I Friday, September 28, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon P. E. H AGG Hauling C ontractor Concrete, Sand. Gravel, M asons Sand, Crushed R o ck and R oad Gravel R oute 1, B ox 28, Tigard, O regon P hone T igard h W tf CLASSIFIED WANT ADS • W IL L C A R E fo r C hildren—In my i hom e b y day or hour. 1025 SE Franklin, Beaverton. 35 CASH Musk Accompany All W A N T W OM AN a week. BE. phone call. CLASSIFIED ADS Connt each wore. Including Name and address—ONLY 2c A W ORD No Phone Order* Taken W A N T TO R E N T 2 bedrm hse unfurn., either in B eaverton or ■ com m unity, O. L. M cClelland, R3, Bx 1586, B eaverton. P hone B eaver- ; ton 2463. M W e Publish the BEAVERTON EN TERPR ISE T IG A S B SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEW S W A N T E D — Lady fo r general homu^ cleaning, new m odern home in Benz Park. Call B E acon 8959 or w rite 7040 SW C anyon Crest D rive P ortland, 1. 35 Complete Eastern Wosnington County aad W e s te rn Multnomah County Coverage We assume no financial responsi­ bility for errors whish may appear in advertisements published in these columns but In case where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertisement in which the* typo­ graphies! mistake occurs. W A N T —Girl or w om an to assist light h ousew ork and care o f tw o sm all children full or part time. Mrs. R ob ert W eber 1612 SW Up­ land Dr. nr. Sylvan B E. 7635 35 GOOD HO M E and W a ges to re­ liable wom an for general house­ w ork position. B urlingam e Dis- i trict. A T. 5404. 35 f t FOR SALE ' W A N T —B rick w ork — con tracts, general rem odeling.' Carl G. Ste­ phenson, B E. 5906. 35 F O R S A L E —Oil A u tom atic floor fu rn ace, 275 gal. tank and fittings. Oil gu age and therm ostat, new. W E . 4725 Call evenings. 35 W A N ? TO R E N T -A 5 o r 6 room house, fu rn ish ed o r unfurnished, by responsible couple w ith tw o children. Best o f care assured. T elephone O. B. M adenw ald, co l­ lect. at B R oa d w a y 1239, in P ort­ land. 35 FOR S A L E — Several w inter coats, boys clothes, dresses, needle point, m iscel. B eaverton 3311, A ngel and ! Fourth, B eaverton. 35 — -------.------------------------------------------------ I F O R S A L E —N ew H am p. Friers, i C. E. N utsch, 4420 S W C re s td a le ; Drive. P ortlan d 1, Ore. 35 | W A N T E D — Suburban and farm properties H ave cash buyers fsi sm all acreages in this district. W ill gladly appraise you r prop- erty, no obligation. Charles K. H ines Co., R ealtors, 1905 N. E. 16th Ave., P ortland, GA. 3134. tf F O R S A L E — T w o pedigreed W'ire H air T erriers. pedigreed pups, mala, $25 each. V. L. M yers, 2nd house from Allen on Menl(^ Dr. B eaverton. 35 W A N T —L ots close in to B eaver­ ton, clients with cash. P hon e co l­ le ct—B E. 785S Portland, Mrs. Geo. K eller. 37 TO RENT M IS C E L L A N E O U S iX JR S A L E —W ork team , m are & gelding nine years old, w eigh 2700! One m ile w est o f P ortlan d G o l f ; Club o f S ch olls F erry R oad, R. C. j A lbertson, R t 6, Bx 1189, P ortland, 1, Oregon. 35 | BU CK S E R V IC E R egst. T oggen- burg.. and Saanens. F or Sale, m ilking does, yearlings and kids. H. Y. Turner, 4th Ave, M etzger, P hon e C H 3959. 38 QUALITY F O R S A L E —One tw o wheel trail­ er, g ood con dition, new 30x3M: tires & tubes, adu stjable ball hitch $27.50. H. C P eterson 1 m i W o f feed store on T ig a rd A ve. B ox 374. 