PUBLISHED W E E K LY IN OUR PLAN T ON VOL. 18, NO. 31 Gen. McArthur In Tokyo 17,500 Men Land In Japan Wednesday • _____ A cco rd in g to press dispatches Gen. Douglas M acA rthur landed near T o k ­ yo T hursday in his transport plane, to oversee the occu p a tion and sur­ render o f Japan. W ednesday, ten hours b efore the landing o f the general, 7500 men o f the 1 1 th airborn division m ade land­ ings at A tsugi and 10,000 sailors took over the Y ok osu k a naval base. So far there had not been any op ­ position by soldiers or civilians, and big billboards bore the lettering, “ W elco m e ” . T he form al surrender o f the Jap­ anese is scheduled aboard the Mis­ souri Thursday. Advised to “ Go H om e!’ W hen w orkers at the O regon Ship yard arrived T hu rsday m orning to g o to w ork, men met them at the gates o f the yard an d—told th em — “ G o H om e.” E veryon e con sidered it g ood advice and w ent home. P erhaps it was also the big volum es o f sm oke bel­ low ing skyw ard that had som ething to do with their g oin g. It looked as though the w hole plant was d oom ­ ed although all o f P ortlan d's fire equipm ent was there. T he fire could be seen from B eaverton and Aloha also. \ It had been rum ored that w ork at this yard w as to be discon tinu ed about January 1. ALO H A T he A loha-H uber school opens Tuesday, Septem ber 4. T he new p rin ­ cipal will be Ira R . Scott. A. T. C avaness is g o in g to install a new' chem ical tank at the C oop er Mt. sch ool house to pu rify the water. A nnouncem ent is m ade o f the m ar­ riage o f Gene F. M ingo, niece o f T om Sullivan, to Sgt. Claude F. H a r­ well Jr., Sunday a ftern oon A ugust 19 at the P ost Chapel, P ort R ich a rd ­ son, Alaska. Mrs. H arw ell and m oth ­ er lived at A loha fo r a year with her uncle. H. G. Buzza, o f Aloha, w h o fo r m ­ erly operated the Sunset Gardens, has purchased the H iw ay ga ra ge and T im ber T eleph one Co. Mr. Buzza and fam ily have m oved to T im ber. L ittle Pat B row nlee celebrated her ninth birthday with a party at her home. R T 2 /c R alph N ielsen left iast w eek fo r N ew Y ork a fte r a short visit with his parents. Mr. and M rs. Geo. M ann have re­ turned from a trip to B oone, Iowa, where they attended the 50th w edd­ ing anniversary o f his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. K latt en joyed a vacation at their cotta ge at R ose Lodge. T /5 G arry Smith is home. H e has received his arm y d isch arge a fter serving nearly fo u r years in the ser­ vice, three o f them overseas and has fought in the Aleutians. E ngland, F rance and G erm any. A party w as given in the R eedville sch ool h onoring Miss M ay O 'C onn or w hose m arriage to Mr. V ern on M eyer is planned fo r Septem ber 9. J. L. Jersey is a busy m an n ow as he is con n ected with the B. J. S h ep­ herd & Co., w h o do exca va tin g and grading and general con tra ctin g. T he C ooper Mt. Sewing club will meet Septem ber 11 at the hom e o f Mrs. T. B P arker. Miss Danielson Married In Portland The w edding o f M iss Ellen E liza­ beth D anielson, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. FYed Danielson o f P ortland, to Mr. Melivin R . H augland, arm y, son o f Air. and Mrs. H ans H augland o f Aloha, took place A ugust 11 in P o rt­ land in the F irst Im m anuel L uth­ eran • church. The bride w ore w hite satin, with a lon g tulle veil and ca rried a bouquet o f white roses and an orchid. H er father gave her in m arriage. Miss Helen H augland w as maid o f honor, w earing pink m arquisette and satin. T he bridesm aids were the Misses Eileen R u pprech t, D oris B as­ sett and Evelyn Gronlund, dressed in identical fr o c k s o f blue m arquisette. T hey w ore m atching headdresses and carried w ater lilies. T he flo w e r girl was Delores H augland. niece o f the bridegroom . Brown Injured Oliver B row n 70 years old, o f Beav­ erton. su ffered broken rib and face lacerations Saturday when his car plunged over a bank on C