. Pane Fridav, November 9, 1945 BEA V E R TO N E N TE R P R ISE , Beaverton, Oregon 2 work a year hence, you will find the| E state: R . B. D oughty LE G A L N OTICE waiting room full o f poop! betking N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O K 8 employment. This m eans that in ef­ N O T IC E TO C H E iJIT O B S N otice: T he C oun ty Court of ficient w orkers will he let go and • ^ f In the mutter of the t - te ot Gust W ashington County, O regon, has ap- • ten places subetit ited b> more o f- M .tju deceased, the Count t.'ouit o f pointed the undersigned executrix o f ficient ones. Labor unions can pro- th# sta te o f Oregon for W ashington the t he estate o f R . B. D oughty, de­ f e c t you on your basic wage; but c ounty has appointed the undersign- ceased, all persona having claim « ¡they cannot make em ployers keep in -, A d m jn |sti ator o f said estate and against said estate are requested to H. IL j m i U E M , H lb tt^ e r ! efficient and car careless w orkers w hen all oll persons hnvina having claim claim s s against against present them, w ith proper vouchers, {efficient, experienced w orkers are said estate are hereby Publlahed F riday or each weak by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, ' required to to the undersigned at the law office willing to take th< same jo b at the present the 8ame to the undersigned o f M. B. Bum p, H illsboro, Oregon, Or Mg on Entered as second-class m atter at the p ostoffice at Beaverton, O ra ' o a b s o n D is c u s s e s same wage. Therefore. I sa^ to all du,y veriiied within six months from within six m onths fr o m O ctober 26, W a g e s reader’s : —For heaven’s sake hang on , ho date and publication o f this 1945. One Year .41.00 Subscription Payable in Advance. to your present job. (Juit squab- ,lotice M A G G IE DOUGHTY, Executrix B abson Park Mass., Nov. 9— 1 have bling about wages and hours and de- B eaverton O ffica — Enterprise Bldg., Phone B eaverton 2321 W A IN O H A U TO N EN M. B. BUMP, A ttorn ey. Portland O ffic e —308 Panam a B ld g . 3rd and Alder Phone A T w ater 6591 just returned from a con feren ce on termine to do better work. T hink R oute 6, Box 60S, Portland. Ore Date o f first pu blication Oct. 26, ! wages. Labor was represented by a of what ia going to happen a year Q A a r p l e g R EN . Attorney. 44611945. ver> sm art lawyai and m anagem ent o f two he „ce . When you were last BldK p ortU nd 1. Oregon. Date o f last p u blication N ov. 28, I was represented by a kindly em ploy- out 0j em ploym ent it was bad Date of first publication, Nov. 9, 1945. i er. enough not to have a pay envelope; 1945. A rgum ents for Higher W ages M r ti ¡but if the proposed wage increases Y ou can use classified ad vs. to Date of last publication Dec. 9, ‘ i (I ) ‘ L abor’s lawyer stated that his are glan ted you may be faced with vantage. P lan t on e In this paper. AT I 0 1 people had worked forty hours a not only no pay envelope but with 1945. I week before the W ar; that during higher living costs. the W ar they had w orked fifty -fou r \ ___________________ Turkey Exhibit at ! hours a week and that for these ad Many Persons Want ditional fourteen hours received T ^ e L o w Q o w n McMinnville Dec. 3-6 Special Auto License No's. T he em ployer 1 _ u • | r' The P a cific Coast T urkey Exhibit tim e-and-a-half pay. p loy er), I at M cM innville, Oregon. w"hTchTefore a ck n ow ledged this; but stated that t r o m H ic k o r y L »rO V e More than 50'* o f those who have th# war wa(i developing into one o f th * boyB o f the fam ily w ere then In -------- her filed applications in the O regon state ' tha m aj or shows of this type in the the arm y and the fam ily needed W hat France does should be departm ent fo r special O regon auto j W88t w d | bo revived this year with m ore incom e. ■ N ow these boys have > own business. But when we join in, license plate numbers, have asked for I the dates set fo r Dec. 3 to H County ^ tu r n e d and the incom e, even with ¡and pick up the check, after they the same num ber given them la*1 ! Agent Palmer S. T orvend has been out thia overtom e, will be as high a-s get in a corner and holler for help, year. Others ask