35 PAPERHANGING and PAINTING F ree Estim ates ALOHA 627! GUARDIAN SERVICE, Waterless: cooking Utensils ars now avail-1 able, write to Don Milliron, 5223 SW Corbett St., Portland 1, Or. 35 J D R E S S M A K IN G — Hats and Bags. Mrs. E rnest Frutiger, 7501 SW C apitol H iw ay. 37 FOR SAL E—A house 18x24, also chicken bara and quits a bit o f bldg, aiaterial. These bldgs, must be moved off the place. H erm an Hansoa, Vista Ave., Aloha, ^ mi. Nsrtb Highway. 39 T R A C T O R W ork W a n t e d -P lo w ­ ing, D iscing, H arrow ing. W illiam H. P erry, near G reenburg Store. 35 E X P E R T S A W F IL IN G — A ll w ork guaranteed. N. T hom as 7607 SW 32nd Ave. M ultnom ah. 36 FOR SALE Gardea Home, H acre os Jagger Avenue, 3 acres' aear cannery, $500 down. CH. ' 3990 H. Minier, «ardan Home. ¡ Oregss. 42 BULLDOZING W O R K W A N TE D ljuid Clearing— Road Building Basement Excavating FOR SALE - Bred Heifers, your choice $55.M each. Gotter at Scholls. 26tf 528 SW 51tf FOR SALE— Dry and green Block and Slab Wood, delivered 2-cord lots te Aloha. Beaverton. Tigard. Multnomah. W rits J. O. Johnson. Carlton, Ore., Bx 584. tf FOR SAL E 4 ft green slab Aloha district $6 per cord. Block A Ed­ ging $7 per cord. Beaverten-Tl- gard-Garden Horae district 4 ft. green slab $7 per eord. Block A Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Eiford. i Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf Home Refrigeration and washing machine services Call K. R. Twombly CH 2267 8tf E W tr t.* l Appliance« Repaired Radios, Refrigerators. Washing Machines Sewing Machine and all | household appliance*—See EDDIE OLDMAN Johnson Road Oap N. W . Christian Home or Marshall Well* H dw , Beavertor ts W ANTED W ANT W OM AN - T o do light houseworfc no laundry W ife re­ turning from hospital requires no care needs company W om an m a y ; go home nights. W C Reamey. j Beaverton 2565. Call evenings or I Sunday Fish Kept Xortvay ‘ M ighty T W ill .Hire for 5 Years Still the Mainstay of Average L. II. B K AW A N D Builder and Cabinet Maker M etzger, O regon Portland Phone—CHerry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any style draw ers and d o o rs; finish­ ed all sides. A nyone can set them. A L L K IN D S O F B U IL D IN G and C A B IN E T M A K IN G 51tf Suicide Hit, Is Rettdy to riSHER CE NTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans­ portation and w alk in g distance from dow ntow n. B U YER S— PACKERS — AH Berries, Prunes, Grapes— FER TILIZE R , DUST, W E E V IL BAITS, AVAILABLE IN SEASON R. I. MacLaughlin.Inc. Beaverton 3271 HOME R E FR IG ER ATIO N SERVICE P h on e C ollect— H illsboro DAY 302» O R N IG H T MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 E W e mre equipped to husk all 2 Get 20tf ittom ei Crifell Hanut.Uum-' A Retributori tVIRYTHING , ( -s daif T y m a n A i r orni ano C« l -S alt L ake (nr AT. 6461 135 NW Park PORTABLE ARC W ELD IN G AC ETYLEN E W ELDING AND BURNING A L O H A 6523 M. N. W E IS E N B A C K N orth W heeler Ave., A loha Telephone Hillsboro 4564 HUBER. OREGON BURDETTE. Electric Service Ran^e and Water Heater Repairs (A L L M A K E S and MODEIJ4* W AN TED VILLA RIDGE NURSERY fruit, nut and shade trees E.SPA- LIEK and DW ARF, ornamental shrubs, berry plants, etc. Write or Phone CH. 292* 11333 SW Alth A Barber Bird. C LO SE D SU N D A YS New C atalogue ready Peat Moss A vailable_____ Civilians Can Fly Now T R A C T O R W E L D IN G and R e ­ p airin g----- T ru ck bodies repaired and built. Trailers built. Port -1 able equipment. McDulan, 2nd hse north o f K ra ft Cheese on highw ay T igard. Oregon. 