PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VOL. 18, NO. 30 Here and There Beaverton, Oregon, SH OR T ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y F rula \. August 24, 1945 E ST AB LISH E D 1927 ! Té SPORTS Mrs. Mary H urd o f DeM oines, Io-1 wa. is visiting her sister and fam ily Mrs. W m . Smith on Second and W a t­ son . A large group attended' a lovely recital given by six o f M iss Clements j pupils in the C ongregational church : last Thursday evening. Mrs. W . J. A lexander attended a ! card party Saturday evening at the ! H uber H all in Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Don W a lk er are the i proud parents o f a baby boy born ' A ugust 3. j The M etzlers have been on a va- j cation fo r a few days g oin g ov e r on ! the Siletz river. M em bers of the C heerio club met j in the B oyd picnic grou nds last J>Yi- BY B II.L M A L L O Y day. Guests w ere Mrs. H untley o f | BITS OF N E W S Portland, Mrs. C larabelle Stipe and I A rrivin g hom e at 9:30 Sunday nite j Mrs. H unkapillar. Bernard B oyd was a band o f baseball players who | Elm er and B ruce Steele o f the G reyhound R es­ had lost both gam es in the Silverton hom e recently on a furlough. taurant, has been on a vacation. Mrs. Hazel Foster, w orthy grand Tournam ent but W'ho’s hopes were Mr. and Mrs. Z im b ric and fam ily, m atron of the grand ch apter ot Ore still high o f another year. It was and Mr. and Mrs. T. H opper the first B eaverton ball club that gon. O. E. S., w as a luncheon guest spent Sunday at the beaches, goin g had ever went to a tournam ent like \ o f Mrs. E lm er Stipe on Saturday. as far as D eP oe Bay. the Silverton Open tournam ent. Al- i Mrs, F red a H ogan and daughter Mrs. R u b y B oyd gave a party Sun­ though takin g a double defeat to ! Billy u ie spending a week at the day evening in her g rov e for a end last at Silverton, they show ed i bench. g rou p o f friends. th te opposite team s just why they I . Hugh Stoutt tnee Ml \ An organization m eeting fo r th e! were there at the tournam ent The , bbln8) WU* tlle ln sPirat'li trict will be held F rid ay at the fire j er last last Silverton. Three players m ade the i Ida Id;l\ F * elsch el"ch er F riday evening and w ater district. D ainty annual Allstar team . T h ey were, | J)a ,n ty refreshm refreshm ents ents w ore served Mr. and Mrs. J. E. B erg o f route j a beautifully decorated table, RripatrH by U. S. W ar D epartm ent, bureau of Public Relation». V ince K rieger, cen ter fielder, D ick I from iT01 2 .B eaverton, have received w ord ' rs. E lm er Stipe pouring. Durdel, catch er .and B ig Al Shriner, that their son J. E. B erg Jr., h a s ! BIRTHPLACE OF ATOMIC BOMB— This building was headquarters for the work o f developing A show er was given Mrs. Bates last pitcher. The other aw ard went to been prom oted to Colonel. the weapon which has amazed the world and revolutionized warfare. It is in the Clinton Engineer R on W hitw orth for pulling the "best” T h u r,d a Y evening. She received Mr. and Mrs. V irgil M yers were W orks at Oak Ridge. Tennessee. Here is a town o f 76,000 workers who did not know what they play o f the day many nice gifts. given a farew ell party in the C h r is t-! were producing until announcement was made that the atomic bomb >• been useu agains* Janari In the first gam e, B eaverton lost u lAl'*hu.L «*'P® o f Hend, visited at ian ch u rch last T uesday evening, be- j to Silverton 5-1 in a thriller. Big Al , 8 brothers home, Klnier Stipe, on fore leaving fo r their new hom o j ----------- Shriner ch ucked the pill fo r the M er-i Su».urda^‘ near O regon City. A devotional . . . , „ allow ing Silverton 7 hlngles I M r’ :md M n Blank and fam ily m eeting w as held first, later gam es M o r n S - V j l l m O r e Wedding ALOHA . Carr Garage Open 24 Hours T chants he Red