PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VOL. 18, NO. 42 SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y ESTABLISHED 1927 Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, November 1<>. 194 d People Urged To Bay Bonds ALOHA John M. Fesler, father o f Leona Fesler, route 3 Beaverton, passed aw ay in H illsboro Nov. 6 . T he A loha Garden Club met re­ cen tly at the home o f Mrs. Charles R iggs. Care o f R oses was discussed. Bill G riffith surprised his m other Mrs. A. T. G riffith when he spent several days at home. It was his first visit in 17 m onths H oodlum s k n ocked down a flag pole at the A loha-H uber sch ool re- j cently. j R ev. V ictor H ovda visited in Aloha and R eedville. He was pastor o f the R eedville ch urch at one time. He is now a m issionary o f the A m erican Sunday School Union. K eith H arrison is expected home soon . He left about N ovem ber 5 from P anam a where he has been stationed. T he R eedville P T A are planning an all day rum m age sale N ov. 24 at the A m erican Legion Hall in H ills­ boro. A rticles should be left with Mrs. E. J. L aR ue or Mrs G roesbeck at the sch ool house. Only $178,593.25 Sold Already in This County A ccordin g to a report o f Saturday, N ovem ber 10, only *178,593.25 w orth o f series E bonds have been sold in this county. 31% o f the quota o f *565,000, which show s that all the s o ­ licitors have been w orking hard and are determ ined to put this issue over the top before the final day. L ater reports should hejp sw ell the total by next week. B anks has sold 78% o f her quota o f *33,900 or $26,681.25. F orest Grov*>— 29% or *48,612.75. H illsboro— 30% or *57,505.75. B eaverton — 20% o r *16,781.25. T ig a rd —29% or *18,075 S herw ood—28% or *10,931.25. Mrs. R . R. Sum m ers urges the people in the com m un ity to buy bonds and help fill the quota a s­ signed to this district. She urges those w ho have not purchased bonds CHURCH OF TH E N AZAK KN E to do so im m ediately. T hey can call L eonard C. Johnson P astor at the bank or p o sto ffice and pur­ 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, W alter chase bonds. T h ere are now five candidates fo r L ovett, Supt. queen in this county, they include: 11 a. m. M orning worship. B eaverton — M arylee Madden, A T h a n k fu l Thanksgiving. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louie M ad­ 6:30 p. m. N Y P S and Hi-N Y. den o f Beaverton. 7:30 p. m E vangelistic service. T igard —D o ro th y R u fsvold , dau gh ­ W edn esday 7:30 mid week prayer ter o f Mr. and Mrs. C larence A. meeting. R ufsvold. M ake your way to the house o f B anks— Janet Sellers, daughter o f God, on this T han ksgiving Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B ernard Sellers, route 1, Banks. C H U R CH O F C H R IST H illsboro— D orine F oelker, dau gh ­ G eorge W . Springer, P astor ter o f Mr. and Mrs. T. C. F oelker. Second and Main Sts. B eaverton F orest G rove—G enevieve Vow ell, M orning w orship and preaching at daughter o f Mrs. Lida Vowell. 9:46 a. m. T o p ic : T hank God and Take Courage. •• L,:i F ollow in g the serm on, the L o rd ’s ■y» Jtv- V" supper will be observed. B ible School class session 11 a. m. Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. E ven ing w orship service 7:30 with special m usic by orchestra, t M idw eek Bible study and prayer 1 W ednesday 8 p. m. T o p ic—C onfession. | T he churches o f B eaverton are \ cooperating in a union T h an k sgiving I service w hich will be held Thanks- I giving Day at 10:30 a. nr. at the | C hurch o f Christ. R ev, Joh n G. | D ick ey m inister o f the C ongregation - al church will be the speaker. s A Gl's Razor Interests These Chinese Boys Here and There Of urn m sit This American soldier draws a delighted audience as he wields his rotor in China. The Regular Army, ottering travel, adventure, security, and training opportunities, is accepting enlistments trom qualified civilians 18 to 34 years ot age, inclusive. First Poultry Meet at Beaverton Nov. 20 Red Cross Chapter Meets At the last m onthly m eeting of The first C ounty P oultry m eeting County Chapter Red o f the 1945-46 series o f w inter m eet­ W ashington ings. w hich is conducted each yeai Cross Mrs. P. A Anderson o f H ills­ ch a ir­ by the county and state extension boro was elected production sta ffs for W ashington