« P U BLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON V O L . 18, NO 36 Burglar Raids Alexander Home SH OR T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y E STAB LISH ED 1927 Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, October »■', 1945 ALOHA Here and There New Telephone Service Predicted Soon Lyle Krost and Bud Jenkins and . fam ily of V ancouver, W ash., visited at | the hom e o f their uncle Jay Krost B eaverton people were shocked to , and fam ily Sunday. Mr. Jenkins The end o f the w ar found tele I hear o f the death o f Lee R ich ey ; ju st received a discharge from the phone w arehouses p ractically empty, while on a hunting trip with friends ! arm y nfter being in the E uropean due to the great dem ands placed ; Thursday near Bui ns Oregon. A c- ! Theatre for tw o years. upon the Industry du rin g the war. | co rd in g to reports he had a heart | Mrs. F lorence L eply o f Portland, Young Boy Hides I attack and died suddenly. He is ^ sister* o f ‘ j a y " Frost’ "spent the* w eek i T *‘ «P h °n « equipm ent used in w ar ! survived by his w ife Lelia. Under Bed end at the Frost home. ; Hn" ot be brought back and installed Mr. and Mrs. H. S h a ffer have sold The B eaverton Past Noble Grands n ho" u‘ 8 and ° f" pre8t;nt Saturday abou t 4 p. m. H arry A lex -1 Oieir hom e and bought a place near j ! Club m eet W ednesday O ctober 11 at I ° rm because there Is a d ifferen ce in ander and sister w ho reside on Cedar Tigard. I the hom e o f Mrs. Jay Frost, with pot the com m u n ica tion , o f war and luck lunch at noon All Past N o b le 1 p*aCe’ R econ version and the ucqul- Street B eaverton left hom e to v is i t ,1 Mrs. Sam Olds (L au retta W a lk e r,! Grands arc Invited. 8‘ tlon °J " ? w ^ e r l a l s are tw o rea- the grave o f the late E va A lexander received m any beautiful presents on j T he B eaverton K ebekah > N e e d le ! 8° n8 W,U bo a o m . tim e before at Crescent G rove cem etery—upon ! her birthday Septem ber 19. lan d Social Club will meet Friday. I the »•‘ •Phone industry w ill h ave the return hom e abou t 4:30 p. m. , T he south side of the W alk er farm O ctober 5 at the IO O F hall in Beav- ° u,:h te K Ph° nt‘ *aciutie8 to mutt they saw the kitchen d oor open in- recently sold to the C om m onw ealth stead o f g oin g in the open d oor they com p a n y is being surveyed, erton for pot luck lunch at noon. A ll||th* noed8 ot ttU thoso on th* ''a i lin g hurried in the fron t d oor all the A new entrance to the basem ent o f R ebekah s are invited. The ladies ,U t’ H ow e' rer y ° ur tu ™ w i>‘ COIUC other doors seem ed to be opened for , tbe Cedar Mill sch ool was m ade this are having a dish tow el show er for _ and m ucb 8° ° ner believed ! the kitchen possible a short tim e ago. B efore a get-a-way. T hin gs were topsy j w eek u will ^ a means o{ ulck e8_ | turvy in the search for valuables by cape fo r the pupils in ca8e o f fire i Gail Diehl T /5 is home again after J°nK y ° ur telephone com pan y will bo ¡receiv in g his honorable discharge at back to norm a with business as the burglar. T hey began a hurried S ch ool lunch was served again investigation, talking at sam e time, M onday at the Cedar Mill sch ool with ¡F o rt Lewis, W ash. He is the son o f . ' ,8Ual -u n lim it e d telephon e service w ondering w hat w as stolen from Mrs. N ichol as cook . