PUBLISH E D W EEKLY IN OUR PLAN T ON VO L. 18, NO. 34 0. B. Gates Makes Report ____ Voters Favor Proposed New Water District Bonds SHORT ST. AND CANYON H IGH W AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, September 21, 1945 Final War-Chest Drive To Begin October 1 First Fall Meeting PTA Sept. 25 at Grade School E ST A B LISH E D 1927 Here and There CO-0peratÌVeS H erbert T hom as o f the N avy ar At the special election called by I The executive board o f the B eaver- : the board o f com m issioners o f A loha- j ton Parent T eachers A ssociation met rived hom e last week and was greet : H uber W ater D istrict on Septem ber The final drive on w hat has been ®*Ptem ber 13 at the hom e o f Mrs. ed by his w ife, Mrs. Mae T hom as, also Herbert Jr., his son. w hom he 17 at H uber C om m ercial Club Hall term ed the W ar Chest and has In- 1 °JJn R obinson. Mr. T h om as’ j there w ere 143 votes cast fo r the eluded E uropean John T. Kovaly Elected R elief and Com-1 The m eeting was called to order by had not seen before. T his . a ffirm a tiv e and 67 against the meas- m uhity projects, will begin in B eav- ; “ *rs - tt- H. Besm ehn first vice presi- parents reside on C ooper Mt. New Chairmen Announced | ure. was a happy hom e-com ing Babson Discusses erton on O ctober 1 dent Minutes o f the previous m eet- T his com in g Sunday will be the y , _ __ I T he proposed plans for the Dis- Mr. R ich ard Doty, and Rev. L eon- j inK w ere dispensed with as the pur- . a ‘t 'S u n d a v " fnr E* U' e New Opportunities • ° 5 K ovaly o f H illsboro, was trict calls for the con stru ction o f a ard Johnson, a ctin g as co-ch airm en *’ose ° ! tllls board m eeting was to . . . ‘ . ' . \ ^ ' w elected chairm an o f the W ashington . ten-inch steel pipe main from Hills- .. », » , . ■ 1)1:1 n hn fira l otn ilor m n n th lv aat. l ,l \ ^ 1)1011 St I \ i t l ^ H cth tl d . r i v e are o D ». t i m i s t . i 1 c for » the Plan t tho first r regular m onthly m meet- "V‘e y - W " i l l ) . I nav* heen serving sum Bi m er. 1 a i °u ce»ter, Mass.. Sept. 21—1 re- cou n ty R ed Cross Thursday evening, , boro to the D istrict tank with later- fo r the S3°00 w hich h is been allot- inK o f the term w hich will be ^ ongregation al C hurch this sum in p ace o O. B. Gates, w ho has a]s on eVery street within the Dis- quota o f ....... „h e r . e ! cen tl-v w a lk ,d b y L ord & T a y lor’s 'K J S E .fS .I MK •» Tu..d.», s.p..„.b.r ffl. », H he com plete Ch ‘c«f. his studies in the j l>eilutiful F ifth A venue show win- resigned after three years o f success- j trict to houses now con stru cted that ed B eaverton and its im m ediate vi Ute B eaverton G rade School at cinity. , sem inary, T heir m any friends wish d ow s- Behold, I saw an elaborate U. desire service such laterals to range E very citizen is asked to and w ill,) 0 cAock , . ° a $114.316.67 was subscrib- jn f rom eight-inch steel pipe to A short business session is sched- Jhe“ weI' “ nd h oPe ,h t y wU1 retu r" ^ b o y ' hitm a n w™?*" f y residents o f W ashington coun- tw o-inch galvanized pipe, depending rally to this w orthy cause— respond B eaverton, as y during the last three R ed C ross, upon the population o f the area to gen erously— and see ington C ounty C ouncil President as fu n e ra l services will be held Fri- know n as F olly Cove, when 1 went war fund cam paign s w hich were , be aerved. In addition, new* service always, g o over the top. peaker. H er top ic will be "A High day Portland for Mrs. Mayte Law - Section leaders and helpers for the down there m y father used to call con ducted during G ate’s supervision. pipes will be installed from the Ichonl Parent T eacher A ssociation.” 