PUBLISHED W E EK LY IN OUR PLAN T ON VOL. 18, XO. 32 SHORT ST. AND Beaverton, Oregon, Winners At County Fair CANYON H IGH W AY Friday, September 7, 1945 E ST A B LISH E D 1927 Last Game Of The Season To Be Played Here Sunday Here and There Dr. and Mrs. Mason received word j this w eek from their son H erbert , that he had just left F rance and was j on his w ay home. j F ew people realize what quick re- Many Prizes W on by f-,. , i . , . - » ! suits are achieved by w ant ads. Last Clubbers in this end county :week a man left an ad to be run two _____ | weeks, he wanted to sell his acreage T here *were m any entries by 4-H ' and a house' Saturday he called and Legion Tangles Here Clubbers at the W ashington County ca n °elled the second issue o f the ad. With Merchants— Be There F air at Shute P ark and com petition ; He had sold the property overnight was keen. M any w inners cam e from spending 50c. H ere is your last ch ance this com - the east end o f the county, am ong M rs- E dith Smith, w ife o f M arion , ing Sunday to see both B eaverton them are: C lothing—Audrey E nger E|nest Sm ith o f Portland, passed 1 team s play when they face each Rt. 2, Beaverton, fou rth place, Arlene ,a w a y last week. She was m other o f other for the City Cham pionship. Murphy, fifth, and Geraldine M olash, i M rs- G race E. H odge o f B eaverton The team s will be the Beaverton A m - also o f route 2, B eaverton \ C om m ittal Idlew ild cem etery at T he follow in g students from the etican Junior le g io n playing one o f IB —V irginia Classon fifth, and Va- H ood R iv e r- , the best Sem i-pro team s around this £ r‘ou * im m ed |atif 'c * 10« 1 districts the leria Marlett. sixth, both o f route 2. j Lt M orris L. Schm idt spent B eaverton. I w eek end with his parents Mr. and ¡cou n try the B eaverton M erchants | a n T m l v i t t « £ i t d*PIo,» a ^ A fter last Sunday’s sh ow ing | ^ a v e r t o n union I I —C harlotte Gutnecht, fifth, route Mrs. L. C. Schm idt and brother Lu Vern o f 560 S W Main. He has been 3 B eaverton. I against the T im ber Structures fro m , Unlon_ Dist e-L loyd ..A. Ingram , Portland, the M erchants look like a I H IA —Joanne M cG eorge, second, in the service since January, 1942. Dale Sherm an G redvig, Fred W csle He returned to Seattle Sunday even sure bet to win B eaverton’s first all - 1 H am el, Betty route 2, B eaverton. F loren ce H lckcthier, city title game. IIIA —Ann M olek, thud, route 2, ing w here he is stationed. D. E. C hristie is building a new I-ast Sunday T im ber Structures I * ° b? rL J ° 8? ? h K d* Hr A ’ F ltch ' B eaverton and Ida Lou H agg, fifth. hom e on H enry street. He recently gave Beaverton a slim 9-5 beating at L ' 1 ly Ker u ,le ,‘ Reedville. M cK ay— M erle Allen -O sborn , Do N ew m an place. the B eaverton dium ond, again before Cooking. — IA — V irginia Classen j purchased the old re no Donna Cordano, BuibuiH Jean Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sinclair and the largest route 2 B eaverton, R ita M ayfield, a seel sixth, route 3, B eaverton. " j N a n cy Lee o f route 1 spent her m other pa IB —Carol Corrieri, second, Phyllis i w eek at Seaside with sister Mrs. locals M cG eorge, third, G ertrude La Rue, M ,s - R u th era u ff and j Shriner w ho finished the rest o f the 1 all o f route 2, B eaverton, and Violet ! D ouglas Ober and fam ily. , W right. W illiam H enry Moore. B everly Clarke, Rt. 1, Gaston, and game. The gam e was well played | H ering seventh o f route 3 Beaverton. Kinton, No. 37 Edith Marion Van I by both team s and kept