anyon H i­ way. His brakes locked. He was treated at a P ortland hospital. Back from New Guinea R osco e Allen and w ife were vist- ing relatives in Cornelius and B eav­ erton Saturday. He had his hon­ orable d isch arge from the U. S. ser­ vice with him. w hich bring m em ories o f som e tough tim es with the Japs dow n in New Guinea. He is glad to get back to Oregon. A fellow recen tly started to show me snapshots o f his children, but I was qu icker on the draw. SHORT ST. AND CANYON HIGH W AY Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, August 31, 1945 USS Missouri to be Scene of Historic Jap Surrender ESTAB LISH ED 1927 J J e re anc[ There Tll6 Wüi' Is Over F ive directors w ere elected Friday 1 at a m eeting o f the Cedar Mill rural ! fire protection district. T hey are: i H enry Johnson, G eorge F oege, F rank --------- Snyder. Chris Schindler and Jam es B ?,O S O n D lS C U S S e s J W alters. ' * F our rural fire protection districts j Atomic Bombs ' are now being organized in the coun- Babson Park, Alass., August 3 1 - i ty. Cedar Mill and Tualatin. Dis- N um eious i tricts are being considered at B eav- W orld W ar II is over. ; erton. H illsboro, O renco and West scares may occu r in con nection with w orking out details, especially dui 1 Union. O. B. Gates, w ho has been chalr- ¡in g the P eace C onference when the ■ man o f the County R ed C ross for spoils will be divided am ongst the I am ju st us c e i- | three years, resigned at a meeting United N ations. tam, however, that these com in g held Friduy. Mrs. Mariun T albert is threats will am ount to nothing, as , a m em ber o f the com m ittee. was last year when I said : ‘Ger- * Mr. and Mrs. Jake Strauss are many will collapse next Spring and planning a tu p to the coast over the Japan a few m onths later”. Lusi “ » « w . . »Ç, -- | holidays. T hey will be guests of week, when the news o f Jap an 's sui i Mr. and Mrs. R o y Gruap at R ock- render came, I wrote a colum n fu j away. farm ers, w h o I fear will be th Mr. and Airs. Jack Stauss are greatest su fferers from an econ om ic building a rum pus room in the buse- stand{>oint. a . .*> >, T his week 1 will vvi. . ' m ent o f their now home on Johnson fo r investors. O fficia l U. S. N avy P hotograph I road. A m arriage license has been is­ Securities to A void Japs to Surrender Grade School Ready sued to Om er Carl Wutts and Gladys Union High School C onsidering industry as a whole, ¡L aV ern e Hanson, o f route 3 Beaver- peace must be bullish. On Board Battleship For Pupils Sept. 10 If d estru c­ Opens Sept. 10 ; ton. tion and death are bearish, the end Jim m y K enrode (m ost efficien t o f W orld W ar II must result in im­ T he United States N avy's m ighty j M onday. Sept. 10. is the date set T he B eaverton Union High School butcher in Alillers grocery ) and proved fundam ental conditions. Of 45,000-ton battleship, the U p s MIS- fo r the opening o f Beaverton High will open its fall term on Septem ber fam ily have been on a vacation g o ­ SO U RI, will end her W orld W ar II i and grade schools. lc. 1945, with an anticipated onroll- ing to Seattle, V ictoria, and Vun- course,, certain w ar Industries, such as shipping, aircraft and munitions, ca reer in a blaze o f glory, August 31. On M onday m orning students will ment in excess of 450 students The j couver, B. C. face a trem endous readjustm ent. On 1945, in T o k y o Bay, when she serves , register and receive a list o f supplies . reports from the districts m aking up Mrs. lxiuis T hom pson and fam ily the other hand, these stock s huvu as the scene o f the historic u n co n d i-! needed fo r their work. R egular the union high school indicate a left for C alifornia on Saturday, after tional surrender o f Japan to the \ class w-ork will begin on Tuesday, possible freshm en eniollm ent of 154 j visiting relatives und friends in P ort­ already discounted m uch o f this re­ adjustm ent. In fact, the total value U nited Nations. P roudly bearing T