Friday, November 30, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon Pag« 4 city a load seemed to lift from our f guess they figu red we were going to I minds and spirits. It w as a per- bom b H iroshim a at som e time. W e feet day. and still early m orning, traveled altogether 140 m iles round . The highway, which is a fine one, trip and the w hole distance we hard- Turm ng o ff the main road we Koes right along the water and is ly left tow n. W hat I m ean is that drive out to see a little m ore o f the c e ,t ainly a beautiful drive. A l l : all along the highw ay are houses M E T H O D IST ( 111 n C H wreckage in the residential district.- a )ong arc slacked supplie.». parts for and people. E very bit o f low land 4th and W atson Sts. f a i « Vip«« • / «A»# C i veci •# HU» J9«aarrn« Already the people have begun to ai| p[anesf and everything along that is cultivated ex cep t the little spot R ev. E verett L. Bowers. P astor *‘A hunter could do m ore w ith a ; rebuild, making little shacks out of ijn( scattered along for miles. W e upon w hich the house is built. Ta* P a rson age: 356 B roadw ay r ifle .” —Sen. M agnuson, W ash in gton j- C hurch School 9:45 a. m. with Mrs the w reckage around them. The pilgsetj through three tunnels a n d ------------------------------------------------------- — State, debunking the J a p s "d e a th ) K W JJ SU N D A Y 3:30 P. M. Nan Bourquin. Supt. people look at you rather sullenly, lhe> were pa ckcd with equipm ent. I T o be C ontinued ra y ." illl5lll3IH=IIISIII=0IEIII=lll=lll=lll=IHEHI=lll A student grou nded in the truth but there are quite a few smiles, seldom goes astray. .T h e little kids, knowing nothing M orning w orship 11 a. m. ¡about the whole thing except that Oui pulpit Guest will be Mi Ern they are attracted to the Yanks, est W. Peterson. C hurch E ditor of wave and holler at you. But 1 won- the O regon Journal and Lay Leader der what these people think inside o f Centervary-W ilbur Church, Port their hearts and minds about us. land. His su bject will be, "T l.e I probably each one of them had some Task A head of the C hurch.” I loved one ot friend killed in the You will look your loveliest M YF: 7:30 p. m. Sunday at the bom bing. I think if it were an Am- p if you have your forma! church. | ei ican city that the people would ! . W SCS will meet at the ch u rch a t ' act much differently and try to take dresses 10 a. m W ednesday, Mrs. Sheets, is revenge for theii suffering. president. The hearts of the people there must Choir rehearse! at 7:30 p. m. W ed be bitter, although they may not nesday. show it In action. I have read, though, that H iroshim a was the most C H U R CH O F T H E N A Z A K E N E im m oral city in Japan, so it could ( L eonard C. Joh nson P astor be looked upon as the wrath o f God. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, W alter Never-the-less, when you see these people building a little lean-to of Ixyvett, Supt. It costs so little tw isted sheet metal, and cook in g on 11 a. m. M orning worship. bonfires it makes you think. In 6:30 p. m. N Y P S and H i-N Y . T o look your loveliest you 7.30 p. m E vangelistic service. fa ct the whole thing m akes you think, and the thoughts are not happy ones. W ednesday 7:30 mid week prayer must call You can just see Portland in the ! meeting. It does m ake you A friendly w elcom e awaits you at same condition. realize what w ar is to people and all services. “ Come, and we will d o you g o o d '” not just to soldiers, and you know j that there must never be another war. All along the roads are peo W E S T IILLLS ple pullling carts with a few pieces L U T H E R A N C H U B C II ~ u E ^ u ¿ ¿ h in a . -7 (/ i ¿ h e y / o w e of furniture in them, com ing back Canyon R oad, near Sylvan p h o n e 3 5 3 5 B e a v e r t o n to w h a t? Y ou can see