the huge IIB — Joan Beazley, first, route 3, ■Ronald Nelson, Rt. 3, H illsboro scor-I Kleek, Kathleen Eva Johnson, L o ed highest in the W ashington County ; j Sunday crow d on their feet w it h ' Beaverton. W h lch er„ Tracey Sell, M arjorie Van close plays and fa n cy ball handling. | i 4-H health contest held August 28 in i Sears R oebuck Garden Contest K leek . W ashington County P u b lic; Coach T om m y R am sdell will bring i R eg. garden under 100 sq. f t __¡th e B eaverton No. 48 Kathleen A ik i his crack Legion team into fra y led I , ... ,, , , H enry H in ck R t. 3, B eaverton, first. ! H ealth O ffice. Duane > ernian- eanne Baker, Melva Lee I try Johnny H ennick and litter | C harlotte Gutknecht, route 3. Beav- Swine— Four fat hogs from a Beeler, B everly Bess, E leanor Boy- j Cushman. Both o f these boys are , erton, scored third. — I irst L loyd K och, Tualatin. son, Alton Byrd, Connie Byrd, Jack terrific hitters. T he L egion club Chester W hite ju n io r sow pig_f In the b oy ’s division G eorge R ose j C ox, L ila Mae Cullen, R ich a rd Cush Released by U. S. War Department. Bureau of Public Relations. o f which the age limit is 16 have D orothy ! 2 , H illsboro, scored second. First, Lloyd K och , second man, Allan Davis, D oroth y Deering. | T he death o f David Lew is Rice, w on 0 and lost 5. M ilwaukle shut H inderm an, Tualatin. SCHOOL DA YS AGAIN FOR AMERICAN SOLDIERS— Down Dawn Fahler, R ob ert Hart, Glori:' the Legion out with no hits and no Single fat h og —First, L loyd K och, Iw ho was killed August 31 was an a narrow street in Joigny, France, marches a class to the school of H uddleston, R obert Jnckson, John runs In one game, while Silverton, second, D orothy H inderm an third ' unusually sad one. He and his par-1 Jacobs, Jack Jones, H enry Kings the 517th Regiment Unit Command near Paris. The school is main Salem and H illsboro L egion clubs R onald Kam p, Tualatin. ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. R ice had bury, M ary Ann K okich, Dorothy tained under the Arm y’s program fur the education of soldiers in beating the baby Beavers. T he Le- Junior sow pig— First, R onald j lived an Oak Avenue, near F a r m in g -; Marsh. K am p, Tualatin. ! ton R oad, and w ere m oving to a ; the European theater of operations. T /S Malcolm Evans, Rye, N. Y., gion hopes are high o f eating the big- M cC loskey P atricia M cClos- P oultry-—H om er Z u v ei, first, Jim farm near Molalla. T hey had left ¡Be. M erchants for the city title. ; ? 0 ‘ y " " ‘ m S £ n M ^ f o r J outside of column at left, has charge of the class. M elvin j M eanwhile Sy Half e B e a v e r t o n s t anf ( ml Miller> Z a n e Smith, second, W ayne Sagert, third, the 1^ year old boy driving a tractoi ! M erchants ace m anager is putting ' __ . w all o f Tualatin. doing som e discing on the new farm N a a n n cy cy N a g u e s, his team through p ractice with m uch M ulhausen, N N W hite eggs -H o m e r ..Zuver, first, : and when they returned with m ore j C laire N ew com er, D olores Nute, R on- j precaution. T he M erchants have a second W ayne Sagert, o f Tualatin., ¡h ou seh old goods, found him dead C. E Rally at Hillsboro i aid Ott, Gloria P ace, David Phelps, I very well building team and play i w , r. _ „ R abbits — Senior d o e — How ard i under the tractor, w hich had over- Sunday September 9 baseball like it w as death if they lost. ** H inck, sixth, route 3, B eaverton. | turned pinning him under it. C arole Sheeley. Dean Short, H om ei : B alfe will feature Sunday R ic Lane, j Jersey Jr., yearling— E