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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1945)
• » p *c«< Friday, August 24, 1045 .BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon sr P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N f i l l KUH The Bible Church Box 697, Beaverton Farm ington Rd. at Menlo Drive Divine Services 11 a. m. Sunday School 9 45 a. m. S Church Services NO TICE 24 HOURS SERVICE FOR CARS & TRU CKS We are now Open 2 4 Hours Daily C arr’s Chevrolet C o . Ph o n e B e a v . 3333 B e a v e rto n . O r e . THE ECONOMY GROCERY AT ALOHA Wants Signer* S individual i noodo : J S % ^ k ^ £ M orning w orship at 11 a. m. W e' shall have as our guest in the pulpit Kev. Frank V oung of H illsboro The pastor will be preaching at W arren- ton on the coast. _ _ A y 7 P- m - Sunday evening the M. Y. F. will attond cervices in Hanoi dak a pastor will arrivo In time 5 to bring the message. 5 W ednesday from 10 a. m. to 3 30 p. J "i- the W. S. C. S. C ircle N o 1 m eets ^ at the church. t C hoir p ractice at 8 p. m. W'ednes- § Gasoline, Oil-Repairs for Frozen Food Lockers Call at their Store and Sign up for Locker* at once PHONE ALOHA g U 2 (deal Cleaners W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLEAN ERS. OUR M OTTO:* GOOD S E R V IC E G O O D C L E A N IN O S A T IS F IE D C U STO M E R S 4 Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF O rgan ized 181*4— 40 yra. Phone 1732 "E v e ry F’orm o f P ro te ctio n " H illsboro, O regon ST. C E C E L IA CH URCH Masses 8:25 and 10:25. ED's ELECTRIC Phone C H erry 3413 DISTRESS K m T I B S I N L P0WDIR OR TABLETS G v tTISSIN M OTO R Service — JAS. Guaranteed N E W C A N N IN G JA R S Phone Hillsboro 16F14 E. W O L F O R D , O w ner DO W E HAVE? Its kind of late for’ Bean Poles, but they do make a dandy chicken roost. Dipped White Shakes. 90 lb Green Mineral Surface Roofing & other kinds of roof covering. Insulation Board, Plaster board, Gyplap, 25-32 in. Insulated Sheating COME IN AND SEE US KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Phone Beaverton 3201 ANNOUNCEMENT 1 have opened a new Jewelry & Repair Dept, in W alker’s Dept. Store DIAM O NDS. W A TC H E S, N E W & USED. KIN G S, BRACE- LETS, W A T i’II HANDS, .Many other item s to ch oose from I hr service on replacing any size , shape, glass w atch crystal** Beaverton, Ore. 842 Tualatin Highway (A T G R A N D Y ’S C A B IN S) E lectrical Supplies, Fixtures, Housewares, H ardw are, Kem - tone. Hutch Paint, E lectrical R epairing now available ELECTRIC HOME STORE AT Aloha, Oregon MILLERS GROCERY C. A. BAKKEN, Mgr. R E P A IR N O W OPEN General Maintenance For WHAT Richfield Station Under New M anagem ent and H O U SE W IR IN G W A TSO N T on y’s Garage COMMERCIAL, MILL ‘ No Job T oo Small or T oo Large” BROADW AY AT the 9/cnns . . B eaverton Walker’s Dept Store GAS, OIL, HILLSBORO ELECTRIC COMPANY 3535 Weaver's Jewelry Shop STOM ACH Dean Drug Store Workmanship v s/tu.ih.iyig~ p h o n e NTHRAC/D ( ’has. I . W alker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ava. C H A P E L S E R V IC E B E A V E R T O N F U L L G O SPE L Orville J. Poulin, Minister I. O. O. F. Hall. Beaverton Sundays 7.45 p. m. E verybody welcom e. ! M C M IN N VILLE o f R elia b le S ervice Special Prices on many Articles of Furniture p R E E D V 1L E E COM M UN ITY P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R CH k day- Rev. Ham pton, Pastor k K eep your face alw ays tow ard the Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. G. E. sunshine and the shadow s will fall Geiger, Supt. behind". W orship Service 11 a. m. Y ou n g P eop le’s C. E. 7 p. m. I W E S T H IL L S L U T H E R A N C H U RCH New* Around Town Canyon R oad, near Sylvan W erner J. F ritz, Minister T he B eaverton F urniture store is Sunday, A ugust 26 announcing a "rem odelin g sale" in the paper this week. T here is still Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. a lot o f w ork to be done in rem odel D ivine Service 11 a. m. ing their store. Som e people believe in advertising C H U R C H O F TILE N A Z A K E N E and get results, but fail to tell us L eonard C. Johnson, Pastor but Smith the Jew eler was in a jo 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. vial m ood M onday and spilled the 11 a ,m. W orsh ip service. news that he had “ sold ou t’’ on those 6:45 p. m. H i-N .