B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O regon A u g u st 3, 1943 CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH Must Accompany W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M AH P R E S S ALOILA N E W S by W O O D Y C O W A N ST ) M IS C E L L A N E O U S R adio, R e frig e ra to r and W ash ­ ing m achine service. P ick up and deliver. E d's E lectric, CH. 1920 or CH. 3413. tf C om plete E astern W ashington County and W eatern M ultnom ah County- C ove rage. W e assume n o finan cial responsi­ bility fo r errors w hich m ay appear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but In case where this paper Is at fau lt will reprint that part of an advertisem ent in w hich the typo­ graph ical m i«»ake occu rs. USE “ R IG H T -N O W C L E A N E R " fo r sparkling glassw are, dishes, laundry and w oodw ork . H as m ore * sanitation in your home, R estaur­ ant o r T avern. R eplaces soap, sof-1 ter fo r hands. A S K Y O U R G R O ­ C E R —25c, 50c, $1 pkg. 27tf B ULL S E R V IC E Here or at you r d o o r— M cDulin 2nd house N. o f K ra ft Cheese Co. i T igard. CH. 3137. M FOR SALE F O R S A L E —Used Bed, dbl. coil springs, & m attress, 2 dressers, • 9x12, rug A pad. P hone B eaverton 2682, evenings or Sundays. 27 W O O D S A W IN G — F rank 6141—6617. i F O R S A L E —7 pc. glassw are set, ; lace cloth, satin w ool filled co m ­ fort, all n ew ; furniture, rugs, clothin g, m iscellaneous articles. B eaverton 3311, 353 A ngel St. 1 B eaverton. 27 F O R S A L E --R a d io , davenport & chair, dining room set, 6 chairs, { B roadloom rug 12x18. B eaverton 3543. 27 F O R S A L E —One D eLaval Sepa­ rator $12; 1 tw o w heel tra iler; a few W h ite L eghorn Pullets C. F. Mathis, M cD onald Ave., near D ur- ham Rd., fifth house on left from 27 D urham Rd. j ,. j j F O R S A L E - 4 ft green slab A loha ! d istrict $6 per cord. B lock & E d -i gin g $7 per cord. B eaverton-T i- j gard-G arden H om e district 4 ft. ' green slab $7 per cord. B lock A : E dgings $8 per cord. H. F. E lford , { F orest G rove. P hone 56. tf | F O R S A L E —D ry and green B lock L H om e R efrig era tion and w ashing ( m achine services. Call K. R. T w om b ly CH. 2267. 8tf r E lectrlia l A ppliances R epaired R adios, R efrig era tors, W ashing M achines. Sewing M achine and all household a p p lia n ces- See E D D IE O L D M A N Johnson R oad Opp. N. W . Christian H om e or M arshall W ells Hdw., Beaverton tf F O R S A L E —D ry and green B lock and Slab W ood, delivered 2-cord lots to Aloha. B eaverton, Tigard, M ultnom ah. W rite J. O. Johnson. Carlton. Ore.. Bx 584. tf W ANTED W A N T E D —T ra cto r w ork. F ilbert Dusting. Plow ing, D iscin g e t c .,1 S mi W Aloha. 4 ml N on T ob i- 1 as. Beaverton. R3 .Bx. 1047. 29 W A N T E D Suburban and farm p ro p e rtie s - Have cash buyers for j small acreages near B eaverton and W est Slope W ill gladly a p -j praise you r property. N o obllga- i tion. C K A R I-E S K H IN E S CO j R ealtors 1905 N E 16th. P ortland ; OA. 2134 tr i A LO H A. O R E G O N WASHINGTON. -- Designers dis­ closed recently some of the per­ formance details of a new type parachute which is being used in B-29 mine-laying operations along the Japanese coast. Known as the "baseball” para­ chute because of the cut of the cloth and its semi-spherical shape when filled with air. the new design is presently in use only for dropping cargo and mines, but officials of General Textile Mills, Inc., said tests with personnel are under way. The parachute was designed by Leonard P. Fricder, president, and Walter Finken, chief engineer, of General Textile. Advantages which they said the "baseball" possesses over the para­ bolic type are: It does not oscillate or sway in descent, thus assuring a vertical landing. It can be released at much high­ er speeds than the conventional type because of even distribution of the air pressure inside the canopy. Because of the lesser strain cheap­ er fabrics may be safely used. 26tf P A IN T S Im lay’ s Fresh M ixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS F or quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL IJC A LO H A . O R E -------Behind Your Bonds C ivilians Can F ly Now B ernard A irp ort S. A M. F L Y IN G S E R V IC E N orth E nd o f Field on Cedar St. B eaverton, Ore. P hone W E . <013 Lies the Might o f Americo 12tf Oil T in tin g on Y ou r Own P hotographs B rides a Specialty— Special Kates to S ervice Men— A T . 