August 10, 1045 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Pag« 1 Equipment Standardized Church Services For New Gas Kitchen BITS OF NEWS Mrs. H artsell has sold Uet property on Second Street, and is m oving to | Newberg. CHURCH O F TIIK N A ZA K E N K L eonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a ,m. W orsh ip service. 6:45 p. m. Hi-N .-Y. and N Y P S 7:45 p. in. E van gelistic service W ednesday 7:45 p m m issionary service. visit with friends and relatives. Sgt. B ruce M cM ahon, son o f Mr. J J. M cM ahon, is spending a 30-day furlough at home. H e is stationed on B ainbridge Island, near Seattle, W ashington. In a report on sale o f surplus corn- m od.ties by U. S. G overnm ent, is not­ ed the sale o f a F airch ild PT-19. 42- 34372 air plane to N orm an R alston o f B eaverton. Standardization o f equipm ent on a New help on the ration hoard are national scale fo r the new freedom Mrs. Evelyn Hetu and Mr3. V iolet 1 gas kitchen to provide every possible La Mont. convenience fo r the h om em ak er is Mr. and Mrs. R . N. M cD ougal (nee the nation-w ide p roject sponsored ■ P by lits Foe > and baby visited a sis­ by the g a s industry, announces J. A. ter o f Mrs.. M. Douglas o f Salem Dodd, district m anager o f Portland G ot any w om en's pants that a man over the week end. Gas & C oke com pany. S tafford and D ick Miller o f Ore­ can w ea r?— Desperate m ale cu stom ­ "F orm erly ," declared Dodd, "there gon C ity ,are visitin g their gran dpar­ er in N ew Y ork dept, store, where has been little dim ensional coord ­ W E S T H ILLS ents fo r a few days. S ta fford is shorts are short. ination in the equipm ent o f various L U T H E R A N C H U RCH goin g to Scout cam p at C am p Merri- supplies, and the assem bling o f the Canyon R oad, near Sylvan N O T IC E w ether on the coast for a w eek or units fo r a finished kitchen pre W erner J. Frit*, M inister two. for sented m any d ifficu lties in the way Sunday A ugust 12 S P K C IA L E L E C T IO N M E E T IN G Mrs. R uth N orris is visiting her Kelessed by U. S. War Department. Bureau of Public Relations. o f securing sm ooth stream lining. Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. brother Harold Miller and parents. School D istricts N o. 48 and 95 and “ T o elim inate these difficu lties and Divine Service 11 a. m. READY FOR TOKYO—This is the “ explosion-on-impact” o f the 48 and 94. Mr. and Mrs. M iller on Second and Chaplain L aw rence K n oll o f P ort­ to sim plify the planning and building A ugust 17, 1945 Angel. She i s on her w ay to the new Chemical Warfare Service fire bomb,—a jettisonable fuel tank land will o fficia te and preach the o f better kitchens in new hom es or Philippines and is in the U .S. Ser­ T he election will he held in the filled with jelly gasoline, adopted by the Air Forces for special Dodd explained, “ the gas serm on. E veryon e is invited and old,*’ vice. She will be leavng the mid’dle sch ool houses o f the respective dia- targets, particularly of the Japanese type. The fuel tank is released industry secured the interest o f the w elcom e. o f the month and will be stationed tiicts A ugust 17, 1945, at 8 p. m. steel and w ood cubinet industry a n d 1 like the ordinary auxiliary gas tank suspended under the wing of a T o C onsolidate: in Manila. our gas appliance m an u factu rers are ALO IIA COM M U N ITY CHURCH Sch ool D istrict No. 48, B eaverton, P-47 fighter plane. Mr. and Mrs. R obert Sum m ers w orking out unification o f dim en ­ G raydon D. Loree, P astor o f O re­ had as their guests on F riday Mr. W ashington County, State sions so that cabinets and cabinet- Sunday School 9:60 a. m. and Mrs. Ferguson o f San F ran cisco gon, w ith S ch ool D istrict No. 95, sinks m ight be built in sizes to fit M ary Antrim , Supt. R aleigh, County of W ashington, and Mr. and Mrs. E lm er Stipe. sm oothly with gas ranges and re­ M orning w orship 11 a. m. Smith Sees Lots of Action Fought 60 Days and Nights Mr. and Mrs. John Huntly have re­ State o f Oregon, fo r elem entary frigerators in p ractically all kitchens Youth Fellow ship 7 p. m. T he new district turned from C aliforn ia- where they sch ool purposes. at Okinawa B y virtue o f the m easurem ents E vening service 8 p. m. have been visiting for som e time to be know n as D istrict No. 48, A board the USS B irm ingh am in agreed upon, each unit can be plac­ B eaverton, W ashington County, Ore­ the P a cific Leonard Loyd Smith, G ordon Heughen, Jr., seasman, s e c­ with a daughter w ho lives there. ed in relation to its m ost convenient Mrs. Geraldine Smith and fam ily gon, under Sections 35-909-910-911-912- watertender, second class, USNR, ond class, USNR, son o f Mr M E TH O D IST C H U RCH and use to obtain g ood fu n ction al kitchen Beuverton, Oregon, serves aboard Mrs. G ordon Heughen, route 1, B eav­ who have been living at the Des- 014. O regon S ch ool Laws, 1937 and 4th and W atson Sts. design.” this ship w hich can look hack on erton. Or, fou gh t aboard this battle­ singer hom e went to Corvallis to be 1939, 1941, 1943 and 1945 Supplem ents, R ev. E verett L. Bowers. Pastor Dodd laid special em phasis on the near her husband who is stationed at O regon School Laws. 121,500 miles o f fig h tin g the Axis Parsonage: 356 B roadw ay ship USS C olorad o) for 60 days and fa ct that in instances where finan ­ School D istrict No. 48, Beaverton, Camp Adair, and returned hom e over Church School 9:45 a. m. Mrs. ces do not perm it the com plete kit­ from the invasion o f Sicily to the nights at Okinawa. the week end. She will leave the W ash in gton County, State o f Ore­ Nan Bourquim , Supt. T he C olorado expended there m ore chen, o r a fu lly rem odeled jo b at the battle o f O kinaw a. children with their g ra n d m oth ei. gon, with School D istrict No. 94, The B irm ingham stru ck at O ki­ I am m unition in support o f " I f I had a son I w ould not send beginning, the hom em aker may have gtound m onths prior to troops than in any o f the previous Mrs. Smith o f T illam ook, and will C ooper Mt., C ounty o f W ashington, him to Sunday School, I would take the kitchen planned and started un­ nawa targets six of Oregon, fo r elem entary her husband at Camp State the landings and gave fire support occu p ation hlm .".J. E dga r H oover, C hief o f the der the basic standardized su pport and bom bard­ stay near dim en­ sch ool puurposes. The new d istrict to m inesw eepers clearin g the ap­ ment operations in which she parti­ Adair until he is reassigned. F B I. sional plan, adding equipm ent co r­ M alcom b Clement, M erchant M. M. to be know n as D istrict No. 48, B eav- proaches to the island. D uring the cipated. M orning w orship 11 a. m. She took up her station rectly over a period o f tw o or three cam paign she sank thousands o f : o ff the beaches seven days before returned to his home Tuesday even­ ei ton W ash in gton cou nty, O regon, Serm on—."G od’s C haracteristics, do years by follow in g the program under Sections 35»-906-910-911-912-914, tons o f shipping. Y ou K n ow Them . i the invasion to help in the soften- ing, after being aw ay three m onths w orked out by the gas industry. O regon School Laws, 1937 and 1939, He i« a stew ard on a supply boat g o ­ O perating with the fam ed 3rd and M ethodist Y outh Fellow ship to ; ing-up bom bardm ent, and then for 5th Fleets and T ask F orces 38 and 60 days she continued her relentless ing to the Philippines and oth er is­ 1941, 1943, and 1945 Supplem ents, Ore­ m eet at the parsonage at 7 p. m. The gon S ch ool Laws. 58, she bom barded W ak e Island, par­ pounding o f enem y positions. group will also attend the P ortland Second Shriner’s Picnic She lands. Date o f first publication A ugust 3, Susan Clem ent and tw o friends ticipate in air strikes on Taraw a, helped heat o ff D istrict picnic at C olum bia Park on For Children “'Alumni” num erous air a t-; took three hits at B ouganville, shell­ i tack s launched against units o f the have gon e on a vacation to C alifor­ 1945. Saturday evening. See Miss M ild­ Date o f last publication A ugust 10, nia for tw o w eeks to visit with ed Shortland Island and hurled her red G erlg fo r details. Plans are well under w ay fo r the m ight into the assaults on Saipan. Fleet operating in the area. 1945. friends and relatives. W om en 's Society fo r Christian Ser­ secon d annual picnic Task force and ground unit c o m ­ of Shriner’s E. H. M A ST E R S , M is. Hilda H ighbee and little son m anders show ed num erous "w ell v ice meets on W ednesday from 10 to hospital fo r Crippled Children "alum ­ Tinian and Guam. S ch ool Clerk, D istrict No. 48 At Mindannao, she sank 3,000 tons done" m essages on the o ffice rs and have gon e to Haley, North Dakota, to 3:30 Choir rehearsal at 8 p. m. ni." T he ga th erin g will be held at o f shipping and assisted in the des­ men fo r the effectiven ess o f their j Laurelhurst park in P ortland on truction o f another 3,000. At B ou­ C H U RCH O F C H R IST Sunday, A ugust 19. A picnic lunch gainville. she blasted fou r Jap planes fire. G eorge W . Springer, Pastor will be held during the noon hour, M orning w orship and preaching at i and a variety program will begin at out o f the sky and scored hits on 11 First Visit in 16 Months others. 