Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1945)
P lay ball while cam ping. B e sure you are g oin g to stay in the gam e by being credited with a put-out for every start. Dead ca m p fires will not burn our vacation grounds^ K eep O regon Green. A Missouri fa rm er with a 40-acre w oodlot fou n d that in 38 years his uodlot brought him in cash more iiian seven tim es the purchase price o i his entire farip- He had reforest ed the plot. FARM ACTIVITY O u r Telephone Number 3201 Call Us for Tour Building Material Needs 8 ft. Bean Poles Pickets Texolite Washable Interior Finish D U TC H BOY PAIN T CONE IN AND SEE US KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Phone Beaverton 3201 C. A. B A K K E N , Mgr. (deal Cleaners W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E A L CLEAN ERS. OUR M O TTO : G O O D S E R V IC E G O OD C L E A N IN G S A T IS F IE D C U STO M ER S 4 Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton PORTABLE ARC WELDING ACETYLENE WELDING and BURNING A lo h a CHURCH O f THE N A ZA R E N X L eonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9 45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a .m. W orsh ip service. « 45 p. m. H i-N.-Y. and N Y P S 7:45 p. m. E vangelistic service Babson W ednesday 7:45 p m m issionary | service. • Food A Gloucester Mass., Aug. 3—T his city where I was brought up ha> its youth problem the same as every o f 111 *i city. It is probably worse to- d a y than when I * 1 1 a boy; but COH- k side ring the additional distraction k o f today, such as autom obiles, m ov a ies radios, and funnies, the situ;. J much w worse. tion is not so muen oise. i I am ^ HUle that if these new factors ew la ctu is had oau J existed fifty years ago the youth 1 problem would then have been ser- I lout. 1 A LO H A CO M M U N ITY CHUKCU R easons fo r B ehavior k G raydon D. Loree, P astor There are fou r basic reasons for k Sunday Sch ool 9:50 a. m. lOT, viz: H E R E D IT Y , ENVI k M ary A ntrim , Supt. lid.V M K N T IN CLUDING HOM E k M orning w orship 11 a. m. Serm on by R ev. Kenneth Daniels, T R A IN IN G , R E L IG IO N A N D FOOD, j director o f the departm ent o f tow n When discussing the teen-agei - or ^ the bobby-sox girls o f today, it is too 8 and country church. late to consider heredity so far as J m Y outh Fellow ship 7 p. m. they are concerned. T heir die has k E ven ing service 8 p. m. been cast. Furtherm ore, as every Serm on by Mr. Daniels. one recognizes the im portance o f hom e-training, I need not here dis cuss this, except to say that much M E T H O D IST C H U R CH o f the trouble which parents are 4th and W atson Sts. having is due to the poor exam ple R ev. E verett L. Bow ers. P astor P arson age: 356 B roadw ay they set. C hurch Sch ool 9:45 a. m. Mrs. I will say som ething about the Nan B ourquim , Supt. oth er tw o factors, namely, religion Our school is about to put into e f and food, to w hich we ow e 90% o f j fect an added feature in w hich you our troubles and disappointm ents as will be interested Come and get well as our successes and pleasures. ! acquainted with It. C ertainly the behavior o f our child i M orning w orship 11 a. m. ren is greatly influenced by what c Serm on A P rayer in T im e Saves they believe and by what they eat. Nine. Sweet girls quartette will sing. T oo m any preachers seem to think T h e young people will gather at that religion is som ething apart the parsonage at 6:30 and g o to from food and drink. T h ere is n o th -, H illsboro to visit with M Y F and at ing tin the B ible w h ich substanti tend the evening worship. ates this notion. In fact, the food which th e Jew s were allow ed to eat, | C H U R CH O F C H R IST by their priests, was an im portant G eorge W. Springer, Pastor part o f their religious ritual.. M orning w orship and preaching at W atch for A llergies 9:45 a. m. I am not a physician, psycholo- T o p ic—The E xperience of ^'w o (Kist nor dietitian, but I do know Men at Death. that food is a real fa ctor in m y feel- j F ollow in g the serm on, the L ord ’s j lnp s behavior and m entality. For supper will be observed. i instance, I know that eating an ex- j Hible School class session 11 a. m. j ce8S 0 f tom atoes will not only give C hristian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. ¡m