PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y VOL. 18, NO, 45 IN OUR P L A N T ON SHORT ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton. Oregon, Fridav, December 7, 1945 Sell More Bonds This Week ESTABLISHED 1927 Here and There Mail Gifts Early Clarence G. Eastman, 14, of route3 son ot Mi. and Mrs. Jack Eastman, was killed Wednesday when struck ■ l>> a stolen car occupied by for Port- | land boys. The Eustman boy was on •i bicycle. The stolen cai belonged Put Address and Street to Joseeph Wendling. also ot route 3 In Ink, Wrap Securely j and was stolen in Portland. I r J "Get that last 20 per cent!" is the No. battlecry at headquarters as Wash ington county swings through the final week of the Victory Loan bond ! selling campaign with all ambitions | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCormack Tho Christmas season is again with set on attaining the $565,000 series i | had as dinnet guests Saturday evening lis' Postmasters all over the coun- E bond quota before Saturday's dead- j 1-*■ ■ j Miss — Barbara Payne anl Larry Bar- try are urging people to mail their line. Mailing for I gan. Miss Payne has recently re- cards and gifts early. On sales through last Saturday! distant States should be sent well in lurned from Bushnell hospital, where night, the county has reached 80 I she spent several weeks with her advance of December 10, and greet per cent with a total of $453.239.50. j brothei Dick, who lost two legs in ing cards for western states should By averaging $20,000 per day for the ; the European theatre of war. Larry be mailed not later than December final week, the goal can be reached. Bergan has been discharged iroin the 15 to assure delivery before Christ County Co-chairmen W. C. Christen uii corps and hus taken up his work mas Day. sen and H. L. MacKenzie urge every Remember this If a Christmas I again at the Portland air base. body to "pitch in and wind it up.” present is to be appreciated, it must Banks area, first and only areu to received before Christmas. If Mr. and Mrs. McCormack expect j be go over the top on figures through theii son Warren Dobyns to return! received after Christmas, the beau- Saturday has 116 per cent with sales on the Saratoga. Warren is a high tiful sentiment that prompted the of $39,606.25 reported by Chairman point man und expects to be dis-1 giving is gone; it is a disappointment, George L Laver. Banks quota was charged on arrival in the U. S. A. and tbe gift is appreciated only for set at $33,900. | its material value. Beaverton surged into third place Paul S Smith of Ueaveitun was' Address parcels fully and plainly with 79 per cent for an edge of three aboard the transport Marine Lynx j with pen and ink to street and num- I per cent over Hillsboro. Beaverton ’ | which was supposed to sail Sunday ber, using the zone number where it sales listed by Mrs. Robert Summers I | afternoon foi Yokohama. It had how is known. are $66,983.75 toward a quota o f ! ever to be tied up several days as Pluce your name and address in $84,750 five crewmen jumped the ship and1 the uppei left hand corner of th. Mrs. Morris L. Gedrose. 2411 S. W. Troy street, escaped serious injury when she Sales in Tigard area have reached j had to be replaced before she could1 parcel preceded by the word "From” . fled with baby from home of sister-in-law, Mrs. Jay Lommen. 