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diehl. He was or ° ' or> °d y. room to room —finally in a bedroom x h e Cedar Mi|, com m u n ity c iub is with the arm y in H aw aii and G ilbert . . . , , “ the mattress had been lifted also a . planning a cou ntry club carn ival at I islands foi five years, but had been Washington County Council pillow rem oved— it was under the pil- the G range hall O ctober 13. guarding Germ an prisoners o f war at October 10 atReedviile low where a hidden purse was miss- Mrs M odine o f Boiae Idaho has F ort L ew is for nearly a year. lng. A bout this tim e H arry said ¡b een a guest o f Mrs. Hazel Carlson E. J. L aR ue was honored with a ,, , . . . .. ’•I’ll hurry dow n tow n and call the Mr8 M cK ell o f St,aMde was call- party at the John W alters hom e on T h « W M h ln gton C ounty C ouncil o f sh eriff." his b ifth d ay anniversary. Mrs. La * . r ,A .w l ‘ } n th« , ing on old friends in B eaverton last Id a w as still look in g fo r m ore evi- Thursday, R ue was hostess at a luncheon f o r , 8 ch o ° l , at « » o 'c l o c k . The hostess dence, when all o f a sudden the Mrs. E rnestine Beeler has been on Mrs. Sanford R ogers on her b i r t hda y ' “ U° " ■» . lh “ anniversary. | m eeting will c lo w by S o ’c lock robber craw led ou t from under the tbe sick list but was able to serve as A very D. Mllstead of R eedville. | . ^ ^ YoUr lf t h e . ,u b J*ct bed. Ida grappled with him and tried one 0 j the pages at . grand ch apter passed away Se.pt 27. funeral s e r v - ■ , he pr°Kram Various phases of to hold him until help a r r i v e d - b u t ; () E . s She was Mrs Hazel F os- ices were held Thursday at Finleys ! tb * "'K an.w iU on and its program he was too strong, and got loose and ter-s page the ou tgoin g grand matron Com m itm ent 1 b® Pre8° nted by a representative ran out the open kitchen door, out O regon | M orninglight Chapel, I Rroup o f m em b#rs and Mrs H arry through b lack berry bushes and dls -1 Mrs Be)1 W alker entertained a j R lverview cem etery. He is survived G eorge o f Portland State President. by his w ife M arcella and m other Mrs. appeared. group of relatives Saturday in h on or; The Forest Dale Assn, in Scoggins Released by U. S W ar Departm ent, Bureau o f P ublic Relations. D uring the struggle he did not ber co u sin> Mrs. M atilda K e lle y ' Maud E. Milstead o f Reedville. ■peak. He obtained about $2 in o f L os A ngeles. GERM AN S RUSH P O ST-W AR H ARV EST— Above, in the absence A m echanical filbert p i-k in g dem Valley organized this fall with Mrs. Paul M. Patterson, County President, cash and stam ps w hich were in the Mr. and Mrs. A lexander o f Eu- onstration will be held at the farm installing the officers. o f power machinery, this farm er and his wife utilize a team o f cows purse aYid overlook ed som e oth^r a i- gen e^ spent the week end at the o f C. J. Stlckney O ctober 10. The to draw their antiquated reaper at llonad, Germany. Below, German tid es, but lu cky fo r A lexander he hom e o f Mrs. Dean. Mrs. A lexan der’s farm is mile north on T obias ave farmhands, including old men. boys, women and discharged soldiers, at School News keeps his valuables in the bank. i m other. nue, at 1 :30 p. ni. reports Palm er S. work on a threshing machine handling the first post-war harvest. Ida says the bu rglar was 14 to 16 Mr. and Mrs Vallie W ood o f P ort- E lem entary schools of the county T orvend county agent. years old v ery husky built, dark hair jandi were in B eaverton on Tuesday. \ ___ _________ will he closed all day F riday. T each- | ers will attend a health and physical and w eighed about 130 pounds. He ' Mrs. T illie K elley is spending this Football Schedule I education w ork sh op in F orest Grove. was bareheaded w ore k ah ki shirt and week in p o rtiand visiting relatives 1 1 / P L «»«» H i-iv o To Vote on Change in trousers and shoes w ith rubber cord and f rien<is. vv a r I A school attendance supervisor will B E A V E R T O N PLAYS | he appaointed by Supt. S cra fford Name October 23 soles- Mr. and Mrs. F ia n ce s Johnson Started Monday O ctober 5— N ew herg -there. I f you readers note any person have bought the home o f Mr. a n d ; - j soon to en force the new com pu lsory O ctober 12 T illa m ook —there. sch ool attendance law. tallying with these description s and ^ jrs D0d Berg. Mr. Joh