for num bers sim l- j inform ed. T he show will be held at waH before. we should have a say about further lar to their phone numbers, their th e M cM innville state arm ory <2> L abor’s law yer then com - help and clam p down now on more street address, age and room num- ___________________ I plained about the deductions which cash and food, etc., *1f they are deter- the pay envelope. | mined there to be their own w orst bers in buildings. “ l o v e is blind. You ca n ’t change ' are made from — — h uma n nature.” —U. S. Sen. Capeheart nam ely, for Social Security, the pur- enemy and go ahead being a social- Make Delivery or Call chase o f bonds and the paym ent of ist com m unist outfit. We better let For Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry .,In d-1.b“ k frtT E urope' on non fra ’ ta xes T he em ployer answ ered by em go and the next tim e they yelp Barnes. Phone B eaverton 32SX. tf t* r" lda“ ° " order saying that the deduction fo r Social I for assistance, tell them to com e Security was m atched by a sim ilar j back next year. Like the Chinese cook W hile shopping in B eaverton s t o p , W hile shopping in Beaverton stop am ount from him and that the total told the panhandler at the back in at the Greyhound C offee Shop fo r in at the Greyhound C offe Shop foi am ount (double what w as deducted door.. "D o you like fish ” ,-s a id the 325 SE W ater Av., Portland Phone E A . 5161 Lunch. Lunch. from the em ployee) is set aside fo r a Chinese. "S u re," says the guy. pension. T h erefore, it is really not "O kay, then” , says Mr. Chinaman, a deduction. T he sam e applies to com e back Friday. bond purchases. T hese bonds are Most of E urope is in a left-handed as g ood m oney and can be cashed sort o f mess. But we here in our D U N D EE — PH O N E NEW BERG 6 M in at any time. A s to taxes, both the U. S. A., we are the cham pion boob law yer for labor and the em ployei and sucker. W e pay the war bills— agreed that these would be elim in at­ and get an IOU. And we are even W ill receive either Green or Dry Nuts ed by the new tax bill goin g in to e f­ toying with the same kind o f Govt, fect in January, 1946. that has put E urope on the skids— (3) L a b or’s law yer talked about we are only a jum p ahead with our A T FO R E ST G R O V E the increased* cost-of-iivin g. This 100 "A u th orities” for this and the was adm itted by the em p loyer; but other things. he presented governm ent statistics W e been listening to too m uch : Overhead Garage Door Hardware, Sliding Door ¡sh ow in g that living costs as a whole dam p-behind-the-ears econ om ic th e­ =111=111=111= j have not gone up m ore than the ory. And when socialism gets epi­ Track and Hangers, Bore in Passage Latch Sets, base wage has risen w ithout giving dem ic it sweeps you up w hether you Butts, Strap and Tee Hinges, Zinc Plated Kit­ Any a ccou nt fo r overtim e. It is true have a one-chair barber shop, or arc that wage w orkers are buying cer­ a 1,000-acre farm er, or a plum ber chen Hardware, Acme Sash Balancers. tain luxuries today which they did with only one helper. < . not buy before, w hich luxuries are Y ours with the low dow n Dutch Boy Paints, Texolite 330, the water thin­ CULVERT SEW ER DRAIN I not tabulated in the o ffic ia l cost-of- JO S E R R A ned Wall Paint, Kalsomine, Varnishes, Linseed Oil, ! living figures. SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R Argum ent for H igher P rices Real Estate Transfers Turps, Thinner and Kreosote, Roll Roofing, Panel A fter labor’s law yer got through A T W eddle to R L W est 3.33 acres a Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. presenting his case the em ployer and Glass Doors. Beaverton-Reedvtlle. ¡stated: "W e would not ob je ct so = 5819 S W. M acadam A v„ P ortland, 1, O regon A T w ater 8384 Oeo W W est to Leo Mars lot 249 ¡¡j strongly to increased w ages if we SEE US A B O U T Y O U R W A L L A N D C E ILIN G J oh n son E st. add B e a v e r to n -R e e d v ille !ll=in=lll=lli5111=111=luIlSiilSiil^lllSUIïlll^lHHIiiSIM SIHïlliSM iïiiüniînim il^lll^HiauiHib could correspon din gly in crease the Elaine C ooper to A E Otis, lot 71 price o f our goods. T o d o one with- IN SU LA TIO