9122 S. W. Capitol the two-third mark of a $62,150 quota ; 8°- j Your zone number, if in Portland, Highway, above, and was knocked down by branches of falling trees. with -$41,856.25. _ „ _ . „ . „ should also be included in the return Guy R. Gregg, seaman 1/c Goyt R ., addreM Governor Snell has designated the I __ “ “ Oregonian i Allen, shopfitter l/c, Earl L. Enger, | Pack paice,8 calefuUy, wrap se- period from December 2 to 8 as Vic- j chief carpenters mate, Robert M. curely with two or three thicknesses tory Loan days and has called uPon Kiwanis Club Elect ALOHA | Bosch motor mech mate l /c were|of heavy wrapplnK paper, tle wlth citizens to Join the national program Mr. Bowen Talks on Red of special emphasis on senes E New Officers recently given discharges at Brem-i >trong cord but do not seal or en Lt. John Rohrback has received his ^ ross a t P* T. A. Meeting parct,, or else reRU. bonds for this week. j erton, Wash., Personnel Separation I cl0se a letter in par Center. Deadline for series E bond pur- At a recent meeting of the Beaver- i hon° rable diacharge after two years . -------- lar letter rate will have to be paid. chases to count in the Victory Queen 1 ton Kiwanis club M. D. Murphy was I service. ® l ®su,ai nieeting of the P. Insure valuable parcels. Elmer Boyd with his wife and lit- race is midnight Dec. 8 and support-; elected president. O. W. Tennant , , P^C‘ ^ en*y Jucobson is home again. , Novembei 2i Mi. Bowman MAIL PACKAGES EARLY. \ tie son, George, of Newberg, were He was in the service nearly five presented an overall picture of tho era of the pretty candidates are urg - 1 will be vice president, Ted Emerson, For further information consult t week end guests of his parents. Mr. ] years. | many activities called for and carried ing everyone to buy an extra bond, past president, Jay Gibson, re-elect- your local postmuster. ...... Club ............... .... The Coopei Mt. ... Sewing met ” n by the Ked Cross. He ........... spoke of and Mrs. Wm. Boyd. Miss Vowell now has 70 points, ed treasurer, and Ray W. Meadows. at the home of Mrs. Clausen Decern- Kain,J° 'v Cornet where many' of the Bernard Ustroski of route 1. Miss Foelker 69, Miss Sellers 68. ' also re-elected secretary. hoys visit. The British work with the i Private Richard W. Sunders, also of, Public Hearing Dec. 21 Marylee Madden 68 and Dorothy! Directors will be W. D. Cameron, ber 4. Sgt. Willard Rohrbach after over ^ ed Cross in mainutaining the many route l. have received thetr discharge On Tualatin River Control Rufsvold 65 points. Finals will be}C. H. Huddleston, M. A McCorklo, Paul Knepp, Addison Jacobson, Fred a, months^ furlough with his parents, clubs and canteens and at one time at hurt Lewis. held at Hillsboro Dec. 10. Mi. and Mis. Jonn Rohrbach, has re there have been as many as 23,000 I Dick Goyt returned last week from Goyt and Charles Straley In order that interested parties ported to the Seattle air base. volunteei women working with the Sesebo, Jupan, which is 38 miles from! j may have an opportunity to express P.T.A. County Council .. .. The Happy Gardeners of Aloha, Red Cross. He also said that over | Nagaaaka, which was bombed by an their views und present statements ¡will hold their next meeting at the '000,000 American boys have beenen- ' atom bomb. He says it is the most and arguments concerning the de Meet» Dec. 11 at Cedar M ill."!™ - \JaSSerty ?,ecur?s, I home oi Mrs. B. R. Pooley on Decern- (pertained in English homes. it was 1 desolate place he has ever seen. ------ rirst I leket to Honolulu sirability of a project involving flood The West Slope-Benz Park areu control, drainage, und other multi . . T. .. „ A. . County v v . . „ , , I ! Lei 14 at 1:80. Her home is three »"Very interesting picture of what the The bi-monthly P. ¡ went over the top in its Victory • e U8e8 of the w a te r 9 0 fth e Council will be held December 11 at 1 Mrs. Lawrence E. Haggerty o f . houses west of Stacey avenue be- Lnglit.h had done for oui toys, the Cedar Mill Grange Hall. T h e 1 Aloha, was the first civilian to pur- Yond Aloha on the main highway. 