nson is a W ork ers have been organized in The first m onthly m eeting o f the O ctober 1(4- W'est Linn here. acting supicious report his name to radj 0 man ¡n the A rm y. He is at every school district in the cou n ty Beaverton P arent Teachers Assn, was O ctober 2 6 - M cM innville there. First A m erican troops to land in local officia ls. It m ay prevent fu ith - B rem erton and will be hom e soon. , fo r the W ar Chest Drive and it is opened by the President Mrs. G. L Novctner 'J Forest G rove here. er robberies in the com m unity. Cuba during the Spanish Am erican Leland Shaw w ho is now in Japan, ||oped 1 to finish the W a sh in g ton ; P ace with the sing o f A m erica. Mrs. N ovem ber 9 - -H illsboro there. W ar were U. S. M arines who estab ! has been prom oted to Colonel. county quotu o f $32,400 by O ctober 20. W alter Meyers directing and Mrs. N ov. 16—M olalla here. lished a beachhead at G uantanam o R ob ert W ood was seen in B ea ver-j i u the east end o f the cou nty the Norton P eck at the piano. N ovem ber 22 T igard there. Bay in June, 1898. Beaverton Homes Robbed A vote o f thanks was extended to | ton on Tuesday renew ing old frien d - 1 fo llo w in g quotas have been an- , ships. i n oun ced: T ualatin , S h erw ood — Paul K nepp fo r auditing the books. Look Out for Jewelry ______ ! Mr. and Mrs. R ob ert Sum m ers and $1600; B eaverton, P rogress. Cedar $50 w as added to the budget fo r re B esides th e A lexan der hom e th at j M r. and Mrs. Ted Hetu were fishin g Mill, G arden H om e- $3200; Huber, freshm ents, and budget accepted. w as robbed last Saturday P. M .— i on ‘ he Nehalem R iv er over the B ethany- A lo h a -IU O Q ; O ren co Reerf- _ T h e follow in g recom m endation was ville. W est Union— $1100; T ig ard m ade; that the w ords "grad e sch ool" another B eaverton h om e , (nam ------ e is w eek end. ... . . , . . . . . W est S lo p e — $2000. j be inserted in A rticle 1 o f the B y- .. - - - * * baby - • — 1 ha%e -------- w been ------ ---- M etzger $2000 withheld fo r the present) w as burg- ' 1 ............... Mrs. H ighbee and Laws ch an gin g the name to B eaver larized Saturday betw een the hours 1 visitin g relatives in M ontana fo r a # — ------- ------- — -------- ton Grade School Parent T eacher of • i o ’clock and 5 p .m . a diam ond j ie w weeks. Special Service Uct. 7 at A ssociation. Mrs. Paul Patterson, J „.¡.v, „ v , , ! , Six B eaverton boys, w h o adm itted r r ng an go p • destruction o f landscaping in M ount Valley Coilf. Church president o f *he W ashington County ta^ n’ , . . h annroached 1 C alvary cem etery about tw o weeks A t the W orld-W ide C om m union Council P T A poke on the n d v a n t-! Hnouid any reaaei e e*' , ugo by driving an autom obile thru service in the V alley C om m unity 1 ages o f a 1 ign school association as by person hat ing n ■ under s u s -! the shrubbery, lawns and flow ers, Church United Presbyterian, which jt is fou rd that the problem s nre dif- were arrested and have been turned holds its m eetings in the Gabel school ferent. T his recom m endation w’i l l ! p lciok s -circum stance -re p o rt sam e ! over to the officers. \ at SW Gabel lane at F airw ay Drive, be voted on at the next meeting. to police or sheriff. N ational Bible w eek—O ctob er 1&- next Sunday Oct. 7. the ch oir under O ctober 23. • 21. People are urged to read their the direction o f Miss Hazel Cooper. M em bers w ere urged to attend the) ¡B ib le every day. w ith Mrs. H ow ard F oster as pianist, C ounty C ouncil O ctober 11 at 10 a. Burke-McCrea Wedding j a hard tim e dance is scheduled fo r w ill sing "A gn u s D e i" T his congre- m at R eedville School. A 50c lunoh- Held Sunday I Saturday Oct. 27 at G range Hall by gation will erect a building to be lo- con will be served .