1 ,t>nce Liverm ore, who died Tuesday various districts will be announced it "R o g e rs F olly." As a I had ffo t0 reP °rt- This was m ains t0 the meters. A ltogether, P rogram Chairm an Mrs. E. Brice. in a Seattle hospital. She leaves her 14/.36 per cent o f the a ggregate l b e D istrict will have to construct in next w eek 's paper. I has a special feature to o ffe r The hushnnd, John W . L iverm ore o f Hu- ■ ” ever s‘ nce heard o f an y other F olly ber, tw o sons Jerry and Donald. Love, 1 stopped at Lord A T aylor's qu ota o f $80,300 fo r the three drives, approxim ately 38 miles o f pipe line, : chairm an and her com m ittee feel Sure In 1943 quota was $13,300, subscrip- w hich will provide w ater service to Pat Mathiesen Accepts Bid that there is a definite need for a Seattle; m other Mrs. E m m a Law- and exam ined the goods. tions, $21,180.90, 159.28 per cent o f , everyone within the D istrict desiring rence, and brother C lifford , o f P ort en ou g h ! they w ere from m y own more ‘‘E ntertain in g’’ type o f pro t'u rth er- U niversity o f O regon Eugene, Sept. quota. 1944— quota $27,500, subscrip- I ¡, land. father A. M. L aw rence and sis F olly C ove o f G loucester. 21—Pat M athiesen, B eaverton .ac gram s and plan to bring to the Sep ter Mrs. C. T. Green. Seattle m ore, I was again proud o f this tions $42.400,39, „154.18 ..per cen t o f ___________________ tem ber m eeting the “ Journal Jun T he good s were as pretty as cepted a bid to Sigm a K appa soror quota. l # f t —qu ota $39,500, sub Louis Daniels brother Fred G A ni- Cove.. iors.” the girl I used to go with. scription s $50,735.38, 128.14 per cent Hagg Heads Organization ity at the U niversity o f O regon. F o r ck er o f R ockaw ay, passed aw ay M embership Chairman, Mrs. Shof- B etter L iving fo r Less M oney mal rushing cam e to a close on the o f quota. A grou p o f W a sh in gton county ner, is now ready to receive m em Sept. 18. So, at m y first opportunity I hiked cam pus Friday. G ates expressed his appreciation R ecitation o f the rosary will be dairym en interested in artificial in bership dues. Last years m em ber ba ck to m y old hom e at G loucester to subscribers all over the cou nty sem ination have decided to form an ship o f 329 must he increased by 1(K; held F riday at IV gg's Chapel for where 1 am w riting this colum n for fo r their liberal donations w hich association and in corporate as part Beaverton Sporting Goods R oom m other chairm an. Mrs. N. Donald E dw ard Gosselin, w ho was my 400 friendly newspapers. W ell, made the cam paign records possible: He o f a state-w ide dairy artificial in Opens New Shop on Front Peck, announced that the eighth accidentally killed at Oswego. is the rem arkable sto ry :— A to area and com m un ity chairm en was 18 years old. son o f Mr. and Mrs. h eie sem ination organization reports Pal- grade m others will be in ch arge of D. E. H icks has opened a S porting | and solicitors, new spapers, etc., and „ Dolard G osselin o f Beaverton. In- very intelligent girl named V irginia This refreshm ents. Lee B urton—a graduate o f the B os G oods Store on Front street, next t o : to .11 (o r patriotic T here is still a need for C am p Fire , M t C aivary cem etery I group has elected H enry H agg Reed- W . E. Pegg. in B eaverton. in m any ways. H e w i ll; G uardian and it is hoped that any- CpI. and M rs Donald W lch er o f ton Art Museum, m arried a success