where there W ern er J. Fritz, M inister 1st Sunday In A dvent, Dec. 2 were shops and factories by the m elt B R O A D W A Y A T W A TSO N Sunday School 9:45 a. m. ed china, glass and machines. The W E C A L L & D E L IV E R M orning service 11 a. m. heart o f H iroshim a just isn't. There E veryon e w elcom e. is just a flat field o f ruins acres in W ednesday, Dec. 5, M issionary area. If I went on for another four 4M* Guild party at G. W . B ittner home. pages I could never describe the C hurch C ouncil m eeting. destruction that took place there in Save 20 to 2 5 % on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O S T S just a few seconds o f hell. T hat’s O regon Mutual P olicies are NON- A SS E SS A B L E . Y ou N E V E R pay the part that is hard to get into C H U R C H O F C H R IS T m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual on e's head, that all o f this was done G eorge W. Springer, P astor maintains m ore than three times the surplus required by Oregon by one single explosion and in the Second and M ain Sts. B eaverton Per- ■ Insurance Laws. M orning w orship and p reach in g at space o f ju st a few seconds. 4th and Watson Sts. haps I am m istaken about the sec- j i 9:45 a. m. Phone 3695 O regon M utual Fire Insurance C om pany E V E R E T T L. B O W E R S , Pastor Serm on topic The Sacred Trust onds, but it w asn’t very long in co m o f M c M i n n v i l l e parison to the tim e required to build GU EST S P E A K E R o f O ffice. F ollow in g the serm sn, the L ord 's that city and to raise the genera-1 O rganized 1894— 10 yrs. o f R eliable Service Chas. L. W alk er, Agent tions that died there. supper will be observed Leaving the city on the other side New Location 112 So. 3rd A ve. Phone 1732 The annual election o f ch u rch o f Church Editor, O regon Journal ficers will be at the close o f the the sam e conditions were evident as “ E very F orm o f P rotection ” H illsboro, O regon these we saw upon entering the j and l a y Leader, Centeiiary-W ilhur Chureh Bible School period at 11 a. m. city. T he dam age becam e less evi- ; T H E M E :—“ T H E T A S K A H E A D O F T H E C H U R C H ” Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. Church School 9:45 M orning W orsh ip 11 a. m. E ven ing w orship service 7:30 with dent, but as we cam e to the moun tains that surrounded the city we special m usic by orch estra. M idw eek B ible study and prayer could see m any black spots as if a forest fire had struck just in spots W ednesday 8 p. m. then jum ped on. The m ountain T o p ic w ill b e J o y . ____ . j w hich I speak o f are like the m oun tains around C ouncil Crest, but they P IL G R IM certainly look differen t now. W ell, LU TH E RA N CHURCH we drove on out through the suburbs F arm in gton R d. at M enlo D rive and as we got farther from the E rw in A. O erken P astor Just as every good tree bears g<ood fru it— 522 B roadw ay just so does every man, w om an, boy and girl bear Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. som e kind of fru it— righteous or unrighteous. Services 11 a. m. “ A good tree can not brin g forth evil fru it— Serm on top ic— Matt. 21, 1-9, Behold neither can a corru pt tree brin g forth good fruit.” Thy K ing C om eth Unto Thee. M O R T I C I A N Matt. 7:18. T he Saturday School m eets ttus B eaverton, O regon R em em ber — y ou ’re ju d ged by the fruit you Saturday m orning at 9:30 a. m. Estab. 1910—Serving 35 years Leonard C. bear— "by their fruits ye shall know them .” Matt. A dult Bible Class Tuesday evening P H O N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 JOHNSON 7:20. 