Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1945)
P U B LIS H E D W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VO L. 18, NO. 44 First Game Basketball Pharmacy 5 Opens Season Here Wednesday Nite Beaverton, Oregon, Unit Holds Reception SHORT ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y A m erican O ccupation Troops Enjoy First Snow On November 7, the American Le gion and American Legion Auxiliary Post 124 of Beaverton, held a recep-| tion for all servicemen, discharged' veterans and their families. The program was opened by Com-' mander Carl Rasmussen and Auxil iary President Isabelle Butcher. Prudence Norris our Junior Activi-j ties led in an "Everybody Sing", which everyone enjoyed very much. 1 A program presented uy by our our 1 « (Jiusram » was as (jrcacuicu j Unj01. members, Janet . Felsher and Fawn Brooks, Arleta Boge, and Pat- ¡ tie Norris, accompanied by Lenair j Butcher at the piano. Ed Doyle introduced the speakers : for the Beaverton Post: Frits Nisscn, State Adjutant, and Dick Smurth - 1 waite, Veterans Unemployment Rep resentative. Isabelle Butcher then introduced ¡ Eda Zollezzo, Hospital Chairman from Rome Post, Barbara Rhodes. President from Federal Unit, Flor ence Anderson, President of Holly wood Unit, and Mary Leveque, Hos pital Chairman from Hollywood Unit. A luncheon was served later in the evening, pouring were Isabelle Butch- 1 er, president, and Wtlla Denney, Jun ior Past President. Assisting were Prudence Norris, Beulah Boge and Arleta Boge. ESTAB LISH E D 1927 Fridav, November 30, 1945 Here and There Special Election Ex-lieutenant Bobbie Grayson for-1 i mer All American football star o f : I Stanford University, was a dinner! j guest Saturday last, of Mr. and Mrs. Mitz Alexandei, son-in-law and daughter of Mrs. Mary Dean at the I letters home in Beaverton. Mr. j To Choose Successor to |Grayson and Mr Alexander were, formerly associated with the Shell Late Rep. Mott : Oil Co. in Los Angeles. Governor Earl Snell has announced Mr and Mrs. W. B Miller and . Harold entertained a large group of that a special election will he held | relatives on Thanksgiving, they were on Friday, January 11 to choose a Mi. and Mrs. Claire Miller and Shar successor to the late Represent.itivc on from Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Von James W. Mott, of first Oregon dis Fleek of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. trict, including Washington. Colum ' Raymond Millet and Donald and bla, Clacknmas, Marion, Tillamook. I Carolyn and Mrs Pratt of Forest Lincoln. Benton, Polk and Yamhill , Grove and Dickey and Stafford Mill- counties The cost of the election will not I ei ot Oregon City. Stafford Miller and Mike McClos- exceed $18,000 of which the state's k> were in Portland Saturday even- share will he $2500, the rest to he di I tng visiting Mike's father who is in vided between the counties. Two persons have already an i the hospital. They also went swim- nounced their candidacy. Dan Har | ruing. Mrs. Carrie Leonard who has been mon and Eugene E Marsh. j in Seattle over the holidays came DAN HARMON 1 home on a plane Monday evening,, | leaving Seattle at seven o'clock and ' RTB MA-52S arriving in Portland in one hour. Mi. and Mis. Thomas and two W it h bom bed -out G e rm an b u ild in g ! a i o b ackd rop , two A m e r ic a * I children of Oak Harbor, Wash., soldiers use their off-d u ty tim e fo r w inter sports. Q u o lifie d c iv ilia n s 1 8 te i and Mr. and Mrs. Andeison of Sea 3 4 years of age, inclusive, now ca n enlist in the R e g u la r A rm y a n d choose side, were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. the th c o tjr where they prefer duty. I Guy Carr over the holidays. The I Thomas family staying until F rid a y 1 and the Andersons (parents of Mrs. List of First 25 Purchasers AIoha-Huber P T A Carr* until Saturday. Of Christmas Seals Plan Health Room Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Blassei enter- tained relatives over Thanksgiving. Mrs. M. C. McKerchei, Christina* The Aloha-Huhei P.T.A meeting o f , They were Mr. and Mrs. Howaid Seal Sale chairman foi the Beavei - November 20 was opened by saluting Hingley, and Mi. and Mrs. Ray Kee ton community, reports a generous the flag. nan and Kuthern and Michael. Mr. j response in the purchase of the seals The piesident, Mrs. North asked, and Mrs. Leonard Hicks and wife I which were mailed by her last week Mrs. Clias. Wilson, the secretary, to and daughter Ann and Hubert Hing- I A list of the a ii-» . 