Creek, Jenkins C reek and Fanno . encounter with the W oodburn bas­ nouncem ent Sunday. handling to defeat W oodburn 41-21 good flow o f water which is very Korean Missionary to Speak Furlough sugar rations for service j Creek. m uch in evidence. ketball team by a decisive score o f and down M llwaukie 40-32. This is ono o f the m ost m eritorious i 32 to 21 on the W oodbu rn court W ed- personnel will be issued on the basis j January 13 at Church During the 8-hour pum ping test a A pair o f haw k-eyed forw ards. Bob proposals offered since the war end- * nesdav night. The previous gam e i o i seven days leave or m ore only W hitw orth and Bill H arter have both constant stream o f 950 gallons a m in­ __ 1 t_ i _ i - . t. . i . I " ° ‘ i A n n lio o f in n u fn tilo o o iv to n f on A pplications for replacem ent sugai Miss Daisy H endrix, ten years a potted 20 counters in a single game ed —w hich means the clean-up of a was played Dec. 12, ute, was m aintained with the flow 100 year drainage handicap in the : The gam e was a tough one h igh ­ ; books lost, destroyed or stolen will i m issionary in K orea and a prisoner Bob 21. and Bill 24. rising to 1,000 gallons at intervals. available at O PA | of the Japanese later in the Philip- rich Tualatin Valley, fo r the first | lighted by a considerable num ber of continue to be The Beaver proved their playing ! boards. pinces, will speak in the C hurch of skill on the muple at the N ew berg tim e since Joe Meek cam e W est. called fouls. Beaverton Post V F W to B ooks will be available upon ap ! the N azarene in B eaverton, Sunday I Bill H arter was outstanding on the plication to O P A o ffic e 1425 SW Al evening at 6:30 and later in the regu opener last F riday nite as they su c­ Hold 1st Meeting Thurs. B eaverton squad and was high in­ ceeded in racking up 15 points and a Pharmacy 5 Goes lar evening service at 7:30. tie against a lofty M cM innville a g gre­ dividual scorer accou ntin g fo r 10 der St., P ortland, Oregon. The first m eeting o f the B eaver­ Back to Action Miss H endrix was a m issionary in gation. points. K orea during the tim e o f the great The superiority o f the B eaverton ; Mayor Masters Invited to B eaverton will play host to the T il­ ton P ost V eterans o f F oreign W ars by Rill Malloy K orean revival and will tell this lam ook C heeaem akeis in the first Post No. 4617 will be held in the I. team did not show on the scoreboard Attend Meeting Jan. 21-23 gripping story January 13. P ublic is home gam e o f the regular league sea­ O. O. F. hall at 8 p. m. Thursday, ° A fter the C hristm as holiday's, the until the last quarter when they a d - , All veteran s either in son Tuesday nite. The locals hould i JanuarY 10- B eaverton P harm acy basketball team ded 18 points. M ayor E. H. M asters and other cordially invited to hear her. ut service are Invited to at- hold a slight "e d g e over T h e ir 'riv a ls or goes back to the maple board wars At the half W oodburn led 8 to . ! c |ty officia ls o f B eaverton have been ^ in sharp-shooting ability and defen j *end' when they tangle with the P a cific with Beaverton com ing up to tie the : jnyitecl to bring the city ’s reconver- Margaret Harrison New It is hoped that all present m em ­ sivc tactics. P ack ards next Tuesday nite at Jef-| score 14-14 at the three q u a ite r | sion prohiems to the join t convention Queen Bethel No. 20 bers o f the post as well as all vet­ T he 1946 Beaver lineup includes: ferson high school. All the players j mark o f the League o f O regon Cities and | W hitw orth, and Harter, forw ard s; erans will be present. The purpose o f are in top shape for the first gam e the Oregon Finance O fficers Asso- | Miss M argaret H arrison was in- Mr K night, cen ter; R oss and Blggi, the m eeting will be to com plete o r ­ o f the year except D ick Senz, whose School District Receives ciation to be ____ held in Portland, Janu- | .. . .stalled honored queen o f Bethel No. guards. ganization and elect officers. ankle is still giving him trouble. The ! t r U ^ 2 ¡20, Order o f Job's Daughters, at a Lanham Act Money R eserves Include: O’Donnell, M c­ An opportu