Page Friday, December 7, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 2 4 £ ' H. U. iK IT IU J U , h iblU bN Publlahed Friday of each week by tha Plonaar Publishing Oo . at Bearartbo, Orugan. Entered aa aecood cLoae oaattar at tbe poatofflce at Beavartoa, Ora Subacnptiu* ».0 0 Ona Year Payable In Advaaca Beaverton Offlaa— Knterprtee Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2S21 Portland O ffice- *08 Pan area Bldg, 2rd and Aider Phone ATwater 6891 M i «eie* Oitc]s®Nid©rti fu iiU iu 4 tt£ (lu iio i ••The public finds It hard to under stand inter-union jurlsditlonal d is putes, m any o f which have created reconversion bottlenecks.” - L abor S ecreta ry Schw ellenbaoh. speak a few words o f Japanese, enough to buy anything and stu ff | like that. W ent dow n one street {and met a deer, yes, th at’s a fact, a tame deer with horns and everything, you see this island had just the one town on it, and a few houses around the coast. T he rest is just a big mountain, really a beautiful and Continued from last week T he right o f way on the road is cul peaceful place. W e returned from the island at tivated right up to the con crete. Again I want to say that it is a beauiful 1230 hours, then drove out o f town a stopped to eat our cou n try and rem inds me o f hom e as little ways and far as the m ountains, rivers, etc., lunch <C R ationsi Even It tasted From are con cern ed. W e continued on good,, for we were hungry. this road approxim ately seven miles there on the road got rough, and in to a place called M iya Jim a. There some place« wasn’t in such good we left the truck and took a ferry shape but we didn't let that stop us across about a half m ile or m ore of j In a little while we cam e to a huge water to an island called Iskuyu industrial area with huge factories. Hhima. On this island is a village We drove through that for several O f course it was all burned w hich seem s to be rather a shopping miles. center. T he ferry is loaded with and destroyed in one way or another, Japs goin g shopping. A lso there is but you could see that it was a huge But the whole thing was located on the island a beautiful thing. shrine. It is really som ething. Al certainly bombed, for there were though we cou ld n ’t go in, we could I craters all over the place, and you see how beautiful It m ust be by the could see that what was left o f the looks of the outside. T ruly a ! factories would take a lot of rebuild thing o f beauty. N ow the village ing to be o f any use to anyone. is full o f little shops w hich are full A fter passing through this indus o f a lot o f junk, o f w hich I bought t r i a l area for a few miles we cam e quite a bit. In fact, all m y pockets to the tow n w hich we had been aim were bulging and m y arm s w ers full ing for. It’s name was Iw akuni. By were som e seventy when I cam e back. Didn't spend this time we so very m uch either. I cou ld have miles from H iro and very few o f the gotten som e beautiful klm onas, but , ’’Super race” had ever been there just did n ’t feel like tying up 20 or 30 before. Some o f the kids were scared buckskins in one, I will get one yet and would run when we looked at and not for that kind o f m oney. They them while others seem ed to be very are a very scarce item and are high, brave and curious. T here w ere also that is, the real silk ones. It was a some o f the prettiest Japanese girls lot o f fun over there g oin g in all | that I have ever seen there. T hey those shops. T he island wasn't seemed to be unhappy with us, for touched by the war as far as bom b they had lon g faces and not a smile. ing. or anything is con cern ed. Lots All o f them w eren’t that way, but I o f nice eating places and everything think the m ajority of them were. very cheap. T he prices are going ! There were a few wom en w ho were up, fo r ju st as soon as the Y anks j w earing dresses, and that is an od- start d riftin g in with a big fist-full I dity here. T he general costum e of o f m oney the prices g o high. I can the wom en is a pair o f baggy pants, Soldier Visits Hiroshima I / “ D espite every attack upon It the A m erican people still believe In our system of free enterprise.” — Rev. N orm an V incent Peale, D. D. A tip to celery raisers—A W iscon F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry sin man sow s salt In the soil, raises Barnes. P hone B eaverton 22*1. tf salted celery. "A Free Youths Skin Dem onstration" W H IC H IN CLU D ES An analysis o f the skia and artistic m ake up. E ach wom an m ay know her cosm etic needs and w ithout obligation try these fine liquid cream s which contains no parafin or wax to clog pores. AN ID E A L C H R IST M A S G IF T Telephone Beaverton 3704 NABT ELLEN BEAUTY SHOP For an appointment with Lucille Dunn Renoux-Tamiesie