F riday, N ovem ber 16, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon CLASSIFIED WANT ADS C AS H Must Accompany All CLASSIFIED ADS Count «neh word. Includine Nam* and addreaa—O N LY 2o A WORD No Phone. Order« Taken M INIM U M 25c A N ISSUE W e Publiah Ute B EAVER TO N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTNOM AH PRESS A LO H A NEWS Complete Eaatern Washington County and Weatern Multnomah County Qoveraga. We aaaume no nnanclal responsi­ bility for arrors which may appear In advartlaementa published In theae column« but in caae where thla paper in at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo­ graphical uii«take occurs. • A Wonderful Xmas Gift We Oil Tint Your Photograph Brides a Specialty CALL AT. 1758 tf > V E T E R IN A R IA N Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian East of Beaverton Highway 8 Beaverton 3511 tf Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. R. Twomblv CH. 2267. 8tf Oil Tinting on Your Own Photographs Brides a Specialty—Special Kates to Service Men—AT. 1758 tf E X PE R T HORSESHOEING FO R SALE—Deluxe 15 stool new 36 foot streamlined dining car. Unusual business opportunity with small investment. Terms if de­ sired. Delivered to your location. W rite Bx 5031 Portland, Ore. 43 F O R SA LE —Seed garlic. Lawn mowers. I sharpened, repaired, bought and sold. Swap your old mower for o ne that will do the job. P. L. Schultz, R l. bx 245, Beaverton, m mi S on Hwy 217. 42 FO R S A L E —Sand, gravel, crush­ ed rock, delivered. Phone Tigard 2363, Robert Pelson. 44 FO R S A L E —104 Ft. Frontage- on | Canyon Highway, corner Short | St., Beaverton. Good business j site with basement if desired. Earl E. Fisher, Owner, dox 1, j Beaverton, Oregon. 42 j FO R SALE—8 week old Pigs. 1 W. J. North, cor. Stacey A John-: son, Aloha. Phone Aloha 6389 421 FO R SALE — W hit* porcelain i trash burner, with coils, adjustable legs. 7th A Hall, Beaverton, H. F. Barnes. 42 FO R SALE—One new Hammer Mill and motor 1 H P $90. Nash’s Duck Ranch, Tigard, Oregon. 42 FO R SALE — Circulating heater and pipe, $35. Approximately 2 tons of briquets for same $15. Call Tigard 3522. 42 FO R SALE or Trade—Beautiful Clarinet and case and music stand, also 3 burner oil stove. W ill trade for small electric range In good condition. Write Rt. 2, bx 240, on Greenburg Rd. call even­ ings or Sunday. 44 F O R SALE—11 mo Police Dog, children’s pet. Call 8-8:30 a. m. AT. 6311 week days. Herb Sundby. 42 j FO R SALE—1941 Norge Range ! all white. CH. 1289, 5535 SW j Texas. 42 | Dead *toclt p*cliea up fi#e ° f charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221: night call DEN L E Y R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland. tf BULLDOZER W ORK 60 Hp. A C-with Drum and Riverview Cemetery P O R T A B L E ARC W E LD IN G At » r n j s i N ELDING ANY» B U R N IN G W EST END SELXW'OOD BRID G E A L O H A 6523 CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY and Vines Landscape CENTRALLY j[ LOCATED I Close to bus trans- * potation and walking distance from downtown. PORTLAND P A IN T S J. P. Finley & Son Nénutécfurw-» A l)Dtributerà EVERYTHING DAIRYM AN roRiiANO, C m .-1 alt L ake City 185 NW Park Liquid, Tablets, Sal\«\ Nose Drops I ’se Only uh Dirot tili BUYERS— PAC KERS —AH Berries, Prunes, Grapes— F E R TIL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL BAITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON $ GEORGE F. GORDON J R. I. MacLaughlin,Inc. 5 i? PH O NE AI.OHA 6612 I * Demothlng, Repairing . Beaverton 3271 k Piano Tuning, Cleaning, AT. »461 —Phone Beaverton 2982— 0. R NICHOLSON & SON PHONE CHerry 3437 COLD PREPARATIONS MORTICIAN SW FO URTH A T MONTGOMERY ATwnter 2181 Straw berry BULLDOZING W O R K W A N TE D Land Clearing— Road Building Basement Excavating 666 ALOHA. O RE HHom ek Crifell Estate: R. 1!. Doughty NOTICE TO C RED ITORS Across from St. Anthony School De Laval Electrical Appliances Repaired Washing Machines, Sewing Machine and all household appliances—See EDDIE OLDMAN Johnson Road Opp. N. W. Christian Home or Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton tf D E A LE R IN SCRAP M E TA L 2nd House