1 The Washington County Council of i bond drive, according to the c h a ir 1 Tualatin River Busin, a public hear meeting will convene at 11 a. m. ¡chase a Pan-American Air Line tick- Major Wisenback has nearly com * A. will be held Dec. 11 ut the man, Rev. Werner Fritz. Two weeks ing will be held at Hillsboro, Oregon, "The Post-War Grade School" is le t from Portland to Hawaii since 1 l,leted his shoP he expects to have it vedar Mill Grange Hall. Cars will ago this area had exceeded its quota in the circuit courtroom of the coun ' by bus more than $3000. the theme of the day’s meeting. Dr. i December 7, 1941, She is going to ; completed by the first of the year. Beaverton at 9 30 from the ty courthouse at 10 a. m., Friday, De Drucilla M. Bennett, daughter of cember 21, Bain of the State Department of 1 join her husband, who was chief w ar-( The Aloha Ilxit Shop now sail gas* depot. Members are urged to attend. All interested persons Education, the principal speaker of rant officer in the Seabees who recent- appliances in addition to doing re- A report showed there is $242.92 in Mr. and Mrs. B. W. McCleland of are invited to be present or repre- the day, will speak at 11 a. m. ly received his discharge and accept- ■ Pa*r work on most any household " ie tieasury. A general discussion Beaverton, was married November 16 I sented at this hearing and to submit Anyone needing transportation ' ed a position as inspection officer at . appliance. on the condition of the playground at Tigard in the parlors of Judge and ' ^ V i e w s ' o n T h e " su blet. '¿'the. from Beaverton should be at the the Barber Point naval air station1 ^ r' and Mrs. J. W. Bangs and , ®<Il,ipment was held. Plans were made Mrs W. A. Root to MT Sgt. Jacob J orally or in writing. Witnesses were Donald R. Beaverton bus depot at 9:40 a. m. ¡Honolulu. ¡children have moved to a home on about securing zone crossings at the I Aberle. In addition to any general data, It will be appreciated if those drlv- Mrs. Haggerty is a daughter of M r.! Wheelei Ave. which they recently following school bus stops On Farm- j Miller und Ben W. McClelland and specific Information Is desired in re purchased. They formerly lived atMnFkon Road, Bertha-Beuverton and ; Miss Gloria Wallace of Portland. ing with room for passengers would and Mrs. C. F. Flint of Aloha. gard to benefts that will result from Mrs. Netanius Waters has annouc- the proposed North Plains, Roderick and Dolores j Canyon, where it is necessary for the pick up those waiting at the Beav Improvement. Oral entered the Aloha-Huber school Mon- | children to cross over after getting i cd the marriage of her son John H. statements will be heard but for ac- erton bus depot. Walters is happy— day. ° ff the bus. ¡ Waters ot Beaverton, Novem cu ¡« a t e .s T/5 I/O oi Deuveuon, on ixovem- of the rec0rd, all important A 50c luncheon will be served by Good conduct contests are being' Miss Madden, Beaverton candidate ' bel 22 at Holy Cross R C Church facts and arKUments should be sub- the Cedar Mill P .T. A. I He did not lose His Hand conducted in the 3rd, 4th and 8th I for the Victory Bond Queen was then to Miss Mane Black, daughter of mlUed ln w,ning with five signed Hammond General Hospital. Mo- grades The eighth grade boys are introduced and support of the Bond Cyril and Ann Black of 18C fronton- copiegi these may be presented at the Larry Gross in Charge of desto Calif., Dec 7 Because a medi- competing against the girls, and the drlve urged that ballots oe cast for ey Gardens, Liverpool, England. They hearln|? or maiied in advance to C28 Call and Delivery Service cal officer decided to try something I b°y s are the "inners so fai as they Miss Madden. As this was dad's night, honeymooned in Blackpool, England, Pittock Block, Portland 5, Oregon. -------- ! he'd heard only about and because have the lea8t demerits, the meeting was turned over to Mr. and Edinburgh, Scotland. The November 21 iafcue of General ' /-v ii ’¥'• Another sure sign that the war i s : battlefield medical attention is s o 1 week the winners in the third «uaeen. Miss Madden played two over, is to see the different services quick and decisive, Pfc. Elmer Wal- grade are R°Ber McKnight, Ronald numbers on the trumpet. The Grant Order, a Seattle post office bulletin '-el® l 'HICrS j contains the name of Agnes H. May Hello There! that are