lbrid ge G or- i Services were held M onday Sep- Speer, H en ry Stroeve, V irginia Tnl T he W ashington County Christian form er Philadelphia Athletics, who don, third, route 3, B eaverton, B u r t !t enlber 4 at the Beaverton Congre bert, Bryan W alker, D orothy Finney. E ndeavor is holding its annual sum has played in one w orld series. Cal H endershott fou rth route 2. B eaver- Igational church R ev. Geo. D. A lly of- B arnes No. 5'i B everly Jean mer ou td oor rally at the Hillside McGann shortstop, will be ba ck after ton. ¡ficia tin g . B esides his parents a sis- Adam s. C onference grounds Sunday, Sept. 9. an injury su ffered in the C om m er G uernsey Jr. c a lf—E rlin Santoro, ter F loren ce and brother R ichard, in R ecently Fred Koshland presented Cedar Mill—Diane Laurice C ovef, The rajly will begin at 3 with a cabi- cial Iron gam e. W ith these two, eighth, route 3, B eaverton. ¡n avy, stationed in Philippines, sur- a valuable painting entitled "T h e B ertie Mae E m ry, Janet Mae French, I net m eeting follow ed by a song ser B alfe will have m ore batting G uernsey Sr. C a lf—D on ald M ein - i vive. Birth o f Our N ation's F la g " to the M argaret E leanor H olt, Kenneth the M erchants. The nis, second, rou te 3, B eaverton. D avid was a sophom ore at Beaver- j B eaverton H igh School and P rin ci- vice, w orship service and speaker. ; strength for K eith Kurtz, Alvin W. L aFolletto, I T here will be pot luck supper at M erchants com e into the last gam e Jr. Yrl. H eifer— M alcolm Mclnnis, i ton H igh School, I pal I. R. Metzler acknow ledged it Paul P eter Be sure to bring som ething Sunday with 2 wins against 5 losses. N a n cy Ann O ’Connor, third, route 3, B eaverton. He w as a m em ber o f the Boy receipt in a story in the E nterprise. : 5:30. t , . , son, Jack R. Philips. R ob ert Shearer, -rv.! . j K oshland ui a received , . , ,u for the pot luck supper and stay Sr. Yrl. H e ife r—B urt H endershott, j Scouts and well liked in the neigh- This week c Fred J . for F or this com in g Sunday. B alfe will D ixie Lee Skeels, David Strickland. the evening service. The evening start Big Boy, R on W hitw orth, for first, route 2, B eaverton. jb o rh o o d . _ _ ,, , ! a very interesting letter from Mrs. 1 Tualatin View, No. 67Jt— R ich ard ill be the M erchants. W hitw orth has won Dr. H. Guy Goodsell presiding el- M w illia m s o f B eaverton, in w hich f|\rl®tla" E " dPavoJ ">Peti"B 3 yr. old co w and older— L on K in- B auer Jr., L ois D orothy Peterkort, ’ eople. 3 and lost 4 this year for his 1945 r o f the P ortland D istrict o f the h led by the B eaverton Y oung P' naman, first, route 3, B eaverton. |der ° ! ln e r ’oru an a m s i n c i ui m e sbe say s Alan M. R aeburn, Fannie l>ee Z ook. ' pitching record. Back o f the plate 2 yr. old cow — H ilda Leopold, first, j M ethodist C hurch was in B eaveiton ..j reatj with m uch interest,, the Bethany No. 74 — Stanley Fred will be D ick Durdel, form er Kansas for a few hours W ednesday fo r the item in last weeks Enterprise, about route 3, B eaverton. Lundahl R ob ert L loyd Zahler, V ein Men Report for Induction | City Blue Catcher. Sr. cham pion and grand champion purpose o f con d u ctin g the first quar- the pjCture you Kave tQ the high V incent Dysle, Jam es R osenw ald The gam e will start at 2 with the -L o n K innam an, route 3, B eaver- terly con feren ce. Goals for the com - sch ooi o f the first A m erican Betty Stoller, Joyce Arelene Barton. Junior Legion team being the host ton. ing year were discussed and a c c e p t-; R ogs