Sox used tw o pitchers w h o ! ,mve « one to the hopflelds and will w ere played and grou p sin ging en- F 0 |l0 W ed hv R e r e n l i n n - eaverton 8 hits but 2 costly 'b e gone until school starts. Day and Night Service allowed - B joyed. T here were 36 present. r O U O w ea Dy d e c e p t io n EM 2 c A lbeit Schlotm an. USN, Mrs. C arrie Sum m ers visited hoi errors in the fourth inning by the Mr. and Mrs. M yron G ray are the > 1M III1L 1 his 119 Wil I t i l l s , i Mr. U I . i and t I HI A l I “ . A /~ » I . | , , , , visiting parents, Mrs. m other in H illsboro on Tuesday. In a cerem on y perform ed August . . n . , . o u • IG uy C an announces this week M erchants lost the h hard struggle be- proud parents o f a baby boy born Charles Strutter o f route 2. B eaver- , i * . „ ... . - . ... „ . Diunne Smith, daughter o f Mr. and 16 in B eaverton M ethodist Church, . . . .... ..... , .. tlu t his garage and filling station at fore a huge Sunday crow d. It wns A ugust 7. ton. and his w ife in H illsboro. He T ..... ................ " _______ ____ _ _ „ made Mrs. F ayne Smith, had her tonsil., Mrs. O sfield and Janis are visiting M iss June M E. Gilm ore, daughter has been in the nuvy nearly three Uroodway and W atson street, Beuv- in this gam e that W h itw orth o f Mr. and Mrs. L aw rence Gilm ore Fiton. will be open both day and his beautiful play that put the crow d rem oved Saturday. relatives in R oseburg. years, most o f this time in overseas W ord has been received that Pvt. lig h t, 24 hour service, for the con on their feet. W hitw orth, w ho is Mrs. Geo. T h yn g and g r a n d c h ild -. o f Aloha, becam e the bride o f Mr. j duty. He has the Am erican thpatre M. W . Keebaugh o f the m arine coi pi XS'niencc of his custom ers. It is pre- the youngest o f the M erchants, pin- ren are spending tw o w eeks a t C an - 1 r e d e n c *t M orris o f Beaverton, son o f war ribbon, A siatic P a cific ribbon His dieted that this will gain the sup ched hit for Sipe in the seventh with has been w ounded In uction. non beach. j o f Mrs. R h od a M. Gillingham , and with tw o battle stars and the navy ! port of not only people o f the com - no outs. Johnson w alked him ami w ife is Mrs. Lyda It. K eebaugh. R ev. E verett L. B ow ers, wishes to j le ce n t'y com p letin g three years with good con d u ct ribbon. Mr. and Mrs. C ecil Barnes and Mr. ffiunity hut others on the highw ay. Shriner hit to second base m aking announce that from Saturday, A u g -. ' e arni>' in ItJily. T he Rev. E ver- Residents o f the C ooper Mt. d is­ and Mrs. Pete S tock spent u w eek at This is the only garage open 21 W h itw orth run to second, W htt- ust 25 th rou g h F riday A ugust 31, he i : ett L . Bowers, pastor o f the church j . trict held their annual picnic last . **••" " __ . , , and his fam ily will be on their vaca- o fficia ted at the afternoon cerem on y g . , g. , . j. ,d b om s in this com m unity and will " o i t h missed second base when slid- the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left in a beautiful floral setting at ch an- , * , , . ... ' * , he crow ded both day and night when ing and stop about 11 feet past the M onday for their hom e in C alifornia. tion, and any em ergen cy calls m ay __, 6 form er residents met with them and Guests at the Glenn H. E ly home, inopie hear the news. base but wns not out. Then cam e be placed with R e v , F rank Y ou n g o f cel. enjoyed the day. Mrs. A m y E ly, M l. T he bride, who has busied herself the R ed Sox 2nd basem en after him Sunday, w ere: H illsboro. A lfred A. W est, technician fifth | and Mrs. G eorge W iens, and the with the activities o f the Selective and caught W hitw orth In the “ hot V incent Graue and Janet H untly, Turn Down Merger Plan ; grade Co. A 1st T ank Bn. has been in box.” He dove past the third