Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1945)
Pa*e 2 Friday, October 12, 1945 B E A V E R TO N ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon from the grave. The beat that the tow n a fford ed waa theira. wine, w o men or aong. accord in g to their ow n desires. Lewis and C lark were en- j tertained by high o fficia ls with a grand dinner and ba|l. M. 11. J KEFR1KH, l-ubu .ht r T h ey had traveled over 8.000 mtlea, by boat, horseback and on foot, with Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co . at Beaverton. 1 ' Oregon. Entered a . ^ o n d - c la M m atter at the p oetoffice at Beaverton. O ra j „ „ r a l l y Mved o f f \™ e oou nt^ y t£ eJ 31.00 One Tear W hile shopping in B eaverton stop W hile >hoppi*ff In ^ ™ % * * Z * in at the Greyhound C offe Shop foi in at the Greyhound C offee Shop for Lunch. Lunch. -_________________________ You A Murderer That day you had a flash o f hate against your brother, God counted It murder. F or he that hateth his brother is a m urderer— B IBLE . The human heart spews out every kind o f j sin and the wag*» o f sin is death. -B IB L E ^ a i n . Y ou see dead men I everywhere, for all have sinned and the wages o f sin is death. T o God, the dead fill our streets, stores, schools, fields and homes. T o God. all men lie in sin and death. To him we are all lost—L ost—LOST. But God found a w ay to breathe the life into such as will have it so. A T W O -P A R T plan. His part and oui part. H IS P A R T —G od so loved you and me and the man low est down, that he gave his only begotten Son. that if we should believe on Him we should not perish but have eter nal life. N ow O U R P A R T . We are to believe dow n In our hearts that the blood o f Christ has cleaned away all our sins. T he Bible says it. We are to believe It. So. believing, we stand cleared before God. C H R IS T ’S P A R T —H e is at the door, R eceive Him and H e com es in with life etern al. He enters and becom es to you the Bread o f L ife—the Fullness o f Life to all w ho yield them selves over to Him as Saviour and Lord. W hich fo r y ou ? T o go on w ith out Christ having no hope and w ith out God in the w orld ? Or will you : this instant receive Christ and etern al life Y ou r heart knows. —— | !(•■ wards o f the Journey Beaverton O ffice— Enterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 E arly in 1807 Lewis and C lark jour- Portland O ffic e - 308 Panam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder P hone A T w ater 6691 j neyed to W ashington to m ake their I o fficia l report on the expedition. President Jefferson waa ov erjoyed to M • * * &• * see them and congratulated them heartily on the success o f their his ÎT â P II 0 R E cl toric venture. His waa the sa tisfa c S ÎÔ U T IO I 1 U B LISME tion o f k now ing that his dream s and plans would soon bear fru it and be visioned a united nation stretching they ..arrived at C oldw ater creek, i from sea to sea. C ongress was in session w hen Lew- where there was located a can ton - m ent o f U. S. troops. C hief Big is and Clark arrived and. as a re- The Great A m erican Odyssey W hite was taken to the store and i ward to thc niember8 o f the expedl- fttted up in white m an's garb as a ! tlon each prlvate and non-com m is- A Condensed S tory o f the p rejlm ln ary to his his entrance i n t o ;sioned o ffic e r was given three hund- 1 . rari nnrau A f In n A ■ f* o » 4 1 n T . H istoric E xpedition o f 1804-8 the United States and his m eeting red acres o f land; to C aptain Lewis w as given fifteen hundred a cre s; to Copyright 1945 by W alter lleachaaa with the Great W hite Father. Clark, acres A trium phal entry into St. Louis , Captain , _ . . one , thousand , A sa- H ow ever, C aptain L ew is refused to Kansas river was ..reached on the was made on Septem ber 23. 15th, and they were now on the last lute was fired amid the cheers o f the “ c.c e p ‘ ,m ° re tban 'T ?