sT. PUBLISHED W E E K LY IN OUR PLAN T ON V O L . 18, NO 39 SHORT ST. A ND CANYON H IGH W AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, Ocober 26, 1945 1I{ V]1CtorfJur IVe [ I Starts Monday - —— ■ • Mrs. R ob ert Sum m ers, chairm an, o f the B eaverton Area, reports full preparations have been made to carry on a successful V ictory W ar L oan Drive starting O ctober 29 and ending D ecem ber 8. The Beaverton A reae has been allotted the follow in g q u o ta s: Union 4.300.00 M cK ay 4.300.00 K inton 4.300.00 B eaverton 23.000. 00 1 Barnes 3.400.00 H azeldale 2.600.00 Cedar Mill 2,600.00 T ualatin View 2,600.00 B ethany 2,600.00 M cK in ley 3.400.00 B onny Slope »50.00 C ooper Mt. 2.600.00 R aleigh 8,500.001 Sylvan & Benz Park 7,000.00 A ioha-H uber 10 . 000 . 00 H iteon 2,600.00 ~ . . L et Beaverton Area Quota $84,750 $84,750.00 T he quotas set represent a reduc­ tion of ap proxim ately 509«? over quotas allotted in prior drives. For that reasoon plus the fa ct that there is so m uch m oney in the B eaverton Area, Mrs. Sum m ers is very hopeful in m eeting the A rea quotas during the first tw o w eeks o f the drive. W hen Mrs. Sum m ers w as asked w hy another B ond D rive m ust be conducted, she stated, “ Our G overn ­ m ent needs to raise 12 B illion D ol­ lars for the follow in g reasons: to take care o f the cost o f the care o f the w ounded and disabled, to pay o ff and provide benefits fo r eight m illion or m ore veterans to be dis­ ch arged by next July, and to help pay the bills fo r m unitions and m a­ terials already delivered and used.” A m eeting o f all the bond com m it­ tee m em bers in the B eaverton Area will be held T uesday evening, O cto­ ber 30 in the B eaverton H igh School. T he m em bers will rece iv e com plete Instructions as to how to con duct the cam paign. F ollow in g is a list o f the bond com m ittee from the B eaverton area: Mrs. R obt. Sum m ers, chairm an, Mrs. A m y Gibson, M ike Metzler, Peter B. Case, Leonard A dam s, Mrs. H. Nissen, Mrs. Fred Goyt,, M. D. Murphy, Mrs. M ay Blasser, Mrs. M yr­ tle H ardm an, Mrs. W alter V an Kleek, Mrs. C atherine Shively, Mrs. D. R.. L ong, Mrs. E. Schuerm an, Mrs. W . E. Gelinsky, Mrs. J. L. N orris, Mrs. E. E. W ilhelm s. Mrs. E. G. Tudor, Mrs. A lice F airw eather, Mrs. D. May- field, Mrs. G raydon P ace, Mrs. K. B. W ood, Mrs. L. Madden, Mrs. Mabel Jacobs. Mrs. L. Skillin, Mrs. L. W al­ ton, Mrs. N orton P eck . Mrs. V. G. B oge, Mrs. H. B. Shafner, Mrs. E. D. B rice, Mrs. Allene Ott and Mrs. Y eo­ man. r 1 ■ ' ''T í * , ' ? ’ • 1 V* Vu? '-ß - ■ ^ r. _ _ RIDE 'EM COWBOY! Beaverton Wins 4 th Victory E L W IN PAXON T he B eaverton eleven copped their fou rth straight victory by a score o f 7-0 F riday night, at the expense of the W est Linn Lions. T he only tou ch dow n o f the entire fra ca s was notched up in the first quarter by John M cK night ground- gain in g righ t-half o f the B eaver squad. A fter he had plowed fo r a 22 yard gain to the L ion 's 19, M c­ K n ight again packed the mail, this tim e on an o ff-ta ck le plunge to score standing up. H is con version at­ tem pt was successful to give the lo­ cal team a seven point advantage, never seriously threatened by their opponents. T he Beavers once more knocked on the scorin g door by means o f a well- Drawing for Special doe executed pass from P ow ell to Ed H arvey which netted 36 yards. W ith Deer Tags Oct. 31 the ball resting on the one yard line, H unters w ho want their applica­ tions Included in the draw ing fo r ( the h a lf gun sounded b efore the sco r­ ing punch could be adm