sell, buy. and rebuill bicycles, . . . . ... , , u iim m a. een-eou ful scu lp tor nam ed G eorge D em e- The R ed Cross production room s Olym pia, W ash., were w eek-end (B y the way, if any “ Mass. will have to be vacated soon and a and also do expert repairing. He has [ ’ interesting w o-k " win con tact kuests o f his m other, Mrs. H ow ard tiios. T ech .” m en read this story pleuse New Artival the a gen cy fo r the postw ar Schw inn- k y 7 * / , ' 1 co n ta tt W eed last week. new site procured fo r ..production note she is the dau ghter o f ou r be work. his°*we 1 k n o w n ^ c v c l e ^ " \ ‘ Com e and" be * e'n'tertldned ^ ‘ d ^ f g r e n left the first o f the Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frost received fo*‘ fo r this well know n bicycle. *>* ’ month to rejoin his division in the loved Dean Burton and the sister o f i Septem ber 25 m eeting! w ord last week that a daughter Lu Senator Burton o f O h io). Well, a l ! East. cille M aine arrived at the hom e of this couple could a fford to | T IM E to C lose Like all good m er though Melvin Smith Reports Mike’s Shoe Store Sold Pvt. and Mrs. Charles B onebrake o f Dance for Employees ____ ____ __ ____ chants, Classified ads _________ have a closin a g live in any apartm ent o f an y city, For Re-assignment Springfield, Mass., on Sept. 6 . Mrs. A com pan y dance w as given at the time. It is 6 p. m. W ednesday. R e- ; tiu y c h °o se to live as G od intended M ike’s Shoe Store was sold this B onebrake will be rem em bered as they should live, H ence, they T han k you! S /S g t. M elvin Jam es Smith, son o f Jane F rost Pvt. B onebrake has re week to W eib y Bros, o f P ortland, Palais R oyale last w eek by the O re-; m em ber please. bought a little farm here at F olly gon M otor Stages w hich was attend- j Gelindi P esenti is em ployed at a w ho im m ediately took ch arge o f the Mr. and Mrs. W m . Smith, last w eek ceived „ a d _______ ________ isch arge Sept. 10 having store. Cove and are living better fo r less Mr. R oss o f P ortland will be ed by over 250 o f its em ployees. R e- Portland departm ent store, com pleted a 30-day fu rlou gh after j g ^ e d overseas 27 m onths prior to freshm ents were served and short Peter Stock, old . tim e butcher at money. in ch arge o f the shoe repair depart spending 31 m onths in the South j p eb 1944 after w hich he has been in A fter the honeym oon w as over and alks given by officia ls o f the com - Beaverton and Aloha is feelin g bet- P a cific attached to the Signal Corps. the state's T h ey plan to return to ment. G eorge and V irgin ia had started Mr. and Mrs. P ien ovi will con tin u e I pany follow ed by a very pleasant e v - j t e r lately, H e reported to F ort L ew is T hu rsday I the w est coast as SOon as Mrs. Bone- to m ake their hom e in B eaverton, j ening. i Johana E kstrom was in tow n tw o fine boys on their way, they de fo r re-assignm ent or discharge. [b ra k e and baby are able to travel. j Tuesday greeting friends -she likes cided to try & truly co-operative e x Mr. P ien ovi will have been in busi T he trip to F ort Lew is was made ; ____________ .