he building has been put in order students. land. and her sister, Mrs. Guy Carr. o f the stocks o f som e o f these com ­ the nam e o f the hom e state o f Presi-1 and is ready for the flock o f boys The facu lty for the union high : and parents in Seaside. panies are selling for less than the dent H arry S. T iu m a n , the fig h t in g ; and girls who will arrive on open in g school has been com pleted with the Mr. and Airs. "S p eed y” Clausen, net liquid assets o f the com panies. USS M ISSOU RI has been named by day. Three class room s in the election o f Mrs. Mary R ice R oberts have gone to the beach fo r a week, General o f the A rm y, Douglas M ac- ’ new addition are ready for use and who will teach g irl’s physical educa- i Airs. D ick G oyt Jr., and her sister H ow ever, even this is no assurance that their stock s will not sell at Arthur, Suprem e Allied Com m ander, | they will be occu pied by the second tlon and erve as the high school li- 1 have gone to the beach fo r a week. as the locale o f the fo im a l ending glades. T w o additional room s will brnrian; the follow in g tea ch eis have I S tafford Miller has returned from even lower figures than at present. T he Industry, which is strictly a o f the w ar in the P a cific. Fleet be ready soon after the school open- signed contracts to teach during the the Hoy Scout C am p *’ erriw eather. war industry, which has not yet dot A dm iral Chester W. Nimitz, Com - ing. E verythin g seem s to indicate school yeai 1945-1946: The Christian ch urch had a very counted peace is the railroads. I m ander-in-C hief o f the United States the start o f a pleasant and su ccess- Reavi rton High sch o o l Faculty 1 nice picnic at Sellw ood park. have already called readers' atten­ P a cific Fleet and P a cific Ocean ful school year. T his year’s facu lty Miss Sanford. Miss Zürcher, Mrs. All. and Airs. W alter Aleyers and Areas, will sign for the United States. will include: Metzler, Miss Conoly, Mrs. W ard, fam ily have returned from a trip to tion to this; but I again say that railroad stock s and secon d -giad o G en eral o f the A rm y, M acArthur, for Miss Merle Davies, principal; Miss Miss Barnes. Mrs. W hltbeck, Mr. railroad bonds are selling too high. the Allied fo rce s w h ich fought in the M argaret G alley and Miss M arjorie Bauder, Mr. Duncun. Miss Maxwell, ; the coast. E rnest Hite (B uddy H ite) who It is true they m ay have anothei P a cific. The USS M issouri was Johnson, first grad e; Mrs. Elizabeth Mr. Bader, Mr. W ebb, Mr. Hollar, has been aw ay fo r a year is in the launched Jan. 29. 1944. C onstruc­ Myers, Mrs. A lice Carlson. Mrs. La- Miss Schoeler, Mrs. Elliott, in "gettin g the boys Miss United States and will be returning good year hom e” , but they are threatened tion w’as ordered June 12, 1940. Her rent Ely, second grad e; Miss L ily . Lundquist, Mr. Bushnell, Mrs. R ob- , home soon. both lower earnings and higher keel w as laid on Jan. 6, 1941, at the W agner. Mrs. M arie W atson, third erts and I. R. Metzler, | Airs. A lbert Johnson o f H uber visit­ operating costs. R ailroad securities N ew Y ork N avy Yard. grade; Mrs. B arbara B uffam and _________ ed at the home o f Airs. W .J. Alex- which paid dividends before the war Miss Geraldine T aylor, fou rth ; Mrs. ' under. m ay be expected to continue to do F lorence Bullis, and Mrs. Ila H utton. D . D . 0 . , Col. Shaw to Fly Airs. Lena Steele and a sister have so. But the "w ar babies” will soon fifth grade; Airs. F loren ce Payne, * T C S cn tS i I C t u r c to o C rlO O l | been to the beach fo r a few days. To Japan Soon with Troops sixth; Miss Faye Lite, Mr. W m . S taf- begin to pnss their dividends. I be­ _____ T he W illis C ady fam ily and the ford, seventh and physical ed u cation ; j T he Beaverton Union High School ' B uffum fam ily are on a vacation, lieve the stocks of all railroad.; - good and bad will go o f f in price. Lt. C olonel L eland B. Shaw o f Mrs. Esther Peer eighth grade and has