Friday, Ocober 26, 1945 BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon P â tre 2 Lewis and Clark The Great American Odyssey M. II. J K K K K 1 K S , l ’ ul>lihh<-r Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the pastofflce at Beaverton, Ora A Condensed ütory of the Historic Expedition of 1804-6 Copyright 1946 by Walter Meat ham GIRL SCOUTS Turn Off the Gas! L E G A L N O T IC E ------- The Girl Scouts oi It had their „ „ IN CKUHCH S woman suddenly meeting Thursday, O ^ nned NOTICE TO CREDITORS remembered that she had forgotten business meeting there was planned c#UBty to turn off the gas on her cook-stove, a Halloween party. Washington County, Oregon has ar*. ; : r . hr r . ; r j s j s .’ sh js ! a s . ssri. z ., z z t ] z :\ : z s sur-uT« j ? s as 5 jrSJssr came founder of the Girl Scouts Julet Low against said estate are requested to Dorion - Pierre Dorlon, a rovIng course, didr't know wl present them, with proper vouchers, French frontiersman who had ac- from. He assumed, naturally enough, One Year .<1.00 Subscription Payable in Advance to the undersigned at the law office quired Indian way. and had t a k e n , ih'at It'was for the miniate,' w h o w s . | the^ are no * f % nd V g u n - ^ U n * j of M. B- Bump. Hillsboro, Oregon. Sioux Indian woman as wife, met now in the midst of his Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 The message must be j thug—it is all the same and in the within six months from October 26, Portland Office—308 Panama B ldg, 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 0691 Lewis and Clark on June 12 while on What to do? I his way to St. Louis. The captains of vital Importance. It must, by all1 day’s work, and they wade in. ^Or 1945. MAGGIE DOUGHTY, Efceeutr'x persuaded him to Join the them as a means, be called to the minister’s at- they can take it easy, like when M. B. BUMP. Attorney. mama pu^ out her arm to turn ! Sioux interpreter. The party camp- tention, and at once! Sc the usher M in i * 4 Date of first publication Oct. 26, I ed at the mouth of the James river began to tiptoe softly down the side RIGHT and then turns LEFT. Instead of fewer, we need more 1945. j and sent Dorion up that stream to aisle. O re c ] o ( m PAPER Date of last publication Nov. 23, Day by day it is gett- j contact a Sioux village and bring In the meantime, the minister was Patrolmen. SO ç)l A T I 0 I P U B LIS h | e i some of the chiefs and braves to waxing eloquent. He was waving his ing more unsafe to venture out in I 1945. Take time out and go j | hold a council with them. At this arms, pointing his finger, and rais- . your car. For Stove and Diesel OH Call H sjt -; I parley medals and presents were dla ing his voice to really get his mes- j down and get acquainted with the Phone Beaverton 3231. if tributed among the chiefs. Dorion sage over. Suddenly he saw the Highway boys, you will be glad you Barnes. stayed with the Indians at the re usher tip-toeing up the steps to the1 did so. And if Sergeant Ellis or We grow good people in our im i 1 quest of the captains, to try to bring pulpit. He saw that a note was Capfain Rutherford over on U. S. about peace between the various clutched in the usher’s hands. Some Highway 101. should run across thls towns.—Westbrook Pegler, columnis-. tribes and endeavor to induce Borne i tremendous news, no doubt, to inter- piece of writin’, they will then Wlille shopping in Beaverton step of the chiefs to visit the Great! rupt him at such a time. He stop-1 know what I think of them. White Father in Washington. When ped his arm-waving for a moment Yours with the low down, In at the Greyhound Coffee Shep fee Lunclr. asked by Captain Clark what he a„d reached for the note. He open- JO SERRA would like for a present, Dorion said ed i* and read "Go home and turn , -------------------------------------------------------- that a jug of whisky would be most off the gai." |IIISni5lll5IU=lll=lll5lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=1ll=lll=MI=lllflll*IH£lliai : acceptable. j jj buyers weren’t so courteous, yj I' First Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, Ore. Dorions son, Pierre, was present a t' there are probably many times they i S j this council. He too, had an Indian would like to hand a similar note to 1 Announces Overhead Garage Door Hardware, Sliding Door woman for wife. Pierre Jr., joined 'salesmen. There are too many jjj the Wilson Price Hunt party in 1810 salesmen who do not know when to = Track and Hangers, Bore in Passage Latch Sets, as an interpreter. Accompanying, “turn off the gas." Too much talk = Butts, Strap and Tee Hinges, Zinc Plated K it him were his Indian wife, Marie, and1 has ruined many a sale.