________ T hey felt that I to read the E nterprise and shop in perim ent in art. ness 25 years in January. Great Times at Netarts by autom obile and Sgt. Sm ith w a s ; D * j 11 „ |\4 many o f the so-called “ co-op erative” Beaverton. accom pan ied by his father and ! Past Noble (jrands Meet i N etarts long-tim e fam ous sum m er Mrs. H ogan is w ork in g at the enterprises are ju st a form o f big m oth er; his sister. Cathryn, and his I T he B eaverton Past N oble Grands Beaverton Youth Killed | lesort alon g N etarts Bay, T illam ook Lunch B ox since sch ool opened fail business sailing under false colors aunt, Mrs. M ary HArd, o f D es Mo- So this is what they did. T hey » v 1. i Club m et at the hom e o f H attee Tay- In Crash at Oswego , county, and for m any years operated semester. ines, Iow a. Mrs. H urd has been a 1 This called togeth er all their m arried lor in A loh a last W ednesday. _ by the late A. N. D avies form er sa w ! Mr. and Mrs. Jaim e L. H udson will guest at the W m ,. Sm ith hom e fo r is the first m eeting o f the fall. The Donald E dw ard G osseline o f route mill ow n er at T ig a .d — Is still u great open their secon d sportw cur store In neighbors, wives o f farm ers, fish er the past six weeks. O ctober m eeting will be held with 1 B eaverton, w as killed alm ost i n - , place to find som e sw ell clam s and j Portland. Mrs. Hudson Is Dr. T . G. men, stonecutters and others. These A brother, Sgt. (B ill) Sm ith re Mrs. E llen L aR ue. All Past Noble s ta n tl/ M onday in O sw ego w hen 1 ¿rabs, a ccord in g to Mr. and Mrs. Cal- \ Hetu’s daughter. T hey spent Sunday were m others w ho were doin g their cen tly w rote that he w as headed fo r G rands are invited. ow n housew ork and taking care o f T he Club plans m ilk truck he w as driving was vin Barnes, who enjoyed a great tim e ’ at the Hetu home. an em barkation p ort in F ra n ce and to have som e hand sew ing ready to struck by another truck, a ccord in g to | dow their own children. H ence, the n that lo -t w eek. A marrirfjje license has been issued it is hoped that he will jo in hia fa m police reports. ; ___ _____ ___________ first requirem ent was that w ork d o at that time. i to Cidred S. S chriner and Juanita S. ily in B eaverton in the near future. must be done at hom e. G osseline was throw n out o f the D . a > i 1 a • ■ Moore, both o f B eaverton. W ounded in the fig h tin g near A ach truck, w h ich is one o f those in which oeaverton Melons Arrive Dr. Jam es T. Millar field represen- The Joy o f C reating Nometliiug ALO H A NEW S en, Germ any, Sgt. Sm ith has been in The second requirem ent was that the driver stands, and died o f a . tutive nf thp Orpiron Pnuncil o f the E uropean theatre fo r 20 m onths. skull fracture ' A co u Ple o f m onths ago, the peo- J*u v e . or ln e u re/,on c o u n c il or to hold these m other's interest they Miss M ary A ntrim spent a few skull rracture.______________ ; ple w ere buying C alifornia canta-1 Churches was guest speaker at Ki H e was driving an am bulance at the It was also la- must be encouraged to use their days in Seattle last week. . 1 . . . .-*» 1 loupes later Dillard m elons cam p | w an*s W ednesday. tim e lie was wounded. heads as well as their hands. H ence, Mrs. D. G. Niles w as elected secre Anthony L»eis in 1 own I on tbe m arket and now, B eaverton ; d '? f night R obert N orton, son-in-law o f Mr. Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Hetu entertain- 1 V ir8 inia had them actu ally design tary o f the garden club at the recent A nthony Leis prom inent painter grow n m elons are arriving and the and Mrs. W m . Sm ith w as discharged Mrs. W alter residing in eastern W ash in gton flavor is OK . W ednesday G eorge Da- ed Thursday with a dinner for Guy and cre“ ‘ e som ething them selves. from the arm y tw o m onths ago and m eeting at her hom e, all o f the tow nspeople— except being his birthday. Yet, Mrs. cou nty fo r m any years w as in B eav- j vies o