flaff and ,tg origin, and it m ay The follow in g men have been o rd M cK inley Dlst. 81 B etty June induction Sep i team for the day. Jr, Show m anship— B urt H en der- j od. ! also be o f interest to you to know ered to report for ______ M osh ofsk y M arjorie Lou Anderson. shott, second, route 2, B eaverton. | On W ednesday evening the tit- that j am the ow ner o f that very i tem ber 20 by W ashington county local Sr. Show m anship—C h u ck K i n n a - ! w anis grou p had the pleasure o f list- flaR Ith a s been in our fam ily board No. 1 Beaverton O regon: H Ä r Ä o n |E S S X Ä 92— Donald L ester L. L. N ackers, A rthur C. man, first, third, H ilda L eopold, route ¡en in g to A. B an croft W ells, general since the war o f 1jjl2 and j j on t UK5) C oach T om Kam sdale j W o p d h m. Dick Eastm an Johnny A W illiam R. R obinson, 3, B eaverton, Burt H endershatt, 4th, m anager o f the T ourist Bureau or know how m uch longer. I have no H ardm an, 9 C f John G c- Dotg. N ancy Nadine H yde, Marjuw.- R f El win P axson. route % B eaverton. the P ortland Cham ber o f Com m erce. real p ro o f that it is, only by the his Charles J. Sheckla, Allen W. T h om E. Fram e, Stanley B ernare M arugg. Lf John H ennick 3B N or- G rand C ham pion ..Show m an—Lon H e spoke o f a program o f advertis- tory and the flag itself. I f you care as, H enry I. Sum owski, Dale G. H il iger. 2b— Duane Cushman. Joanne C om stock, Mary Lou K itsch, K innam an, route 3, B eaverton. j ing this state which should result in to see it you are w elcom e to com e denbrand, Joseph E. O'M eara, Ber- man Haines. C ln rerce H. Peterson, R obert B. I B - Jim T aggart. SS Bob W h it B row n Swiss Jr. C ham pion—L o w -, a ttractin g thousands o f tourists, • and exam ine it fo r yourself. It is i th olt S. S eiffert. Gibbs, N ancy Ann Sturgeon, Alta worth. C D ick Murphy. P Du ell Schlesser route 3, B eaverton. \ ' O ver 1600 inquiries resulted from very frail, __ but I keep it insured and j J. Hansen, Jack D. G odw in, Carl ane R asm ussen. B row n Swiss & ..Shorthorn S h o w -¡o n e ad placed in a national m agazine won>t ,et n ko oulslUK lne nouse _ . . _ _ _ l t it go outside the house. John K oester, Doran Lewis, JoA nn m a n sh ip - M ervel Schlesser. second, ; M any o f our finest business and pro- Thg f ,aj? ig a ,)proxim ately fou r hy C P l P O r d l P l i l O m Bishop. Beaverton M erchants Neal M clnnis, third, Lowell Schles- j fessional men, farm ers, etc.. w gjx f ee( hand woven, and the thir-1 C ooper Mt. Dlst. 94 -Dorothy 9 (2-5) Coach, Sy Balfe ser, fifth, all o f route 3, Beaverton, .o n c e tourists in this state. teen gtars and the stripes a le sewe<i R f Earl Brekke. C f Rie Lane. L o “ *«* I^«l>old, B etty Martha Schell. B row n S w i s s ,* S horthorn Y ea rl-i T he M illers drove to^ the different by hand Thg f)ag lg f raye(j an(1 , Lf Lee Arias. 3B W es T oedle- E sther Marie U vcrm ore. D oris Caro ing H eifer— First, L ow ell Schlesser, , benches and home by the way o f Co ¡ap p ears to be very old. miei 2B Glen Reeves. I B - N a te j line Palm er, loia Jean Jenkins, route 3, B eaverton. , vallis on Sunday. Som e museum or historical society Andrew s. SS Cal McGann. C— j Stephen L eroy Benham. A p a rty% was given at the old H olstein Jr., C a lf-T h ir d , R oy' Mr. and Mrs. G uy A lexander Mr- m ,ght be interested in this relic P - R on W hitw orth. ! R aleigh Dlst. 95 Arden A rm flcld, F ann o hom e to celebrate the one hun D ick Durdel. Schlesser, route 3, B eaverton. and Mrs. R obt. Sum m ers Mr. a n d , ----------------------------- (Save