gradually teturnlng and ters, now on B-15, has tbe posses- j KiPP- Dar,ene Crosby, John Strauch, Ht«h Male quartet sang, made available again. I sion sion of of his his right right hand hand todav today. , Michael McCoy, Mildred Williams _Rr<‘freshments were «eieved with under an item titled "100 per cent j Andrew M Kennedy was In town Mi. K Pace and Mr. Hudetn pO'lling. Examination". Miss May Is an em- Satulday talking with old friends The Cleaners Walters, a 3-man bazooka ,» , „uuna and John Sachs. — - - — Beaverton City — - — have • • — - — i „ a iic io , as one a of , vuc ui n a-mau i Th l . r u added another service to their list of team, was crossing an open field at The f‘fth grade has started a Good *n,> high light of the evening was ployee of the Seattle Post Office. ' ,,|)out other days. Mr. Kennedy was complete dry cleaning service—that ! the edge of the town of Puttelange, Citizenship contest, the purpose of M l- Adam’s urging a second piece of The It. A May family formerly re- 1 th<) f(rat ma|i carrier on route 1 and is a call and delivery service, 1 France, in Dec. 1944, when his outfit which is to help remind the boys and i>lc t0 everyone and then when all sided in Westdale, Mrs. May at that i„|oyd Fisher first carrier on route Mr. Larry Gross, who Tor many 1 was pinned to the ground by a O er-! Si'ls ot the things that make for good w®re finl8hed he announcecd that all time being employed at the main 2. This rural mail service from the yeais was connected with a large man mortar barrage. Lying on the . citizenship. bad a second piece were in- post office in Portland. j Beaverton Post Office was inaugu- Portland firm, is now connected with j ground, he was hit in the right wrist The sixth graders have organized y. 0 tbe k,tchen to help wash Several ladies went into the Nile on rated in early 1904 when roads were the Beaverton City Cleaners. by a dud mortar shell, which made “ Reviewclub. Ruby Taylor is ( dishes. Wednesday to the Christmas party plenty rough. Kennedy made his I the librarian and Dennis Buzzell i s . given by them. Mrs. Dora Stipe Is dttiiy trip with an open buggy, a big We of Beaverton hope him lots of a two inch hole through his arm. an officer in the Nile. umbrella when It rained, driving a success in his new position as sales | With his hand barely hanging on the assistant. Mrs. Carrie Summers visited her large buckskin horse, while Fisher Mrs Bushnell and Mrs. Layton at D a v j s J T W in o .» ,- by a few shreds of ski in, and most mother in Hillsboro on Wednesday. | on r0ute 2, started the service at 'o f the wrist bones gone, ne was giv- tended the Washington County Pri rv i ^ The Sorrento Bridge club met last the 8ame time with a couple of pon- an emergency treatment at the aid n*ary 1 eachers group in Hillsboro iT U n t in g L lu c k s CAM P FIRE GIRLS Tuesday at the home ot Mrs. H. A. ••nolly" and "Susie" hitched to a ¡station 200 yards away, and rushed ¡Thursday evening, Nov. 29. ------------ Bob Davis and Henry Desinger Nelson- white R F. D. rig. That was a great The Lawanka group had their by ambulance 75 miles to N ancy, , ^ The jGiil Scouts^have^completed the Mrs. (Mitz) Alexander Is here vis service for the farmers to have the usual meeting Monrlav afternoon We I France, for the first operation. Tree Finders Badge. They arc now were hunting ducks Monday in East- iting hei mother und helping in the mail brought to their mall box dally. had our business meeting taken care ! Here a surgeon recalled an article starting Needle Work Badge Mrs ern Washington county. They shot There have been many fine fellows of and started making some place h* had studied which r t fn n d t<* Randa Nl 1 u 1,,''n ' ni1 ***v” OB* duck this side of Hillsboro Dean Drug store The Social club of Eastern Star ' carrying the mall on Beaverton mats to sell and raise money for our this l yPe of inJury. and 'tef’deil to (w^er present at the meeting Nov 2« on arriving