« R eservation s \ ¡th e Cedar Mill C om m unity club. cated at B rentw ood Ave., the estlm- must be m ade in advance thru Mrs. Miss Pearl B urke and M elvin »1C-, >-ext Sunday M onday and Tuesday ated cost is $80,000. More than half B r Besm ehn Beaverton 3581 after- Crea o f the 41st D i'is io n USA ! a large convention o f the P a cific o f this am ount is already on hand, noons. m arried Sunday 1:30 p. m . at . e northw est district K iw anis clubs will and bids will be asked soon. This A bu ffet supper Is to be served to Christian Church F orest G rove b y , be he)d Jn Portland beautiful sanctuary w'ill care fo r a grnde and high school teachers on | R ev. H ubert Sias. T he bride w ore a and Mrs. J. S. M axwell and Sunday School of 450 ! O ctober 17 by the P TA nnd K iw anis. j navy blue suit and orch id corsa g e j ia m jl have m oved into a new house i W atch for later announcem ents. and w as given In m arriage by her • erected b Mr C ham bers on T ucker Mrs. B rice program rhairm un, then I father W alter L. B urke o f B uxton. ! street between third and fou rth and turned the evening over to R obert T he battleship USS C O L O R A D O C 0 1# S h a w A m o n g H er sister Miss F ra n cis B urke w a s j w m m ake thejr hom e her€ T hey Adi.tin o f the Journal Juniors. W ith wga am ong those warships o f the « . • • . . bridesm aid and W ilbur B urke, a _ c o u -• focm erly livcd af F orest Grove, Mrs M arkw orth at the piano a splen- United states N avy which steam ed r lTSt t o L a n d in J a p a n sin, acted as best man. M iss D o t o - , T q those parents w ho have son’s or did program Included E leanor B oy- ¡nto T ok y o Bay to be present at the I --------- thy D avidson played the w « d 'lln K |daUj;hters in service and w ho have, i sen. Adalyn Gardner. Shurlene Gar- higloric f,itfntng o f the 1 Japanese E ighth A rm y H eadqunrtci s, Y ok o- m arch and M iss Janet Sellers 8an« i registered in Portland. If you w ant net. John Furhm an, Barbara and J er - , surrender und to support the occu - hama, Japan, A m ong the first A m - | ry Olsen. R obert A drain put on a paBon Qf the T ok y o area. T he erican troops to enter Japan before “ A lw ays.” _____ ■ ] thetr nam es to appeear on the Am - T he bride graduated from ertcan le g io n H onor R oll on W atson fem ale im personation had the whole C olorado was one of the first Allied final signing o f the pence was Col High Class ’45 and as a girl attended Street, B eaverton, leave names at the audience in gales o f laughter. ’ ships to sail into the Japanese hom e Leland B. Shaw, Beaverton. Ore. the Barnes and C ooper Mt. schools. R asm ussen garage. C hocolate and doughnuts w ere water8 o i Sagam l Bay to support the W ith an advance elem ent o f Lt Mr. and Mrs. M cCrea left Sunday served by 8 th grade m others under in d tHi iandings o fairborn e troops Gen R obert I* E ich elb crger’s Eight Funeral services were held W e d evening fo r C alifornia where they nesday fo r Frank R. R am sey o f Ce i ch airm an sh ip o f Mrs. N. P eck . j at A tSugi airfield, 18 miles from j A rm y H eadquarters Col Shaw flew will spend their h on eym oon am ong dar Mill, at F in ley’s M orninglight -------------------------------- T ok yo. | from L eyte P. L , to O kinaw a to the orange blossom s and. sunny skies. Chapel, com m ittm ent R lv erv iew Mill Street Graded --------------------------— await final n egotiations U pon com - | pletlon o f arrangem nts the party cem etery. flew in C-54 tran sport M iss E thel B urke daughter o f M r s ., GIRL SC O U TS D uring the past w eek the n o r t h 1 Heughen and D i m e O _ . planes at A t- V ivian B urke becam e the bride of - - Colorado in Tokyo Bay T L » S W .... sixth The first m eeting o f B eaverton ’ j 0 hn B leizffer Saturday evening Sept - plane that landed in Y okoham a, near Girl Scouts troop 76 m et Oct. 3, at 122 in V ancouver W ash. The young dam road ^ a ‘ e' A b o a r d the USS C olorado In T ok yo T okyo, and was In the first car thn grade school. T he girls decided to couple are now living on route 2 m ay have said «treat " ° r‘ b Ray T w o men. G ordon H eu»hen, Jr . ,,roVe down the street. He help- • w o ik on a p roject fo r C hristm as. | B eaverton. T he groom is a returned c in s t r u c V n g s o m e beautiful 19. .