this for reference during the Susannah Dtfanl, W illiam S. Harris, dredth anniversary o f the hom e near Cham pion and Grand C ham pion— Mi s. Dr. Hetu and Mr. and Mrs^ I ed Y vonne L. H ibbard, Am nryllis Lilies. to Gear- News Around Town P rogress on Labor Day. A potluck gam e). H erm an Leopold, route 3, B eaverton. Hetu and baby T e l i g e n t . Paul H. Oldenburg, Suzanne Knryl dinner was held in the old hom e. A hart over the holidays. | Cham pion s h o w m a n sh ip - Lon K in P olsk y, JoA nn R obin son, Maureen T h ose genuine H uraches on sale at M r E lm er 8tipe and Mr. and Mrs. grou p o f forty near and distant rela The Idea of the Week naman, route 3, B eaverton. Lee Smith, Balou W estern off. T he elder rela slip- Allhands o f Portland were fishin g at tives w ere present. H olstein Y earlin g H eifer— First, M ikes Shoe shop m ake fin e A loha-H ubcr Dlst. 107 — Rnlph tives present were Mrs. Ziona Fanno ; L ong Beach over the holidays. H erm an Leopold, route 3, B eaverton. pers fo r use in the house also. T he idea o f the week denis with Stuart Hanna Jr., Russell Ia?e I lace, W llm ot M rs. Blasser, a brother, A lon T he ord er o f E astern Star will be j Mr. and Mrs. W isniew iski from H olstein Show m anship— First H er the present and the future o f the B everly M cK night, W yn em a Laurel opening next W ednesday Septem ber som e cam p in Pennsylania are on a zo F ann o o f Ardenw ald, near Mil- moth. Not m uch can be «done about man Leopold, route 3, B eaverton ¡12 with a "hom e com in g " pot luck furlough and visiting at the Don w-aukie Mrs. R obt. Brown o f Garden its past but its present can becom e Arthur, E leanor Jean Senn, Frank L am b, Shirley A nnabelle M cIntosh, Chico, | dinner. E ach one is supposed to M acD onald home east o f B eaverton. H om e Mr. Asa F anno from its past, and Its future can be staved j eBn B ergstrom , Eula Mae H ow ard m em bers o f the Denny o ff by a new m oth p roof know n as Duane 0 p r a id ! bring a hat, w hich will be sold and Mrs. W isniew iski was M argaret M ac Calif., and ALOH A NEW S W illiam s Jr., Alvin fam ily. . Jto be worn by the one w h o buys. Donald. Y A -D E . It d oesn ’t even smell »¡nee I<croy p|ttg j r M elva Anderson. A son and fam ily o f Mr. A lonzo Miss Mollie O ’D onnell left last Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gaines o f Nam - Mr. and Mrs. ‘'D o d ” B erg have it Is odorless, stainless, and will not R lchnrd Aldin Rasm ussen Louis T he after harm the finest fabrics. w eek fo r Seattle where she entered pa, Idaho, w ere guests of Mrs. bought an undertaking establishm ent Fanno live in the hom e. It carries L y le V oorhies, Ixiis Mae Place, Hat the cadet school o f nursing at P rovi- L ouise M anning for a few days. Mr. in St. John's, P ortland, and hope to noon w as spent visiting and a most a fiv e year guarantee. old F ran cis Mull, R ob ert Oliver H an G aines is a brother o f Mrs. M anning. be m oving there soon. B eaverton Interesting accou n t o f the early days den ce hospital. T his m oth p roofin g preparation na, I xju I s Jim Martin, L arry 1» was read by Mrs. R obt. Brown. Guests o f Mrs. J. L. H arris were friends are sorry to see them go as EM 2 /c R ob ert Y ork has been Y A -D E is handled by Deans Drug W alker, Jr., R obert I*eonard Casteel, her cousin Mrs. Delia M eserve o f Du they will be greatly missed. tran sferred to the Philippines. Store. j W illard H oop er Greer, Donald De Mrs. W . H. E ngleke and Mrs. Ted Raymond Olsen Promoted | P fc. Charles Boyd, nephew o f