acquired print num ber 23514 o f T ax Legislation All Im portant B eaverton, will be am on g the first Mrs. F lorence B rownlee, eighth grade T he Birth o f Our N ations F lag” . goin g to the beach. Alisa Shirley C arr is spending a Now that W orld W ar II is over. hundreds o f troop s w h o will fly into | and penm anship; Mr. Frank Bush- T his picture was presented to the week with her grandm other, Airs. C ongress should im m ediately re c o n ­ Japan in the advan ce occu p ation by nell, band. high school through the generosity A nderson at Seaside. vene and repeal the war taxes, espec- A m erican troops, o f h a lf a million The new school custodian is Mr. o f Mr. Fred Koshlund and will be Bert R ohse w ho lived in . Beaverton , lally the greater portion o f the ex­ men, w h o will be on the island w ith- Jam es Baker. hung in the Beaverton High School it num ber o f y e a r , ago, and “ ■*-! ce s^ p ro flts tax. l or political reu- in the next six m onths. I ----------------------------„ Library. neer o f a train running through h e r e j80B8 , pre8Utne alI taxea muat be rt Col. Shaw w as a captain in the BITS OF N F W S The picture portrays the Birth o f for years, w ho now lives at S e llw o o d ,, dm,pd 8omewhat 8l) that a!1 gloup8 81st in fa n try reserve and was called \ ^ Our Nations F lag and was done by who was badly hurt som e tim e a g o ,. w i„ recplve aoln. rpIief. T hls rc- into service a fter P earl H arbor, i . . . . ,~ T . , I c H Weisirerher is im proving and is able to be up ductloni h(m •ever, should be ln pro- their hnme with L t- N orm an Johnson, hom e on f u r - 1 vveisgerDer. Three sons m ake lough, entertained the Kiwanis club I __The Picture m easures 32 inches by m a v. eel chair. .'p o r t io n to their form er increases. Mr. Mrs. their grandparents. air. and ana n®rs‘ I m em bers W ednesd-iv evening with -i 25 inches and in the picture General Aliss L oretta and Joan Martin nnd i * _ ‘ . Thus ,the excess-profits tax could be E“ V" ’ ! ii.T e h o f h * ! G «»' « W , * » . . ' Th. H „ „ . i Be< everly H arter spent Tuesday at the rethiced aKalnst a 20 rechn left B eaverton to enter Uncle Sam 's ^»e01)>e R oss and R obert M orris are civil ™ c “ t? r , ln P ortland sw im m ng L , othpr taxe8 and t all g rou ,m service. I shown exam ining the first A m erican All Alls. Ott is em ployed in P ortland alike. A very pleasant vacation was j as *s held in the hands of Guy C arr and others were out in j Unless Congress very noon greatly 1 their boat on the C olum bia river >. spent at Newport by Afiss Ruth Van j ® e^®y R ° ss- reduces the excess-proiits tax, many Kleek. H er m other, Mrs. Fred Van T his Picture is appreciated and Sunda.y. industries will tie obliged to shut Air .and Mrs. H unkapillar enter­ down causing m uch unem ployment.. Kleek and sister Irene accom panied ■ w '^ treasured by the sch ool for her for a rest at the ocean resort. i '*s historic background. Our thanks tained a num ber o f folks fo r dinner I g th|! labor 8ltuatlon ha8 now Timber Structures Here and cards on M onday evening at ..... ............ ..................... On Sunday evening last, the AI.Y. and appreciation to Mr. Koshland. been entirely changed. Already n e « Next Sunday j their home on Third and Hall. F. of the B w v trtM Alethodi-a paper advertisem ents, that h ereto­ Church .together with their pastor • , r r r - I Aliss E dna W ilm ot o f Alilton and: fore asked for m ore em ployees, are W ell the huge crow d that saw last conducted services for the resid ents Increased Volume ol I rafilc Aiiss Jennie C arrol visited Airs. R uby being pulled out o f the papers; while I Boyd and her m other last week. weeks gam e betw een Silverton and Qf the Hazeldale area, under the aus And Poor Tires Hit? Risk the "Jobs W unted” colum ns have B eaverton saw about everything there pices Gf their leader, Mr. Doty. ’ ® The fishin g boat being repaired b y . begun to increase. E m ployei t ner i was to be seen. F irst th ey_saw th