county poul­ man due to resignation o f Mrs. E. D. try men, will be held in B eaveiton ■ Carver. A m ong the articles shipped Nov. 1 High School, Tuesday evening, N o­ bed room slip­ vem ber 20, at 8 p. m. a ccord in g to 1 were 119 prs. m en’s Don E. A nderson, assistant cou nty pers, 23 hot water bottle covers, 35 | kit bags. 13 pieced afghans, 4 pieced agent. shipped to Area Noel L. Bennion, O regon E xtension quilts, they also 4k sleeveless khaki poultrym an. will discuss the poultry headquarters m arketing ou tlook and feed supply sweaters situation, egg quality and hatchabil- ity. All im portant fa ctors in the Chance to Secure poultry industry. War Relics N O W Signal Station Opens In New Quarters on Hwy. Don B oyd had a hilarious time gathering! m istletoe at N ew berg Sunday, where he visited his brother E lm er and fam ily. He m anaged to get a large am ount o f it and expects to return for more. A ccordin g to word received by his parents. Bernard Boyd S 2/0 C. B.’s is now on Guam Island. Lenn C. lloln ian cat psnters mate, second class. Beaverton, has received his honorable d isch arge at B rem er­ ton N avy Yard. Mr. and Mrs. W m . B oyd attended the funeral o f Jacob S chneider in H illsboro Monday. Earl S. B riggs has purchased the old Junior place on Scholls F erry road. W est Slope, and is m aking ex- tensivo im provem ents. He has named his new hom e "D ream M aker.” Mr. B riggs com es from the far east and thinks O regon a w on derfu l place. He intends opening a real estate o ffice in Portland in the spring. The W m . B oyd fam ily were Sun­ day dinner guests o f M l. and Mis. Elm ei Boyd, at N ew beig. Elniei was recently discharged from the U. S. N avy and is now em ployed in u N ew berg garage. Mrs. J. F. Mari is received a m es­ sage from the east stating her broth­ er, Alex W attles, had passed away in Jackson, M ichigan. Bud W righ t is hom e on a furlough A ftei spending a m onth or m ore with his people lie and his w ife will be going to Germ any. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. B rookhardt and soil Darrell spent the week end at the beach. Mrs. Myrtle D avey o f Portland and a niece o f Mrs. Herat, passed aw ay on Tuesday. She was burled from Portland. She w as well known In Eastern Star circles. Bob M yers and Floyd Carlson re­ turned hom e this week. Floyd vis­ ited relatives in Boise, Idaho, before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard H ingley and K athleen Keenan o f Portland, visit­ ed at the Geo. Hlasser hom e on Sun­ day. R ich ard G oyt Jr., had a lovely party on his birthday last Thursday, being 1 year old. He received a lot o f nice gifts. T here were nine children present and 14 adults. Ice cream and cake was served. Mrs. D ona Van is hom e again and is w ork ing in M iller's G rocery. Dick G oyt is expected hom e soon. F uneral services for H erm an Cham bers o f route 2 w h o died Nov. 7 was held Tuesday at P eg g's chapel. He was husband o f Laura, father o f Zella M ulkey; son o f Anna, Forest G rovo M asonic Hom e. B eaver chapter was in ch arge of the services. Minnie Hale passed aw ay Nov. 11. She was w ife o f Lester B. and m oth­ er o f W arren G., o f H illsboro. She was a m em ber of the Spanish A m eri­ can auxiliary. R ich ard S. Hill, field director for the A m erican R ed Cross gave a fine talk W ednesday evening at K iw anis before a large crow d. Lt. C m di, John R o y c ra ft Kean of route 2, received his discharge from the Nav> at Senttle, W ash., on Nov. 12 . S S /gt W m . M. C rosby o f route 2. and S S /g t. Carl H. G ronlund, B eav­ erton. received their discharge at F ort Lewis this w eek A pot luck ch urch fam ily dinner will be served at the C ongregation ­ al C hurch on Tuesday evening, Nov. 20. Dr. G ertrude B oyd Crane o f P a­ cific U niversity will be. the speaker. A m issionary thank o ffe rin g will be taken at this meeting Mr. and Mrs. C. B W ooden were called to Salt I-nke City, on the very sudden death o f Mi W ooden s' broth ­ er. A fter a weeks stay Mrs. W o o d ­ en returned home, Mr. W ooden go­ ing on to D enver on business. He expects to return hom e for T hanks­ giving. The R evolu tion ary and Civil W ar cannon w hich for years were dis­ The new Signal Service Station ou played in A m erican public parks and the H ighw ay in B eaverton at East museums and then went to war via street, is