Show - ATTENTION - STUART’S ELECTRICAL SERVICE Dec. 7—at Beaverton Grade School 7:30 p. m. A nita P ien ovi and V onda Benson, Patsy Now Ready For Business take part, At ALOHA, OREGON Adults 50c dan cin g and Siedler and others will violin orchestra. bloom ers or som ething. T hey tell L E G A L N O T IC E me that wom en were not allowed to wear di esses at all during the war NOTICE TO CREDITORS up until the tim e we cam e, too O c In the m atter o f th « estate o f Gust cidental, or som e such thing. L o Maki deceased, th« C ounty C ourt o f cated at this city is a beautiful th « State o f O regon fo r W ashington Japanese bridge. It is im possible County has appointed th « undersign for me to describe it, but I have a ' ed A dm in istrator o f said estats and picture o f it which I bought here. all persons having cla im s against The Captain claim ed that it was I said estate are hereby required to supposed to have been built without present the sam e to the undersigned nails, but we surely found plenty o f duly verified, within six m onths from them. W e w andered around the the date and p u blication o f this town in the shops and bought a few notice. m ore things. Some o f the fellow s W A IN O H A U T O N E N bought kim onas, but still I never R oute 6, B ox 60», P ortlan d, Ore. found one for the right price that C. A. A P P L E G R E N , A ttorn ey, 446 suited me. D on ’t w orry. I'll get one Mead Bldg.. P ortlan d 4, O regon. yet. There were a lot o f streets and Date o f first publication, N ov. ». places around there w hich we w ant 1945. ed to go to, but It was getting late Date o f last p u blication Dec. 9, and we had to start back. A fter 1945. rounding everyone up we hit the road tow ard home. W e got back to H i NOTICE OF BOND SALE roshim a just at dusk and proceeded Sealed proposals will be received to get ourselves lost in the ruins and M ETZGER W ATER DIS what a weird place that wqs right at by the that tim e o f the evening. T he trees T R IC T , W ash in gton C ounty, Oregon, the purchase of $80,000 par stood there like black ghosts. W ell, fo r B onds o f I d on ’t know how to describe it. but value G eneral O bligation In d en om in ations o f to me it was spooky and gave me a said D istrict strange feeling. A fter w an d erin g 1 $1000 each, dated Jan u ary 1, 1946, around for about 15 or 20 m inutes bearing interest from the date there we found the main road and were o f and m aturing as fo llo w s: $4000 on July 1st o f each year, 1946, on our w eary way home. I do mean w eary too, for just try riding 140 to 1965, inclusive. All B onds m aturing a fter July 1st, miles in an A rm y % ton truck. Y ou really get k n ocked round, especially 1955, m ay be redeem ed at par, plus over Jap roads. W e landed back | accrued interest on any interest pay- here at 7 in the evening. It was ing date, on or after July 1st, 1955, certainly a w on derfu l trip and a by notice in w riting to the paying perfect day for it. . T he sun shone agent not less than T h irty (30) days as bright as a dollar. I never ex b efore such interest paying date, and pected to see that m uch o f Japan, I by publication o f n otice In a new s ! for unless you are an o fficer, you paper o f general circu lation in W ash just ca n ’t get out and cover ground ington County. O regon, not less than like that. W hen you get back to Ten (10) days prior to such interest I these places w here there haven't paying date. Interest paym ent dates j been any G I’s you really can get on said B onds shall be January 1st and July 1st o f each year. ¡stu ff and see a lot. B idders shall name the rate o f In T his is quite a book so *1 w on ’t I try to answer any o f your letters. terest bid on said B onds, and the The point situation still looks pretty j cost o f legal opinion required shall Bids bright, but haven’t heard anything be paid by the pu rchaser. ¡definite. Our fo o d is getting better must be delivered to the undersigned j at least we get fresh bread from a at 527 R ailw ay E xch a n ge Building, by 4:30 o 'clo ck bakery, and today we had fresh ham - ; Portland, O regon, berger for supper. T hat rem inds P. M., D ecem ber 14, 1945, and must i me, I have a sandw ich that I m an 1 be accom pan ied by a certified ch eck aged to chisel the cook s out of, so I in the sum o f $1600 as a g ood faith Bids will be open ed pub- ! will have a snack before I go to bed deposit. tonight. G ood deal, h u h ? So long ¡ licly at the regular m eetin g o f the ■ Board o f C om m ission ers on D ecem ; for this time. ber 14, 1945, at the residence o f H. F o r Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry C. P atton at M etzger Station, O re gon, at 7 p. m. o 'clo ck . T h e right Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf is reserved to reject any or all bids. T. C. T R A P P E . D iogenes used to scent his feet, S ecretary believing the rising vapors perfum ed Date o f first p u blication : N ovem ber ! his body. — 30. 