base- Misses Colleen and M ildred Norton daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. John Service in Portland, w as . attired . , honorably discharged after five years a light g ra y traveling suit, adorned .... ,__• ____, , . . „ man being safe at third. A few sec­ o f T ig ard . Mr. and M is. Oval Storin- H untly o f Portland, w ere m arried in B , , , ' service and he is now home. He Patrons o f the Raleigh ami the er and dau ghter B ernice and L laino a Presbyterian ch u rch in P ortland with a lovely corsage o f yellow roses. was inducted M arch 24, 1941. and C ooper Mt. schools voted dow n the onds Inter he headed for hom e and H ayden o f E stacada, and Maurice Miss G ilm ore was slid in safe by inches to m ake the A ugust 7. A dinner w as given at A ccom p a n y in g was in the E uropean and A frican proposed m erger o f their schools the first Kly ot Bortland. Miss M ildred N o r­ only tally for Beaverton in M iss W in ifred T hom as o f Portland the M allory H otel fo r relatives. Mr. T heatre o f war. H e was In Tunisia, with D istrict No. 4K Beaverton, at a ton, w ho is entering W illam ette L r i gam e. Graue is a state su rveyor. A fter be­ and A loha as m aid o f honor. R om e, Arno, Naples, F oggia, and re- m eeting held In the different school In the second gam e Don Sipe, right- versity this fall, was surprised with ing discharged from the a rm y they j Best man fo r the occa sion was Mr. ceived the E uropean A frican M iddle houses on August 17. T he occasion fielder, sprained his nnkle sliding at a "co lle g e " show er. W illiam (B ill) Maple of P ortland A Eastern plan to live in Salem. Service medal, A m erican ! T here were 47 votes rnst against also honored the birthday o f M is. Mrs. Collls M oore o f M oro, attend- ! reception was held at the hom e o f D efense Service medal and one for the measure and 27 for the merger, third base, and W es T edletm ier was ! Oval Storm er, w ho is Mr. E ly ’s sis­ O ther­ ed the w edding o f her sister, Mrs. ,h e bride s parents. The couple are good con duct H e received his dis- at Raleigh School, and at the C ooper hit by u hard ground ball. ter. V incent Graue in Portland. , spending their honeym oon in L o » ; ch a rg ^ at the separation center. Fort Mt. school there were 25 yes votes wise the M erchants hud lots o f fun A m arriage license hus been issued and they played good brand o f ball Mr. and Mrs. Fred G oyt h ave been ! Angeles, and upon their return they Lewi!s Waith on AuKUSt , r> cast and 45 against. to John T. R einhold Jr., H allock, all the way. on a vacation g oih g to all the beach- j will m ake their home in Portland. Lt. Jerry K eavey has been award- Minn., and B ernice T. H ockney oi' T his com in g Sunday you can see es. I —------------------------------ ed the Purple Heart for wounds re­ New Jewelry Dept. our Beaverftm M erchants playing the Beaverton. Mrs. h . a . Nelson, Mrs. M cK e r ch - 1 Methodists Purchase ceived in action and the Silver Star Mi. and Mrs. H. A. Nelson visited Silverton R ed Sox. The gam e will er. and a num ber o f others attended p a r s o n a g e on Broadway for gallantry. His parents Mr. nnd At Walkers Dept. Store be played at the giu d esch ool dia­ at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Virgil the Garden Club p icn ic held on the Mrs. J. K eavey have been inform ed. recently. Mr. mond. The R ed Sox play the best P ow ell' o f Vernonia L ew is and Clark C ollege grounds -, ., . . , A m on g the m any C am p Fire girls R obert V. W eaver, form erly of P ow ell is a brother o f Mrs. Nelson. brand o f Sem i-P ro ball proably In T ransaction s have been com ple ed c A dahi th £ week are last Friday. Sheila H illsboro,is now located in W alkers Mrs. M cK ercher entertained with through which the Mathis. Phyllis M cGeorge, Gertrude big departm ent store