-Y. and N Y P S "M illy and F illy” pins by Saturday 7:45 p. m. E van gelistic service night with on ly one ad. Special m usical prelude to service The large new sign erected at the W edn esday 7:45 p m m ission ary K ingsley-B eaverton Lum ber Yard service. som e tim e ago, was painted this week in large letters with the name CH U R CH O F C H R IS T o f the firm . It can be read from G eorge W. Springer, P astor some distance. T his firm , w hich has M orning w orship and preach in g at been a consistent advertiser in this 9:45 a. m. paper, now have a large trade estab T o p ic - T he B ook o f H ebrew s. lished in a short time. F ollow in g the serm on, the L ord ’s A new Venetian bilnd has been in supper will be observed. stalled on the large w indow o f the Bible S ch ool class session 11 a. m. south side o f the Bus Depot, thus C hristian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. m aking it cooler for the patrons and E vening w roship 8 p. m. the Interior o f the restaurant has T op ic W itness o f the Truth. also been freshened up. W edn esday 8 p. m. services. Millers now have those swell fry- i ers from H arts H atchery on sale at A LO H A C O M M U N ITY C H U R CH j his store. Mr. Miller states that G raydon D. L oree, P astor retail H art’s have closed up their Sunday S ch ool 9:50 a. m. store. M ary A ntrim , Supt. M orning w orship 11 a. m. Am ericans use about 300 pounds of Y outh F ellow ship 7 p. m. paper and paperboard each year. E ven ing service 8 p. m. One w ay to overcom e the shortage THE VALLEY o f canning sugar is to dry m ore fruit C O M M U N ITY C H U R C H for winter use. Detailed directions U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N are contained in a circu lar 423 “ Home SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay Dr., Fruit and V egetable D ehydration” Rev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor and hom e econ om ics circular 1754 M orning service 10:30 a .m. "H om em ade E vaporators,” these m ay be obtained from any extension o f A LO H A ASSEM BLY O F GOD fice. Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. W orsh ip 11 a. m. T hursdays 7:45 p. m. R adios, R efrigera tors and W ashing M achines R epaired P rom pt Pick up & D elivery Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SU R AN C E COSTS O regon Mutual P olicies are NON- A SS E SS A B L E . You N E V E R pay m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon Mutual m aintains m ore than three tim es the surplus required by Oregon In su rance Laws. REMODELING SALE M KT It O D IS T C H lU C t l 4th and W atson Sts. R ev. E verett L. B ow ers. P astor BET11KL P a rson age: 356 B roadw ay CO N (i KEG A T IO X AL CH U KC 11 C hurch S ch ool 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Kev. F T Sturtevant. P astor N an B ourquim , Supt. 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss Use that gasolin e to com e ou t and A m arette Barns, Supt. bring the fam ily and the n eigh bor’s 11 a. m. M orning service. ch ildren to a Hv*, g ro w in g Sunday 5 3U p. m. 5:30 Interm ediate Y oung School, where the S criptures are ex- p et,oie *” plained and made applicable to the e 30 d m Senior Y oung People. JA M ES H IG G IN S GENUINI S T U R H IM ‘“" - 'T H E S A N D A L ? T H A T MADE M EXICO FAMOUS Not Rationed MIKE’S SHOE SHOP, Beaverton, Oregon I jr&r !/rlv/ui courts uwt/i pjuiisje j L E O N A R D C. JOH NSON , P astor “Churches Filled P hone 3691 V - J Sunday!” So said the n ew sp ap er, reporting on the attendan ce o f the fifs t Sunday of V ictory. God indeed is w orthy o f praise for this w on derfu l answ er to the prayers o f millions. But! '- w h e r e will you be this S u nday? P ray God, in the H ouse o f God. I«et Am erica not forget, ever, her deliverance. F orsak e not the assem blying of yourselves T og eth er” . H ebrew 10:25.