No. of Kraft Cheese Co. ; Highest Prices Paid %Rays Garage 50tf Broadway at Lombard, Beaverton ____ __________________________ HOME R E F R IG E R A T IO N SERVICE N O TICE TO CRED ITORS In the matter of the estate of Gust Maki deceased, the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County has appointed the undersign­ ed Administiator of said estate and all pet sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned duly verified, within six months from the date and publication of this notice. W A IN O H AUTO NEN Route 6. Box 609, Portland, Ore O. A. A PI ’LEG REN, Attorney, 446 Mead Bldg . Portl ind 4, Oregon. Date Of fit st publication, Nov. 9 1945. Date of last publication Dec. 9. 1945. Rt. 2, Box 1, Tigard J. B. Imlay & Sons P A P E R IN G A P A IN T IN G —101 years experience, reasonable rates, ; SEPARATO RS — M ILK E R S F^rst Class. Free estimates, Call 1 CO M PLETE E Q U IPM E N T AND 8 to 5, Telephone CH 1826 or tele-1 SU PPLIE S FOR TH E D A IR Y phone CH 3437 any time. R. \ IN D U STRY W H ITLO W , Box 808, Tigard, Oregon 26-38tf j Service KARL'S NURSERY Im la y ’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS R E E D V IL L E i Trees, Shrubs, Plants Complete Kuncrul Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra eost Riverside is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800,000 Cleaiing Teeth PH O NE It Roadw ay 4809 LEGAL NOTICE M. N. W E IS E N B AC K North Wheeler A\ e.. Aloha For quality, fair price and service F R A N K MANGAN Beaverton, Oregon Telephone Beaverton 2794 42 FO R S A L E USE “ RIGHT-NOW C L E A N E R | for sparkling glassware, dishes, j laundry and woodwork. Has more sanitation in your home, Restaur­ ant or Tavern. Replaces soap, sof­ ter for hands. ASK YOUR GRO ­ C ER—25c, 50c, $1 pkg. 27tf Pag« 3 Plants ( Any Quantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade, Dwarfs. Espaliers, Ornamentals, Berry Planta W A N TE D Waitress or Combina­ tion waitress und part time cook or both. NORMAN'S RESTAURANT VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Phone CH. 2928 113:13 SW 6th and Itarbur Kiwi. CLOSED SUNDAYS 8400 B A K IU K BLVD. C H E R R Y 9030 IT ” Notice: The County Court of Washington County, Oregon, has ap­ pointed the undersigned executrix of tile estate of R. B. Doughty, de­ ceased, all persons hav ing claims nguinst said estate uro requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the law office of M B. Bump, HiU8l>oio, Oregon, within six months from October 2f>. 1945. i MAGGIE DOUGHTY, Efciecutiix j M. B. BUMP, Attorney, j Date of first publication Oct. 26, 1945. Date of last publication Nov. 23. 1945. C ALL FO R BIDS The Board of Directors of Union High School district number 10 joint. Washington and Multnomah counties will accept bids for five school ous chassis and five school bus bodies to conform to specifications. Co; les of the specifications cun he secured from tile high school district clerk at the high school office Beaverton, Oregon. All bids must be in the hands of the district clerk not later than 4 p. m. on the afternoon of November 26, 1945. Bids will be publicly opened at a school board meeting called foi 8 p. m. November 26, 1945. The board reserves the right to accept or reject any or nil bids. W. D. CAMERON, Chairman., Domestic — Commercial Phone Collect—Hillsboro 3029 D AY OR N IG H T tf Radio, Refrigerator and Wash­ ing machine service. Pick up and deliver. Ed’s Electric, CH. 1920 or CH. 3413. tf BRED G IL T S —FEED PIGS and j W E IN E R S. Gotter at Scholls. 20tf BU LL SERVICE Here or at your door— McDulin 2nd house N. of Kraft Cheese Co. Tigard. CH. 3437. 48 FOR E X P E R T B IC YC LE R E P A IR S | and a Full line of Bicycle Part« and Accessories visit the FÖ R SALE Garden Home, % j BEAVERTO N SPO RTING GOODS acre on Jagger Avenue, 3 acres Next to W. E. Pegg near cannery, $500 down. CH. ’ World Hike Specialists tf 3900 H. Minier, Garden Homo, | Oregon. 