4» h uskin gh About 2,000 of the workers had been declared “ redundant” — ns longer needed on war work— and the remainder declared a strike in sym ­ pathy. Demonstrators carried ban­ ners bearing the slogans “ We pro­ duced for w ar; we can produce for peace” and "Unem ploym ent ap­ peared in 1918, has this war been in vain?” 0e Laval S MPA It ATO Its — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT ANO SUPPLIES FOR TIIK D.AIHI INDUSTRY Phone Portland F.A. 6227 LAND C L E A R IN G — T ra ctors A vailable. L. IL COBB, P hone B eaverton 2881. 48tf Bernard Airport 8. 4 M. FLYING SERVICE N orth End o f Field on C edar St. Beaverton. Ore. Phone W E. 7013 12tf or d ry .^ JOH N W I L K E N S B R E D G IL T S — F E E D P IG S and W E IN E R S . G otter at Scholls. CALL B E A V E R T O N 2011 For Furnace Vacuum (leaning Services A R epairs on all types o f H eating Plants er Fred's Furnace Service IU S. 4th. St„ Hillsboro 1361 2*8f for ra -^ and drying. R a d io, R e frig e ra to r and W ash ­ in g m achine service. P ick up and deliver. E d's E lectric, CH. 1920 or C H . 3413. tf B ULL S E R V IC E H ere o r at you r d oor— M cDulin 2nd house N. o f K ra ft Cheese Co. ! T igard. CH. 3437. 48 Filberts- green our prices now I 35 LCfSlDON.— Eight thousand em ­ ployees of the Napier engineering factories in suburban Aston marched into Hyde Park shouting: "W e want w ork !” S H U S K IN G — D R Y IN G $ 2 $ Nrieties o f In late February she was off I wo island pounding enemy shore instal­ lations with her 5-inch guns. A short time later she joined the destroyer pack in protecting United States carriers softening up Okinawa for invasion. Idle British Workmen Shout ‘W e Want Work’ FILBERTS J. P. Finley & Son E X P E R T PIANO TUNING By appointm ent only RUSSELL HEALS CH. 2282— Portland, Ore. over we ran and m aybe J ferret out som e answers and decide J if we choose to do as w e are told I like we are used to doing or If » j can use our own head. I got in | m ind this 30-hour week business. I been putting 2 and 2 together, j They been telling us how they ere | closing dow n the O W I and AAA, etc. But when one ou tfit folds up, the ! B oys and Girls just show up In ; another dept, in the next office, next I day. But if the w orst com es to i worst this 30-hour idea will fix it so ! nobody in the Govt, will be out. And when election tim es com es along, j m illions of em ployes and their relatives will have votes which is not hay, as votes go. All Govts, get top-heavy, when the citizens g o d ocile as you read In his- 1 tory and go kinda balm y before (they blew up. F rance took on tho |30-hour week, and socialism , and : petered out. At one tim e Spain was j a w orld pow er- so was P ortugal— so were the R om ans a hefty outfit, were som e They all figured they pum pkins and then folded. Yours with the low down JO S E R R A OSLO, N O R W A Y — Sigvald Linde- mann’s family rarely ate ftsh before Add to H«avy Toll. the war. Today, the four Linde- manns eat little else. If they hadn’ t SAN FFIANCISCO.— A great rent learned to like fish they probably would have starved long before the gapes in her hull, 15 of her enlisted men are dead and 30 wounded, but Germans left Oslo. the destroyer USS Ingraham will Fish kept Norway alive through W E CURE AND SMOKE the five years of German occupation split the seas agais with her trim TOV7R PORK ( I T S and it's still the mainstay of the nose for another crack at the Jap­ 25 years E xperien ce average Norwegian family. But Al­ anese. ALD ER M AR K E T Lew is Bros. The 2,200-ton “ tin can,” now in dry- lied merchantmen are unloading at Cor. 1st and Washington St. the Oslo docks now, and the Linde- dock for repairs at Hunter’s Point, tf manns can hope for an occasional San Francisco, survived a direct hit PORTLAND, OREGON