*, K‘ ve" f ? Cap- lap tow ard home. Aftfer five days o f men as they again set fo o t on the be-| n C la ,k ,,In a,d d ‘ tlo“ '1 both traveling they saw som e cow s g raz loved soil o f the States. T heir wan- aina W werf all° w« d , d o “ ble P“ * dur* ing in the fields. This, their first derings was over fo r the time, t h e y , in£ th ® tin? e ° f the‘ r ab“ n#c « ’ .. Captain Lew is resigned from the sign of civilization fo r over tw o cou ld sleep w ithout fear o f Indian the onslaught of wild i Al on M arch 2 .1 8 0 7 and was ap- years, caused the men to give shouts attack or for joy. A night was spent at the beasts. T hey could indulge in the ; P °,nted Kov'er,nor ° f , Lou,siana T e " ‘ ‘ C aptain C lark was eppolnted village o f LaCharette and anether at flesh-pots o f civilization and m ake i -i. ow n com parisons, Thpv w er„ i G eneral o f T erritorial M ilitia and In- their St. Charles where they were greeted .w returned as dian Agent. W hen the T erritory o f as heroes. with warm hospitality. On the 22nd w elcom ed M issouri was form ed in 1812, C lark was appointed govern or. T hou gh he was not old in years w hen he died, This announcem ent ts not an o ffe r to sell or his life was crow ded with action and a solicitation o f an o ffe r to buy securities. dram a and he cam e to the end o f the This o ffe rin g is made only by the prospectus. trail enjoyin g the con fid en ce and re spect o f all w ho were privileged to SW M cCheaaev Road, Portland 1, Or. know him. This space paid fo r by a Seattle T o be continued business man. Lewis and Clark a $ 7 5 ,0 0 0 V A N G U A R D , Inc. 7 5 0 S h a res 8T C U M U L A TIV E P R E F E R R E D STOCK S IN K IN G FU N D P R O T E C T IO N RATIO N C A L E N D A R W IT H PAR V A L U E $100 PER SHARE Price $100 per share w. believe the investor is entitled to a 8% return. W hy be satisfied with tw o or three per cent interest? Copies o f this prospectus m ay be obtained from the undersigned VANGUARD Inc. Manufacturers of Porto and Fine Food Products Portland 1 O regon Sept. 28, 1945. a imu ...................................Phone C H erry 1115 or 1116 Courtesy to R egistered O regon Security Dealers (Clip and keep fo r handy referen ce) Meat, Fats,— R ed Stamps— thru Oct. 31 B ook 4— A l-E l N ov. 30 FI through K1 Dec. 31 LI through Q1 Jan. 31 R1 through VI 4 Red Points for each pound of Eat S u gar- B ook 4— Sugar Stam p 38 — valid thru Dec. 31 for 5 lbs. Shoes— L oose Stam ps Invalid—B ook 3— A ir plane stam ps 1-2-3-4 now valid. T ires— Use m ileage rationing record in m aking applications. F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf “ She stands in ciga ret lines fo r m e !” — Lone P ittsburgh m an In block lon g line o f w om en to get pair o f hose fo r his wife. W hile In B eaverton be sure to eat at the G reyhound C offee Shop. West Slope ACCOBDION STUDIO Dick Kokich W A N T E D —W aitress or C om bina tion w aitress and part tim e cook or both. Teacher of NORMAN'S RESTAURANT M O D E R N AN D CLASSICAL A C C O R D IO N 84(H) B A R B U R B L V D . C H E R R Y 9080 Accordions for Rent Available to play for Weddings, Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howetst Rd., W est Slope, Ore. B U YE R S— PACKERS New Shipment Fairbanks-Morse Automatic Water System Deep Well Jet Pump now on hand CLEARWATER PLUMRING CO. BROADW AY Telephone Hillsboro 4564 BURDETTE. Electric Service Range and Water Heater Repairs (A L L M A K E S and M O D E L S) 648 E. Cedar Street H U GH B U R D E T T E (F orm erly with P. G. E .) H IL L S B O R O , OREGON WANTED Want Additional Facilites Oregon Veteran Hospital Congressm an H om er D. A ngell writes recen tly: A s I have h ereto fore reported, I called a m eeting o f the entire O regon D elegation and we met with G eneral Bradley, V eteran s’ rAdmihistrtitor, ca llin g attention to the need fo r additional hospital fa cilities in the P ortland area. The entire problem was laid bare before the General and I am sure that he was im pressed with the m erits o f our dem ands and that ultim ately our pleas will bear fru it and that addi tional facilities will be provided. W e urged that 2000 additional beds be made available for the 140.000 veter