now finished and ready to ' the nation-w ide scrap drive, can be serve custom ers. T heir new m odern replaced by the m odern W orld W ar building o f tile is a credit to the i II howitzers, arm ored cars, etc. now town and has been so arranged as to obsolete after com pletin g their job of include an o ffic e and repair shop crushing the Axis armies. A pplications for equipm ent should with new hoist, a qu ick charger fa. j batteries, it on ly takes one hour, and , be addressed to the C hief o f O rd ­ W ashington, num erous other tim e saving equip­ nance, T he P entagon, The applicant must assum e ment to save time. They repair tires, D. C. pack wheels, etc., and sell Signal gas all packing, handling and transporta­ M E T H O D IS T C H U RCH tion expense o f the items from the and gasoline. 4th and W atson Sts. Many people know "S on n y” , O. Cos- nearest A rm y O rdnance Depot. R ev. E verett L. Bowers. P astor T hose eligible to apply include lett, Jr., he was in business in H ills­ P a rson a ge: 356 B roadw ay boro for 14 years and was located at com m unities, all W ar veterans o r­ C hurch School 9:45 a. m. with Mrs. Cedar street and the highw ay for 5 ganizations, n on -p rofit museum s and Nan B ourquin. Supt. m unicipal corporations. years. W ith all argum ents to the con ­ trary, the Church School S cholar is To Celebrate 100th by far the cou ntry's finest potential Many Service Men Eligible citizen. Anniversary of Founding For FSA Credit M orning w orship 11 a. m. W ashington County farm ers and T he one hundreth anniversary of S erm on : W h y Be T han k fu l A ny­ landow ners with g ood farm s for rent M A RYLE E M M ADDEN the founding o f the First C ongrega­ w ay? C om e and find out. or sale this fall can help returning B eaverton can d id ate fo r Queen At 6:30 p. m. the M Y F will gather W orld W ar II veterans and other tional church o f Forest G rove, Ore­ at the parsonage and g o to the hom e qualified farm ers get re-established gon, will be observed in the church o f E lbridge G ordon where the devo- by listing such places with the Farm san ctu ary in a special service at 11 Always Ask for Ballots tionals will be follow ed b y the Security A dm inistration office, Com­ a. m. Sunday N ov. 11 when R ev. E D. K ellogg form er pastoi o f the m onthly social. m ercial B uilding, H illsboro, an­ For Queen when buying the centennial The W SCS will m eet at the church nounces V. S. M adsen, cou nty FSA ch urch will deliver serm on. from 10 a. m. til 3 on W ednesday. Supervisor. A ttention is called to the fa ct that C hoir rehearsel at 7:30 p. m. T here are a num ber o f veterans all payroll savings bond buyers can Laughlin on USS Ajax and fam ilies w ith fa rm background cast their ballot for a V ictory Queen who are eligible fo r FSA credit and BETHEL candidate w hether the bond is bought A board the USS A jax in the P aci­ C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CH URCH m anagem ent services if they can thru a payroll savings plan or direct R ev. J. G. D ickey (In terim ) Pastor find good fam ily-type farm s for sale fic —C laude R aym ond Laughlin. radio from a bond salesm an. said. " I f these technician, route 3, B eaverton, and Sturtevant until or rent, M adsen H ow ever, if a request is not made (In place o f R ev. m em bers o f this huge next sum m er) qualified farm ers and their fam ilies fellow crew for a ballot it will autom atically be 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss can set up in the cou nty on a sound repair ship had reason to take pride cast fo r the em p loyer’s ch oice o f basis through F’SA help, every com ­ in the Fleet units that took part in candidates. T he on ly way the county A m arette Barns. S u p t m unity and business will eventually the occu p ation o f Japan, because 11 a. m. M orning service. can “ g o over the top ” in this co n ­ som e o f these ships cou ld n ’t have Serm on to p ic: He is M indful o f benefit.” test is to have her residents bring been in that h istoric operation if it His Own. their votes to this county. “ Is this what I fou gh t and got hadn’t been fo r the jack -of-all-trad cs A nthem by choir. W h y not help your district ca n d i­ 5:30 p. m. Interm ediate Y oun g wounded fo r ? " E x.