e phy al pain but also in terfere' E ven ing w-orship 8 p. m. . m ental activity and m ake i M idw eek Bible study and prayer me UK,y This does not mean that service W ednesday 8 p. m. tom atoes necessarily both er anyone else. D ifferen t people are allergic TIIF, V.VI.LEY to differen t things, including foods, CO M M U N ITY CIIU RCII clim ates and odors. Hay fever su f U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N ferers are an excellent example. SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay Dr. I will not further am plify the R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor nbove thought so far as different M orning service 10:30 a .m. foods a ffe ct us physically. The thought which I want readers to P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C IIU R C II consider is that the mental and spir T he Bible Church itual attitudes o f both adults and J Box 697, B eaverton children are largely caused by the ‘ Farm ington Rd. at Menlo Drive foods eaten. W hen a boy is ir r e s -1 D ivine Services 11 a. m. ponsible, destructive or a th orou ghly j Sunday School 9:45 a. m. ,‘bad boy” , as the neighboxs call j him. he m ay be eating som ething to BETHEL i which he Is m entally allergic. ‘ The C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CH URCH ! action o f the brain is determ ined by ] Rev. K. T. Sturtevant, Pastor j the quality and quantity o f the blood 9:45 a. m. Church School. Miss i flow through the brain. This blood A m arette Barns, Supt flow is deterined by what your boy n' m ‘ H orn in g service. ¡eats, drinks, breathes and thinks. 5:30 r . m. Interm ediate Y oun g I >nd c h u r ,.h,.H People. _ _ . I N otw ithstanding the above, school 6:30 p. m. Senior Y oun g People. com m ittees are giving alm ost no at tention to this im portant subject. It C IIA P F L S E R V IC E is true that some o f the schools B E A V E R T O N FU LL G O SPE L ai-e n ow providing lunches, but Orville J. Poulin. Minister there is no attention given to select I. O. O. F. Hall. BeavertoD ing differen t lunches fo r different Sundays 7:45 p. m. students. Yet, foods which are E verybody welcom e. nourishing to the brains o f some students are poison to the brains of ST. C E C E L IA CHURCH other students. M oreover, this ap I M asses 8:25 and 10:25 during the plies likew ise to parents although as w inter months. we get older, we tend to get immune to som e o f these poisons. K K E D V 1IJ.E COM M UN ITY T he future o f the C hurch depends P H S IIY T B R IA N C IIU R CII on getting back to the old Bible R rv. H am pton, Pastor ,. .. .. . .. ... q g ¡teachings that there is no line o f di- I Sunday School 10 a. m. ' I vision between our religion and our I Geiger, Supt. | habits. In Bible days good health W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. W a s a sign o f righteousness; while Y ou n g People's C. E. 7 p. m. poor health was an evidence o f sin. ALO H A ASSEM BLY OF ODD in order to survive in this present Sunday School 10 a. m. scien tific and rapidly-m oving world, W orsh ip 11 a. m. the Church must he open to new T hursdays 7:45 p. m. ideas and must be open at all times to give advice and counsel along these fundam ental lines of food, hab its and faith. Soils are Im portant H istory clearly teaches how our ancestors o f the Seventeenth Ccn- I tury becam e discouraged and unruly ‘ as they existed on the run-down soils o f E ngland; but that they developed GAS. OIJ.. M O T O R R E P A IR initiative and vitality when living o f f the virgin soils o f New England 842 Tualatin Highway and Virginia after em igrating. In the final analysis, a fam ily or com (A T G R A N D Y 'S CABINS» m unity depends not only upon what Under New Management it eats but also upon the soil upon which these foods are raised. Per haps the Prussians owe their fight- ----- ing qualities to their soils! 