1945. Date o f last pu blication : D ecem ber F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf 14, 1945. S P O N S O R E D BY P. T. A. Children 25c Toys, Bicycle Accessories, & Repairing of All Types Wheel Goods Retiring M AINTENANCE, R IT A IKING, W IKIN G. MOTOR W O K E Tualatin Volunteer Fire Dept. KISSLER’S 923 S W 4th Av., Portland A T . 5438 State licensed operators— No Job too large or too small Temp. I'hone Aloha 0161 U IIK J I.K K AVEN UE Bo* 14 HOW TO REPORT Now! T IM E S A V E D IS OF T H E Fam ily G roup H ospital Plan -------------- A FEW ------------- 2. (live exact location o f fire and owners name. ________________No Obligation 3. Describe f/i,re: House, Barn, Grass, etc. 4. Give your NAME. Do not han^ up until your call is acknowledged. Then watch for truck and direct to fire. YO U R F U LL C O -O P E R A TIO N Mail coupon to: Family Security Plan Route 1 Box 10«, ltoaverton. Ore. FOR E F F IC IE N T IS E S SE N T IA L PRO TECTIO N . NAM E W m . Barngrover, Chief A D D R E SS Route C IT Y _____________ _________ ____ Regional Office: 50« American Bank lUdg., Box Portland This is a Good Time to Insulate Your Home Dick Kokich Teacher of M ODFRN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd., West Slope, Ore. WINTER IS JUST SETTING IN SPECIAL “V E N T IL A T E D ” AND HERE THEY A R E !” 1 “ First. I keep my present grade. ■ That means a lot. 0 “ By reenlisting for 3 years I A can pick my own braneh of service in the Air, Ground or Service Forces, and can go to any overseas theater I wish. 3 “ I get my mustering-out pay, even though I'm reenlisting. Also. I get $50 a year reenlistnient bonus for each year I've been in the Army. My dependents receive family allowance* for the full term o f my enlistment. And I'll be eligible for C l Bill of Rights bene fits when I get out of the Army. C “ All of us who are rrenlisting are going to have from 30 to 90 days' furlough a t ho m r with full pay and our travel paid both ways. And we ll have 30 davs' fur lough every year with pay. J C A. B A K K E N , Mgr. 0 “ Any time after 20 years I U can retire at half pay increas- , ing year by year to three-quarters ' retirement pay after 30 years o f service. And the time I’ve already served in’ active military or naval service counts toward my retire ment time. Added up—reenlist ment seems pretty sound to m e !” , _____________________ i JANUARY 31,’ 1946 AN FOU IM P O R T A N T M IN IN TH E D A TI ARM Y M IN now In A rm y w ho reonllsl before February I w ill bo raen- littod in present grette Men hen. erobly discharged can reenllst within 20 deys after discharge In grade held et time ef dis charge. provided they reenllst before February t , 194«. You m ay .V is i A T A N Y T IM I , *f t 'A , 2 t I year periods. (One-year enlistments for men new In the A rm y with el 6 months ef servite.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAY PER M O N T H - ENLISTED MEN Clothes ted Modus I Cert * < e )— Plus 2 0 % Increase for Service Overeees. i b ) -P lu s 5 0 % if M em ber of F ly m * Crews, Parachutist, etc. ( e ) - P l u s S % Increase in Pay for Each 3 Years of Service. MONTHLY USTIRgMCNT Storfing INCOM I A S T I« 5 •eie Fey Per 20 Years’ JO Years' SU T H i JOB Service 4 Master Sergeant M eet* or First Sergeant *138.00 Technical Sergeant 114.00 Staff Sergeant . . 96.00 Sergeant . . . . 78.00 # 1 5 3 «; 128.25 ! 108.00 ; Conx»''*l . . . . 66.00 Private First G ass . Private . . . . 54.00 50.00 V ***************** Phone Beaverton 3201 Products Co. Portland, 1 Oregon Come in and see us KINGSLE V-BEA VERTON LUMBER CO. See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & OF REASONS . . . Is Addition 1« Feed, Lsdpef 1 CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS I SW Macadam A r t THERE ARE PLENTY 4 “ My food, clothes, quarters, ■ medical and dental care are all supplied to me. And I can learn any of 200 skills or trades in the Army schools. West Slope ACCORDION STHDIO t SU G G ESTIO N S 1. Telephone lire calls to TIG A R D 3294— it no answer D IA L 991 — Ask for Tualatin Fire De partment. Stay on the phone until the call is completed. Only A Few Cents A Day All Ages —3 mos. to 75 yrs. Full information— U T M O ST V A L U E IN FIG H TIN G FIRE the “Family Security Plan” offers a C o m p le te Family Group Hospital Plan — “M e ...I’m staying in the Army ! YOUR FIRE THROUGH U. S. ARMY BE A A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _____ • % 4 ttSMUiT NOW AT YOU* M A H SY 0. 1 AAMY IK S U m w O STA DOW " G U A R D I A N OF V/CTORY” 614 S W lk h Ave. AIR, « R O U N D . S I R I Portland