Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1945)
Pag« 4 Friday, October 12, 1945 B E A V E R TO N ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Church Services Bits o f News A bout Our Boys C l i m e n O F T H E N A Z A R E N I. Selves on Board Mellette Nackers Helps Build Bridges in Okinawa Fred Provo Promoted *21»“^ Boston Sym phony O rch estra visit the wards regularly. T h eir program o f entertainm ent began on the neurop- sychiatric wards, but by request o f other patients in the hospital they I have have included included the the m m edical edical and and sur- sur- . • I 1 l..l„ gical wards on their schedule. A A m erican R ed Cross w orkers arranged their visits. On the A ttack T ransport USS Mel- Fred N. Provo, beamun First Class VV’ ith the Seabees on Okinaw a It lette, o ff Y okam m a Ja ck ie Lee USNK, of Multnomah, was recently will be som e time b e fo n Okinaw a Selves seaman first class, U SN R o f advanced to his present rating wJ|| reC0gnizc itself after the face- Aloha, Oregon, and other crew mem-1 aboard a destroyer in lifting g ’ ven this battle scar o f the Leonard C. Johnson Pastor bers of this ship b iou g h t a bataillon j Provo, whose wife B eatrice and P Faci'fîc I ^ o n J. V N ackers, seaman, acific "bv by Leon • 1P1 n i t n raoirln a * 1 i' ^ \ C 9 45 a. m. Sunday School, W alter Local Board 1, W ashington county of M arines to the beaches o f Japan daughter Elvita reside at 7216 SW secorill c ias8 route 3, Beaverton, fo r one o f the strangest military 31st Avenue, entered the navy in Oregon, and his Naval construction Lovett, Supt. | Dear S irs: He received his battalion operating there. 11 a. m. M orning worship. I At F ort Lewis X was put in the operations in history a seaborne in Septem ber o f 1943. 6:30 p. m. Y oung People's service N avy and Saturday m orning we left vasion o f a nation after its surren recru it training at Great Lakes N a val Training Station and was shortly — H i-N -Y and N Y P S. | Seattle fo r San Diego. I'm seeing der. The transport was passing Guam at afterw ards assigned to the ship on 7:30 p. m. E vangelistic service. a lot o f new country and having a W ednesday 7:30 p. m. M id-week »we|l time. T hanks a lot fo r all o f »eea when Fleet A dm iral C. W. Ni w hich he is now serving. P rovo's sea duty has taken him prayer meeting. j those things you gave us Just before mitz ordered her to prepare hastily into alm ost every m ajor engagem ent j we left. T hey really cam e in handy, for the operation Some 1200 M arines were rushed that has taken place in the P acific j A ll o f the fellow s got to F ort Lewis eighteen months. P IL G R IM O K without trouble. Sincerely yours, aboard her under com m and o f Maj during the past Hunt o f Seattle, W ash. A t the mo- The stars on his P a cific-A siatic L U T H E R A N CHURCH A L L E N TH OM AS ment H irohito was broadcasting news | Campaign R ibbon represents action in F arm ington R d. at M enlo Drive L ocal Board No. 1 o f Japan’s defeat to hei people. Second Battle o f the Philippines, the E rw in A. G erken Pastor | Greetings: 522 B roadw ay T his is from one o f your draftees com bat cargo was sw ung into her [ low Jim a C am paign and the seiz- ure and occu pation o f Okinawa. Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. ' w ho's lucky num ber was selected on j holds. Divine service, with celebration o f | the tw elfth day o f Septem ber to re- j H oly Com m union. T opic W hat think ' port for induction. Miss Williams now teaching BO YOU SEE W H A T I S E E ? ye o f Christ. j W e ore now located at Sheppard, • p tl J T he con firm ation class meets this Field. Texas, there is only one of the ro rlla n d BEAVERTON'S PREACHING BARBER I see hard-up foreign nations ask Saturday m orning at 9:30 a. m. T he j fellow s that cam e with me left, tw o Separation Center, C am p Beale. ing us fo r billions in g ifts and loans, S. S. T eacher's sta ff meets Saturday Qf them took the navy and the oth er, C alifornia P fc. Alpha A. W illiam s, yet telling us we ought to adopt afternoon at 3:30. was sent to som e other place. W om en 's A rm y Corps, daughter of their econ om ic systems. W alther L eague Sunday 7:30 p. m. Pvt. H E N R Y I. SU M O W SK I Mr. and Mrs. R . D. W illiam s, of In our own cou ntry the people who Choir meets Thursday 8 p. m. ASNN 39496777 3706th AAK Bn B eaverton, Oregon, has been honor- j are cryin g the loudest that our sys Dr. W alter Maier speaks on Luth-1 g o o H. Sheppard Field, Texas ably discharged from the A rm y of tem is a failure o r Is “g oin g to be a '■•an hour Sundays 9:30 a. m. over *T he follow ing Beaverton hoys have ^ U n ^ ‘ S tlies*‘ bv o r d e r . ^ T . ^ d failu re" are those who are loudest in K A LE