1758 P A P E R IN G — PainUng & Kalso- m ining, neat, experienced w ork ­ man L. L. Seeley, R 2, B x 180-A B eaverton. P hon e B eaverton 2516 40tf n / — I Census Bureau Reports Rise in 1943 Death Rate Top Man Tells How H auling C on tra ctor C oncrete, Sand, Gravgl, Masons Sand, Crushed R o ck and R oa d Gravel R oute 1, B ox 28, T igard, Oregon P hon e T igard 2446 tf H ID E S Si W OOL, C A S C A R A — A specialty. LEE BRO S., 25 SW C lay Portland. A T. 5334. tf D R E S S M A K IN G A SE W IN G Al! kinds o f Clothing Made T H E I.M A D E W T igard 2484 A ppointm ents a fte r Sept. 1 tf W E C U R E A N D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K TUTS 25 years E xperien ce ALDER M ARKET L ew is Bros. Cor. 1st and W ashington St. PORTLAND. OREGON S. 1\ Honors 19.571 Fighters , w ■ tf TRA CTO R W ORK W ANTED P low in g and G rading P H O N E C H erry 3437 2nd house N orth o f K raft Cheese Co. 50 tf W A N T L O C K E R In v icin ity o f B ea verton.P hon e B eaverton 2321. tf A C R E A G E Si H O M ES W A N T E D W e can sell you r hom e, fa rm or i acreage. H ave hundreds o f buy­ ers that have cash . Y our W ash- I ington C ounty specialist. lo c a t e d in P ortland at fo o t o f C anyon R d .1 ( all BK. 1475 or w rite W A Y N E E. N A G LE 1800 SW J e fferson . P ortland 1, Ore tf W O O D S A W IN G - J. gard 2484. n«*arl etock picked M Dew, T i­ 31 1 up free o f ch a rg e anyw here. Call collect UN. 1221; night c a ll ' DENLET R E N D E R IN G CO. P ortlan d ti H P . t- iJL ncs .VT With mere than 19.000 forrker associates having gone to war, and 197 officially reported to have given their livee to their country. Southern Paeiflc'e 99.000 men and women recently paid tribute to their fighting c o m r a d e s at the third annual observance of "Southern Pacific War Service Day." Shown above with the eompany'e service flag are: Yeoman 1/c Marjorie Oott (loft) of the Coast 0>ard, and L L Maude Metcalf of Marino Corps, both Oh furlough from tho railroad. im prove our machinery, and to replenish our sup ply of feed F R A N C 1 j B R O T H E R S -stores wi be closed from August to A ugust 11. both das inclusive. Y our patronage is greatly appro d a te d and we ask you r cooper:: tion d u rin g this tntsrm lssloi w h ich we hope will enable us t serve you better in the future. Francis Brothers ; 6319 S W C apitol H iw ay * Clean D E i ' x T A > PLATES T h is Easy W a y . • • SW M cChesney R oad, P ortlan d 1, Or. j Industrial Injuries in U. S. Increase in 1945 A t la »t . » « t e n t i # « t o rh-an .l .n l u l p i a i * » » " 4 brid iia K K A L I . Y < « " • j u a ! put >our p i n t « In • pi »st» o f * ■ » . r. A d d n little a u i t k - a r t i n e K U E K N I T E . W i t h m e nl e- H k» aprrd. d i w > l a r « » t « " - * , » , n * and d a n l u r a od ora vaniah — the or.it.nul el een b n e h t n e « » rratorrd t Ifa »a «r. M onom lral and aar«. W ASHINGTON. — The Secretary A k >.>ur »lrm-i;i-l ¡ M I of Labor reported recently that in­ .EENITE the Brushlé dustrial injuries increased slightly during the first three months of 1945 and constituted a ‘ ‘serious drain on Get K l.B E N IT E today at B eaverton P harm acy, and all good dru ggist« the nation's manpower.” A survey by the bureau of labor statistics showed that some 159,000 W ANTED workers were injured during the j three-month period with a loss of about 3,180,000 days of work. BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS U. S. to Pay for W ork Done 67 Years A go Essential Industry WASHINGTON.