n ity will be o ffered all B eaverton A thletic A ssociation also hotel. The convention is planned as a recent m eeting in Beaver M asonic Corkle. Rnssm ussen, Easton, H arvey, veterans to ask questions and qu ali­ announced that the last tim e you will 'clin ic” w here outstanding national Tem ple. Senior princess was Miss Turner, and O’Connor. A grant o f $9,323.43 has been re- \ fied men will be on hand to answ er be able to see the P harm acy five in ; authorities well as . , . as . . . . . federal, , state, . . .D elores W rig h t; ju n ior princess, Miss them. action on the B eaverton court, will ceived by the B eaverton school from and local officia ls will be on hand to jCaroline T!lU(ert; KUide, Miay s h ir. be January 30. T he opponent has not the Federal W ork s A gen cy fo r year o ffe i in form ation and suggestions on E. G. M cK in ney field represents Barbara Electric Line Extensions ley C arr; marshal, Miss 1945-46. T he m oney will be avail- yet been announced. tive will con d u ct the m eeting. Fred federal surplus property disposal, etc. j H oIland; cha|liain< Miss j anPt N lel. Planned for Tualatin Valley S. Coin, departm ent o f O regon quur- L ookin g ahead for the summer, the a^ 'e under the Lanham Act. An ap- ¡son, recorder, recorder Miss Janet Shof- B eaverton A thletic A ssociation has j plicakion was made fo r $11,199.89. term aster-adjutant will be present. jn e r; treasurer, Miss N ancy S h ofn er; As part of a system -w ide program also announced that the Beaverton I Last year the grant am ounted to ¡librarian. Miss N ancy O ’C onn er; mu­ o f electric service line extensions to P harm acy will finance the com ing ■ $8.109.26 and foi the year 43- 44 m on ­ sician, Miss B everly T h orn ; m essen­ cost m ore than a quarter million dol­ Acknowledgment Received baseball program for the tow n s e m i-! *es received were $5,484. gers, Misses Phylis Oldm an, D oto- lars, 75 poleline miles o f new lines On Request for Federal Aid pro ball team w hich this year will b e ' These grants were available to jth y Carr, D orothy Christensen, Lois are currently scheduled for con stru c­ in the newly organized Tualatin Val- ; overcom e hardships in school dis 1 May Place and M elva Lee Beeler, tion in the Tualatin valley division A ckn ow led gm en t has been re­ ley League. The league closed d o w n ; *r' c *8 affected by enrollm ent gains ( ¡guards, Misses Diane A rpk e und Ar- of P ortland G eneral E lectric co m ­ ceived from the P ortland D istrict in 1941 due to the war. This will be due to war industries T o qualify a i lene R y d e r; custodians. Misses Janice pany. R R Easter, division m an­ o ffice o f the Federal W ork s agency B eaverton ’s first entry into the lea- i district must show that a large per I O sfield and June G liesen; lady of the ager reports. were en- on an application for Federal grant gu e since it was organized in 1935 centage o f the residents i lights, Miss Betty Tennent, and his- T he new Tualatin valley area lines to take care o f the engineering on a Most o f the other seven team s w e r e , Faged in war industries, i torian, Miss M ary Jane Tigard. will serve an additional 280 custom -1 sewer system and a disposal plant at in the league before the war. Bea­ Miss A lice P atton and Mrs. Hazel ers, and will cost approxim ately $80,- j Beaverton. T he application was verton will have a head start on the I B E A V E R T O N F IR E D E P T. 000, E aster said C onstruction of made a m onth ago. rest of the team s due to the town Strieker visited friends and relatives 1 C A L L E D F O R T H O F IX ’ F IR E S F ollow in g this ack n ow ledgem ent some of the lines is already under team they had last year. The A th­ in Carmel, Calif., recently. was forw arded to w ay and will progress as rapidly as the application letic A sociation expect fou r returning A ch im n ey blaze on D ecem ber 26 The C hristm as scene on the Steen- j material and m anpow er supplies p er-j W ashington D. C. where approval on men from last yea r’s team. Heading rod lawn on Canyon road, w hich is i at the Garden Hom e Dairy and also mit Many o f the custom ers to be the request m ay be made. the veterans will be D ick Durdel, big lighted at night, attracted very fa ­ a flu fire in the E lerick hom e on Rte. served have waited several years due •-V pound all-state catcher. »Five vorable com m ent by m otorists. 