1 ,- first twenty-five pur- lead the minutes which were approv- ley. Leonard Hicks was a M a jo r1 chasers of one or more sheets of ed. Mrs. Phaye Gregory, the tieas- in the army and has lately been dis- seals follows: ! urer, outlined her report on the j charged. W. C. Wright, W. Earl Miller, hoard and explained it. j Otto Erickson, who lived on Erick- Robert H. Gibbs. Walter Schaltberg-1 Mrs. Chus. Enierick reported on an son avenue a good many years ago, er. Dr. J. R. Talbert, Walter Cava-1 article from The Parent's Magazine, j was hit by an auto in Portland last ness, Jack Satchell, W. D. Jamison,! Reports were made on the Carni- week his leg broken. He is in a Kenneth Wood, N. A. Decker, Nicl , vai that was held in the Huber Hall, hospital at Vancouver and is report- J. Alex, Gilbert H. Moore, Waite: The community was quite pleased to ed doing nicely. Dan H armon Candidale Van Week James O Alex Elmer G learn the P T A cleared about $250 U Groveo 1 eaving - n Dan Harmon, Now berg automobile Perkins. F red AnO obus J. V. Chan and the school took in $135. Maxine Cady was home over the dealer and candidate for repreaenta- January 11 Here it is Washington County! 1_ _. ... . . . . , at the powerful Beav- erton Pharmacy in action at Beav erton, Dec. 5, Wednesday night at 8. Yes, the first town team in six years is back representing Beaverton in the toughest league in the Northwest. The Beaverton Pharmacy, Wash ington County’s entry into A.A.U. basketball is on their home floor this coming Wednesday night playing host to the mighty Pacifio Packards, a longtime Oregon Basketball threat. Coach Ed Baders powerful Pharmacy five is awaiting the homecoming game to present to the fans of Wash ington county how professional bas ketball should be played. Beaverton opened it’s league play last Monday against the tall Northwest Insulating Co. Last night Beaverton played the defending State Champions, Fees Music Makers at Portland. Beav erton team lacks height but is one of the most rugged teams in the State. . « it . i Big Marv Lane is the biggest man on 8 tTatCnery the Pharmacy team. Lane stands Provide Refreshments 6.5. A few former ex Beaverton 1 ______ stars who are out of the service also Thirty-eight Washington county! look very good. They are Andy Lee, poultry-keepers and hatcherymen at- Carl Karpsetin. Lorace Bixby and J tenderi the first regular extension Bill Foster. Bixby and Lee are re- poultry meeting of the 1945-46 sea- garded as Beaverton’s best bet to 18Qn at Beaverton High School last win some games this year. The Tuesday evening, according to Don starting five are Bixby and big A1 j E Anderson, assistant Washington Rawson at forwards, Marv Lane a t ' COUnty agent Center. Don Hicks and Bob Bomber, Mr and Mr8 Ro88 Hart and the at guards. On the second string employees of Hart's Hatchery at are Karpstetn, Hermen Becker o . ^loha provided refreshments at the forwards, Andy Lee at center. Dick cl08e of tho meeting. Senz and Ron Whitworth at guards.) Senz and Whitworth are a pair of!