Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1945)
Fridav, December 28, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 C hurch S e rv ic e s I I I I K< II Look at These Wonderful Values In Our After Christmas Clearance Sale of Winter Coats and Suits i l III N 12I U N I t i l l Ki ll OF CHRIST George W. Springer, P astor Second and Main Sts. Beaverton 9 45 a. m. Morning worship and I HIGHWAY CHAPEL Tem porarily located upstairs in the preaching service. Topic The C hallenge of the New Odd Fellows H all .Beaverton Year. Orville J. Poulin, M inister Following the sermon, the Lord's , Sunday School 10 a. m. supper w ill be observed Morning worship 11 a. m. Bible School class session 11 a. m. I C hristian Endenvor 6:30 p. in ST. CECELIA CHURCH Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. M asses 8:25 and 10:2 Midweek Bible study and prayer W ednesday 8 p. m. Topic —Goodness. n d ln a v y ” «E *W aO Ï III Leonard C. Johnson Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, W alter l¿ovett, Supt. 9:45 a. m Sunday School. Attend this Sunday the last opportunity in 1915. II a. m. Morning worship. "The New, Profiting by the Old." 63C p. in. Young Peoples service. 7.30 p. m. E vangelistic service. W here Hast Thou Gleaned." j W ednesday 7:30 p. m. Mid-week j p rayer meeting. W EST HU LS LUTHERAN CHURCH Canyon Road, near Sylvan W erner J. F rita, M inister December 30 Sunday School 9:45 a. til. Divine Service 11 a. m. Serm on: Oui Stew ardship of 1945 Business meeting after the service. New Y ear's Day, service at 11 a. m. Sermon: God w ith Us. You are invited and welcome. F riday. Dec. 28, 8 p. m., Luther League skatin g p arty at the Im perial rink. ALOIL4 ASSEM BLY OF GOD W heeler Avenue Rev. R illa Mae Stephens, A cting pastor 10 a m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. M orning worship. COMMUNITY CHURCH Graydon D. Lores, P aator Sunday School 9 50 a. m. M ary Antrim , Supt. M orning worship 11 a. m. alo ha Get Ready for Rain 'tr i Ritz Theatre is the word to aptly describe this sa le ! Look for “extraordinary,” outstanding values! Stunning styles! AT SLASHED PRICES! Coats and suits of Finest all wool fabrics, fine quality furs, ■J ' A i Ì beautiful linings, meticulous tailoring . . . All yours at tre mendous savings! We advise shopping early fo r finest selec tion. Coat and Suit departm ent. . . balcony. ■ m a : •v ’ -r fini * ♦ »i V • < A ' 1 V j ; 1 i ûc J* â US’ Stfl M PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH F arm ington Rd. at Menlo Drive E rw in A. Gerken P astor BEAVERTON 522 B roadw ay Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Services 11 a. m. New Y ear’s Eve Service w ith cele bration of Holy Communion Monday evening 7:30 p. m. Special services on New Y ears Day q Shows every Night 7 to 11:30 T uesday morning, 10 a. m. Special S atu rd ay M atinee 1:30 Ladies Aid Society m eets W ednes day evening at the Besmehn resi 9} I Show changes Sunday 1:30, 4, 0:30, 9 dence at 7:30 p. m. The Lutheran Hour every Sunday 9:30 a. m. over KALE and at 4 over K W JJ. A cordial welcome to all. Thursday to S a tu rd a y — Deo. 27 to 29 j “GENTLE ANNIE" THE VALLEY with Jam es C raig and Donna Reed ! COMMUNITY CHURCH “NOTHING BUT TROUBLE” UNITED PRESBYTERIAN L aurel and H ardy SW Gabel U n e a t F airw ay Dr., 1 Matinee Feature—"M onster and the Rev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor Ape”—S erial BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday and Monday—I>ee. .30 and 31 Rev. J. G. Dickey (In terim ) P astor “ PRINCESS AND THE PIRA TE ” In Technicolor with Bob Hope and (In place of Rev. Sturtevan t until next sum m er) V irginia Mayo 9:45 a. m. Church School, Miss Am Also Cartoon and News arette B arns, Supt. I 11 a. m. M orning Service. C u t this out for Future R eference Topic- Looking both W ay s; anthem by choir. The local Masonic lodge w ill be the welcome guests of the church. 