f South B eaverton, brought in Alexander, it is back at his old jo b w ith H ok e and B orb erg w as elected treasurer. H enry S ch ofer has purchased the D orothy N orton find Ix>ulse Kenyon Selby, w holesalers, in Portland. N or P ooley is president o f this enthusias erton with his folk s shopping at local a load o f ch oice m usk melons, thought this was im possible. Only L. J. Bader hom e on H ighw ay 217, stores— by the way, he bou ght a big ton served as Captain and first pilot tic club. these tw o believed thnt untrained near N olan street, Metzger. Im provem ents are b ein g made at waterm elon. in the 15th air force. H e received O l’ A announces effectiv e Sept. 14,' Pe o Pl® could design original patterns W heeler his disch arge after 50 successful j the M cN am ara hom e on C IIL K C II O F C H R IST 1945, white flesh potatoes all level l (and t*»«y ,nU8t »>e absolutely orlg m issions over G erm any and occu p ied ! avenue, G eorge IV. Springer, P astor distribution, including retail have f°*' which great Fifth Avenue territory. His w ife is the form er P fc. E lla Antrim is hom e on a M orning w orship and preaching at been rem oved fro m price list con trol : would scram ble, sh ort furlough. . Geraldine Marie Smith. 9:45 a. m. until O ctober 26, 1945. | Wt’ n’ tllese wom en have no com - Mrs. M argaret Stroeve o f the T opic Faith Defifled CHURCH OF THE N A ZA K E N E H om er W ilson has gone to C alifor- Pany or organization. T hey call A loh a-H u ber school spoke on A rt at F ollow in g the serm on, the L ord ’s . nia fo r fu rth er training. His w ife **rs- D em etrois, P residen t” ; while L eonard C. Johnson P astor the rural school teachers m eeting at Osterloh Given Medal supper will be observed. ¡a n il three children are visiting with 1 al1 'I " ' others are “ Vice p resid en ts.’’ 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, W alter | , H illsboro last week. Bible School class session 11 a. m ' i Mrs. Bertha W ilson. T hey also elect « J“ ry o f five to set- W ith the A m erical In fa n try Divis- i Sgt. Claude C ourtrlgh t spent a fev\ Lovett, Supt. Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. Mr. Cam pbell o f H illsboro, is build- tle any ¿ ‘ «PUtes w hich may arise. ion in the Philippines— F irst L t .! days at home. 11 a. m. M orning w orship. E vening w orship 7:30 p. m. I ing n service station at East s tr e e t, Kach wom an m akes and ow n s her W ilbur M. Osterloh, husband o f Mrs. I Cpl. E arl Corrieri, left Tuesday to P astor speaking. Special, m usic by orchestra. | and the highw ay in B eaverton. . ° " n designs; she carves the blocks E rras H. Osterloh, B ox 25, B e a v e r -! report to Santa Ana. C alif., a fter a 6:30 p. m. Y oun g P eop le’s service T op ic— A H iding Place. Mr. K ibler is now the Journal rep- 1 ' ou l battleship lin oleu m ); m ixes ton. Oregon, has been aw arded the I 20-day fu rlou gh at home. H i-N -Y and N YPS. M idw eek Bible study and prayer j regentaUve in place o f D E H icks. thp lnk and foils It on the blocks. B r6 nze Star Medal fo r h eroic a c h ie v e -, S /S g t. G. W Hansen Jr., will leave 7 :30 p. nr. E va n gelistic se r v ic e .! service W ed. 8 p. m. I who has opened up a store o f his Then the IjUk'ks »r e put over the m ent against the Japanese at Cebu. | Sept. 22 fo r Fort L ew is, W ash., an W edn esday 7:30 p. m. M id-week j T op ic— Unity o f the New Testa j own the B eaverton S porting G oods < lo! h lald <he floor and stam - A t the tim e Lt. Osterloh w as lead-| then to N orth Carolina, prayer m eeting. ! m