7:45 p. m. Phorti- 3691 W alther League m eets W ednesday at the parsonage 7:30 p. m. «•*«**• HMMNM Choir rehearsal T hursday 7:30 p. m. 9 A cordial w elcom e to all. it* T he Lutheran H our every Sunday 9:30 a. m. over K A L E and at 4 over I K W JJ. C A R D O F TILANKS j|ll5IM 5IH 5IU s<llSIH xlllclll=lll3lll3lllslli£lli; I wish to thank friends and neigh-! hors fo r their kindness and flow ers, • ». . ' ’ - J f , w hile sick in the hospital. H A Z E L B. P U C K E T T Beaverton, O regon r .»4M« U (AMf t ^*«4 'SH O W E RS or B U S S I * « - Church Services Hiroshima THE PARTY SEASON IS HERE A G IF T FO R C H RISTM A S Davenport SPe cial--$ 9 9 .9 5 CLEANED,REVITALIZED and REFINISHED OpenflFriday til 9 -oo P.jM. Saturday, 7:30 P. M. Beav. 2773 Beaverton CITY CLEANERS t Beaverton Methodist Church Ernest W. Peterson CHURCH of the NAZARENE Here (t Is Sport Fans! Are you Bearing Good Fruit? First Game at 7:15 P. M. W . E. P E G G Fo re s t G ro ve vs. Portland Silients A .A .U . Basketball Wednesday Night; D ec. 5 -8 P.M. PACIFIC PACKARDS vs. BEAVERTON PHARMACY Two Top Teams for the Pacific Northwest A .A .U . Championship Program Starts at 8:00 P .m . Gam e T im e . 8 :3 0 -B eav. G y m . BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U RCH R ev. J. G. D ickey (In terim ) P astor (In place o f Rev, Sturtevant until next sum m er) 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss Aniarette Barns, Supt. 11 a. m. M orning service. T opic- My Church. Anthem by choir. 5 30 p. m. Interm ediate Y oun g People. 6:30 p. m. Senior Y ou iw People. W edn 'sday, A id S ociety m eeting at Mrs. N orton P eck home. F riday (D ec. 7) Aid bazaar and turkey dinner. H IG H W A Y C H A P E L T em p orarily located upstairs in the Odd F ellow s Hail .Beaverton Orville J. Poulin, Minister Sunday School 10 a. m. M orning w orship 11 a m. E vangelistic services 7:45 p. tn. E verybody w elcom e. ST. C E C E L IA CHURCH Musses 8:25 and 10:25. A LO H A A SSE M B L Y OF GOD W heeler Avenue Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, A cting pastor 10 a m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. M orning worship. 7:30 p. m Evening service. Mark H.. Stephens speaker. Thursday 7:30 p m. study and prnyer service. K E F .n v iIJ .E Adults 5 0 c Children 2 5 c Including Tax Decem ber 5 Wed. Nite 8 :0 0 P.M. PRODUCE J Fresh and Crisp AT O U R S T O R E WHEN W A M T IN G M EA T THAT? TEN D ER . DURE AND GOOD TO E A T / From Every Garden_________ Yellow New ton APPLES Box $ 1 . 4 9 U . S. N o. 2 Netted Gem "a t POTATOES 50 Ib s .9 8 c ONIONS 10 lbs. 3 9 c E. A l.O IIA COM M UN ITY CHURCH G raydon D. L ores. Pastor Sunday S ch ool 9.50 a. m. M ary Antrim , Supt. M orning w orship 11 a m. Y outh F ellow ship 7 p. m. E vening service 8 p. m. L A T T E R DAY SA IN T S A m erican le g i o n Hall Main St.. H illsboro. Ore. Sunday School st 10 a m. Sacram ent m eeting 6 30 p m. E lder J. T. S. Peterson, Branch ‘ ’ rest. ASK FOR COUPON 25 I B. BAG FRESH SCHUBRING & BIEDERMAN Tigard, O regon 1 E4.FT AHI.FS Always at I il PINEAPPLE G R O C E R IE S M E A T PORK ROAST lb. 2 9 c FREE CEREAL DISH wuh ALBERS OATS (Picnic cuts) Lean and Tender SWISS STEAK lb. 3 9 c lg. pkg. 3 2 c (A Grade Beef) Try One for Sunday Dinner 4 3 I I \ 1 4 Bake Proved— Skinnless Frankfurters lb. 3 5 c FLOUR 25 lbs. $ 1 . 0 9 i a vi SAUR KRAUT qt. 1 5 c Lem on. O range, C itron— I u tJ n Pillsbury (A good combination For a Quick M eal) CANDIED PEEL l b .3 9 c and ;Y g U R LIT V •• M R R K E T EAST BEAVERTON JUNCTION O / lc t CANYON 0ÖAO MILLERS GROCERY FORM ERLY ID A A B IL I a K * a* * i I ¡ I t Fresh Cuban T H E VALUEY CO M M U N ITY CHU RCH U N lT E n P R E SB Y TE R IA N SW Gabel lame at Fairway D r, Rev. H A Armltage. pastor Morning service 10 30 a .tn. I i 1 • < Ä > Quick or Regular, large pkg. church R ev. H am pton. Pastor Sunday S ch ool 10 a. ru. O. ' Setger, Supt. W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Y ou n g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. i Boiling C O M M U N ITY f r l s b y t k r ia n J