e , g q E dw ards has just returned Otto Keil Air. H arris and W m . Smith worry about the help situ Law enforecem ent office rs join in will soon be finished and ready t o ' ; 110 , longer . . , ,, , O regon State S em i-P ro cham pionship f,.onl a trip to L os Angeles. Calif., . . atlon; but w orkers may well change a plea to m otorists to drive carefully put in the water. team play a very tight gam e "H I1 ¡w here he visited relatives, ¡their attitude. If you now have a , . . , , during the Septem ber L abor Day plenty o f sm ooth ball handling, sec­ | Miss D elores Carlson, Mary Jane I A mart Inge license has been Issued holiday poriod OVpr the w eek end job, give your em ployer the best «cr- ond. the longest hom e run ever seen T aggart, Janice Osfield and a num- Peter Van D eB ogart o f Oregon Secretary o f State Farrell said in I vice possible. in B eaverton, and third the M erch­ City and Mae V ick ery o f Beaverton, | her o f others, are taking riding les­ Atomic Bombs "E xp osu re to accidents is sons at a hunt club on Saturdays. ants w ho played bang up ball but also to R alph S tronach o f Portland, part; N ow let us con sider the possible certain to be greater during the La- cou ldn 't pull through the pinches. a n d .D o iis Jean E ggim an o f B ea ier- bor p>a y period this year, as a result 1 Mr. and Mrs. F auteck and small j i long-range effects o f the new A tom ic L efty Aliller started fo r the locals ton. son have gone to the beach fo r a I Bom b on Investments. B riefly the. " o f increased volum es o f tra ffic, fast- but was ousted in the second inning Paul Lusk, o f route 1 B ea verton ,' f,r d rjv (ng speeds and poor tires. Now ' week. 'a re as follow s: T he A tom ic B om b when he walked 3 and hit 2. A1 was interviewed in Portland Air. and Airs. H arry R obinson and . . . . . . ___, on t h e ;thnt t|lp w ar j . , . .. „ a i l s bearish on dow ntow n city real e - ended, it would be Mr. nnd Airs. I red J Sylvester Shriner .form er m ajor league star, and . . . . . . . w . _ , . . _ ; . .. „ tste, hut bullish on suburban a:. I the hi r f or Beave ton H e>" M otor' f ' tragic indeed if the first L abor Day then w ent on daughter Eunice, went up the Co­ i country property. II is bearish on i m u g h t m h e e r rest e s t o f i the ,lldny »>' and lasted through m e i ¡ ladto . »tation KEN. KFX This program nroirram h‘ ------ 7 tr ' a ffic to „ o f hum an ilveR " j " * - r - lum bia highw ay Sunday. station This program ¡ous 'th e airplane m anufacturing Industry, game. Sid Miller, B eaverton short-1 conducted d t d by , H H ow ard Parent and , O US tra ffic t o " o f hum an lives. Let's Air. and Mrs. L eo B ernardinl went j ow ard Parent and dr|ve ca re fu l, and avoid a ccid « nts.” satop was the man of the day. when J ? d r‘ ve carefu lly and avoid accid en ts.” up to L ook ou t m ountain o ff the Co- ¡but bullish on the autom obile IndUo- Barney K eep features in form al curb- Here arp a few ru,pg o f „ afe d rlv_ 1 try. It Is hearts^ on railioads, bu in the sixth with n obody on he let side interview s with m otorists pass lum bia river highw ay on Sunday. bullish on highw ay construction. I ing: loose with a hit ball that ended up a Aliss E lsie L undstrom w'ho is em -j | is bearish on large dopurtim . by. i. D rive at a speed safe in the very clean hom e run. T here was ing Rev. ployed at the Kiist Security Bank. I . W ern er J. F ritz took part In ,,ght o f trn fflc conditions, . ____ ... . stores, but bullish on chain «tori \ .. no doubt that the ball was hit and an installation service Sunday went up to Seattle over the week , , , _ , at j „ N e v # r p a 8 , o n c u r v e g Q r a t h m end ' 1 Is bearish on naval developm ents but it was hit hard. It w as the longest Em anuel hospital o f R ev. H. Geo. .. . ,, should help p ea icfu l pursuit i. T crests. hit ball ever seen by a B eaverton R andolph as chaplain. Airs. K iu ger, w ho lives on Hall Atom ic Bom b should aid crow d on the local diam ond. This street, went to W alla Wulla over the crow d on the local diam ond. T h ‘ s ! Guests at t h e ' A lexander Febluk , * 'jo c k e v l'n e Tn and and propristlons for high school m akes the second tim e the M c r c h -j. . ... . g , _ Sunday were 8 line o f cats. Jock eyin g in and week end. college science cou rses; but it - h„ ..