ent Church. : Store on Front, next to W. E. P egg. lM'd l yes literally stam ped upon bc- er o f a platoon m aking an attack on L eander Clark lA n d yi late o f 7320 • The tim e for the evening s e r v ic e s ! Paul K nepp received the sad news cause 11 wom an must ju m p up and enem y positions on H orseshoe R idge, • N. D elaw are P ortlan d ) died S e p . has been changed to the old tim e o f | L A T T E R -D A Y S A IN T S j Sundav o f the death o f his m other , down on h‘>r Work to m ake a good north o f Cebu City. D u ring the i 18 at Huber. A m erican L egion Hall 7:30 fo r the fall and w inter m on th s.! I Mrs W illiam Knepp, w ho died sud- P,in t T hey began by m aking only final phase o f the attack the enem y G eorge G ordon Jr., who has been N orth Main St., H illsboro, Ore. 1 denly Saturday night In V ancouver, table dollies scarfs, etc.; but now laid dow n a te rrific 90mm m ortar j hom e on a furlough from the E urop- M E T H O D IST C H U R CH Sunday S ch ool at 10 a. m. B. C- F un eial services were held d 'e y m ake yard-goods fo r dresses, barrage cov erin g the entire com pan y : ean theatre o f war. where he " a s 4th and W atson Sts. ! Guest speaker every 3rd Sunday. . w . w K nenn Mrs. E r- ! cu rtain s and exquisite wallpaper. fron t with devastating effect. F ift e e n ! bad ly wounded, left W ednesday for Rev. E verett L B ow ers. P astor I E lder J. T . S. Peterson, B ranch I ¡J and yMr,. G eorge left lei M onday Elim inating O verhead men were wounded in the initial b a r-: Santa M onica, C alifornia, fo r fu ith er Pu e n n a a c ge: ro- Rm o r l t o o ay tr I I Prest. P a r rson 356 B roadw But there is one m ore feature j night for V ictoria to attend the rage and lay exposed on the ridge. | m edical care. C hurch School 9:45 a. m. with Mrs j It usually i funeral. Survivors include her hus- w hich should be noted. The enem y then directed w ith er-; C ooper Mt. P. T. A will hold its Nan Bourquin, Supt. A LO H A CO M M U N ITY C H U R CH I band. W m . M . Knepp, son Paul, o f costs m ore to sell good s than to ing m achine gun and rifle fire on first m eeting at the scholhouse P ri- Let us balance our secular ed u ca-i G raydon D. L oree, Pastor ! B eaverton; daughters, Mrs. H. O. m ake th em ; but not so at F olly the area. ! day evening at 8 o'clock . tion with proper religious training, 1 Sunday S ch ool 9:50 a. m. Ervin, C orvallis; H ow ard A., M on Cove. T he overhead advertising and Lt. Osterloh went forw ard from h is ; Sgt. H om er E. C hurchill has been thus helping to con stru ct the New M ary Antrim , Supt. terey, C alif; Mrs. C. W . Neale, yic- sales expense o f these wom en am ount position o f cover to supervise the aw arded the Bronze Star medal for ( W orld O rder in the light o f Christian M orning w orship 11 a. m. H ence, each wom an toria, B. C.; Mrs. Mark M cK ay, M ag to only l ’*% evacuation o f the w ounded m a k in g 1 heroic and m eritorious service in precepts. Youth F ellow ship 7 p. m. dollar nolia, A lberta; nieces Mrs. O tto gets 98'n 'r cents o f every several trips acnoss seventy-five | con n ection with the turning back o f E ven ing service 8 p. m. M orning w orship 11 a. m. which the retail stores pay fo r the George o f R eedville; and Mrs Vera yards o f fire sw ept ground. H e was the big counter attack in Alsace, T he pastor will preach upon the T hese wom en certainly are S tiff living at G oldcndale. W ash., gpods. h im self wounded, but continued with j F rance, them e “ T he P rom otion o f the K in g teach in g m an u factu rers