«ea m sn . ^ " d of_ Mr. ! m ake arr. n g em en t. s t one o f th They then elected o ffic e r s as follow s: veteran o f the South P a cific. Is , ______. « „„v o r d -.m and Mr" H eughen Sr., o f Beaverton, iarge8t hotels for G eneral M arAr- President—B everly B la n k ; vice-pres. Kenneth B urke son o f Mrs V i.ia n new hom es j 0f route 1. and Frank A L imi la». 1 i" Arlene A m ell; secy. and treas.— B urke o f Beaverton, having received R oad nam e from 1 !,emn a n - first class, w hose w ife lives | v n ed by the m anager o f the hotel tf Ann B astion ; scrib e —Joan C law son ; hia honorable discharge after serving Mill street derives it at Aloha, O regon, were aboard this , a b jg dinner there. T hel - re 9 «1 joint lowe rep.—Arnel^A S u rface. | jn G erm any, is now at home in Ore- l u m e i Cth e ta \ e b A 1 f r ^ ¿ a v t e s ^ op e’r" 8^ P to support the occu pation o f newspaper men at the banquet, ac Next m eeting at the h om e o f the 1 gon c ity with his w ife and son cording to aletter to relatives. troop leader Mrs Blank. , Mr. and Mrs. A lfred D oree from : ated a saw mill on nearby property J a Pan Col. Shaw earned his law degre- Scribe. Jean C law son ; T im ber visited at the hom e o f Mr 8 . A . K lln k —A l«x a . ? R! r' ed t l T 1 the Untversitv o f O regon in 1 ’ and Mrs. C. J. Beach last week. ~ T , T The P ortland w hich participated In j and wa8 p ractlrln g attorney In P ort- 1 Maxine C ady was featured ov er, Vanguard, Inc. Plans Talk Around Town virtually every m ajor P a cific opera- Jand b p fo ' (, , he w ar B<>fore Joining ! state-ow ned radio station KOA< T he B eaverton Furniture Store Is ton, sank tw o destroyers dam aged ^ E , hth he wa9 )n the European ¡T u esd a y during a cam pus recital. She New Stock Issue “ d oin g business as usual" but un- tw o cruisers and a battleship, helped th#atre and pa rt|clpated in the Sicily played several piano num bers on the der extrem e d ifficu lty. H ow ever sink tw o battleships and tw o des- oamp(Ujrn A new issue o f $75,000 V anguard, broadcast. the m arkee is up and fin ish in g touch troyers. shot dow n .2 planes and ^ three children, R obert, 10, and Inc., preferred $100 is to be o ffe re d T here have been som e requests for es are being made to the fron t o f the helped destroy eigh t others. Lou and R ich ard. 7, reside with Mr at par as part o f the P ortla n d firm ’8 ;vdult typin g classes If enough peo budding. George •[-' " T' ’ r dr. 9 The C olorad o w hose crew * had ta- and Mrs. Geo T hyn g. their gran d Im m ediate expansion plan, it w as rn - pje sign ify their desire fo r *’ ic h a heiping Mrs. 8 ft*r 8cb^ ' kPn her through ten Invasion o p e r parents, in Beaverton. nounced Saturday by P eter V an- is to be given at the high school and Saturday leaving her m ore ‘ Mlon(I to he!p brln g the final capitu- guard, m a jority owner. on w eek day evenings. W rite to them In honor of the Sixth Annual O b II m akes another step in grow th o f . b e fo r e O ctober 10. Vivian Returning Home f 0 Lu, f t r ' 1 «Ti— „ fhp lation o f Japan ,has been near T ok - servance of National Newspaper The H ighw ay T ire p lan , on the bpfore ahe 8all8d wtth Am ert. the fruit products firm w hich start- T he B eaverton R ed Cross sewing Week, Joe Laurie Jr., pint-sized H ighw av at Short street has had £ and B t|-h war(,hlp, lnto Sag- ed here in 1932 with on ly tw o em - u n it will sew every T hu rsday from C am p Sw ift Texas P rivate Arnold comedy star