„ nlnveH «Silverton this vear nom c ln vvesl fio p e Kunaay oat of right-hand tra ffic lane Is O vernight gursts o f Mr. and Mrs. suits nftvc p isy tiTYww pq su n c n o n inis j “ «* G GtanHmii onH dnusrhter *»n. \ Ii' dangerous i , .. kill present plans for coinpul >, ranom a ^ Piurk ihtk ana aau K n u r in congested congested traffic, Portland. and but lost both times. times _ . _ . I Fay Fav Buchanan o of f Portland, t I A void driving ____ .1__...... W .E. P egg were Mrs. O sborne and universal m ilitary training. It when drowsy, son and w ife o f Seattle. Airs. Os­ This com in g Sunday. Frank Lundy Harvpy c ,ark o f California, warning to Investors in public i:t Have an alternate driver, or stop at borne is n sister o f Mrs. P egg. brings his pow erful T im ber S tru c-j ties to w atch cash hook val n the side o f the road fo r a nap. tures nine out here to fa ce the M er­ Air. Onfield w ho has been in E u ­ RATION CALENDAR i f t h e s e Atom ic B om bs are as pi O bserve tra ffic regulations at all chants. Lundy has R on Dunn, Jim gene fo r a w eek is hom e. erfu l as the rep ort-< i c : Sorenson and~ C a í" Ro‘ £ r t s ~ 7h ückïng and keep ft .r h jn d y refer enee ) times, R em em ber the O P A hoard is open means thnt a world organ lza..on wil l team ” *:T T K ,i’ C ,,K E f' E _ I : every day but Saturday now. the ball fo r the P ortland teeth Is absolutely essential to - l >- Red Mampu— M anager Sy B alfe o f B eaverton has Ali.cs Alary Jane V ollers, gran d­ School Rule for valid thru Aug 3 1 1 j civilization. The m anufacture of a r lic W i t h L u l l r i c k l e s the denomination's annual youth "Tansy has been taking over” i low are names o f som e ch ools and | will note Northwest of Eeivor:u ■ 1 daughter Mrs. Alta Byrne, with Pat camp. opening dates: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McCormack | along the creek, vast areas of gol !> 1 The dill pickle season is at hand, and M ary Byrne, alsb Miss A lice Ca- A loha-H uber Septem ber 4. Many people are m aking the deli- dv, all o f Aberdeen. W ashington, are spent the week at Seaside as the flowers at this time- which me-i . B eaverton Septem ber 10. , thousands of tansy seeds being u. - i clous dill pickles in d ifferen t ways j stopping at the New H eathm an Ho- guest of Mrs. John McKenzie. M etzger S ch ool Septecber 10. Carl I«orenz has been very III and trlbuted down stream during hi. ’ i | to please their taste and fancy. Have ¡tel, Portland, while visiting relatives R eedville Septem ber 4. E. McCormack,1 water next winter. l you tried ch op p in g up a few cloves ¡a t Beaverton. Portland, Buxton and his aider Mrs. E O ren co- Septemtter 10. has been in charge of his beauty A good post-war Jib for Oregon - o f garlic to season up a gallon o f dill G ales Creek. T igard Septem ber 10. i pickles— it gives them a swell flavor..! T hey are en joyin g their trip in shop at 1967 West Burnside, |*ort- Inaugurate a campaign of eradlca- | tlon of noxious weeds Includin'? Ta’ - Tualatin Septem ber 17 ---------------------------- — I O regon very much. Mr. Cady re- land. Miss Marylee Madden is now em- sy, A lom ing G lory nnd C cn .u The O PA o ffic e in the City Hall i n 1 ports business is boom ing in Aber- One o f the hardest things for (4* B eaverton announce that they will deen. ployed the office of E. H. Masters. Thistle. to understand in this w ork! is ou r^ be open every day but Saturday. — - . — —----- - .— — Paul Knepp has accepted a p o s i - j ---------------------------- tlon In the L. H. Cobb office. Turn war stamps Into Bonds friends friends. H ours will be 10 « m .to S p m. H ow about your su bscription ? J___