42 CAJX B E A V E R TO N 2011 For Furnace Vacuum Cleaning F*OR S A LE —New Zealand White Services A Repaiis on all types of rabbits, young does, and bucks Heating Plants from pedi. stock, excell, condi., 4 or Fred's Furnace Service lbs up, $2 up. Witch Hazel Rab­ 144 S. 4th, St., Hillsboro 1361 20tf bit Farm, H mi S Witch Hazel Civilians Can Fly Now School or Youngs Market, main hiway bet. Beaverton A Hillsboro. Demard Airport 25tf S. A M. F L Y IN G SERVICE FO R SALE—Dry and green Block and Slab Wood, delivered 2-cord lots to Aloha, Beaverton, Tigard, Multnomah. W rite J. O. Johnson, Carlton, Ore., Bx 584. tf DOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha district $6 per cord. Block A Ed­ ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. Block A Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf FO R SALE -Bred Heifers, your Gotter at choice $55.00 each. 26tf Scholls. FRESH SAWDUST - L . E. Route 2, Gaston. • Soule, 42 W ANTED properties. W e have the buyer, you have the property, let’s get togeth­ er. We are in contact with many Eastern bayers whe have cash and want ta locate here Our appraiser will call on you. No obligation. 8 L A Y T E B R E A L T Y COM PANY "In downtown Portland' 528 SW Salmon Street, BR 1146. 51tf W A N T E D —2 bedroom house and lot in Tualatin Valley $5000 to $6000. H. H. Jeffries, Beaverton Oregon. OW NER in service needs home for 8 months old Springer Spaniel Immediately. Call CH. 1503. 42 TO RENT BUSINESS Man, wife, son. need two bedroom unfurn. house. Excel, reference and care of property Beaverton vicinity. Call BE. 3643 Portland, bet. 8 and 5 p. m., 42 M IS C E L L A N E O U S LAN D SC APIN G — Pruning and spraying. Phone Beaverton 2967 _________ « R. HOBBS Home Building and Contractor A L L K IN D S OF BUILD IN G NEW and REM ODELING Cabinets you will be proud of PHONE B E A V E R TO N 2607 44 i. rOR TOW CAR can V E R M IL T T MOTOR CO . Phon« Tigard SMI U North End of Field on Cedar St. | Beaverton, Ore. Phone WE. 7013 12tf P. E. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rook and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf [ L. II. BRA W AND Builder and Cabinet Maker Metzger, Oregon Portland Phone—CHerry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any j style drawers and doors; finish­ ed all sides. Anyone can set them. A L L KIN D S OF BUILDING and C AB IN ET M AKIN G 51tf W E CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PO R K CUTS 25 years Experience AI.D ER M A R K E T Lewis Bros. Cor. 1st and Washington S t PORTLAND . OREGON tf ACREAGE A HOMES W A N TED W e can sell your home, farm or acreage. Have hundreds of buy­ er« that have cash. Your Wash­ ington County specialist. Located In Portland at foot of Canyon Rd. Call B it 1475 or write W A Y N E E. N AG LE 1800 SW Jefferson, Portland 1, Ore tf beautiful. . . and best o f all, perfect able . . . I ’ll sail through my chores food protection. working for me 24 hours a d a y ... Range that does everything but plan my automatic Gas Water Heater. ing, with instant, controllable heat. PORTIAND AND REM EMB ER.. . out o f sight hut J U S T L O O K . , .m y new "C P ” Gas trol in oven; all burners are self-light­ HIDES A W O O l. CASCARA— A specialty. LEE BROS-, M SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf A will be clean and cool and comfort­ my meals. It has automatic heat con­ CUSTOM TR AC TO R W O R K —Let ua plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd A Divis­ ion ata, Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf PAFBW NO — Painting Refrigerator. Plenty large, but still in minutes instead o f hours. DRESSM AKING A SEWING All kinds of Clothing Made TH ELM A DEW Tigard 2484 Appointments after Sept 1 V E T E R IN A R IA N —Dr. Raymond G Vernon, Tigard. Ore. 2nd hse 8 Lone Oak Garage. Phone Tigard 2572. _______ « MY NEW FR EEDOM GAS KITCHEN AND N O T E ..spacious, hut stream­ lined cabinets, especially designed to match my Gas Appliances. . . to AN D SEE . . . (fo r you can’t hear it keep my kitchen neat, efficient and . . . i t ’s silent) my trouble-free Gas smart-looking. GAS & COKE COMPANY Kale^ wining, neat, experienced work­ man L. L. Seeley. R 2, Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 4©tf G A S IS T H E M O D E R N F U E L F O R M O D E R N H O M E S . . . C L E A N , F A S T , D E P E N D A B L E