Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1945)
Friday, N ovem ber 30, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O repon Due to patented inventions, wage While In Beaverton be sure to eat Of average factory w orker in A m •t the Greyhound C offee Shop. erica has risen from $12.35 fo r 59 hours 50 years ago, to alm ost $50 for 45 hours. CLASSIFIED WANT AOS Trees, Shrubs, Plants CASH P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rates. First Class. Free estimates. Call 8 to 5, Telephone CH 1826 or tele phone CH 3437 any time. R. W H ITLOW ', B ox 808. Tigard. O regon 26-3Stf Muet Accompany All CLASSIFIED ADS Count each word, including Name a a d addreee— ON LY 2c A W O R D N e Phone Order* T a k e« M INIM UM 25c A N ISSUE W e Publish the B E A V K B T O N E N T E R P R IS E T K A B D 8E.NTIN XL M U LTN O M AH P R E S S A LO H A N E W S Electrical Appliance* R epaired W ashing M achines. Sewing M achine and all household appliances - See E D D IE OLD M AN Johnson Road Opp. N. W . C hristian H om e or M arshall W ells Hdw., Beaverton tf C om plete Eastern W ashington County and W estern M ultnomah County Coverage. W e assum e no financial responsl- IgJiLy fo r errors which may appear In advertisem ents published in theee Columns hut In case where thle paper Is at fa u lt will reprint that part o f an advertisem ent In w hich the typ o grap h ical m istake occurs. B U LLD O ZIN G W O R K W A N T E D Land Clearing— R oad Building Battement Excavating A cross from St. A nthony School r HO ME A L O H A 5 ^ t 6612 Dc(nothing. R epairing ^ P R IC E D A T k Piano Tuning, Cleaning, ^ (Prepaid I k 0 . R NICHOLSON & SON Dom estic -— C om m ercial Phnae F O R S A L E —3 house doors, co m plete; 1 cast iron enam eled sink A drain board, all in good con di tion. Call T igard 2176. 45 C ollect— H illsboro 3029 D A Y O R N IG H T tf R adio, R efrig era tor and W ash ing m achine service. P ick up and deliver. E d ’s E lectric, CH. 1920 or CH. 3413. tf F O R S A L E —C irculating kitchen trash burner about 1 cord w ood and 1 ton briquets, goes to all for $50. Adam s, Johnson Ave., next door to Judge R oot, Tigard. 44 B R E D G IL T S — F E E D PIG S and W E IN E R S . G ötter at Scholls. V 20 tf F O R S A L E — Large w ood or coal circu latin g heater, nicely finished. $5. L. T. Brown, R t 1, box 425, T igard, Bull Mt. road, back o f L oom is Place. 44 B U L L S E R V IC E Here or at you r d oor— M cDulin 2nd house N. o f K ra ft Cheese Co. Tigard. CH. 3437. 48 F O R S A L E — Ten volum e set Col lier’s E ncyclopedia, leather bind ing, and three volum e dictionary, com plete $25. One pair m en’s brow n riding boots, like new, about sire 9—$5. T igard 3446. 44 DK.AI.ER IN S C R A P M E T A L H ighest P rices Paid <&Rays Garage B roadw ay at Lom bard, Beavet^on F O R S A L E —Used davenport and chair. 8005 SW 37th ave. 44 De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y iDompf. M ieli. J Ntnata tur«*! A DMribntorv fV fJ tY T H I N G ^ r orti xSernard A irport S. A M F L Y IN G S E R V IC E N orth E nd of Field on Cedar St. Beaverton, Ore. P hone W E . 7013 12tf | FO R SALE or T rade— Beautiful C larinet and case and music stand, also 3 burner oil stove. W ill trade fo r email electric range in good condition. W rite R t. 2, bx 240, on G reenburg R d. call even ings or Sunday. 44 P. E. HAGG Hauling C ontractor C oncrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed R o ck and R oad Gravel R oute 1, B ox 28, Tigard, Oregon P hene T igard 2446 tf F O R » A L B --N e w Zealand W hite rabbits, you ng does, and bucks from pedi. stock, excell. condi., 4 lbs up. $2 up. W itch Hazel R a b bit F arm , % mi S W itch Hazel »• k eel or Y oungs M arket, main hiw ay bet. B eaveitea A Hillsboro. 25 tf L. H. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinet M aker M etzger, O regon Portland P hone— CHerry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any style draw ers and d oors; finish ed all sides. A nyone can set them. A L L K IN D S O F B U ILD IN G and C A B IN E T M A K IN G 51tf F O R S A L E — Dry and green B lock aad Slab W ood, delivered 2-cord let* te Aloha, Beaverton, Tigard, M ultnom ah. W rite J. O. Johnson, Carlton, Ors.. Bx 584. tf W E C U R E A N D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K CUTS 25 years E xperience ALDER M ARKET Lewis Bros. Cor. 1st and W ashington St. PORTLAND , OREGON F O R S A L E — 4 ft green slab. Aloha d istrict $6 per cord. B lock A Ed g in g $7 per eord. P esv ertos-T i- gard -G ardes H om e district 4 ft. g re e s slab $7 per cord. B lock A E dgings $8 per card. H. F. E lford. F orest B reve. Phone 56. tf tf ; A C R E A G E A H O M ES W A N T E D W e can sell your - hom e, farm or acreage. H ave hundreds o f buy ers that have cash. Y our W ash ington County specialist. Located in Portland at fo o t o f Canyon Rd. Call B R . 