6:30 p. m. P ilgrim Fellow ship m eeting. S Tel. 2482 Come to Leonards / COURTEOUS SERVICE ON HOME and AUTO RADIOS Keg. $29.95 and $33.95 "FUR FABRIC’’ WINTER COATS 518 5 S av e from $11.95 to $15.98. C asual sual and am i J title d sty le s in b lacks and browns in sizes 16 to 50. S e ta »-W E A T H E R P R O O F YOUR GARMENTS •*r Lei us make your outer gar ments (even your umbrella) resistant to rain, fog, snow ^ and moisture. The very best insurance against get ting "soaked to the skin" in stormy weather. SECCO weatherproofing is safe. The cost is low. Ask us about it. Phone us now/ Reaverton CITY CLEANERS & DYERS Beav. 2773 METHODIST CIIUKCH 4th and W atson Sts. Rev. E verett L. Bowers. P astor P arsonage: 356 B roadw ay Church School 9:45 a. m. w ith Mrs. Nan Bourquin. Supt. _________ FOR PROMPT, j i # ^ T E T US C leaning is not enough, requires Re V italizing » A -/ * FOR NEW YEAR FOR THE HOUSE We are offering Two Day Service and a 90 day gu aran tee on our service work. Have you had your lludio repaired 109 South Waison St. Keg. $24.95 to $33.95 TWO PIECE V/INTER SUITS V 518 Ï S av e from $6.95 to $15.95. Tailored and D ressm aker s ty le s in a larg e v a rie ty of styles, colors and fabrics. Sizes 10 to 44. CLASSIC COVERT AND MELTON TOP COATS 528 I> g. $38.95 to $39.95 Save from $5 95 to $11.95. 100 per cent pure wool casu al co ats th at arc b eau ti fu lly lined and w a rm ly interlined. Choice of brown, n avy, g re y , teal, soldier blue and black. Sizes 10 to 20. y FAMOUS LABEL TWO PIECE SUITS * > 528 Keg. $38.95 to $39.95 Save from $5 95 to $11.95. Gorgeous 100 per cent pure wool fab rics In a larg e a s sortm ent of colors in tailored or d ressy styles. S izes 10 to 44. FOX FUR TRIMMED WINTER COATS $48 R eg u larly $59.95 Save $11.95 on these coats. A ttrac tive d ressy or sport coats m eticu lo u sly tailored and styled for fla t terin g fit. B lacks and tweeds. Sizes 10 to 18. Lavishly FUR TRIMMED 558 Fam ous lapel co ats of finest wool ens trim m ed w ith luxurio us Tuxedo furs, choice of P ersian lam b, mou tons or opposum. S izes 12 to 20. GORGEOUS FUR COATS > A MEDICINE CABINET KITCHEN STOOL Next door to Florence B eauty shop STEP LADDER FRESH VEGETABLES Insulate your house and be comfortable. Come in and we w ill wish you a H appy New Y ear A lw ays at MILLERS GROCERY PORTARLE ARC WELDING ACETYLENE WELDING AND BURNING KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. ALOHA 6523 M. N. WEISENBACK Nortli W heeler Ave., Aloha Phone Beaverton 3201 STUART’S ELECTRIC SERVICE C. A. BAKKEN, Mgr. CHURCH of the NAZARENE MAINTENANCE, RI PAIRINO, WIRING, MOTOR WORK Tem porary Phone ALOHA 6161 *►.- W. E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910 Serving 35 years I l ION K HEAVF.UTGN Si l l Leonard C. JOHNSON Phone 3691 568 Extends to B eaverton and V icinity The H eartiest of Hood wishes for the New Y ear— 1946 "T rust in the I-ord w ith all thir.e h eart; and lean not unto thine own understand ing In alt thy w ays acknow ledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3,5,6. ROGER W. BABSON . . . I’ll«» T tt S m art new sty le s in long w earin g sab le dye coney or m ink d ye coney. B eautiful co ats th at a re ever so fla tte r ing lined w ith gorgeous lin ings Sizes 12 to 41 will write on the Business and Financial Outlook for 1 9 4 6 Last December, when thing, looked darkest, M r. B.tbson predicted the dates of the collapse Invest your Christm as check w ise ly now in one of th ese q u a lity coats or suits th ey w ill re p ry you dividends Coat and Suit D ep artm ent Balcony in y e ars of b eau ty and w arm th You m ay be aure of the utnm at In q u a lity a t a m ini mum price I'hooso from a supe r lati ve collection of casu al coats . dress coats fur co ats dressy or casu al suit Use our convenient la y -a -w a y plan P ay one- th ird down, the balance in three easy paym ent*. of both Germany and Japan with uncanny accuracy. What w ill happen in 1946.» ¿A 4 W atch fo r his 1 9 4 6 O utlook S to ry and base y o u r activities on w h a t he says. HOGfR W BABSON “ k Fees la i-rritfa lfv f- r jir fiti Fatiseli I l i i u io W turnt i nmrt II t*