Mrs. val W ash., Mr. and Mis. Frances, o f 'W a y n e H arris, Janies Paul Chunn. Hetu are w orking on the ration Portland. C. R . R iley o f A loha has been h on or Inez G rim m , Jeanette Eileen SP' i- Talks Attract Attention ably discharged and has returned to i Mrs. Ethel B aker has moved to board in Portland, W ith the E ngineering Construction _______ i ling. P hyllis lo n e G ifford , Dorothy his hom e in P ortland. : Idaho and has rented her place to C lifford I'an ger one o f the young Com m and in Manila R aym ond Ol People have for years been reading i M arie C hristensen, R ichard Cpl. E arl C orrieri is hom e on a | Mrs. Vala and her father. j men o f the Nazarene Church leaves sen of Aloha, Oregon, has been pro Rev. T aylor's talks in all our valley | S chw ab, L eonard K. Farlow , Jr., Bet- Mrs. H. C. B row ne on Second and this week to attend Asbury S em in aly m oted from furlough. He has been in the arm y private first class to papers. but recently m any com m ents ty Jo Sm yser, Lazettn Jean Robbins, A ngel entertained a club o f twelve at W llm ore Ky. over tw o years. technician fifth grade. Cpl. Olsen have been m ade on his articles. Be- * — ^ ladies from P ortland on Thursday, Miss A lice W atts o f Seattle, w ho Is Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jersey w ere din is V carpen ter in the E ngineer Con More Canning Sugar a preceptress o f P a cific College. In struction Com m and In Manila, the low ai e a few sent to him recently. ner hosts to a group o f friends from fo r luncheon. ^1 alw ays look up your a rticle s' , - c . r ,i Mrs. Geo. T hyn g and grand child- Seattle, is hom e visiting her sister and sam e trade he follow ed as a civ il P ortlan d this week. special and en joy reading th e m .’— llS SU C C l 3 l t C f o C p , l o l i l returned home from Cannon m other, Mrs. W atts and Mis Edith ian. Sgt. David A ckerm an left last ren E. J., Gladstone. O regon. I --------- W atts. w eek fo r C alifornia a fter a s h o r t , B each Saturday. O verseas fo i m ore than tw o years, "Ju st a w ord to express the ap p re-j Septem ber 15 will be the Inst dnV V eldon B oge has been hom e on a j E ldon K eebaugh w h o has been ser Cpl. Olsen is authorized to wear the leave with his fam ily. for o f the Issuance o f hom e oannim : *' ving in the arm y fo r som e years, is A sia tic-P a cific T heatre R ibbon with ciatlon of this C hristian fam ily T /S g t. H. E. B row n visited with ¡sh ort furlough you r testim ony fo r Christ thru the gar, W illard Case, food rationing r\ his m other and sister here. He re- Mrs. G orham was out from Port-1 back in civilian life again. bronze stars fo r the New Guinea, new spapers.—A. S., K lam ath Falls. ecutive for the O ffice o f Pt ice Ad Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson o f Southern ceived his discharge recently. -land to the Past M a tron s party on Philippine, and Luzon m inistration, has announced ” 1 am so glad fo r your evangelistic i B eaverton have gone to Seattle to C am paigns; and the Philippine Libe R eedville grade sch ool opened fo r I Friday, Case stated that all hom e ennners m essages thru the new spapers each the fall term Sept. 4. Mrs. N oresn Mrs. Bertha Brown who has been attend the funeral o f Mrs. Johnson's ration R ibbon with one bronze star. w ho have not already sent in their week ' W ood b u m . B rookh ardt is a new m em ber o f the staying with her daughter in Tilla- m other. Cpl. Olsen says that his m ost "Y o u r colum n In th e papers has application s fo r their 1945 e-m ’-'r-g sta ff