/~vi i -p» the toughest and ruggest guard in ^ “ ^ OTICM the Northwest. Both played with Hello There! Beaverton High School last year. Other outstanding players for the Last week when the weather was a powerful Pharmacy are, Don Hagg, bit nippy Arthur Clement remarked kk u y' l w o P aV'w , Mhe P,rU* {°\ thP '" « T u " w y,8 », „ U v e from the First Congressional Don Sipe, Dick Durdel and George to an old friend—that it reminded L « H. c Cobb, Mrs. Anne Holboke, H tatlon of parents went to Mrs. W hlte-1 Mr. LaFond on second street, has District in opposition to the l ite Con Klien. him of other days with the first snow B. Shofner George R^ Martin H er-; head's room been ill with the flu. gressman James W Mott, in the last The first game, at 7:15 is between fall he and the late Robert Hocken bert R Read, and Robert Holland A committee was appointed to plan Russell Payton has been ill with Republican primary has announced Forest Grove town team and the would go "coon hunting" down at | Washington County keeps seventy division of cafeteria management the flu, but is better. hig intention to run fot thè office as Portland Deaf School. the old Barton Bridge—where Jen- j five cents out of each dollar, twenty- ind P T A. plans for a health room I Jean Cameron, who is attending ¡ n Republican candidate in the special The big program is slated to start kins Creek and Beaverton Creek join ; cents goes to the State and five were dismissed. I O.S.C. and her brother, who Is nt- ' election next month at eight o’clock, in which the teams on their course to Rock Creek. This cents to the National Association ! Announcements were made for ' tending U. of O. were home over the ! He says he believes in bringing an player's will be introduced and other was thrilling sport—tracking coon in Arrangements are being made f o r ‘ meetings in December: County holiday. 'end to national extravagance as the Important things. The game is sched the snow, sometimes for miles, then another visit of the Mobile X-Ray Council meets at Cedar Mill Grange Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith had a 1 best insurance agtainst inflation uled to start at 8:30. Admission is i up a hollow tree— chopping down chest survey unit to own county in Hall Dec. 11 at 10 a. m. I family reunion at their home on he will work to curb the further cen- 50 and 25c. 200 tickets are now on | the 0jd snag—out comes the coon for I the spring.. Your purchase ot these Executive committee meets at the Second and Watson. Bill Smith and tralization of our federal government sale at Beaverton Pharriiacy in R hectic fight with the dogs—finally little Christmas — seals makes this home of Mrs. Henry Thomas Friday wife from Olympia and Eiwin who [ by preserving state's right Beaverton. Come on sport fans of a big coon skin, stretched up on the i service possible D V;: 7 ,at * P' *n' , I*?“ -<ust been discharged, and the; Harmon is a member of the Elks, Washington County let’s back our old barn door to dry—oh boy, those i The local by-laws general makeup; daughter and her husband, w ho live I the Rotary club and the Newberg team and see the Pacific Packard— were the times! and organization of P.T.A. were read. in Portland. I Chamber of Commerce. He is a Beaverton game, this Wednesday Special Program of Sacred and discussed Mrs. W. J. Alexanders, sister-in-law Methodist and has two sons, ages one night at 8. George Gordon led in prayer of Mrs. Hammer of California, and her un(j fjve years Music at Nazarene Church [thanksgiving NEW S R E V IE W The meeting ad- | brother Mr. Hammer and wife of | journed to the cafeteria for refresh- Portland, were her guests last Sun- Miller-Clark Wedding EUGENE E. MARSH A special program of sacred mu ments. A wedding license has been given day. sic is to be presented by the Sell- In Connecticut to Charles W. Marshall, route 2 box On November 15, at a simple cere wood Gospel Choir of the Sellwood The wedding of Miss Reta Clark, 1985, and Ida C. Felsher, route 1. mony Miss Patricia Rennie, daughter Married Fifty Years daughter of F. E. Clark. 