and at 4 p. m. over K W JJ. received honorable discharges as asking that we send billions abroad.] --------- | this date: P fc. W illiam s joined the W A C i n ' It all seems kinda cockeyed. Herbert W ayne Harrison, P har T H E V .U X E Y April, 1943, and reported to Camp, There must be som ething pretty m acists Mate 2 /c, Beaverton. d COM M UNITY CHURCH rh a rles John Tatlock veom an l R u stin ' k “ - io r her basic training. good with our own w ay o f life if it Charles -J oh n lau ocK , yeom an, ( gh e ,ater tran sferred to M id lan d 1 U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N produces the prosperity which can SW Gabel Lane at Fairw ay Dr., I first class, route 2, box 73. r o o g A rm y A ir Field, Midland, Texas, dish out billions to the hard-up na I James R oscoe W illiams, sh ip’ ' Rev. H. A. Arm itage, pastor w here she was assigned as a postal Subject for m orning service, 11 a m.—"In what w ay has the priest tions whose system s we are asked to third class, Beaverton. M orning service 10:30 a .m. clerk. P fc. W illiam s reported to this ape. R onald Jennings . LaM ont, ship’s cen ter from E llington Field, T exas, a or preacher pow er • to forgive sin s.” UN CLE M O O RE cook. navigation training cen ter o f the Ar- W E ST II1IJ.4 Lt. John Freem an Y oung, route 2. m y Air F orces C om m and. R R * L U T H E R A N CHURCH box 265, Beaverton. graduate o f O regon U niversity ; a DOOSter Canyon R oad, near Sylvan Second Lt. Glen F. Lucas, son o f ! | at Eugne, P fc. W illiam s received For East End ier .) Fritz, M inister Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lucas o f route 2 her B achelor o f Arts degree in Eng- ___ 20th Sunday after Trinity Beaverton, has been honorably re- j , u h '|rom the Univer sity and later Here Is a fine bunch o f neighbors Sunday School 9:45 a. m. lieved from duty after three ye*»ls taught music and library art in the who did grand w ork in the war ef- | Classes fo r all age groups. Sunday School 10 a. m. o f service . O regon public School syfctem at Port- fo rt — B eaverton-H uber-A loha - S t .; Divine Service 11 a. m. ~ ~ l.iml P fc W illiam s has returned to M arys-Cooper Mt.,- E lm on ica - Cedar S erm on : G od ’s Universal Call. Heard About I own | her form er position as a teach er In Mill. Here is more— T igard-G arden E veryone welcom e. Morning Worship 11 a. m. T he Klw anis Club building received P ortland. H om e-T ualatin-P rogress and S h e r -' Y’ oung People's m eeting 5 p. m. a baptism o f white paint this week, j -------------------------------- : wood. Also w e have W est Slope, Choir rehearsal, Thursday 7:30 p. new -------- Neon sign has been in -j . :'A n d I thought I'd Evangelistic Service 7:45 p. m. . A . ----- * y f ry" ! G lencullen-Sylvan-H illsdale and Mult- m. C»I s E skim o nom ah. T he w ar is over! N ow we Youth instruction class, Friday, 4 stalled by the B eaverton City Clean- thing in the m ovies ers. wife, umazed upon reaching Seattle. | are w aklng up__there has been a tre- p. m. Clearw ater Plum bing Co. have a W ash. S P E C IA L MUSIC AT A L L S E R V IC E S m endous grow th in E astern W ash new shipm ent o f Falrbanks-M orse j ----- ---------------- ' ington county and “ across the b ord Deep W ell Jet Pum ps. T h e y 'a ls o ! “ M uck, moss, humus, and wild er" in Multnomah. C H U RCH O F C H R IST Property has been purchased on Highway in Beav have had installed a new E le c tr ic ; rabbits, if not raised for food .” — G eorge W . Springer, Pastor W e are inviting all these com m uni- slgn, which is "up in the air" on top O PA , rem oving p rice con trol from Ueg tQ pul, together and‘ grow some Second and Main Sts. Beaverton erton for “ Highway Chapel.” Evening freewill M orning worship and preaching at o f their building on Short and Broad- same, m ore. I f you have some good news way, and can be seen fo r blocks. 9:45 a. m. send it to the B eaverton Enterprise, offerings will go 100% toward this fund T op ic R equirem ents o f tY feotlve See Ida and Bill's ad in this issue. I A loha News, T igard Sentinel and The new owners, Ed R ldd and Miles S e rv ic^ Multnomah Press. F ollow ing the serm on, the Lord's T en E ck are o ffe rin g som e big s p e c -! E verybody boost your hom e town, supper will be observed. ia ls in groceries, produce, and meats, j and send In the news every Monday. Bible School class session 11 a. m. W ork was com m en ced this week ! C hristian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. ¡on the 25x35 addition to the Enter-1 E vening w orship 7:30 p. m. prise building on Short street, and Special m usic by orchestra. i ai80 an apartm ent fo r the owners. ! M idweek Bible study and prayer j ^ rt Cum m ings o f Tualatin, who built J