1475 or write W A Y N E E. N A G L E 1800 S W J efferson , P ortland 1, Ore. F O R SA L E Bred Heifers. your ©Otter at ch oice $55.00 each. 20tf Scholls. Soule. 42 WANTED ' Jm | AMD D R E SS M A K IN G & SEW IN G All kinds o f Clothing Made T H E LM A D E W T igard 2484 A ppointm ents after Sept. 1 tf W A N T E D -W a tc h d o g . Collie pre ferred, about 6 months. Mrs. N ew ton. 205 SW Taylors F erry Rd. 44 Call 44 W A N T E D — Suburban and Farm properties. W e have the buyer, you j have the property, let's get togeth er. W e are in eeataet with m aay Eastern buyers w ho have earh and want to locate here. Our appraleer wfD call •* you. No obligation. | 8 L A Y T K R R E A L T Y CO M PAN Y "In dow ntow n P ortland’ 528 SW Salmon Stroot. BR. 114« 31tf ) VETERINARIAN Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian East o f B eaverton H ighw ay 8 Beaverton 3511 tf J. R HOBBS H om o Building and C ontractor A L L K IN D S OF B U ILD IN G N E W and R E M O D E L IN G Cabinet* you will be proud o f PH O N E B E A V E R T O N 2607 44 F O R T O W C A R can V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO.. Phone Tigard tf A W on derfu l X m ao G ift W o OB Tint Y our Photograph Brides a Specialty C A L L AT. 1758 tf end washing Call K. R. Itf ) Veteranian D R R A Y M O N D O. V ER N O N 2nd house South Lone Oak Gar. T IG A R D O R E G O N H A L ’S G R O C E R Y Tigard, O regon Willamette Orchards T tG A R D , O R E G O N (Bank reference T igard Branch of [ U. S National Bank o f Portland. fO regon. W A N T E D -W aitress or C om bina tion waitress and part tim e cook or both. Ideal Cleaners \\ hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLEAN ERS. OUR M O TTO : GOOD S E R V IC E G O O D C LE A N IN G S A T IS F IE D C U STO M ERS NORMAN S RESTAURANT 4 Days Service 621 Canyon H iw ay & Cedar St., Beaverton C m . - I alt L ake C ity AT. 9461 CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and w alk in g distance from downtow n. 25 LB. BAG J. P. Finley & Son CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K —Lot u* plow you r garden. H oward W m . Smith, Johnson Rd. A Divis ion sts.. P hone Beaverton 2462 4tf ECONOMY M ARKET MORTICIAN A loha, SW F O U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ster 2181 O regon Riverview Cemetery W EST END SEJ.LW O OD B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Funeral Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra cost R iverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f over $800,000 Strawberry Plants ( A ny Q uantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade, Dwarf*. E s p a lie r * . Ornamental*. Berry Plants VILLA RIDGE NURSERY P hone CH. 2928 11333 SW 6th and Barhur Blvd. C LO SE D SU N D A YS tf MISCELLANEOUS 25 LB. BAG ASK FOR COUPON F O R S A L E —Sand, gravel, crush ed rock, delivered. Phone T igard 2B63. R ob ert Pelson. 44 W A N T E D — A wheelbarrow. B eaverton 2354 . ASK FOR COUPON < (Order by Decem ber first { ‘ to be assured o f prom pt* ; [delivery. 840« B A R BU R BLVD. C H E R R Y 9030 135 N W Park C A L L B E A V E R T O N 2011 F or Furnace V acuum Cleaning Services A R epairs on all types o f H eating Plants or F red ’s F urn ace Service 144 S. 4th, SU, H illsboro 1361 20tf Civilians Can Fly Now F O R S A L E —6 tons A lfalfa hay, 2 tons straw, can be delivered. Joe P lnsker, Klnton, Pleasant V al ley road, R l, Beaverton. 44 * J ttH DAIRY M A N T I B E A V E R T O N S P O R T IN G GOODS Next to W. E. P egg W orld B ike Specialist« F O R S A L E — Pre-w ar ivory enamel w ood -coal stove, hot water cods, excellent condition, T. Rennie, G reenw ay Dr., o ff Farm ington Rd. B eaverton 2522. 44 Your Gift Card, T igard 3489 ^ FOR E X P E R T B IC Y C L E R E P A IR S j and a Full line o f B icycle Part'« ] and Accettaorlea visit the .... $ 5 . 