120 Rubber Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schulz of route Church of the Nazarene ot Portland, of Mr.' and Mrs. T. Rennie of Beav Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt of erton. became the bride of A. Riley Ave., Naugatuh, Conn.. to Capt. one, jeft Friday for a months vaca-! Oregon at the Church of the Naza rene in Beaverton on the evening of 1175 Watson Street, Beaverton, cele- Masters USCGR of Fort Worth, James E. Miller, Army Air Force, : tion in California and Mexico. They, brated their fiftieth wedding anni- Texas » son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned A. Byfield j wju visit with their daughter in j Friday, Dec. 7 at 8 p. m. The couple spent their hon of Beaverton. Oregon, took place a t ! California, whose husband, Major | Such outstanding hymns as "Halio- versary on November 18. eymoon at the Oregon beaches. The There were five children and ten couple returned Thanksgiving day to 10 o'clock October 24, in the rectory Goshert, is expected back from the | lujah for the Cross” and "All Hail of St. Francis Church. Pacific this month. The Schulz have I the Power of Jesus’ Name” will be grandchildren, and two great grand attend a dinner given in their honor A male children present. Miss Clark is a graduate of the one son Sgt. Harry Schulz in Tokyo, given by the 20-voice choir. at the bride's parents home. Their children are: Joseph Naugatuh High School and the Post Japan, and a son Robert, who is in quartette will sing several numbers, West Slope was the only area that Junior College Waterbury. the navy, and was brought home on as will the Ladies Radio Trio of i Schmitt, Beaverton, Mrs. Cyril Balfe, was over the top in the W ar Chest Several num Beaverton, Jake and Leonard Schmitt contribution!!. Capt. Miller attended Oregon State the Wisconsin in June and he was "Chats by the Way." Washington county College prior to enlisting in the Air taken to the hospital at Camp Adair. bers will be given by an instrumental of Yamhill and Fred Schmitt of Sa is $10,000 short of the $32,000 quota. trio. Miss Virginia Patterson, Elvin lem. Rev. Father Sniderhon of Corps in 1940. He is now attached He is fully recovered now and ex-1 Maxine Cady, daughter of Mr. and Soloists of | Beaverton, was also present, to the 2nd Air Force as a B-29 pilot pects to be discharged after the first Cox and Louise Novin. Mrs. W. L». Cady was accompaniest the evening will be Eleanor Marqu-I — — - ■ - and stationed at Tucson, Arizona, of the year. for the entire show, “Campus Head A p e n t C e le b r a te s Carr's Garage have a new Chevro art, and Ralph Richards, baritone r awaiting assignment. lines,” University of Oregon radio who will sing "The Lord's Prayer’ E . * P « e s s M g e m V ^ e ie D ra ie s let on display in their window. variety show presented Nov. 28 over Mrs. Harold Novin is j B ig Event Hans On to Book 4 Mrs. Earl Drorbaugh left Tuesday by Malotte. i K E X Portland and KOAC state- the director-pianist. I - | owned station. The food rationing program has |fo^ Washington, D. <■ . j**10 The public is cordially invited to What do you know about this A marriage license has been issued ended-but hang on to Book fo u r - will 1°*" ber b“ sband ^ ar ' * bo has attend this concert which will prove Beaverton's busy express agent C to K L Im.m, Beaverton, and Jean sugar still requires points, and it is been transferred to duty there to be of interest to all music lovers j Bench had a big birthday celebra- c |>etersen Tlgnrd predicted that rationing of this com- J*3™ * B3“ « had her tonstls re Rev Leonard Johnson is the pas Uon last Sunday at his home on Mrs Louie P. Poirier was admitted modity will continue for another moved last week. tor of the Beaverton Nazarene I Hroadwiry. Mi Beach was well re to a Portland hospital Wednesday Mi. and Mrs Elmer Hein, are par- year or two, depending on the _ . . _ . _ .... Church. membered on this happy occasion, for treatment of a back injury auf-1 Eugene K. Marsh a Candida^' amount available from the new crop. ents a dauBh ,iro, . Jac,,h ’ enjoyed everyth in g- fercd when Mhft was struck by a car* all present There will be a shortage of oil, but- b°™ Nov. 18 She weighed 8 lbs. . there was a ‘‘total eclipse” of a Big near Tobia.s I EuKPne