6523 ON N O RTH W H E E L E R A V E N U E . A LO H A HILLSBORO ELECTRIC COMPANY now available COMMERCIAL, MILL MILLERS GROCERY General Maintenance Service — JAS. K Phone Hillsboro 16F14 W O L F O R D , Ow ner Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS O r e g o n M utam i P o li r le « n r * N O N A S S E S S A B L E . Y o u N E V E R pay an Uve f a œ o f the p o lic y O r e g o n M u tu a l I k * s u r p lu s r e q u ir e d hv O r e g o n Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Or O r g a n is e d 189* M cM IN N V IU LK 40 y e a r * o f K e iia b la S e r v ir * C h a * L New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. J -E v e ry F orm o f P rotection ” Want Signers for Frozen Food Lockers—Call at Their Store and Sign Up for Lockers at Once — Aloha 6112 THE FACT IS By GENERAL ELECTRIC W a lk e r , A g e n t Phone 1732 H illsboro. Oregon Electrical Supplies, Els tore«. Houseware*. Hardware. Kent- tone, Dutch Palat, Electrical Kepairiag ELECTRIC HOME STORE Aloha, Oregon JAM ES H IGGINS a ài + TEST SEALED-BEAM HEADLIGHTS DEVELOPED BY GENERAL ELECTRIC BEFORE THE W A R . NOW OUR WAR PLANES HAVE SIM ILAR G -E LANDING LAMPS TWENTY TIMES BRIGHTER. ONE EXTRA EGG A DAY FROM A FLCCK OF 300 HENS WILL PAY FOR LIGHTING THE POULTRY HOUSE AND WARMING THEIR DRINKING WATER ALL WINTER. 4,735 WAR VETS WERE EMPLOYED BY GENERAL ELECTRIC AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES BY THE END OF 1944. > Hf»r the G E radio progrvns: The G E AH girl Orchestra, Sun. 10 p. m. EWT, NBC— Th* World Today new. Von.throughFri 6 45p.m EWT.CBS— TheG EHouseP*rtv,Mon throughFri.4:00p.m.EWT,CUi. F0H VICTORY— BUY AND HOLD WAR BOliOS • General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y, E L E C T R IC HELP WANTED W AR Can Use Permanent Employees Operators and Other Help Needed AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. 4624 S. W . B E R TH A-BEAVER TO N Phon. BEacon 6389 Glencullen .* WEIRD AUTO WITH 22 " E Y E S " WAS USED TO JANITOR-Starting Salary $175 month N O W OPEN ! AT ALOHA W . E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon E stab. 1910 Serving 35 years PIIONE BEAVERTON 3411 « The Econom y G rocery E S SE N T IA L — POST Guaranteed ‘ No Job T oo Small or T oo Larpe” For Lead Kindly Light, Amid th' E n circlin g G loom In these dark and uncertain days, never has faith been so challenged and yet. so needed. The song quoted above continues, "K eep thou m y feet; I do not ask to see the distant scen e; one step enough for m e.” Take that one step, fellow pilgrim ; light then, will com e, for the next. GENERAL @ | Our greatest advantage is superior •know-how’ achieved largely through com p etition . P hone 3691 AT and H O U SE W IR IN G Workmanship i/rlv/iis courts wit/i pmii£ | Tony’s Garage N E W CAN N IN G JA R S * ■ ' Slate o f Oregon, for elem entary school purposes. T h e new district to he know n as D istrict No. 48. Beaverton. W ash in gton County, Ore gon, under Sections 35-909-910-911-9UJ- 91». O regon School Laws, 1937 and 1939, 1941. 1943 and 1945 Supplem ents, O regon S ch ool Laws. Date o f first publication A ugust 3, 1945. Date o f last publication A ugust 10, 1915. • E. H. M A ST E R S, Sch ool Clerk, D istrict No. 48 L E O N A R D C. JOHNSON. P astor Richfield Station M. N. Weisenback . Thinks Factor N O T IC I. for S P E C IA L E LE CTIO N M E E T IN G d 95 and School D istricts No. 48 48 and !>4. August 17, 19l.r< T he election will be held in the school houses of ttie respective dis tricts A ugust 17, 1945. at 8 p. m. T o C onsolidate: School D istrict No. 48, Beaverton, W ashington County, State of Ore gon, with School D istrict No. 95, R aleigh. C ounty o f W ashington, _ U % ^ s WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO. 3 and 4 ft. Fence Juvenile Delinquency Church Services W E S T IIU.I.M L U T H E R A N C H U RCH Canyon R oad, near Sylvan W ern er J. Fritz, M inister Sunday A ugust 5 Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. m. H a oly Com m union. ... . Services on August 12 will be con - ducted by the Rev. L aw rence Knoll o f Portland. The telephone con well be called the center— the hub of farm activity, fo r the telephone speed* help la emergencies . . . saves the farmer time and money In hi* business dealings . . . keep* him dose to his neighbor». More and more farmers have come to realise the value o f telephone service. That Is why our postwar plant Include Improved rural tele phone service for ell the farmers who will want to enjoy Its con veniences. i August 3, 1945 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon P agel HIGHWAY Glencullen, Oregon Bus Service right to the Door