Page 4 Friday, November 16, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon FOR A FINE N O W OPEN For Your Convenience THANKSGIVING DINNER Signal Service Station we will be open FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9:00 NOVEMBER 2 2 n d . i Dine A t Canyon Rd. and East St. Heidelberg Park SATURDAY EVE. UNTIL 7:30 On Hi way at Beaverton GAS, OIL, TIRES and TIRE REPAIRS PACK WHEELS, etc. v is in g , ¿¿th e o N n e 3 5 3 5 * B e a v e r t o n P ’ w WO I HIM)AOWAY AT WATSON urto fiis cow ls W it/iprais£ Il L E O N A R D C. JOH NSON, Paator P hone 3691 (deal Cleaners Union THANKSGIVINGSERVICE W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E AL CLEAN ERS. OUR MOTTO: AT THE ‘Thanks Be Unto God“ At this T h an k sgiving Season, our blessings. The war has home. N um erous also are the land. “ Praise God from whom I COSLETT ; “ Sonny” Jr. Prop. O. CHRISTIAN CHURCH we have reason again to count term inated our boys are com ing other blessings in this priviliged all blessings flow ". Phone for Reservations -NOW-Beav. 2471 GOOD S E R V IC E GOOD C LE A N IN G S A T IS F IE D C U STO M ER S Thursday, November 22, 10:30 a. m. 4 Days Service Rev. J. G. DICKEY, Speaking 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton S P E C IA L CHURCHES OF M l’ SIC B E A V E R T O N C O O P E R A T IN G Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Quite Costly He Quit Her Cold C hrist's people h ave alw ays paid the price. T a k e the w ife w h o made Christ the L ord o f her life, refusing to longer run w ith the w orld. At this, her man quit her and the kid dies cold. Christ gave w arn in g - “ In the w orld, ye shall have tribu lation.” W h at is you r b u rd en ? Is It m oney or fam ily or h ealth ? T hen heed the B ible,—“ C asting all you r cares upon H im for he careth for y o u ” . 1st Peter 5:7. See the B ooth w om an in the early days o f the S alvation Army, jailed for h old in g street m eetings. W hen let out. she kissed the bars o f the cell, fo r in those h ours o f soli tude, w hen all help from man hud failed, the «L ord sou ght her out and made H im self know n to her as ne\er else could have been. In the hour o f sorrow , beside the open grave, in the broken home, the w reck ed life, our L ord seeks out His trusting one to m ake them rich with H im self and H e wipes aw ay their tears. It has been estim ated by J. B. Fitz gerald operators spokesm an, that the 48-day-old A F o f L lumber strike to date has cost m em bers o f that union in four northw estern states over $19 million in w ages alone. He says that the striking unionists would have to w ork 1000 w orking days, or m ore than fou r years, to ( m ake up the am ount they have lost in w ages since Sept. 24, when the ' strike was called. Oregon Mutual Policies are NON- ASSESSABLE. You N E V E R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Organized 1894— lOjrs. Phone 1732 H illsboro, O regon ^ ty ~ 3 » if glianksgivinji Df® WE'RE THANKFUL W E -, C A N S E R V E A N D D O , O U R BEST FOR CUSTOMERS LIKE Y O U / /O S $1.09 Bee Cee, 2 lb can— - - 35C PUMPKINS t has. L. Walker, Agent “ E very F orm o f P rotection ” Get Your Coupons HERE P1LLSBURY— 25 lb. - - of Reliable Service New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. GROCERIES FLOUR M c M i n n v i l l e 'S -^Tv Pennant—Jar SW M eChesnev R oad, P ortlan d 1, Or. T his space paid for by a Seattle business man. MINCE MEAT - 39® WALNUTS. FILBERTS PECANS & ALMONDS N O W ..G IV E YOURSELF A MEAT Gerne C b C d 'W a e e AT HOME IN 2 TO 3 HOURS KT MILLS, Inc. / > > » i » ,ou f t "> B it O f $ * tS t ns& Tjrn ott* ask for coupon ^ ~ 25 LB. BAG SHAFER & NEER, Canyon Road, West Slope B. & T. GROCERY, Canyon Road. Beaverton THRIFTY M A R K E T . Beaverton CITY MARKET. Beaverton COLUMBIA FOOD, Beaverton ECONOMY M A R K E T . Aloha. Oregon H A L S GROCERY, Tigard SCHUBRING & BIEDER MAN, Tigard CO M PLE TE WITH C U I L M S D M fCTtO N S A N D ( V f RYTHING YO U NCf O MO THING l i t i TO BUY \ r 125 “lUS “t o n i TA) CREME COLD WAVE Now. give yourself a genuine creme cold wave at home with new T O N I in just 2 to 3 be.if* . . . so simple . . . easy as putting your hair up in curlers. T O N I ( RF.ME COI DWAVF K»t con tains identical ingredients used bv beauty salons for cold wave» c o s t i n g SI 3 .0 0 an d m o r e . Mo ie\-bjck guarantee. BEAVIRT0N PHARMACY BEAVERTON Order your Turkey NOW CORNED BEEF h v V Of»* Our Fruits and Vegetables are Fresh and Crisp Deep Red CRANBERRIES Boneless Brisket >O llS,N M IN NII W PRODUCE t s i l — G, F CONNT® 33c lb. Just Right— 39c A Grade— No Points Sweet POTATOES 3 lbs. 27c Drawn and cut It desired Sunkist— Sweet & Juicy Colored FRYERS lb. 49® ORANGES 1 qt KRAUT Yes, We will have Parsley, Watercress, Rad ishes. green Onions, Celery, etc. 1 lb. SKINLESS WIENERS Both 49c and Q U R L I T Y 2 doz. 49c 3C M R R K E T EAST BEAVERTON JUNCTION Û lU O t CANYON ROAD