on Broadway, the state nnd it will be another good Mrs. A lice Craig, form erly o f B eav­ this sum m er for those w h o worked gam e. T he M echants have never a luncheon erton, now o f Sacram ento, Calif., M ethodist C hurch o f B eaverton, has j ; , R Ue N ancy H einrich and Marian in Beaverton. been scoreless this year. B alfe has 1 under her on the census las tweek. sends greetings to her friends in this been fortun ate to acquire a m inis­ Callahan o f Reedville. Mr. W eaver has been in Welling­ his ch oice o f pitchers in W es T od- i Those present w ere Mrs. H olbokc, residence at 356 Broadw ay, com m unity. H er late husband. terial ton's jew elry store in H illsboro for Mrs. Floriau lender, Al Shriner, L efty Miller o r 17 Mrs. W. C. W right, ju st one h alf block west o f D ew ey's Charles Craig, form erly had ch arge some time, but wanted to go into Mills and Mrs. C. O. A ckerm an year old R on W hitw orth. Gam e time T he con gregation o f the electric lights in this vicinity. Plum bing Shop. business h im self and felt that in a Compulsory School - Age The ch urches were filled S u ndaj. Is 2. Be sure nnd be there and A card fro m G eorge B aker and son is pleased with the privilege o f ac big grow in g town like B eaverton the first Sunday after V ictory, v o ic­ root fo r the home teum. residence fo r Law Lliect those OT 18 Jesse, form er residents o f Sorrento, qu iring an adequate there was a need for his services. ing their thanks for a cessation of their pastor and his fam ily that he — w as received from P ortland this He is now living in Beaverton. His the w ar and hopes for a lasting m ight live within the boundaries o f A ccord in g to the com pulsory week. T h ey think o f B eaverton o ft- departm ent will be open from 9 a. peace. Baseball Booster Allen a school law revised by the last legis- in. to 6 p. m. ten and en joy reading the E n ter­ his parish. Colonel R alph A. T ud or o f the Dis­ T hrou gh ou t the week R ev. B ow ers lature, all children and youths must prise. Mr. W eaver prom ises one hour set- Completes Job trict A rm y E ngineers, gave a talk at will be happy to receive callers at attend school until they have reach- L loyd V. Fisher, o f Portlnnd. c o n ­ vice in replacing any size or shape — ■... i the K iw anis club W ednesday on His line will d u ctor on S. P. line fo r m any years, anytim e, and can be contacted by a ed the age o f 18 or have com pleted L,]aHa w af Ch crystals F. W . Allen of Cornelius, baseball som e o f the P ost-W ar plans o f the Previously, attendance , n riude diam onds, watches, new and drove to G ales Creek Sunday with phone just as soon as it Is made h i g h school booster I)e Luxe for the B eaverton ' E ngineer C orps for this district. T he church o ffic e and until the age o f 16 or until gradua- used, rings, bracelets, etc. his m other Della C. F ish er anil Essie available. M erchants when around has just Mrs. F . G. Donaldson says Christ- study will be in the new residence. tion from grade school was n eces­ Silvers and Mae Fisher as his guest. com pleted a long term at O regon ■ mas card cam ples are heru--orUt>> sary. T hey enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Shipyard. early to avoid disappointm ent. Y our S. P. Installs New Switch If a student is over 16 years, but hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B arnes Washington County* Junior W ith fou r sons in the service he subs« rtptton to m agazines th an k fu lly not 18 years, he m ay w ork provided at their ranch near G ales C reek on Fair of Interest to Youths he attends school five hours a week. It Is gratifyin g to note the steady w anted to do all he could to knock received also, the W ilson R iver R oad. Lyle H. Cobh sustained a broken --------- If graduated fio m high school this grow th o f the M cLaughlin P