N NEEDS. \ out the other, how ever, is an absolute and 72 Steels add City o f Beaverton. Henry W M einhart to Irvin Gar- im possibility. W e would be obliged to shut down. H e brou ght out the lock. prt lots 367 and 368 Johnson add Beaverton. follow in g points: (1) N ot on ly have the base w ages) R E E lvord to Sandy A Jereb lot | m entioned above gone up (irrespec-l 1 blk 48 Metzger A cre tracts. Irene A H artzell to A rthur C G ood tive o f overtim e) but the cost o f all Phone Beaverton 3201 C A. B A K K E N , Mgr. blk 10 H ock en s add m aterials have, likewise, gon e up in ] ” ** o i NE * an am ount equal to the Little Steel | Beav®rt“ n- _ , , ! C D T rout to D elbert C P ixler pt Form ula. Maximum egg production . . gettin g no ; lot 78 Johnson add Beaverton. (2) Stockholders are at lower cost. That’s the story I Peter Case to Orville J P oulin pt m ore in dividends; yet they must of Triangle X-tra egg pro­ be given a corresp on d in g increase in lot 5 Steel’s Add Beaverton. ducer. A carefully balanced Dora E Stipe to Lam bert A Clas order fo r them to provide addition al, . . „ ____ feed supplying the require­ capitul which is very m uch needed ...... i Bertha W eaver to W m Schraeder ments for more extra grade fo r reconversion work. W 4 lot 120 Johnson add B eaverton- (3) In answ er to la b or’s com ­ plaint. nbout the salaries o f officers, R eedville. Lloi’d W Shrlner to T h eod ore A the em ployer stated that their In­ R egh ltto lot 1 blk 3 Shriners add to j crease has been less than the in­ crease in labor’s hase w age; further­ Beaverton. W alter J W hittw ell to John R Belt more, that if all office rs w orked for I nothing It would provide an Increase j pt lot 12!\ ^IetzKe'' ^ c ,e o f only 5-10% In the wages o f all! H^ r y , ” aJe J ° * r1t* ur„ L MaRee t , h j other em ployees. 18 19 blk 6 R e .d y ilk. H om es. ^ By GENERAL ELECTRIC F oreign C om petition I EuK*J?e ,R.T * . an 1 did not get into the above dis- 1 lot 5 T ualatin V iew Sites. Anna T Sprague to J H Fairweath j mission but when asked for my com er pt blk T Beaverton. ments. 1 called attention to the foi Hugh P. T igard to P ercy L Hewes low ing three facts: lot 1 and 2 2nd E lect add Tigardville I (1) This cou ntry will have huge Paul D eR us Boutwell to G ordon W I foreign com petition in the year* H aack lot 10 Tualatin View sites i ahead, from which it was absolutely C lark E T aylor et ux to John H Between now and November 21. free during the W ar. Politicians HIRNLIRHTS OF THE NEW H olm es lot 1 blk 51 M etzger Ac tits thousands o f Army veterans will can talk about putting up higher II E R eeves to Francis M Pulliam EM H STM EN T PROGRAM reenlist in Uncle Sam's new volun­ ta riff walls, but this foreign labor pt lot 4 T igard Hiwy trs. te e r peacetim e Arm y. Because — must be given w ork If we are to 1. Enlistments for 1V4, 2 or 3 Clyde S Lindsey to H ow ard J. I ritz- men who have been discharged be­ yeara. ( 1-yeer enlistment! permitted have world peace. patrick et ux lot 14 N Tigardville. tween May 12 and November 1 of foe men with 6 months' servu-e.) (2) F oreign com petition will first this year and reenliat on or before hit special industries, such as the add. 2. Men reenlisting retain their H arry Hale to A rthur I, Magee tr November 21 will l>e able to return textile indu stry; ultim ately it will present grades, if they reenlist with­ 18. '9 blk 6 R eedville Homes. to the Army with the same grade as in 20 days after discharge and befora a ffe ct all industries. R W Biddle to David H aack pt lot they held when discharged. Fab. 1, 1946. Tha same appliaa to (3> 1’or awhile this can he rom - 60-61 Steel's add Beaverton. Men with six months of satisfac­ man diacharged between May 12 and | pensated fo r by unem ploym ent in­ L loyd Shriner to Maurice R om ig It Nov. 1, 1945, who reenliat before tory service discharged as privates surance and living o f f one’s war sav­ Nov. 21, 1945. 