at the Beuverdam at try to save the hand. He rejoined ^t. Cecelia boys won in a practice Beaverton had plenty of animuni* will meet in Masonic hall on Dec. 14. rUral routes since Kennedy and Ftsh- group. Mrs. Otto Erickson of California, er made the initial trips 41 years and nerves, repaired Kanle I riday by a score of 18-17. The tion.. and if these two hunters run Virginia Huddleston Scribe blood vessels This rural mall service has the bones that were left, and sewed A and P squads playcdReedvillc Mon- on to that big flock of Mallards that was calling on old friends Sunday. ; agQ the skin together, which shortened day Dec. 3. Reedville won have been eating corn lately down She returned to California Monday been a big factor In establishing Urged to Report Plane evening with her husband, who was ' Beaverton ns one of the business cer.- the arm but left Walter's hand on it. | The A and B squads played prac in the burt quite badly a few weeks ago. ters in Eastern Washington county, Three days later motion and feel-|Bce games with Hilslboro Dec. 5 The the feathers will sure fly. Crashes at Once but is reported getting along aa well _____ _______ ____ Ing returned to one finger, and they Hillsboro boys and thetr coach. Mi The residents of every farm, village, knew chances for recovery were Gehman, were entertained at lun a, can be expected PGE Offers 14 Scholarships The past matrons of the Kaatern * c L t town and city in California, Washing- good- „ < r' ■ • DL’l f Norblad Announces Star held a party in the Masonic , T o 4-H Summer School ton, Oregon, Nevada and Idaho are Back in England a few days later, r d l i l v ir ilillll 1T1 i l»Ii.lpiflCS Temple last Friday. About seven- Fourteen scholarships to the 1946 Candidacy being asked to assist a new had other operations to connect Q 0 r t40 n in F r a n c e teen Matrons being present. Their summer school at Oregon State Col- and rescue program of the Fourth *8i*8rr“ dd t^r“ „ therW "h i^ p i"^ "for Manila Pfc Paul Kb. Grimm, son Air Force which has been organized transferred to other hospitals foi Gordon Grimm of Walter Noiblad, Astoria attorney, Christmas party will be held the last iei{e foi 4-H club members have been offered by Portland General Electric to save the live, of flying personnel «hort periods before being returned ” f,0” a <^e„ 0„ la n0w stationed ^Jear le‘ *r>tl, d.scharged Wo. 1,1 Wa, II of the month. Miss Carrie Leonard spent Friday company aa adjunct awards to the who crash or parachute fiom their, t® Y°rk on Wu«e" Elizabeth ^ ,n th’c Philippine Islands veteran and formei state legislator. evening in Portland with her son Lt. Westlnghouse Electric Corp. 1946 nu- planes. Maj. Hale, Com. Gen. has an overseas five months before the vacancy In Congress left by the Com. J Leonard, who was on hts tlonal 4-H club Better Farm and nounced. Home Methods Electric contest. Walters expects one more .pera- ¡assigned to a ferry-squadron in death of Representative James A. way home in Seattle. If you see a plane crash, call the Franc.e. The Friendly Circle met at the The awards will go to one boy and . tlon and some more time in the hos- Norblad is a Republican. pollce, sheriff or state highway pa i Prior to his induction into the Mott. the seven counties in trol Immediately giving them the de- Pital before he returns to his home, United States Army, Paul Grimm at Norblad is a lifetime resident'of home of Mrs. McKercher on last girl In each of Tuesday. PGE territory. Included are Clacku- tails of the Incident, the location and and hls WR* and three childien. Oregon, and was educated in the As tended Beaverton High School. The __________ mas. Columbia, Marlon. Multnomah. schools your name and address. This will be ~ ] ' first seven months of his army ca- toria _ . . . and . . the University of Polk, Washington and Yamhill coun forwarded to headquarters. Buxton Dairyman .eer he served with the 71st Moun- entered the air force in ties. F. W . Allen of Cornelius Since the Fourth Air Force emer g Milking Machine tain Infantry Division. He was then ,SM*' and won the air n>«da' a" d i Information concerning the awards gency rescue program was first es- J * Celebrates Great Occasion is available through the agricultuial .......... ... ..............