—The Silver ill their two children. Late in Decern- j Lining. ¡jj chen Hardware, Acme Sash Balancers. ■ ber, 1811, beside an ice-bound stream ! _________________ £ in Eastern Oregon, Marie gave birth | jjj Dutch Boy Paints, Texolite 330, the water thin to the first child with whito blood THe Low Down ned W all Paint, Kalsomine, Varnishes, Linseed Oil, Entitled Hickory G rov. Come In And See Our A FREE LECTURE ON CH RISTIAN SCIENCE Turps, Thinner and Kreosote, Roll Roofing, Panel and Glass Doors. SEE US A B O U T Y O U R W A L L A N D CEILING IN SU L A T IO N NEEDS. KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Phone Beaverton 3201 r ; CONCRETE C. A. B A K K E N , Mgr. CHIMNEY BLOCKS S P E C IA L “ V E N T I L A T E D ” See your Building Material Dealer Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, 1 Oregon AT. 8384 trek over the Blue mountains. | ‘Christian Science: It’s Theory and Practice” . In the fall of 1813 Pierre Dorion I For folks who nevel « et a Pat on III = and _ the rest __ of _ a trapping expedi- ■ *he back or almost never but who m ___ _ _____ . . _ r r .0 ______ By tion on Snake river were killed by deserve same you will look high and j jjj the Snake Indians. Marie and her low find anybody more entitled to ‘JJ two children were the sole survivors. 11 than the boys who patrol the is a thrilling story itself. She died highways. These highway Guard- Sept. 5. 1860, and was burled in the tans are y °ur friend versus some- U| of New York City little Catholio church in St. Louis, body to avoid—unless you been up to jjj Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother something. You don’, gat picked 3 Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in °"she "was one of the unsung hero-1 “ P ¿ r just the personal amusement | Boston. Massachusetts. of Patrolman. It would be more ines of the primitive West. pleasant for him if he didn’t have To be continued to wave you over to the road-side. III He gets no commission per arrest— For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry it just’ makes him more work, more 1819 N. W . Everett Street Barnes. Phone Beavertor. 3231. tf reports. I know a couple of j-hese guys— Thursday evening, November 1, at 8 o’clock they look after traffic up and down The Public is Cordially Invited Ü While in Beaverton be sure to eat our own highway here—they are ^ at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. regular fellows—gentlemen but also i|||=|f|=m*lll=ll|=||l5iilSlii=|||=|||5MI=lll=lll5lll5lll=IHaISHI3lll3lll3IUSMSlllEIIIS1li£ni=in RICHARD P. VERRALL C. S. In the CHURCH EDIFICE I I How Oregon Farmers Use co$r LOW "¿¿TtlClTV WANTED FILBERTS-WALNUTS TOP PRICES Make Delivery or Call « Hudson-Dnncan Co. 325 SE W ater Av., Portland Phone E A . 5161 Forest Grove Phone 51 DUNDEE — PHONE UOODERS CREAM SEPARATORS ENSILAGE CUTTERS A BLOWERS FEED CHOPPERS A GRINDERS FIELD IRRIGATION FRUIT WASHERS HAY HOISTERS HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES HOUSEHOLD WATER SYSTEMS ORCHARD SPRAY SYSTEMS POULTRY HOUSE LIGHTING NEW BERG 6 M W ill receive either Green or Dry Nuts A T FOREST GROVE FRUIT GRADERS INCUBATORS MILKING MACHINES »i r t REFRIGERATORS (DAIRY ) WARM WATER FOR CHICKS STERILIZERS (DAIRY) YARD A BARN LIGHTS Y es, the F irst N ational Rank has m oney to lend y ou , Mr. O reg on F a r m e r ... to handle y o u r crop s, to bu y farm m ach in ery, or to m od ern ize y o u r farm . O u r farm men, Paul Shepard and L ew is M orse, are sp ecia lists and ex p erien ced in farm opera tion . T h e y ’ re ready and w illin g to w ork \ w ith y ou on y ou r farm problem s and they k n ow the a n sw ers— it costs y ou n oth in g to talk w ith them. W rite to eith er Mr. Shepard or M r. M orse care o f the nearest branch o f the F irst N ational. Power Linee Reach 90% of Farms in PGE Area e A farmer has 20 times as many uses for electricity as the average city dweller. On the farm electricity is power to run that farm in almost every phase from keeping the hens laying by means o f poultry house lights, to spraying the orchards, washing aud grading the fruits. For instance, elsrtricity is pretty important in the dairy 9am'» bfa. Irrigated Willamette Valley pastures can keep as high as three dairy cows to the acre. Dairymen use electric milking machines, cream separators, clean and sterilize their equip ment with electrically heated water and steam, cool and store their milk with electric refrigeration, and have many time-saving electric tools. PGE electric service is available to 9 out o f 10 farms in this area, at rates among the lowest in the nation. PGE power makes farms more produc tive and profitable, and farm life more enjoyable. FIRST N A TIO N A L B A N K OS PORTLAND W I L L A M ft T I V A l l W M nv C rn M a O u t « » CSr Portland Ganoral Electric Company S S A M C t m AT N illtk w t M m M. M * t ) m ALSO A S S IL IA T IO B AN KS AS FOLLOWS Neti.<M l Saak a« S a m « Grava Baak a« G r a f H jara Stm« ••■4 •* C a tta la Grava Tka Soa Stata Saak C .a liS t » t MrCtam a. Srtvartaa Sim« AA a « I il Ml ll lit ^ H onour in su pplyin g »Inctric light and p o w t r fo apntuhurm, fn a n v fo tlv rt and marcantila oaturprisa»