9:45 a. m. J a:30 p. m. to be follow ed by visiting. F ollow in g the battle fo r Leyte T op ic— P rop er A ttitudes of the All form er patients o f the hospital gulf, the B irm lngton w as dam aged N avy Lieut. Freem an Y oun g is Thessalonians. and fo rm e r as well as present m em ­ fo r the second time. home again after 16 m onths in ser- She had gone Follow ing the serm on, the L ord 's bers o f the hospital sta ff, are invited. H e lives on C anyon road, alongside the USS -P rinceton to bat­ j vice. supper will he observed. Lt. Y oung is ex­ tle fires resulting from a d irect hit. route 2, Beaverton. Bible School c lass session 11 a. m. he ships lay in a trough o f the ecutive o ffic e r on a rescue salvage Nearly 115,000,000 gal Las T rough Christian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. waters separated by about 50 ship. E vening w orship 8 p. m. Used in First Six Months feet when a terrific blast from ex­ M idweek Bible study and prayer ploding bom bs and torp ed oes in the Reports for Assignment service W ednesday 8 p. m. G asoline consum ption in Oregon P rinceton rained death on the decks during the first six m onths o f 1945 o f the B irm ingham Santa Barbara, C alifornia,— P fc. T IIK V AJ.LKY totaled 114,928,046 gallons, com pared A fter three m onths fo r repairs, G eorge G. Shively, route 1, box 440, COM M UN ITY CHURCH to 10a,950,877 gallons in 1944, S ecre­ the B irm ingham steam ed ou t again Beaverton, Oregon, has reported to U N I T E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N to take part in the Iw o Jirna op era ­ the A rm y Ground and Service F or­ SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay D r„ tary o f State F arrell announces. T he gasoline used fo r the first half tion and the battle o f O kinaw a. ces R edistribution Station here for Rev. H. A. A rm ltage, pastor o f this year w as an increase o f about assignm ent to new duties based on j M orning service 10:30 a m. five percent over the consum ption skills and experience gained during fo r the sam e period o f 1944. Taxes nine m onths’ duty in France. P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U RCH paid am ount to $5,746,402.39. T he Bible Church D uring the m onth o f June, O regon T he tw o principal anim als raised B ox 697, B eaverton used 23,081,257 gallons o f gasoline on. Am erican fu r farm s are foxes and F arm ington R d. at M enlo D rive w h ich was 14 percen t ov er the June minks— rabbits are third on the list. Divine Service» 11 a. m. consum ption a year a g o and was Sunday School 9:45 a. m. the heaviest June since 1042 when Lies t h e M i g h t o f A m e r i c a gas use totaled 23,129,800 gallons. BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U RCH Schouboe Awarded Medal Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Paetor 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss Amnrotte Barns, Supt. E nsign R ich a rd M. Schouboe o f 11 a. m. M orning service. route 1. box 952, B eaverton, Oregon, l p h o n e 3 5 3 5 B eaverto n 6:30 p. m. Interm ediate Y oung was aw arded the follow in g decora- ! B R O A D W A Y A T W A TSO N tlons in a m ass presentation cere- I People. 6 30 p. m. Senior Y ou n g People. m ony at the N aval Air Station. A la­ meda, C alifornia, in J u ly: D istin­ CILAPFL S E R V IC E guished F lyin g Cross and fou r Air B E A V E R T O N FU LL G O S P E L Medals. Orville J. Poulin, Mlnleter I. O. O. F. Hall. Beaverton State T reasurer Leslie M. Scott Sundays 7:45 p. m. reported this week that there Is E verybody w elcom e. cash In the state treasury as o f July 31, 1945, aggregatin g $52.961,695.