inistered. special tags to hunt doe deer in the M cK n ight spear-headed the B eaver F ort R ock -S ilver L ake area o f north- j attack with 117 yards gained from ern Lake cou nty must have the ap­ G ene Biggi, left-half, plications filed at the O regon S ta te ! scrim m age. racked up 68 yards in 17 tries with G am e Com m ission o ffic e in 616 Ore- 1 M cC orkle gon Building, P ortland, by the end the pigskin, and G eorge o f the day's business on M onday, j picked up a net gain o f three yards. T on ig h t the B eavers fa ce the most O ctober 29. T he draw ing will be held at 10 a. j cru cia l gam e o f their schedule, as they battle the M cM innville Grizzlies m. Oct. 31. T ags will be good fo r | fo r the undisputed lead o f the T Y P hunting betw een Dec. 1 to 5. league. Starting lineup o f last F ridays Evangelist Services ga m e: Ed H arvey, L E ; A rt M osh- ofsk y , L T ; John Alvarez 1X1; Jack At Nazarene Church R oss, (Capt.) C; Earl Stoller R G ; Jerry M oshofsky R T ; Bob M assingill R E ; B ruce P ow ell Q ; Gene B iggi L H ; John M cK night R H ; G eorge M cC orkle F Substitutions: La Vern Schm idt, evening. O ctober 30 at 7:30 R ev. Stephenr has had a wide exper­ p. m. ience in the w ork o f the gospel hav­ R ev. Hess has been a successful ing toured the greater part o f the pastor for m any years ju st recently United States and Canada in the resigning his church in the C a p ita l1 evangelistic field fo r m any years. City. Salem, to enter the E vangelistic ' The Stephens fam ily reside in the district and will be happy to give as­ field. T he public is extended a hearty | sistance in prayer or consultation. and sincere Invitation to attend these Mrs Stephen is a gifted musician. services held nightly at 7:30 excep t) Sunday. O ctober 28 is to be desig­ nated as S ervicem en's day, in tribute Saturday. to the 75,600 boys o f that denom ina­ "Don't part with you r illusions tion in armed forces. A lso to pray W h en they have gone, you m ay still fo r com fort in the 114H gold star exist, but you have ceased to live.— homes. The public is invited. M ark Twain T he average man speaks 11 000,000 T he foolish man seeks happiness w ords In a year, and 5,000 000 are "me" and 'm i n e '— A rkansas in the distance the wise grow s it T \ under his fset.-^J. Oppenheim. A sset te. 1 " Hi Here and There ALOHA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost and Dwaine : Prink o f Portland, spent several days Ruth V’ an Kleek was hom e several last w eek visiting at the home o f days this week with a bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Frost o f Culp Creek, Oregon. A N. W etterborg o f W est Slope W ord has been received from Pfe. reports that their quota to the W ar Jack Frost that he is stationed at Chest is over the lop. Senten, China. I W akayam a, Honshu, Japan Most A m arriage license has been issued | to W ilbur A Burke. Buxton and men o f this task force, were topside Daisy Mae K ram er route 1, B eaver­ wutching landing cra ft put occu p a ­ tion. troops ashore here Sept. 25. ton. A m ong them w ere W illiam Joseph Perhaps one o f the happiest homes G riffith, S 1 /c, son o f Mrs. Mary » K , in this com m unity was that of Dr. C. Cavaness route 1, Bx »24. Beaverton. The troops were landed at this K. Mason last week when their son harbor on the southeastern coast ot Herbert returned home after a long ,V ; , ? * * ¡ , service in the arm y to resume his H onshu for the occu p ation o f Jap­ a n s inland cities o f K obe and Osaka. practice here with his father. Miss E va Brown, daughter o f Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. R uch are fond and Mrs. Charles Brown o f Aloha, .