piece of meat to supplement their by a Japanese suicide plane early DRESSM AKING A SEW ING fish dinners. in May north of Okinawa, and came All kinds o f C lothing Made The Lindemanns in Oslo are a home under her own power, the 12th THELM A DEW typical Norwegian middle class naval district announced, according T igard 2484 family. to the Associated Press. A ppointm ents after Sept. 1 tf They pay the equivalent of $30 a Before receiving this nearly mor­ month for a centrally heated apart­ tal wound the Ingraham had taken Oil Tinting on Your Own ment equipped with electric stove a heavy toll. She was instrumental Photographs and refrigerator. Mrs. Lindemann, in sinking three enemy vessels, and Brides a Specialty— Special Rates slender, blond and fortyish, boasts destroyed six of the seven suicide to Service Men— AT. 1758 that Oslo’s housing is the most mod­ planes which chose lier as their tar­ HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A ern in Europe. get in the flaming fury of a dawn Something to Think About Mrs. Lindemann constantly apol­ attack by 70 to 80 Japanese aircraft specialty. LEE BROS., 26 SW Captured Y ankees in a Jap pris­ Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf ogizes for the threadbare condition of all types. on upon liberation were asked what they w anted most. Pvt. Sim oneau, of her furniture, which she hasn’t Nicknamed the “ Mighty I” by CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K —Let been able to repair or replace for answ ered: “ I wanted to keep the her crew, the Ingraham was oper­ appetite I had and be free to satisfy us plow you r garden. H ow ard five years. And the Germans took ating on the edge of the East China It.! W m . Sm ith, Johnson R d. A D ivis­ away their radio and the family car ion s t s . P hon e B eaverton 2462 4tf sea with another battle famed de­ long ago. stroyer, the Morrison, when she was A lecturer inform s us that prehis­ Mr. Lindemann might be called a hit. v e t e r i n a r i a n -D r. Raymond toric man was neither as round- G. V ernon, Tigard, Ore., 2nd hse S typical Norwegian white collar shouldered nor as bow legged. Then Moved in for Kill. L one O ak G arage, P hone T igard worker. He earns $160 a month as cam e public debt.—H artford Courant. a n 2. tf Enemy scout planes sighted the assistant manger of a paper and two craft during the night. As day­ store. A wom an autotst posed for a snap­ Deild 8toc^ picked up ftee o f stationery Twelve year old Johan may have light came the big suicide squadron shot in fron t o f the fallen pillars o f ch a rg e anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call a small glass of skimmed milk. Only moved in for the kill, diving from an ancient tem ple In Greece. “ D on ’t DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. babies get whole milk. Then at all directions at the destroyers and i get the car In the picture," she said. ¡ ‘or my husband will think I ran into eight o'clock, the family has a small their smaller support craft. Portland. tf supper of bread, margarine, cold Lt. John D. Brink, USNR, San , the place."