2 brou ght qu ick response from the during the to priorities en forced applications have been sent in to ALOHA B eaverton Volunteer Fire Dept und m anage this com in g year’s baseball war. Donald R em in gton , o f Ninth and both fires were soon put out with a team . But the man w ho will prob­ Main street, was discharged from the R alph Denzle W ales, carp mate, , m inim um o f dam age. ■•ETHYL" K E N N IN G W IL D ably get the m anager's position will navy and is home. I/O received his honorable discharge be Sy B alfe last years m anager. B1 \\ EH i o n I DU s tji AD M 'I Thru an error in pum ping opera­ at B rem erton navy yard last week. Julian Byrd, publisher of the B alfe has not inked the ’46 contract Mr. and Mrs. W alter Dqnnell enter­ ¡H O N E D T O l U A N E C R A S H tion 2000 gallons o f ethyl gasoohne but probably will b efore February. Tim es-H erald in Burns, Oregon, visit- j Prink, Charles got away from attendants and cov- tained the D w aine ed his brother and fam ily Mr. and P reparation s are now being m ade to Frost fam ilies The Beaverton Fire Dept, was cal- prpd thp ylird arpa at the General B onebrake and Jay fix the ball field fo r the com ing sea Mrs. A. M Byrd in Beaverton over F rost for Christm as led im m ediately upon the crash in g o f ' |,etroleum plant in ! Beaverton last and W illiam Men Interested in playing base- last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd son the Navy C orsair fighter plane at the Saturday dinner. ball for the 46 season are asked to , have published the paper in Burns Mr and Mrs. Leo Cook o f Seattle, (airport last Saturday night. Fred H Goyt, city water auperin- sign their nam e at the B eaverton since 1887. As the plane did not burst into tendent. fortunately was on the scene visited at the hom e o f . Mrs. Marie k P harm acy in Beaverton. The Ath- j flam es it was not necessary for the nd sensing «he danger im m ediately , Berry and Jay Maxine E. Cady, daughter o f Mr. I letic A ssociation will do the rest Mrs H. W Stroeve spent part departm ent to go out, but they stood the flrP equipm ent and success i and Mrs. W L. Cady was listed on ! by until all threat o f danger had * ----- **-- fully washed the gasoline d ow n the o f her vacation teach in g school at the honor roll at the U niversity o f j •- ---------- place o f her , passed. Your Home Town nearby creek. By so doing it is pos­ Cedar Mill sch ool in O regon for fall term. Students on j The w reck age o f the N avy fighter sible that a very serious situation sister Mrs. E lsie U nderw ood, princi­ the honor roll must m ake grade j Needs Boosters A: . pal, w ho has been hom e carin g for | was hauled from the field Monday. point averages o f 3.50 or better. T o was avoided. her daughter Peggy, who haa been At last reports the pilot o f the ill- In recent years we hear less about tal fo r fall term was 145 Eighteen k . fated plane was recoverin g sa tisfa c­ quite ill. R esolu tion s" fo r people crave action students made perfect scores o f 4 00 j Rev. D ick ey la ill with the flu. A N IT A P IE N O V I torily from his experience. ■A’’s. also the trend of late has been from or all P hoto—Courtesy Oregonian Mrs. W illis Cady is recoverin g from Joins Electric Service Firm ’’foreig n ” to hom e m issionary w ork, j E xtensive im provem ents are being ! Jam es R. Schulz, elect m ate 3 /c, j a siege with the flu. Greet 1946 bv lotting down som e „ O scar Edlund, a Journeym an elec- Mr. Bra- Dance Group route 1, Jack J. Langus, radarm an I g ood news about your hom e tow n, m ade at M iller’s store. Maxine Cady, w ho la attending tne tr)clan w |th 20 years experience, has wand of Metzger is doing the third class, route 2, Beaverton, were . , , , ___ _ h. _ . . . . . . ---------- - * ------ — * „ — ----- . 