som eth in g THE VALLEY form erly o f R eedville. his effo rts until all o f the wounded dom ” . A. D. G eorge will sing. with distribution. T his lesson alone CO M M U N ITY C H U RCH men were brou ght to a safe place. Wright Joins Navy M ethodist Youth Fellow ship m e e ts ' entitles this story to be in this w eek U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N at 7 p. m. leader Miss Janet Sweet. [ S W Gabel Lune at Fairw ay Dr., d \xi M r C U I « n r l n n w A r s h i n ly fin colum n. n. But fln an a n cial c‘al colum But m m ost ost lm lm- - D. W . l a n d o n w a r » n i p i portant o f all, this is proof U nt W illiam R W right, Beaverton, has C ircle No. 1 W SCS m eets W e d 1 R ev. H. A. A rm itage Pioneer» Ate Wild Honey enlisted in the U. S. N avy at the from 10 a. m. to 3:30 at church. A board a destroyer in the P a cific— ! noth in g su cceeds like true co-opera- M orning service 10:30 a ac- Choir p ractice at 8 p. m. ‘ W ednes B enjam in W. M rCleland Jr., U S N R 1 tion. H ere all have the same pow- B ack In the “ E igh ties’’ when the R ecru itin g Station in Portland Adam s day. son o f Mr. and Mrs. B enjam in W . Me-1 ers, vote opportunities and yet the B eaverton cou ntry was sparsely set- co rd in g to Lt. Com dr. K 1 A I.O IIA A S S E M B L I O F GOD f o r - 'o f f i c e r in charge o f that naval ac Clelland o f route 2. B eaverton, Ore., ’ Incom e o f each is based upon het tied and surrounded by heavy Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. P IL G R IM Is a m em ber o f the crew o f veteran own Individual efforts. Q uestions: ests o f fir and pine there were m any I tlvity. W orsh ip 11 a. m. of L U T H E R A N ( 111 KCII fighters serving aboard this 2100-ton W hy can not this co-op erative prin- wild bees in the w oods, an old tim er | T he new b lu ejack et is .9° " , . T hu rsdays 7:45 p. m. F arm in gton Rd. at M enlo Drive w arship which has played a prom in- ciple be applied tp m any other prod in this vicinity. Billy King, had an Mr. and M rs_ E rw in A. G erken P astor ent role in virtually every m ajor N a-i u cts? May there not be a sugges- eagle-eye in sp ottin g bee trees and route 1. b ox 833 H e attended B . 522 B roadw ay val operation in the P a cific war tion here fo r returning veterans w ho BETHEL harvested along in Septem ber gallons 1 erton H igh School and has been em- Sunday School 9 45 a. m. con e during the past year. 1 want to be both independent and C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R CH o f strained h oney gathered from ployed by J. B. Im lay and Son. Divine Service 11 a. m „ McClelland, a seam an, first class, useful, R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, P astor the C oast R an ge m ountains down ~ ~ '* T T o p ic —“ H ow to K eep Y our Salva 9 45 a. m. C hurch School. M iss ¡jo in e d the crew o f this destroyer in to the nearby hills and m any o f t h e ; Garden Club to have tion." A m arette Barns, Supt May. 1944. a n d . saw his first action N e w C h a ir m e n A n n o u n c e d old pioneers had ftrew eed honey on . , 1 p i _ w __ Q L nw The T railer M ission will com plete l i a. m. M orning service I in the invasion o f Saipan. Since _ ... _ then hot cakes fo r breakfast. Informal rlower Z 5h O W S:S0 ; m Intermediate Young then bl battW record bows particV- rO r W a r l^fiest C a m p a i g n Billy K ing resides in Portland now | B eaverton C om m unity Garden club its stay this Sunday evening, Sept. | pation In Naval engagem ents and j - ■ —but it m akes him smile when you m eets this F riday