-Pvt. D. C. Stra- e fficie n cy o f the men o f the A jax. date and your cou n ty to be well rep­ From the M arshalls to the C aio- della, com bat veteran, w hose busi­ resen ted? T his can be done by People. ness in New Y ork is picketed by lines, the P hilippines and O k in a w a .1 6:30 p. m. Senior Y o u n « People. asking for your ballot that you are en­ the A jax sailed with the N avy's men- union. titled to for each bond purchase., ready to handle any assign -' B rin g or mail you r ballots to your P IL G R IM ment from m aking false teeth for a n ! local polls. THE YALLEY L U T H E R A N C H U R CH u n com fortable sailor to fash ion ing L eave at F irst S ecurity B ank m C O M M U N ITY CH URCH F arm in gton R d. at M enlo D rive steel plates for the flight deck o f an . B eaverton. U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N E rw in A. G erken P astor aircra ft carrier. B eaverton ’s local can didate is Miss SW Gabel I-ane at F airw ay Dr., 522 B roadw ay Because o f the w ide range o f heri M arvlee M. Madden. R ev. H. A. A rm itage. pastor Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. facilities .the A jax, ju st before th e ' M orning service 10:30 a m. Services 11 a. m. O kinaw a cam paign , was assigned all j L utheran Laym en's League meets battleships, cruisers, tankers, trans- i ST. C E C E L IA CHURCH CAM P FIRE N E W S 'to n ig h t in P ortland at H ope Church, ports, supply ships and m iscellaneous | Masses 8:25 and 10:25. at 8 p. m. in the greatest con cen tration in the The Saturday School m eets this T he K inunka group met at the history o f the Navy. Y et the huge A LO H A A S S E M B L Y O F GOD city hall last Tuesday. The business i Saturday m orning at 9.30 a. m. repair ship never failed to meet a j W h eeler Avenue Fellow ship Society m eets this Sun­ m eeting was in ch arge o f B everly com p letion date on a m ajor ship. R ev. R illa Mae Stephens, Johnson, vice president. A rrange­ day evening at 7:30 at the church. A ctin g pastor T he newly form ed Adult Bible class m ents were made to attend the all­ O-E Shipping in Carloads 10 a m. Sunday School. city skating party at the Oaks rink will meet Tuesday evening at 7;30 p. 11 a. m. M orning worship Of Old Equipment next Saturday, N ov. 17. A fter the m. 7 30 p. m E vening service. Mark H.. Special T h a n k sgivin g services on business m eeting the girls w orked D ow n at the O-E Depot B eaverton with clay, m aking little cactus pots, Thursday m orning at 10 a m. L et us Stephens speaker. car loads o f electric equipm ent are T hursday 7:30 p m. study -Mid ash trays, baskets, etc. T he K inun­ Give T hanks unto the Lord. being unloaded and will be sold. T h e ; prayer service. The Lutheran H our every Sunday ka grou p has a m em bership • o f 21 line is being changed from electric girls registered the first o f N ovem ­ 9 30 a. m. over K A L E and at 4 over power to Delsel engine and steam R E E n V I I J .E COM M UNITY power. The dism antling job has K W JJ ber. P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH 1 begun down E ugene way. R ev H am pton. Pastor W E ST IIU .I.S Mrs M ason's group o f Camp Fire Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. G. E. L U T H E R A N CH URCH girls held their w eekly m eeting M on­ News Around Town Geiger, Supt. C anyon R oad, near Sylvan day aftern oon at the City 'Hall. The B and T M arket have a fine W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. W ern er J Frit*. M inister O ffice rs elected were President. stock o f plum p turkeys for that Y oung P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. N ovem ber 18 P atricia M adden; V ice-pres . Linda T h an k sgiving dinner. A lso the Sunday School 9 45 a. m. C onner; secy.. D oroth y E dd y, treas., AIX1I1A C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH m any other things to top o ff a good D ivine Service 11 a. m. O retta R o b in so n ; scribe. V itgtnia G raydon D. L oree, Pastor dinner. Serm on: Our T hanksgiving Huddleston. Sunday School 9:50 a. m. P illsbury F lou rin g Mill have In T han ksgiving offerin g for building T he girls chose the Indian names another coolu m n a coupon which M ary A ntrim . Supt fund. and sym bols. should be cut ou t and given to the M orning w orship 11 a. m. C onflrm ands meet Friday 3 30 p.m. Plans were made fo r a skating m any groceries listed in the ad. Y outh F ellow ship 7 p m . party at the Oaks rink. V irginia R eservation s should