— Ex. A C R E A G E & HOM ES W A N T E D fish and perhaps a slice of Danish Diego, Calif., Ingraham gunnery of­ W e can sell you r home, farm or . cheese. ficer, said the Japanese threw all LEGAL NOTICE acreage. H ave hundreds o f buy- The Lindemanns will keep on get- J available planes from modern fight­ N O TIC E O F F IN A L ACCOUNT ers that have cash. Y ou r W ash- j No. 5468 ington C ounty specialist. Located ting along on their fish diet, plus | ers to old twin-engined float craft IN T H E COUNTY C O U R T OF T H E in P ortland at foot o f C anyon R d. some small imports of meat, for an- j into the battle. STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E other year, but they’re not complain­ Call BR. 1475 or write The Morrison was struck and bad­ COUNTY O F W A SH IN G TO N . ing. W A Y N E E. NAGLE ly damaged. The Mighty I steamed N otice is hereby given that the un- 1800 SW Jefferson , P ortland 1, Ore. to her aid firing "a t everything in | dersigned, as adm inistrator o f the tf sight.” Then seven Jap ^picide pi­ Duke Stands by as King’s I estate o f May Purdin Gallow ay, de- lots peeled off toward the mgraham. | ceased, has filed his final accou nt In USE "R IG H T -N O W C L EA N E R ” English Takes a Beating The ship’s gunners knocked down j ttie o ffic e o f the County Clerk o f fo r sparkling glassw are, dishes, laundry and w oodw ork. H as m ore M ELBO URN E. AUSTRALIA. — six of them in two furious, action W ashington County, Oregon, and sanitation in your home. R estau r­ Ninji, king of 20,000 natives of the packed minutes. that Monday, the 22nd d ay o f O cto ­ ant or T avern. R eplaces soap, s o f­ Mount Hager region of New Guinea, The seventh bored through the ber, 1945, at the hour o f 10 a. m. in ter fo r hands. A S K Y O U R G R O ­ greeted the duke of Gloucester and barrage of steel from all available | the foren oon o f said day, in the C E R —25c, 50c, $1 pkg. 27tf then in an address reminded his ack-ack guns and crashed into the | County Court R oom o f said Court own barefoot natives and constables vessel's side at the water line, ram­ has been appointed by said C ourt as F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E i the tim e and place fo r the hearing o f that the duke was: ming into the crew's mess hall with ! ob jection s thereto and the M O T O R CO., P hone T igard 3381 tt ssttle- “ Brother true belong king, one its bomb exploding in the generator ; j ment thereof. P A P E R IN G — P ainting A K also- fella poppa, one fella m om m a.” room. Dated and first published Septem ­ m ining, neat, experienced w ork ­ He told them he had come to “ look Flames swept through the strick- ! ber 21, 1945. man L. L. Seeley, R 2, B x 180-A it you fella New Guinea and speak I Last publication O ctober 19, 1945. B eaverton. P hone B eaverton 2516 true belong you,” to which the duke en ship, and she settled in the wa- 1 LLO YD GALLOW AY, ter until her decks were within five ! 40tf replied he was “ happy to much be­ feet of being awash. Overhead oth- j AdminlBtrntor o f the estate o f May long you fella.” er Japanese fliers poised to deal I Purdin G allow ay, deceased. ELECTRIC HOME STORE Ninji wore a headdress of casso­ the death blow, but American com­ ■ Allen A R oberts, 712 Sw ctland Bldg., ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING wary plumes set on tambu shells, bat air patrolmen sent them plung­ Portland 4, Oregon, Attys. for tidmin- draped behind with wood and metal ing into the sea by the score and j istrator. Supplies, Fixtures from fallen aircraft. A flat shell was none reached the Ingraham. H ardw are and P aint W hile shopping in B eaverton stop attached to his nose and rested on in at the Greyhound C offee Shop for 26tf ; his black beard, and another enor­ Helps Protect Carriers. A LO H A . O R E G O N Lunch. Forty minutes later rescue tugs mous shell dangled from his neck. took the crippled destroyer in tow P A IN T S The duke wore a slouch hat. and pulled her to safety. — Phone Beaverton 2982— W hile shopping in Beaverton stop The Ingraham, one of the Barton Imlay’s