of “ Can You T op the building painted and a new sign „ m |le. from T o k y o to sup- D. V ivian form erly o f 1910 QMC T rk. ployes. T he new firm purchased 10 a m to 4 p. m. The garm ents This?” , heard over NBC every Sat makes it easier to find tilts plaee J . - P orto-O P roducts with its national to be made are fpr Philippine relief, Mr Miller P 01"1 th* ,ir8t landings o f a irb oro £ 0 ^ Class 11 (gu n ), has been ho urday night, reverts to his first call Ar e you short o f soaF troop8 at A „ ugl airf|eld. distribution and recen tly purchased Bring bag lunch, c o ffe e will be serv- T hat ope- orably discharged from the U S A r ing as newsboy. Joe hawked many now ha« It in u . ration was In preparation for the m y and is returning to his hom o Cam pbell C onserving com p a n y o f a newssheet in the old days before not washing the breakfast dishes. P ortland. V anguard said He re- Miss Janet Spencer was happily arrival o f G eneral of the A rm y at R t. 1, B ox 685. Beaverton, Ore his initial success in vaudeville. cently purchased a partn er’s $35.000 ,u rprjsed Septem ber 19 with a mis- Douglas M acA rthur to m ake the o o In the service fo r 60 m onths b-’ Helping him earn his way from rags Last Sunday evening the m em bers m terest • cellaneous show er at the hom e o f her spent 24 m onths overseas and par to gags to riches today are Senator o f P ilgrim Lutheran " c h u r c h gave p u p a t io n o fficia l T he cu rren t expan sion plan in- a ,lnt Mrs. J. J. M ltch off, at W est Ford. a"d H »r:y d, Joe’« their pa .-tor a surprise show er at the From the d eck s o f the battleship ticipated in the cam paign o f Attq eludes con stru ction o f a line-prod e- -Mope T he show er was given by her fellow wits around their regular churrh while he w as con d u ctin g the f m ay now be seen F ujiyam a, the tow - w ith the B attery E 78th C VA A A « :- tion plant Vo supersede the batch -w o aunts Mrs. J. J. M ltch o ff and r* 1 trn P acific. D ecorations h -1 re W alther League m eeting. P astor ertng volcan o that stands as one o f atlc sys-em now generally usad. h * ir-li- MI m N ancy Larson o f Portland E rw in Gerken received f>»od and Japan’s fam ous lan dm arks: T okyo. ceived included the P re Pearl Har- cated T he eom pan v operates a sp e n ce r received m any nice nv other gifts T he evening w * Y okoham a, the naval base o f Y o- bor Good Conduct badge. r d rtv- Miss Thirty-six thousand volun block -lon g plant at 2511 SW M iles A ccord in g to report -pent In entertainm ent and singing kosuka. and other cities with dead P rior to entering the arm y he was ss Mo- ers in the A m erican R ed < street and another auxiliary plant In s p a c e r is to be m arried Oct. 1 farm near H erbert W ayn e Harrison Pharm a- sm okestacks and debria from Allied em ployed on a dairy effort Portland ^ H om er E C hurchley has been tor C orps help keep th cists Mate 2 c has received his honor- attacks N earby the Jap battle- Salem. rolling. D oin g a multitude o f trans- ______ ______ _____ awarded the Bronze Star M edsl for rolling ,ti|e ijisrh arg« from l*uget Sound ship N agato one o f the last rem ain- — — M ost wom en believe that the m xn m erttortous h ervlc« in sustained portation jobs for -.he Arm y and Na- b «* * * * l j» avv y a r d B rem erton W ash. lng enem y fleet unit* that went A Carnegie. P s.. w om an tr _ v n h ss the fun o f ca tch in g the fish »„>«4 nn# com bat operations aga-nst vy disaster relief and com m unity Ge’.lnda Pesentl is now w ork in g in dow n under bom bardm en t by planes evacuated from hom e 58 times dus ta aotltlad to th* ’fu n ” o f clean in g th8 en« my Hts m other. Mrr Josie needs they devoted 6 199 838 houra , Ge’.lnds to floods from the 3d Fleet. Churehley. lives in Beaverton. to thl* service last year. Portland. U.S.S. Colorado In Tokyo B ay With American Forces /V/