— - tablished in September 1944 . 931 per 1 agent of each county. Dairy Star ..Route Buxton, thres months. In the early part of Norblad la married has one son 1 sons have been rescued. Many J . f w Burke's Mr and Mrs. F. W. Allen of Cor- ___ a s in Beaverton Monday looking for h. ived _ combat training >nd „ „ membe| of v rW ( IOofr', Ma- these were due to tips and phone — , and iParned . the art of amphibious calls from residenU on outlying *ood cow, They are milking and ‘carned And in 1945 he embarked *on" American Legion and is a mem nelius celebrated a glorious occasion New Electric Service th« return of their many sons fram farms and small town.. 11 cow* " th* B ranch with a M m n ber of the Presbyterian Church. He War on who has purchased Mr. Allen's birthday, Nov. I... D. _ O. . Stuart, .. , . new milking machine Floyd says Ior lne r.uro|.ean ineane oi u f .« it. 37 years old. 28 They sure had a grand time, th* Maggard place on Whee er tions. and „ ^ _ : 7TZ ; f . a daisy" It will milk a COW tion»- and landed at 1 a Hmvr* ^ ln *•* , Alob just like old days" they were so * av*nuc " 7 . , * and " ° Cornell — road’ Betty C o r n e n Married in 4 or 5 minute* and if the „id France on March 1. At the present time Paul Grimm is y to see their sons back home “ M " *h° P : critter wants to kick—let 'er kick _ maintainence repairing, wiring, mo November 12 holding the position of acting squad Air Medal Awarded Shaw again' everybody is out of range leader. He has not yet definitely Allen states "It does not Just roin tor work etc., and is now ready for Mis* Betty cTrrterl. daughter of «'H looking fot moie cows Hts shop is called the decided as to his post war plans. Eighth Army Headquarters. Yo- presents— it pours!” and among the business Mi. and Mrs. Joe Corrlerl of Reed- kohoma. Japan The Air Medal was many presents One relatlvee sent a Stuarts Electrical Service. He is a state licensed operator, Roberts is Sergeant vtUe, and Eugene B. O'Connor, son The U. S. Civil Service Com mis- recently awarded to Col Leland Shaw "years subscription to the famous of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. O'Connor, were -------- ! mission is recruiting Enginemen. Beaverton. Oregon, G-I executive of- Enterprise" this present will keep and was _ with the Maritime n ______ Commis- , married November 12 In Nelacott at Fort Sam Houston. Texas. The isteam Electrcl to be in charge of ficer on the staff of Lt. Gen. Rob- ng for m weeks Those pres ■lon, flVB in PorUannd " h,P the home of Mr, and Mrs A. R ! promotion of Wiliam L Roberts to power plants and auxiliaries in rt L Eichelberger, Eighth Aimy ent were F W. and wife, the Mieses VRrd* ____________ Chastain Mr and Mrs Elvir. the grade of sergeant ha* been an- ernment buildings in Washington D. commandei Alice and Lou Ann Allen, Wade and CVTDA t Booker of Hillsboro attended the nounced by his commanding officer c Also applications for the posi- The award was made for meritor- wife, Roscoe and wife, Donald and E .A I K A . couple He is from Beaverton, and he is the tion of Adjudicator in the Veterans to us achievement while participating family. Willie, Helen and family j Next week’s Issue this newspaper They «pent thetr honeymoon at brother of Golda Power«, route 1 box Administration, in states of Idaho In aerial flight# over Nev Guinea and Alton Allen. 19 ln all also Mr the thriller "Catching 8mpe at th« Newport i S$4, Beaverton. Montana, Oregon and Washington. and the Philippine Island«. and Mr«. J. C. Brown of Tillamook Old Sawmill!” Don’t mlse it. ............. - - • ~sstJE.'■ * * S..... . 3JZ. U r r i ! ^ *•«“ •?* <»