1 4 . . s ___ ______ . . . n . K n m a A v a r ■ sign your nam e to the item and mail recently honorably discharged at thr U niversity «,' O regon, was home over (Jotnpd Stuart's E lectric service which Includes about 30 feet o f shelv­ Appeared Sunday on Tuesday to you r hom e tow n new s­ ; the holidays. In Aloha. ing for bread, cakes etc.. In the cen ­ B rem erton navy yard. paper. Do thia often and rem em - Mr Edlund and fam ily plan to ter o f the store and the entrance on A group o f 40 young dance and Evelyn A lexander was married bei the A loha News, B eaverton En- H. W Stroeve and Paul D rew left m ove to Aloha as soon as 1 suitable W atson street, has heen entirely re­ orchestral artista made an appear- during the holidays. terpriae. T igard Sentinel and Jrlultno- location can be found. Mr S«ro m odeled with large plate glass win ance Sunday afternoon at 5 30 in the ' for C alifornia this week mah Preas will be happy to receive Miss R hoda T hyn g attended the the lobby of the G eorge A W hite service ' ®ve **P«c»a to return in tw o weeks will help dows and a new entrance to good new s item s which Mr and Mrs. Guy A lexander and banquet given by the First N ation ­ men's center. The dance ensemble, the store prom ote the best Interests o f The Beaverton R ebekah Needle al Bank in P ortland for its em ploy­ Mr. and Mra. Ted Hetu entertained under the direction o f M arcelle Re- fam ous Tualatin Valley. The fron t o f the B eaverton F urni­ naux appeared in con ju n ction with and Social club will meet at the I. O. ees last Thursday evening, seven ¡th e follow in g at a New Y e a r s party O. F. hall Friday, January 4. for hundred were present. on New Y ear's eve: Mr. and Mrs. t u r e store la being finished with ___ _____ an orcheatra guided by Sylvester potluck lunch at noon. An hie W illiam s, Mr. and Mrs Ba wood lettering, and a small house T a mtesle Economy Grocery Under Mr and Mra Mtts Alexander^have land<, r W arren W illiam s. Mr. and which will be Illuminated soon A m ong dancers included in Miss The B eaverton Past N oble G lan ds New Management bought a new hom e at W est . Slope. - Mr| Hetu Mrs R ose Allen of Cali­ j The B eaverton high school and the R en au x’ ensem ble were Anita Pie- 1 c lu b will m eet Thursday, January 10, fornia. Mr and Mrs. Dick Goyt. Mi T he E con om y G rocery o f Aloha, grade school opened again W ednes­ novi, Patricia Soldier. Carroi R obin- at , he hom e o f Mrt Krancena Ges- S tafford and D ick y Miller spent | and Mrs. M ichael Fish o f Portland, Corlias Curtis. Pat and James has been sold to Charles and Evelyn day after a short vacation trlng holidays with their father and Before *on‘ and also entertained a group o f thir­ la assisting hostess for Stubbs o f R eedville. w h o took over the h olid a y , aev er.l of the teachers Perkins V anda ^Benson Joan Byer pot luck grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Miller. teen for dinner on New Years day. This lunch at noon. m anagem ent o f the store January 2. and 85 p pu out ana SO u p pil, i l s were »e ie u u i on - account o f JudV Taneley, .u .i. r Barbara nill-«h » n t Day .* u r Mrs. Ida H utton haa been visiting T hey will have on hand fresh meat, and flu. but moat all of them were will be their fourth appearanr Mrs. Sam m ons and Mrs. H yde o f T he ladies Aid o f the C on grega­ a daughter tn W ashington. the service club. fresh vegetables, and groceries, at back W ednesday P ortland attended the M asonic and ready for school tional ch urch met with Mrs. Randall Mra. Helen Fieher entertained at all times. Eastern Star Installation on Thura- again Mr. and Mrs. W arren W illiam s W ednesday for a 12 36 luncheon. dinner on Sunday avenlng Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Stubbs havs been In T here were 27 present. Mrs Lloyd Mre. H unkaplllar, Mr. and Mra Gib-1 H snry Nslson and grandson Dsr- are the proud parents o f a baby boy. the g rocery bustnesa befors. They W arren is s son of Mi and Mrs. Ar- C olem an sang accom panied by Mrs. nor. Mrs. Leonard and Mr. and M is. Mrs M cCord ot Aloha was m arrlsd plan a delivery service, date U> bs | rail spent New Years fishing on the R sn d sll on ths piano. chi# W illia m s. S trtlsy i during ths holidays. Trask Rtvsr an nou n ced later