0 0 E xpress) if mailed with your order, will be' enclosed in the box. Or if you de sire, we will be glad to enclose card bearing your name. — Phone B eaverton 2982— The O regon H istorical Society has selected "T h e L ife and W ork o f Geo A bernethy as the su bject for the 1946 C ,C. B eekm an essay contest, which is an annual affair. In order to be considered in com petition the essay must be delivered by mall or in per son, to the O regon H istorical Society, P ublic Auditorium , 235 SW Market Street. P ortland 1, Oregon, not later than Saturday, M arch 16, 1946. F or further details w rite to the O regon H istorical Society. This substantial G ift B ox contains, tw o pounds o f ch oice O regon W a l nuts and tw o pounds o f best se lections o f O regon Filberts. Contains also a variety o f O regon 1 Holly Sprays and C orsage Tips.j A G IF T B ox that is the embodi-. ment o f the true C hristm as spirit.' S ^ HO M E R E F R IG E R A T IO N S E R V IC E Farm com p lia n ce reports fo r the 1945 A A A program have been sch ed ■nranewe»' uled by the com m itteem en in each o f the 11 districts in W ash in gton C oun ty. reportts J W’ . Kanina, chairm an. F ollow in g is a schedule o f the m eetings in the east end o f the county: A loh a-B eaverton : — D ec. 11, 12. 7 p. m.,-10 p. m.. A loh a G ran ge; Dec 13 Assortment of 14, 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. at K iw anis Hall, B eaverton. Oregon Walnuts, Filberts and Holly R t. 2, B ox 1, T igard S P H O N E C H erry 8437 An Appropriate 2nd H ouse No. o f K ra ft Cheese Co. 50tf F O R S A L E —H ouse T railer—R in- ck o ff, P fa ffle Rd., 400 feet o ff B arber Blvd., 44 H em s R efrigeration m achine services T w om h lv CH. 2267. KARL'S NURSERY rGEORGE F GORDON Farm C om pliance R eports Oregon Historical Society Should be in by Dec." 11-12 Announce Subject for Essay GIFTS of GOOD TASTE and CHEER Landscape Service % m FOR SALE F R E S H SAW D U ST - L . E R ou te 2, Gaston. and Vines Page 3 BUYERS— PACKERS A io d a ti • • . if k a pavvinalivrH fo r traini* in rom o Every day Southern Pacific’s luxurious Streamlined Daylights join San Francisco with Los Angeles in a glorious daylight trip. One Daylight streaks along the Cali fornia coast, over the Santa Lucia M oun tains and along the blue Pacific Ocean shore for more than a hundred miles. Another Daylight travels over the rugged Teliachapi Mountains and through the great San Joaquin Valley. The Daylights are among the most popular trains in America and the most beautiful trains in the world. — All Berries, Prune*, Grapes— F E R T IL IZ E R , DU ST, W E E V IL B AITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON Aboard these luxurious red and orange streamliners you enjoy enormous “ show case” windows five feet wide, soft foam rubber seats, fluorescent lighting, a low voiced p u b lic address sy ste m to a n nounce station stops and points o f in te re st, b a g g a g e e le v a to rs, co m p le te air-conditioning, smooth gliding motion thanks to ingenious tight-lock couplings between the cars. M o d em ideas such as these, tested in years o f daily service on Southern P a cific’s Daylights, the Lark, tlie City o f San Francisco and the Sunbeam», gave us a head start in designing the train« to come. R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Beaverton 3271 H ID E S » W OOL, C A SC A R A — A specialty. LEK BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. A T. 5334. tf W ANTED P A P E R IN G — PainMng A Kalso- mlnlng, neat, experienced w ork man L. L Seeley, R 2, Bx 180 A B esserten. P hone Beaverton 3516 40tf USE “ R IG H T -N O W C L E A N E R " fo r sparkling glassware, dishes, laundry and w oodw ork. Has more sanitation In your home, R estaur ant or Tavern. R eplaces soap, s o f ter fo r hands. ASK Y O U R O R O - C E R — 26c, 50c, $1 pkg. 27tf ■to c *‘ picked up free of ch arge anyw here Call collect UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. P o itla a d . tf TURKEYS ALSO Live P oultry and E ggs R eceivin g Portland, Albany, R edm ond, D ead PAINTS A Dressing Plante: McM innville, Salem, Eugene. R oeeburg. Oregon. Main O fn ce and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. T h r frU m é t» %*mih*rm Pm rlllr g. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. Im lay’s Fresh M ixed Feeds FISHIH THORSEN PRINTS F or .quality, fa ir price and service J. B . Imlay & Sons ------------------- RE E D V IL L E ALO H A. O R E See Gulls ere not truly a sea" bird In the U. S See Gulls ere found as far Inland as great Salt Lake Utah, where they Inhabit rocky Islets iGulle are e fam iliar eight on the shores of our greet lakes P hone l'-Aat 5141 * USE 666 COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid. Tableta, Salve, Nose Drops Caution use only a* directed. io m o r r o tr . • • Southern P acific is plann ing more stream liner», and u iU have them on our fou r major routes as fast as conditions perm it. These new trains uiU be the finest the world has seen. Watch for the new Southern Pacific streamliners. Then it will be more exciting than tie r to "tr y the tra in ." ms