- ST. C E C E L IA C H U RCH 11, exclusive o f bond investm ents o f Masses 8 2» and 10:25 during the $24,217,998.40, carried in cash a c­ winter month#. count. T otal bond investm ents in­ cluded in the cash total w as $39,- R E E D V 1 IJ -E COM M UN ITY 157.5lf.38. U nem ploym ent co m p e n ­ CHEESE P r e s b y t e r ia n c h u r c h sation trust funds deposited with the R ev. H am pton. Pastor United .States\ trea su ry a g g reg a te American chcc3e will add to the Sunday School 10 a. m. Q. E. $71,875,000. Nation’s post-war prosperity that Geiger, Supt. War Bond buyers, will share. Ex­ W orship Service 11 a. m. r f c . V ernon P eterson is reporting pansion of the business is predicted. Y oung P eople’» C. E. 7 p. m. 8 ft. Bean Poles to Nashville, T e n n „ a fter spending Almost half the Nation's cheese is A LO H A ASSEM BLY o r GOD In 1942 the state a few days at home. H e has just Wisconsin-made. Sunday School 10 a. m. com pleted his studies ns radio tech- ; turned out 513,399,000 pounds, most 3 and 4 ft. Fence Pickets Swiss, W orsh ip 11 a. m. ntetan at R eno, Nevada, and has of it American cheese T hursdays 7:45 p. m. been assigned to a large tw o m otor-j Munster and Italian cheese are Texolite Washable ed transport C 46, in the P a cific. He t made in impressive quantities. This department of the dairy business Interior Finish Neutz Awarded Bronze Star hopes to eventually be near Saipan to helps build our national income and see his brother G eorge Julian, U. S helps to m ak e W ar Bonds the best W ith the F ifth Arm y, Italy—C or­ M arine Corps, w ho is now recuperat­ investment in the world. DUTCH BOY PAINT poral C lifford R . Neutz. Beaverton, ing there a fter participating in Oki V S T r r t ij « > v V t f . l ' h m n l R adios, R efrigerator* and nawa Invasion. Oregon, recently was awarded the W ashing M achine* R epaired Bronze Star M edal fo r m eritorious A ustralia has an llOOt-mile fence P rom pt P ick up A- Deli vet y H elp prevent and con trol forest sevlce in com bat in Italy. CD s ELECTRIC It Is a patriotic duty. K eep­ to barricade dingoes and rabbits. lie served on the F ifth A rm y front fires Phone C H erry 3413 in the 363rd In fan try R egim ent o f j ing fire out o f the farm s, fields and forests aids our country and helps the 91st "P ow d er R iv er" Division. enemy. K eep O regon His sister Mrs. J. F alcon lives on defeat the Green. R oute 2. Beaverton. Behind' Your Bonds We have a large Selection of Linoleum Rugs both in Size and Patterns also some 6ft Yardage J 'vzn jiikin a. jo î the Our Telephone Number is— 3201 Call Us for Your Building Material Needs Dean Drug Store COME IN AND SEE US KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Tony’s Garage HILLSBORO ELECTRIC COMPANY N E W CAN N IN G JA R S Richfield Station GAS. O i l , M OTOR (A T O R A N D Y S and HOUSE WIRING AT R E P A IR MILLERS GROCERY C A B IN S) U nder New M anagem ent General Maintenance Workmanship MAKE (Guaranteed ‘ No Job T oo Small or T oo Large" For Service — Phone Hillsboro 16F 14 JA 8 E. W O L F O R D , Ow ner N O W OPEN E lectrical Snpplle», Fixture*, llnu*ew are*. H ardw are, h em - tone. I hitch Paint, E lectrical R epairing ELECTRIC HOME STORE Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual I'oHeles sre N O N - A 8 8 C M A M X You N E V E R pa? more thna the premium on the face of the poll«*). Oregon Mutuni maintains mors lim a three time» the surplus required hr Ore go» Insurance L a w s . Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Organized 1*94 I OP M rM INN W LLE 40 years o f R eliable Service ( h a s L. W alker. Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "E v e ry F orm o f P rotection " Phone 1732 HllUboro. Oregon Aloha, Oregon C. A. BAKKEN, Mgr. now available 842 Tualatin Highway COMMERCIAL, MILL Phone Beaverton 3201 ICE CREAM At H orn« — Any f la v o r — D e l i d o u * — S m o o t h — N o ic« < ry *» o l» — N o c o o k in g — N o r«- w h i p p m g — N o t c o r c h e d f la v o r — i a t y — I n e x p e n s iv e — 2 0 r e c ip e * in e a c h 15« p k g . f l e o t e t e n d t h i* a d fo r fre « f u l l - * ! * # » a m * p t o o # e r , o r b g y f r o m y o u r g ro c o r. A (deal Cleaners W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID EAL C LE A N ­ ERS. OUR MOTTO: GOOD S E R V IC E GOOD C LE A N IN G S A T IS F IE D CUSTO M ERS 4 Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton LOnDOMKUy Brand H om om od « le t Cr«art* STABILIZE? The Economy Grocery AT ALOHA JAM ES H IG G IN S BUYERS— PACKERS — All Berrtc*. Prune*. G rape»— F E R T IL IZ E R . D l ST. W E E V IL B A IT S . A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. Beaverton 3271 Want Signers for Frozen Food Lockers—Call at Their Store and Sign Up for Lockers at Once— Aloha 6112