ans who left Oregon fo r the defense o f their country, m any o f w hom will require hospitalization now or at som e future date. T he present hos pital is barely su fficien t to take care o f the veterans o f W orld W a r I with no provision for this* large num ber o f new veterans. You m ay be sure that I w ill not relax m y efforts to brin g this pro ject to a successful conclusion. BEAVERTON. O R E Jt SHOUT STS. FILBERTS-WALNDTS TOP PRICES Make Delivery or Call Hudson-Duncan Co. 325 SE Water Av., Portland Phone EA. 5161 Forest Grove Phone 51 D U N D E E — PH O NE NEW BERG 6 M Will receive either Green or Dry Nuts A T FOREST G R O VE For Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry 1 Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf U U & c e m e 't l <m&e 1 — All B erries. Prunes, Grapes— F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL B A IT S, A V A IL A B L E IN SEA SO N R. I. MacLaughIin,Inc. SEPTIC TANKS Beaverton 3271 “Concrete” SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D EALER 666 Portland Concrete Pipe and Products Co. 5819 SW M acadam Avs., Portland. 1, Oregon A T. S384 2 ,3 9 3 veterans have a lre a d y come COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid, Tablets, Salve, N ose Drops Use Only as Directed NEED A NEW TRACTOR PEAT MOSS W e are justly proud of the 20,013 We believe that most o f our re Southern Pacific men and women turning war veterans will want to who join ed the armed forces. come back with us. Already, o f VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Those who have been discharged, the 2,768 former Southern Pacific Phone UH. 2928 11333 SW 6th and Harhur Blvd. C LO SE D SU N DAYS we gladly welcome back to the people returned to civilian life, Southern Pacific. 2,393 have com e back to work ( A ny Quantity) Also Fruit, Nut, Shade, Dw arfs. Espaliers, Ornamentals, B erry Plants . . . or perhaps a milking machine, a truck or other farm machinery back to w ork for the Southern Pacific Our policy in re-employing vet N O W OPEN If you do, see the manager of our H I-W A Y CAFE nearest branch about a low interest rate 4639 SW B ert h a -B e a v e r to n Hinv. O LE N C U L LE N , O R E G O N loan with repayment on easy .terms. erans is very simple. The South These people know that South ern Pacific C om pan y wants its ern Pacific’s war work did not end family together again. with the surrender o f Japan. M il W hile these men and wom en were away, their seniority a d You’ll get prompt service— no com missions — no penalties — fair treat $ GEORGE F. GORDON ! PH O N E ment — friendly co-operation at the First National Bank. AI.O IIA 6612 Dem othlng, R epairing ^ Piano Tuning, Cleaning. — P h on e B ea v erton F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K O r PORTLAND 0 . R. NICHOLSON D E A L E R IN S C R A P M E T A L Highest P rices Paid *VRays Garage B roadw ay at Lom bard. Beaverton W I l L A M f T T I V A L lf V R R A M C M Il A T *«*•11« O h m ” CMy <•*•«■ U tftM N.*h«p| Woorfkurn ALSO A r r i l l A T t O B AN KS AS FOLLOW S Ftn f N atio n«! Bank « f ! « m t O n tt Bank •! ! » « ! H em « F m t National Bank a* C a tta «« O ra «« T K » Seta Stata Bank C a a lit f , h McClatna. Sitvaftan Member federai Papati« I t t a t o i t Carpatati«« P O R T \BLK A RC W E LD IN G A C E T Y L E N E W E L D IN G A N D B U RN IN G ^ for their railroad. lions o f men from overseas must still be returned to their homes. vanced just as if they were here • • • • on the jo b . T h eir con tin u ity o f T h a t so m any o f our veterans service has been maintained for cam e back to Southern Pacific pension purposes. And Southern indicates a determination to finish Pacific has arranged with the the jo b and a faith in our Com Veterans Administration to par p a n y’s future that makes me, ticipate in a program o f training personally, very proud o f every one o f them. courses for our partially disabled veterans. A. T. M E R C IE R , President S -P T k < TnUiuUij SeuthtmTudjic A L O H A 6523 M N W E ISK N B A C K N orth W heeler A r e , Aloha *v*c