Fresh In at the Greyhound C offe Shop for class of big destroyers, participat­ 0. R. NICHOLSON Lunch. Mixed Feed* ed in the Leyte island, Philippines, D EALER IN SCRAP METAL THORSEN PAINTS “ I've been drinking butterm ilk." - and other Southwest Pacific engage­ Highest P rices Paid 'X R ays Garage For quality, fair price and H ollyw ood dan cer pinched for erratic | ments before reaching the high B roadw ay at Lom burd, Beaverton mark of her 14-month career while service driving. American carriers in F or Stove and Diese! Oil Call Harry escorting J. B. Imlay & Sons strikes at the Tokyo - Yokohama P hone B eaverton 3231. tf REEDVTLLE ALOHA, ORE Barnes. area. 2nd H ouse No. o f K ra ft Cheese Co. 50tf Domestic — Commercial The Low Down From Hickory Grove Make Japs Fay I begin N ow that the war is to ask questions Destroyer, Victim of Direct Norwegian Family. PHONE C Herry 3437 FOR SALE— New Zealand White rabbits, young dees, and bucks from pedi. stock, excell, eendi., 4 1 lbs up. $2 up. W itch Hazel Rab­ ^ bit Farm, (j mi S Witch H azel' Sohool or Youngs Market, main j r hiway bet. Beaverten A Hillsboro. I 26tf RE A LTY COM PANY CII 1684 36 P A P E R IN G & P A IN T IN G — 10 years experience, reasonable rates, F irst Class. F ree estim ates, Call 8 to 5, T eleph one CH 1826 or tele­ phone C H 3437 any time. R. W H IT L O W , B ox 808, Tigard, O regon 26-38tf IB the Location of your Home sr j Business a Secret? Install o n e; *f my Third Dimension SIGNS mads ef W OOD CUT out Letters.! Easy ts buy, zsad, repair. Many styles, sizes, free estimates. Fred P. H. Clyde—CHerry »003. 29* SLAYTER i W A N T TO R E N T —One or tw o bedroom house, furn. or partly furnished. P hone B eaverton 2311. 35 F O R S A L E ------ C olem an Oil H eat—! er, good con d ition CH. 2666. 35 j ’ In downtown Portland’ Salmon Street. BR. 1146 I : | C L IE N T S W A IT IN G fo r H om es in B eaverton. If you r price is righ t I can sell them. M rs. Geo. K eller, B E. 7853, P ortland. 38 F O R SA L E — One O ak B edroom suite con sistin g o f bed springs A m attress, dressing table and c h if­ fon ier both with beveled m irrors, and table. $50. Side board with m irror $7.50. T w o burner gas j plate on stand $3.50. L ibrary ta- j ble $4. Oak rock er $3.50. T w o! straight ch airs 50c each Coil Bed I ( Springs $7.50. P ortable V ictrola j in case $5. Sm all electric heater ' $2 Fram ed m irror $4. CH. 2718. 351 W A N T E D — Suburban and Farm | properties. Wo have the buyer, you have the property, let’s get togeth­ er. We are ia contact with many Eastern buyers who have cash and want to locate here. Our appraiser will call on you. No obligation. i IN V A L ID L A D Y —W an ts care in privste hom e $100 a m o. W rite ABC, C E nterprise .B eaverton. 35 [ F O R S A L E — M ilch Cow, H olstein & Guernsey, 2*4 years old. 4144 S W C anby St., M ultnom ah, P hone CH. 2556. * 35 * To iron, once 9955. W ill pay 35 Page 3 TURKEYS Ài. s o Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving Portland, Albany, R edm ond, A Dressing Plante McMinnville. Salem, Eugene, R oeeburg, Oregon. H U GH B U R D E T T E (F orm erly with P. O. E.) West Slope ACCORDION STUDIO Dick Kokich Teacher of 666 COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid. Tablets. Salve, Nose Drop« Use Only as Directed Main Office and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. S. E. Oak Street, Portland. Ore. Phone UAst 3141 MODERN AND CLASSICAL ACCORDION Accordions for Rent Available to play for * Wedding», Parties, etc. Studio Canyon & Howett Rd., W est Slope, Ore, 648 E. Cedar Street HILLSBORO, ORFXiON