E Marsh, republican, This is their fourth child, ter, etc., but this will gradually ad 9 ounces. HERE and TH E RE birthday cake! Ed Harpey, editor of the Beaver-1 *Peak* r °* the Oregon House of Rep- the others being boys. just itself, and there will be plenty Lew Nickols of route 3, reported . . — --------- — ------- . ton high school newspapeer, the I « ■ « » ‘ ■Uve*. Sunday announced his for everyone. Mrs. Margaret Stroeve and Mrs. to the sheriffs office that his house Heuff on Hancock Hummer, was named secretary of ' bB position left. vacant by the death of Rep J. W Mott PA UD r i n r p|ni o ¡had been entered Nov. 13 and an Hildah Highbe attended the North Ralph J. Heuff 23, fireman, first the Oregon High School Press asso- The McMinnville attorney is 15 L A i V I r r IK E » H K L j 'Elgin 17-jewel pocket watch, a table Willamette District meeting ... of the class, route 1, Beaverton, has chalk- elation for 1945-46 at the annual old. reels feels rnal that his service as Womens . . .. , h. u ,.» years oia, i a i The Klnunka Camp Fire girls w en t, radj0. a gold band ring and a colt Business and Professional Women's , , , ed up, with other crewmen of the meeting held at the University of ». ,, , r v , o , . m e m b e r or the house of representa Clubs at Oregon City one dav last skating at Oak's Park Saturday Nov. automaUc pistol stolen .. .. in a „ I aircraft carrier UBS » Hancock, recently. I , Uves i . . . from — Yamhill county in the Mrs. Stroeve took part » i . » - as . Oregon 17, they had a very good time. Tues- Beaverton Explorer Scouts held week. Rehearsals are under way at the 1939, 1941 and sessions of the day, Nov. 20. they had a Thanks-, t^ejr meeting Monday evening at 7. One hundred .«. „a r w o, Oregon legislature and jpeaker of giving party at Mrs. Wilhelm's R wa8 decided that the troop stay World Cooperation." l ultB in tbe and returning Christmas, presented Dec. 21 the house In the 1945 session amply home. Refreshments were served at j^ b Lee's cabin on Mount Hood twenty-five delegates from the nin el< to the States for Navy Day. qualifies him for the job. and then they went home after hav over Thanksgiving vacation. After clubs in the district, Salem McMinn The “ Fightln' Hannah” looks peace Astoria, Hillsboro, Oregon Marsh is a member of the Unitai - ALOHA ing a very good time. learning how to tie rope splices, a ville. ful enough after a hectic 10 months City, Gresham and the three Port- tan Church and McMinnville Post The Klnunka Camp Fire girls held few games were played until 8:30. land clubs were present The No. — 21 . of American legion. His . . . » panel ---- . ,n thB . b'‘ n,P zone“ 'I . her . . . . Lt. H. Clisham Is home on terminal ---- a meeting at the school house. It Scribe Troop 618 an activity meeting and the (Received too late for last weeks discussion was given by a repress- | tr°y ed 723 • » « " £ P '""*"- H warships W v # after over two years in Infan- fraternal affiliations Include Elks, tatlve from each of the nine c lu b s )«“ 1 31 merchant ships Her . . . . anti . try service. He expects his discharge Masons and Knights of Pythias, group made prints of leaves. 'issue). aircraft guns have 10 notches for ^ ^ f|r|t of year He and ______ " _______ __ Bonnie Cameron, scribe; cUnton Emery Richards was ta- and was held at the city library.)“" ” ™“ Kun" haVB Luncheon was served at the country th« many planes knocked down. his wife, and small daughter have ------- ! ken to a Portland hospital suffering Announce Marriage at noon and tours through Dr. | «> • Partl5‘j ^ ted *h* ,“t’ 1" n ” r moved to Portland where he has The meeting was called to order. with a shoulder fracture, shock and club Miss Jeanette I^iDue, daughter of a# r „ u u . ____ , Okinawa, JormoM, Isuzon. Iwo Jinia. Mrl^auRhhnfl home ana the Barclay, * .. . . , . . purchased a home. W e sang the Wa-He-Lo song in body bruises, as a result of a car .. * « « • t f 'Tokyo, Kyushu. Hokkaido, Leyt#\ A basketball league has