// grandparents o f a baby girl, born and Mr. Fred Smith o f Portland, * O ctober 9 to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. were m arried Sunday, O ctober 14 at Ir $ Bartmess. V ancouver, W ash., R ev. T aylor o f f i­ / p V/ Á A m arriage license has been Issued ciating. to R ichard I. Girard, Independence, The bride wore a brow n suit nnd a Oregon, and Millie Santoro, Beaver­ beautiful corsage. T he coupio were ton. attended by Mr. and Mrs. F loyd A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Brown o f Portland, and the brides E ric W acher o f Cedar Mill. ¡parents. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will bo The Cedar Mill Com m unity club j at home at Oswego, made $100 at their recent carnival. I Thu Aioha-H uber P. T. A m eeting Erwin Gerken. pastor o f Pilgrim of O ctohcr 16, at the school w as Lutheran Church, Beaverton, unnoun opened by Mrs. North the president, ces that m em bers o f P ilgrim will by in trodu cin g Miss F rances Hart. take part in a mass Lutheran R e fo r­ Miss H art w ho had been a m ission­ m ation Festival service which will be ary to Japan returned to the U. S. held in Portland Sunday afternoon Just beforo Pearl H arbor. She gave Oct. 28, 3:30 p. m. at the Benson ; un Interesting talk on Japan discus- H igh School N E I2th and Irving. 1 sing the schools and training o f the Dr. O. P. Kretzman, president o f j children and displayed som e colorfu l ; V alporaiso University, Indiana, will Japanese costum es. Miss H art stress- l be festival speaker. A mass chorus j ed the point that the A m erican boys 'o f 175 voices will sing, the public is j in the A rm y o f occu pation would j cordially Invited to attend. take a big part- in teaching the J a p ­ A son R og er R. was born Oct. 11 anese people how to be a dem ocratic to Mr. and Mrs. R oger A. Iajerke. nation. A wedding license has been Issued The minutes were rend by the sec to Harold H. W elsenfluh Beaverton, retary Mrs. Chas. W ilson. Mrs. \> K V, k , y , h r ’ and M argery I. Carter, Portland. Pohay G regory gave the treasurer's | Ewald Shell and L. Mae Burris, report. T he follow in g com m ittees both o f B eaverton, were united In reported by chairm en Mrs. Melvin m arriage Saturday at, P ilgrim L u th -, Anderson m em bership, 44. Mrs. Chas. eran Church by Rev. E rw in Gerken. . E m rick, N ational P TA magazine. Mrs. W alter E. Gelinsky on Thurs- J Mrs. Chester Lore said 190 lunch ticli- ! day, O ctober 17, gave a luncheon und j ets were sold In O ctober and Mrs. entertained the past m atrons o f ; Albert Schlnefli reported on the sum- Myrtle Chnpter O. E. S. at their j mer roundup. , beautiful cou ntry home Twin Maples ^ The association voted a request to Beaverton Garden News ; on Lom bard street and W ater avenue, i send a letter to the cou nty court ask- I Miss Callie Hughson w ho has been ing them to retain a full tim e county At the O ctober m eeting Beaverton quite ill in the Portland Sanitarium health o ffice r for the ensuing year. Garden C lub held their sem i-annual Is im proving. Six m em bers from A ioha-H uber plant sale and netted $17 .Each fall 1 Rev. D ickey o f C alifornia, is sub- P T A attended the county council. m em ber also turned in a dollar earn­ The A ioha-H uber School is having ' stituting for R ev. Sturtevant at the j a vote was also taken to give a ed by them through the sale o f Bethel C ongregational Church. H e prize to the room w hich had the lar- som ething from their gardens. In