in the IO O F hall 23. T he picture “ P ow er o f G od " will People. Public is cord ially in landings at Guam Tinian, A nguar, A num ber o f new area chairm en 6:30 p. m. Senior Y ou n s People. m ention those good times at B eaver on B roadw ay to en joy an inform al be shown. vited to attend. Peleliu. Layte, M indoro and Luzon, fo r the w ar chest cam paign which ton a long tim e ago. flow er show . E ach m em ber is to The Sunday School picnic will be In addition his ship accom pan ied opens O ctober 1, has been announced C H A P E L S E R V IC E bring three entries, a horticultural, held after the service. T ransporta j carriers on raids which hit T ok yo, by H enry E. Shelton, cou nty chair- B E A V E R T O N FULL GO SPEL Bloodworth Get» Certificate an arrangem ent and miniature. tion will be provided. Iw o Jim a, K yushu, O kinaw a, and man. .S h erw ood , Tualatin, Mrs. O rville J. Poulin. Minleter A fter ju d gin g o f entries the judges Ladies Aid will meet at the church targets In the Nansel S h oto area. G eorge Flagm an. Beaverton. P ro I. O. O. F. Hall Beaverton will explain w hy som e o f the entries W ith the E ighty Ninth Division in ¡W ed n esd a y evening. 7 30 p. m. He also is a veteran o f the sea-air! gress. Garden Hom e, D ick D oty and Sundays 7:45 p. m. were w inners and what was w ron g i F rance— F our men o f H eadquarters battle for Leyte G u lf last O ctober, In, R ev. I»eonard Johnson; W est Slope, E verybod y w elcom e. A potluck Special T roops 89th Infant! y Di- with the oth er exhibits. W E S T IIIJ.LS which his ship executed a night tor- A. N. W etterborg; A loha-H uber. vision, have been aw arded the Certi- lunch is scheduled. L U T H E R A N C H U RCH ST. C E C E L IA f IfU R f II pedo attack on a heavy Japanese i Bethany, John M eeke; Orenro, R eed- ficste of Merit for outstanding per- -------------------------------- task force in S u rigac S trait and was ville. N orth Plains. Mrs R oy A. Canyon R oad, near Sylvan Masses 8:25 and 10:25. form an ce o f duty in com bat by Ma- F loyd Burke, w ho has been work- credited with sinking an enem y bat- M ishler; Tigard. Metzger, Art Mason. W erner J. Fritz. Minister jor General T hom as D. F5nley. 89th ing *t the shipyards fo r several R E K m IIJ .E « OMMI M I \ Sept. 23 tleship and a destroyer. I ---------- ■ ■ 11 ' D ivision Com m ander. years, was in P ortland M onday buy- 1 ¡: n n r a i A N i m r c h Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. M cClelland en tered the N avy In "T h ree cheers for the U. 8 . N avy S taff Sergeant W illiam B. B lood- !ng a 3200 pound team horses, and January. 1944. : and A rm y.’’- Sign painted by Japs Divine Service 11 a. m. R ev. H am pton. Pastor worth, son o f Joe K. B loodw orth. o f will begin fall plow ing this week on . ----- — — . . 'o n Y okoham a roof. (W h at, no Ma- T he R ev. L aw rence Knoll will Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. G. E route 2. B ox 463 Beaverton, is a the hom e ranch above Buxton, preach. E veryon e invited and wel- i Geiger. Supt "P rod u ction , not politics, Is the an- rin es?) m em ber o f this division, and received F loyd likee h o n e s and is well pleas- com e. The R ev. W ern er F ritz will I W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. swer to Inflation.” —C o lb y C h e ste r,. — - ■ ■ ■— ■- - hls certificate o f m e r it | ed with his fou r year old black*. ebsirm an, G eneral F oods Corp. I T urn war stam ps Into Bonds o fficia te on Sept. 34. 1 Y ou n g P eople's C. El 7 p. m. \ f Church Services Experiments T