service W ed. 8 p. m. ! the Ida and Bill's building on the | highway, is the con tra ctor and An- M E T H O D IS T CH URCH nand & Kennedy o f P ortland, are 4th and W atson Sts. the architects. Rev. E verett L. Bowers. Pastor P arson age: 356 B roadw ay C hurch School 9:45 a. m. with Mrs. ALO H A COM M UN ITY CH URCH G raydon D. L ore«, P astor Nan Bourquin. Supt. Sunday School 9:50 a. m. At 11 a. m. R ev. Geo. S. Brown. M ary Antrim, Supt. Field R epresentative o f the Oregon Anti-liquor League, will be the pulpit . M orning w orship 11 a. m. Y outh Fellowship 7 p. m. guest. E vening service 8 p. m. 7:30 p. m. M ethodist Youth Fellow ship, with Miss M ildred G herig as ALO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOD leader, meets at the church. Church School Board m eeting Sunday School 10 a. m. Tuesday 8 p. m. at parsonage. W orship 11 a. m. Kellog’s Pep WSCS C ircle No. 1 meets in church T hursdays 7:45 p. m. W ednesday 10 a. m. to 3:30. 2 pkgs. 1 9 c SW ISS ST E A K lb. BETHEL Choir rehearsel 7:30 W ednesday C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CH URCH In church, please note the change In cut from round or loin R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor time. C Grade— No Points 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss H IG H W A Y S E R V IC E A m arette Barns, S u pt T em porarily located upstairs In the 11 a. m. M orning service. GROUND BEEF Odd Fellow s Hall .Beaverton 5:30 p. m. Interm ediate Y oung Orville J. Poulin, Minister People. No Points, made from good r>F!T MONTF. 6:30 p. m. Senior Youruz People. Sundny School 10 a. m. Early Garden Lean Beef M orning w orship 11 a. m. Our Eggs ST. C E C E L IA CHURCH No. 2 can li e E vangelistic services 7:45 p. m. Masses 8:25 and 10:25. E verybody welcom e. J Come Hear I Rev. Orville Poulin fit Highway Chapel Starting Oct. 14 at Odd Fellow Hall WORSHIP SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY M en's Suits REVITALIZED A SPECIAL IN VITATIO N To Your NEWEST MODERN Food Store where Quality and Service Reign Supreme-where you will find the Best in Produce, Meats and Groceries Quality MEATS Bisquick 290 pkg- 39c PEAS R E E M V IL L E COM M UN ITY L A T T E R -D A Y SA IN T S p r :. s b y t k r ia n c h u r c h A m erican L egion Hall R ev. Ham pton, Pastor N orth Main St., H illsboro, Ore. Sunday School 10 a. m. G. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Guest speaker every 3rd Sunday. Geiger, Supt. Elder J. T. S. Peterson, B ranch W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Y oun g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. 1 '' ' ' t C H U RCH OK T IIE NAZAKEN E W HEN W ild . C H R IS T COM E AGAIN T he Bible truths con cern in g the end of this dispensation and the Second Com ing o f Christ, have not been affected even though so-called "p rop h ets" give the press a holiday "A s He went away ao shall He com e agnin" is Bible truth. Christ will com e loo k again. As far as know ing w hen—"B ut o f thnt day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels o f heaven, but Mv Fnther on ly." Matt. Leonard C. Johnson P hon e 3691 The adm onition for us all to heed is this — "W a tch th erefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth c o m e .................... J>e ye ready " Matt. 24 42. 44 6 for 79c farm Fresh MEN It costs no more to en joy the best In Dry C leaning and R efinishing o f your fine and expensive garm ents. Beaverton CITY CLEANERS W H E R E Q U ALITY AND S E R V IC E M EET Phone Beav. 2773 FRESH PRODUCE OUR PRO D U CE DEPARTM ENT IS O U R P R ID E AND JOY. WE W IL L BE KNOW IT AN D 290 SH O U LD ER L A M B -R oast A Grade 2 points a W e also carry a complete stock of Grade A Meats, Turkeys, Rabbits, Chickens and Fish. Fruit Cocktail 33c Lg. FEW ITEM S ice Cream W E 35c t»uart SU G GEST TO YOU asst, flavors G O O D S E R V IC E tJOOU C I.B jtN lN G S A T IS F IE D CU STO M ER S 4 Days Service 621 Caayon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton Whipping Cream Homo Milk X u c o A Now contains 15,000 units V itam in A SPIN ACH — broad leaf W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the IDF.AL CLEAN ERS. OUR M O T T O : i y z can L E T T U C E — crisp, firm, hd. _______________ 5c ii — ¿ z z J , 5c ,b* Ideal Cleaners lb. YOU R P R ID E A N D JOY TO S H O P IN IT. HERE ARE A 290 We remove the hone For a cuchion roast Danish Squash—.Your pick 2 for 9c lb . 26 c NI COA. Y\> R eserve the Right to Limit Quantitiea A L W A Y S A BIG SU PPLY O F FRESH VEGETABLES AT MILLERS GROCERY IDA & BILLS MARKET East Beaverton Junction and Canyon Road Owned and operated by Ed. Ridd and Miles TenEyck Good Business Site on Canyon Highway- Cor. Short St. Beaverton E A R L E . FIS H ER , Owner