and will teach the fifth and m ook is visiting her daughter Mrs. Tw elve you ng people o f the Naza- prized possession, how ever, is his 82 should do so im m ediately, been a great blessing to our fam ily | sugar sixth grades D arrell Jones is the Jam es Cam pbell on route 1. rene Church have been attending a point tow ard discharge, and since and is greatly a p p ieciu ted.” K lam - 1 since application s will he receive 1 principal and teacher o f eighth and T he Past M atrons o f the Order o f young peoples institute at Twin h i has been In the service since ! and processed on ly up to and Indu seventh grades. Mrs. C. Yount ha* Eastern Star met in the Boyd grove R ocks attending school in the mo: n April, 1912. he is eagerly looking fo r ath Falls. “ K eep up the good w ork .” — W o o d -i in g Septem ber 15. the third and fourth grades; M rs last F riday with a pot lurk dinner. 1 ing and recreational work in the af- ward to an early return home. burn M G eiger in charge o f p tim a rj T hey spent the afternoon sewing ternoon room block s made o f wool ..material to-i - ......... ■■■■■■ — --------- Kokich Studio Open Now Pictures of the Heavens ___________________ gether for lap robes for the Veter- Catch Jumbo Crab G eorge W . B aker o f Portland, n . r , , < ■ , ans Hospital. writes to an old friend, that he en To be shown Sept. 11-16 --------- ' D ick K ok ich announces the re- D i g as C abbage Heads Mr and Mrs. Hellenthaw o f P ort- joy s reading the B eaverton E nter Miss B etty L. B urke and pa rents j open ln p o f h |, W est Slope A ccord Ernest L H aw kes internationally - land were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. prise every week, to know w hat’s know n E va n g elist-lectu rer will tie had a good tim e at T illam ook heach- j ¡on 3 tu<B0 „ t C anyon and Howe: Joe Orselli is having a hard tim e stra le y the first o f the week wintei goin g on in the Old Hom e Tow n at the Church o f the Nazarene es the past week One o f the th r ills , roa<J W est Slope, fo r the harvesting his lettuce c r o p - som e o f; Mr and Mrs. Geo Blasser and Mrs Yes Sir. B eaverton Oregon. Septem ber 11 to on the trip, was catch in g a large sp rin g term. the heads are large as heads o f cab- C arrie Sum m ers called on Mr. and one o f the P a cific's yjj. K okich Is teach er o f m odern W here ever you m ay roam "T h ere's 16. at 7:30 p m. It will be an am az Jumbo crab bage. Mrs Bert R ohse o f Sellwood on Sun- no place like h om e!" and if you wish ing dem onstration in sound, color, deep sea habitants. Betty had Its nnd classical accordion and is avail T he standard lettuce crate will day afternoon and found him im- to m ake an oldtim e friend happy light o f the starry heavens as seen pictun and says: "they taste bettei j nf>1e to play fo r w eddings, parti' hold 36 large heads o f lettu ce—but proving. He would be very happy send him a year's subscription to the through the w orld's largest telescope, than they look .” ! etc. Joe has hard w ork pack in g only 27 to have som e callers from Beaverton, B eaverton Enterprise. M u l^ o m a h projected in dazzling splendor upon a m onster heads o f lettuce in th e. -- — Sen- tw elve-foot acreen by the moat pow Press, A loha News or T igard “ W h ich will com e hack fir s t—the T h ere Is m ore food value in g r e n crate. H ow about y ou r su bscription ? chleken or the e g g ? " —Sen. Sonper.' ¡s n a p beans than In yellow w ax beans. erful p rojector made. tlnel! Grade Graduates High School Next Beaverton Woman Has Valuable Flag j Anniversary Of Home