been or- Mr and Mrs. L. J. I»aDue nnd Rob House were scheduled for the after- __ J , ou«' which we took parts. collision. l Hon* K° nK. “nd K" be ” arb° r w f h? ganized among the following schools:/- ert T. Brannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. McKercher fell and broke a noon We made plans for luncheon sets Dont be a slacker on the H o m e ;»“ credited with d°wning ‘ h ela st AIoha.Hubtr RMdvllle, Banks. Cor-! A. B Hrannon of Goffncy, South and when done we will sell at Beav- bon« m her left hand, It is now in a Front. Buy Bonds Japanese plane attacking All.ed Navai ne|lugi North Plains. Hillsboro and Carolina, were married November 7 erton Pharmacy. , ast. It was quite painful but she did at the hornet of the bride’s aunt Our hospitals are full of the woun- *n tllt war' Gaston, Virginia Huddleston, Scribe not stop her work of mailing out Mrs R J. Andrews in Sin P i w ded and maimed, who gave that you1 _ . . . Joe Thomas S 2/c of Aloha, has re- A fter the meeting was called to Christmas Seals, Don't you wanttZnd Lt. H a a c k to go to L a i I I . turned to San F’rancts»o. Cal , after a *orn a' order songs were sung. Hens Boge Earl Enger is home from Manila might enjoy peace. Buy Bunds! i 2d Lt. Dan Haack of Aloha. Ore- enjoying two weeks at home with his l ll cv was elected song leader, a new mem- Have you forgotten Bataan Cor- to help them get well? Guests at the Walter M assigned to RUI l> in frlSftdS His ship is In drydo, k Pat MitCnPlI to S in g ber cams in, we hope that she will r,^tdor. and the March of Death? on Thanksgiving Day were Mrs Ro d no Army Air Field, Calif, for ----------------- — < >• . kts Coll.. come regularly. Honors were •*-) Buy bonds’ Reports from Hillsboro as of Tueo-' Pat Mitchell, junior in science. Aloha, plained Garnet Snider has been discharged Gluley and family of Eugene. Mrs j duty with Assistant Recruiting Of- Harry Trimble and family, Seattle fleer, it was announced recently. urday night In the sale of bonds is one of the 15 outstanding alnirerj Virginia Huddleston, scribe, and now home Mar- Lt Hnark whose paruits are Mr show that Banks became the first chosen for Euterpe from the college . ■ ■ ------- - I i f you worked to win the war, and Marvin Myers and wife. vin has just received his honorable and Mrs. Haack of Aloha, Oregon, area in the county to go over the top glee club. She sings first alto The Doyle on W » y Home work now to win the peace Buy discharge was last stationed at Kingham Army with total series E bond sales of $37.- Euterpe group will be heard over The ladies of the Congregational Air Field, Arizona. 050. of 98'; Forest Grove $106,- stations KOAC and KEX. Portland, church will hold their annual bazaar) ■ --------- 112.50. 69G, Hillsboro 61 €f r $116.249.50 Wednesday night, Dec. 5 from 9 05 and dinner Friday. Dec 7. B izaar T/Sgt. Benny O Norgard. route 2 Beaverton 63't $53.371 25, Tigard to 9 30 on the first "Campus Head t0DoyleTe £ne o f V * ) high point vet- Wednesday Both mother and bab> opens at 2 30 p. m Dinner 6 p m box 590 CpI Geronl Jaramillo. box 53G or $32.800. A total of all over lines" program on this campus. A family dinner was enjoyed by 965. M Sgt. Donald W Christensen, the county 63'Jt or $356.264 50 ------------------ ------ twelve relatives Thanksgiving day route 1. box 315, and T/Sgt. Edward In the queen contest Miss Marytee "It’s because Missouri loves com Mr and D Crisp, route 1. box 437. have re- Madden of Beaverton received 68 pany."—A Washington wit’s explan-«- the l SS Saratoga. ___ that he had arrived at Oakland. at the A E Hansen home Mrs Eugene Hanson and young baby celved their honorable dlecharge at points and Miss Dorothy Rufsvold of tion of why Prss. Truman has so A 50rt-foot tank »hip expands 13-14 California, on^ his way homa to Se- of Eugene were present. iFort Lewis. Tigard 64 points many sides from the home state. Inchea whan eargo of oil la loaded. attle on • U3 y 1 ■ V#.... ri ^ « 9 * —3 sr--r\5ss