be made early E ven ing service 8 p m H IG H W A Y C H A P E L H uddleston, scribe L A T T E R -D A Y SAIN TS for one o f those fine T han ksgiving T em porarily located upstairs In the A m erican le g io n Hall dinner» st the Old H eidelberg Inn Odd Fellows Hall B eaverton T he m eeting was called to order Main St.. H illsboro. Ore. Ted Stebert is now at the B eaver­ Orville J. Poulin, Minister the business was cleaned and plans Sunday S ch ool at 10 % m. ton F urniture Store to help euetom- Sunday School 10 a. m. were made fo r a skating party at the Sacram ent m eeting 6 30 p. m. 1 ch oose from their large stock on M orning worship 11 a. m Oaks R ink. W e sang songs and Elder J T. S Peterson, B ranch hand. He is hom e on a 43 day fu r­ E vangelistic services T 43 p m. played gam es that all o f us liked «•rest. lough E verybody w elcom e Virginia H uddleston sertba. R ev. B ow ers has been elected s e c­ retary-treasurer of the B eaverton M insterial association, taking the of flee left vacan t w hen R ev. Sturte- vunt becam e a navy chaplain. T he B eaverton F urniture S tole have announced that their store will rem ain open F riday evenings until 7:30 and on S aturda) until 9 p. in for ttie con venien ce o f their patrons T heir neon sign w as erected this w eek and this with the m any flou ies- cent lights m ake tiiis store the ce n ­ ter of attraction along B roadw ay. T he ground back of the store on the highw ay has been graded and ma) be used for purking by their custom ers. T he ch urches o f B eaverton are cooperating again this year in a an ion T h an k sgiving service. T he services this year will bo held at the C hristian C hurch w ith Ke\ D ickey speaking. The tim e is T han ksgiving morning at 10:30 B eaverton and com m un ity is co r diully invited. T he follow in g registrants have been ordered to report for induction N o v . 26, by the W ashington County local board No. I. Beaverton, Ore.. Glen L. W agner, R ich ard J. Schultz. Bei nard VY. Bundy, R obert D. Ehm, Jam es W . Clegg, Jr., W illiam E Rlv- erm an and W arren W. Johnson, Gn duetton postponed.) T he B eaverton eleven won the gam e at H illsboro last Friday 12-6 It’s getting to lie a habit with them F riday is a red letter day. S taff Sgt. M urdo M. H iokox is hom e uguin from service in the E uropean area und greeting old friends. Ho has resum ed his Job as carrier on route 3. A rthur It Sorenson w ho has had this route for the past 2'-» years will g o back to farm ing again. P atron s alon g the route sny he nevei missed a day and was very courteous. Lt. Cdr. Leonard Receives Bronze Star Medal T he P hilippines Lt. Cdr. W . J L eonard, U SN R o f Seattle, Wash, has received the Bronze Star Medn for "distinguishing him self by inert torious service in operation agains the enem y” Ho is a son o f Mrs. W . L. Is-onar« o f Beaverton, is m arried and has on< son W illiam Jr. GIRL SCOUT N E W S T he Girl Scouts m et W ednesday plans fo r -a T k sah si; vim: dinner All m others o f Oild Scout in troop 76 are invited to the dinne r T uesday Nov. 20 at 5:31), Jean C law ­ son, scribe. “ • to To be Discharged 1-18-46 Fort I^ w ls, W ash., E lw in W . Nel­ son, box 164, Beaverton, Ore., w ho for the Jinst 4*» years has served In the A G F will revert to Inactive stut us on Jan. 18, 19-16, it was announci d today by Lt. Col. T aylor, com m a n d ­ ing the Separation Center. 1st Lt. Nelson will return to B eav­ erton w here he will reside. "L ik e m any o f his fellow officers, Lt. N elson responded to the call for patriotic men, and his valuable e:< perience contributed to the rapid organization and training o f our present day figh tin g forces,” Colonel T aylor Bald. Bob White Quail On Increase Saturday evening a large flock o f Bob W hite quail were flushed along the B eaverdam north o f the C atholic Church, B eaverton, there were 2'. quail in the flock. During the past few seasons, this Specie o f quail seem ed to becom e scarce, so it is a good om en that t l i - num bers are increasing around E ast­ ern W ashington county. The U. S. S. Dane will sail from Portland with a Great Dane pup, ''Buddy," ee mascot, the gift of Mr». W. B. Gilham of Tigard. Here ere the donor end pup with Cept. D. K. Day, left, end Lt. Com. D. M. Clerk, executive officer, with Buddy's father, "Maximilian V. Birkenhof," who came along to wi*h tbf pup w#ll.