4 blk 1 Shriners add Beaverton. will, on reenlistment l>eiore Novem- i n g s . hut both o f these will som e day I, R C rosby to W m K P ow ell part 5. An increase in the reenlistment ber 21, be given the grade of private com e to an end and a great deal o f lot 33 Tualatin Gardens. bonus to $50 for each year of active first class. unem ploym ent will exist in this aarvica tinea tha bonus was last paid, R E Alvord to W m M F rahler lot Men now in the Army who apply 1 country. Only in case atom ic energy or sine* last antry into aarvica. for discharge after NOVEMBER 1 should develop Into a great new in­ 4 blk 56 M etzger A c trs. L R H arris to C larnce H Durdell 4. 20% axtra pay whan overaeas. for the purpose of reenlisting in the dustry can such unem ploym ent tie pt lot 3 Steels add Beaverton. 5. Paid furlough, up to 90 days, Regular Army will also retain their prevented present grades, if they enlist within depending on length of aervice, with .1 V\ nrd to W age W orkers furlough traval paid to home and 20 days after discharge and beftre Business as a whole should con ­ return, for men now in the Army FEBRUARY 1, 1946. tinue good for a few years; but there who enliat. is bound to he a big re-shulfling o f "BIST JOB IN THI WORLD” 6. M u sterin g-ou t pay (b a te d jobs. This will apply to both union ■pon length of service) to all man These special privileges are typical and non-union wage w orkers. For who era discharged to reenlist o f the new law recently passed by four years the newspapers have had' This Easy W ay... 7. Option to retire at half pay for GRCVV in Congress. Few opportunities for a many colum ns of "H elp W an ted” the real of your lifa aftar 20 years' At le st, a scie n tific lifetime career offer as many attrao and only a few inches o f "P osition s to r lf B n d r n t a l p l a t o a n d service — or three-quarters pay after ON TOP OF MT. WASHINGTON, WHERE GENERAL live advantages. W anted." Next year the new spapers | t»rtd?ca R E A L L Y cUon. 30 years (Retirement income in Ju«t p o t TO o r p la t# 1« • Can you think o f any other Job grade of Master or First Sergeant up will have many c olum ns o f “ Poai- ELECTRIC SCIENTISTS CARRY ON RESEARCH ON • la s« « f w a te r. A d d a little that would give you good pay, your to $155.25 par month foi life > All tions W anted ' and only a few inch­ e u lc k - a c t ln t K L E K N I T K . W ill« m s s ic - l ik s A'RCRAFT ICING AND WEATHER PREDICTION. previous active federal military ser­ food , clothing, quarters, free med­ es o f "H elp W an ted". Another apeed. d ia c o lo ra tto n .9 ta in a o n d d e n tu r e odora vice counts toward retirement e a n ia h — the o r i f i n a l cle a n h r if h t n e a a »• ical and dental rare, world-wide thing Youi em ployer has been tak­ re sto re d I I f i e c o n o m ic a l *"<• travel, 30 days'furlough every year, 8. Benefits of G ! Hill of Rights ing anyone he could get during the A $ k y o o r d r o ig i a t fo r K L L L N 1 T K today. education and training in any of W ar old people, children, m arried 9. Fam ily allow an ces for the nearly 200 skills or trades, and term K I E E N 1 T E flit Brushloss Way ! wom en, to say nothing o f m any in­ of enlistment for dependents of enable you to retire with a life ra- efficien t w orkers. men who enlist or reenlist before cvme any time after SO yea re'ter vice T July 1, 1946. Next year this situation will en­ P harm acy, and all good druggists There isn't any! That's why a tirely change. W hen you com e to G ot KI.HF.N1TF. today at Ilea verton 10. Choice of branch of service and jo b in the Regular Army has been overseas theater in Air. Ground or For And Against OlEfij h in t ad­ WANTED FILBERTS--WALNOTS TOP PRICES Hudson-Duncan Co. Forest Grove Come In And See Onr Phone 51 CONCRETE PIPE For B I G G E R a n d BETTER sees KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. NOV. 21,1945 AN IMPORTANT thousands of T R I A N G L E X -TR A EGG PRODUCER FOR TlUE FiHClr 1 ARMY VETERANS NOW IN CIUIIIAN UFF Clean DENTAL PLATES ICE P1ATHSZS # called ‘‘ The Best Job in the World." PAY PER M O N T H - ENLISTED MEN le AM idee I« fe e t, IMpag I D m (a )-P l u s 20% Increase for Service Overaea-. ( b ) - Plus 50% if Member of Flying Crews, Parachutist, etc ELECTRICITY. IN 1923 A SINGLE 60-W'ATT G-E MAZDA LA M P COST 4 0 C. TODAY YOU GET 4 FOR 4 0 C PLUS TAX . . . G -E RESEARCH BR IN G S MORE GOODS TO MORE PEOPLE AT _____L E S S COST. G E N E R A L * ! ELECTRIC