ackin g out the Japs hy building ships. G ood Mr. T im m er has been quite ill. h . old boy W e'll be seeing you. knee cap when throw n from T he 1945 County Junior Fair will | aw does not apply. If not w orking Co. at Beaverton. Lost yenr a large work Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Aabltng and mount. He is in a P ortland hospi- ngain feature som e outstanding they must attend school full time. cold storage plant. R ecen tly the S. Mrs. Dora G raham o f Portland, were ' tal. Interest to W ashington i n a recent Portland sch ool census P- Co have built a new sw itch and Sunday dinner guests o f W . J. A lex ­ aw ards o f Chaplain F rancis T. Sturtevant ami Spray for Filbert Molli Now C ounty 4-H club m em bers. there were 1600 children under 18 ,h ls firm Is now shipping ca r load ander. fam ily a ie spending a few days T he W ashington County G uernsey years old not attending school. The shipm ents o f their products in re- Mr. and Mrs. Jake F oster and Mr. Due to the long em ergence period I beach during his short furlough and Mrs. D ick A nderson o f P ortland cattle club each nre m aking awards ]aw requires that they must enroll frigerntlon cars, B eaverton Is proud of these o f the filbeit moth, a second spray a ^l,,r which he will lep ort to Ala regular schools, visited at the Geo. B lasser hom e Sun­ o f pure bred h eifer ca lf to the high- Septem ber 10. in ited, a c A '' Base, < a llfo f ala. bigger payrolls and oi dust application i est scorin g boy or girl who exhibits night schools o r continuation classes achievem ents, day afternoon . better m arkets for Eastern W ash in g­ cordin g to a notice released hy Dr. i ^ r- nnd Mrs. G eorge A llyn o f Chi- G uernsey and Jersey rattle at the for fjve hour a week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul K elm soth o f B J. T hom pson and R. E R ieder, E n -' ca « °- w ho ;,ro »pending the sum niti ton cou nty produce. Lon Kinnam an Jr., o f Aloha, ----------------------------- P ortlan d and Mr. and Mrs. Verne fair. tom ologist at Oregan Htnte College, ' n H eaveiton are en joyin g a I * » B olland and son Kurt, o f M inneapo­ won the c a lf in 1944. nnd received by Palm er S. T orvend 'lay* at the beach. a Chester W h ite Gilt, pure bred Former Mail Carrier New Gas Station lis. Minn, ncices o f Mrs. Don Long, C ounty Agent. In the past three * ^ r ■*ntl Mrs. D oy Gray and grand will be awarded to the highest hoy p ; p .l spent Sunday at her home. Going Up days a considerable num ber o f eggs i daughter spent the week end at Sea or girl exhibiting, at the fair for the ‘ a s s e * , n LalltOrnia Rev. Geo. W . S prin ger w h o has have been deposited. T hese eggs will i side. ten years. been visiting his sister. Mrs. John 1'. past Funk form er mail The late C „ A livestock i .. _____________, , „ Fill 'E r T’ p - N o stam ps' Is a time- hatch in 8 o i , 9 days. The spray i M ilton M etcalf and fam ily lef* show m anship trophy. Dix. Santa R osa. Calif., on a va ca ­ w hich is a perpetual trophy, is anoth- carrier at Beaverton, died recently ly slogan, that evpry m otorist Is hap- th erefore should be applied by A u g -, ednesday fo r their annual vacation tion. will be home Sunday to occu p y er award. This is the fourth year at their new home at Costamesa. py to hear. Down In C olum bia ust 26 or 27. |a^ Seaside, the pulpit again at the Church o f fo r this trophy. Lon Kinnam an. Alo- C alifornia, where he and His w ife re- cou n ty they nre drilling for gas. Christ. ha won the 1944 trophy. sided since leaving this place about But right here in Beaverton we Kiwanis to Help C. J. Stevens, fo rm e r barber, was New Well Down 500 foot _____________________ I tw o years ago. have lots o f gns already -co u n t the in tow n Tuesday greetin g friends. VI n U / s n t e d a t M Funks folks form erly ii\