- Charles Dough­ erty Sr. is going to get that $135 his E X P E R IE N C E Uncle Samuel has owed h’m for 67 years. President Truman has signed N O T NECESSARY a bill authorizing the payment. It's for overtime work that Dougherty, now 89, did at the Brooklyn navy Steady W o rk with Overtim e yard in '78. Dougherty lives at A PPLY AT Ozone Park, N. Y. | SYLVAN PLANT nah County, Oregon > T R A C T O R W E L D IN G and R e ­ p airin g----- T ru ck bodies repaired and built. T rallere built. P ort­ able equipm ent. M cDulan, 2nd hse north o f K ra ft C heese on h ighw ay T igard. O regon. 48 In order to overhaul and No m atter what, you are alw ays the sam e calm and assured self. N othing seem s to upset you. And what m igh t be the secre t? So asked the visitor o f this man who had built one o f the larger con cern s o f its kind here in the P a cific N orth- ‘ W est. T h e man was quick on the answ er. It w as by prayer that he faced the day with its m any p rob­ lems. T h ere was prayer before he left hom e in the m orn in g and now and again through the day, a few sentences. H e believed that God w as present to help and he had a w ay o f shutting the w orld out and o f callin g G od in. Now look across into the glory- land. See that th ron g gathered about. T h ey are telling how God proved him self to them when they dwelt here on the earth. In the nam e o f Christ, they cam e before him to plead the prom ises and he heard them. It was Call unto me and I will answ er thee and show thee great and m ighty things which thou know est not. A nd Christ blaz­ ed the way fo r such as are pressed \ fo r time and place— In the m orn in g,. He rose early, while it w as still quite dark and leaving the house. He went aw ay to a solitary place and there prayed. See Mark 1:35. If Christ as the Son o f Man, w as so dependent on prayer, w hat fo r you and m e? If In His hum ility, He would seek out G od ’s will fo r the day. what for you and m e? This space paid fo r by a Seattle : businessman. T R A C T O R S AN D BED S High among the instruments of victory in World War II stand trac­ tors. History will record their phe­ nomenal performances following landings in Europe and Asia. Their work will multiply with reconstruc­ tion and expansion of agriculture. Two big plants at Racine, Wise., turn out huge quantities. In that state, too, are produced nationally- known mattresses, aluminumware CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K —Let and overalls—peace time necessi­ Validation P roceedin g« us p low you r garden. H ow ard ties. Their production will contrib­ W h erever you are. don 't be charged W m . Sm ith, Johnson R d. & D ivis­ ute to the Nation's wealth from 1 with an error when you think you In the Matter o f the creation and or­ ganization o f Union H igh School ion sts.. P hone B eaverton 2462 4tf which War Bond holders will benefit have put out your fire. Be certain No. 10 Jt. o f W ashington County, U. S. Treasury Department I before you leave. Keep O regon Green Oregon, nnd No. 10 Jt. o f M ultno- V E T E R IN A R IA N Dr. R aym ond L. H. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinet M aker M etzger, O regon P ortland P hone— C H erry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any style draw ers and d o o r s; finish ­ ed all sides. A nyone can set them. A L L K IN D S O F B U ILD IN G and C A B IN E T M A K IN G 51tf G. V ernon, T igard, Ore., 2nd hse S L on e Oak Garage, P hon e T igard 2572. . tf i NOTICE WASHINGTON. - The United Filipino Division to States death rate, reversing a long trend, rose slightly in 1943. Fight Against Japan It went up even without counting MANILA, P. I —President Os- the armed forces overseas. mena of the Philippines common­ The census bureau, announcing wealth designated Maj. Gen. Ba­ the 1943 figures, said two main rea­ silio J. Valdes to organize and sons for the rise were: command a Filipino division to 1— Removal of great numbers of join Allied forces against Japan. physically fit younger persons to Valdes, chief of staff of the Phil­ overseas duty left behind a greater ippine army, also is secretary of proportion of^older persons. 2— There was a bad influenza epi­ health and welfare and former secretary of national defense. demic in December, 1943. The 1943 rate was 10.9 per 1,000 estimated population. In 1942 it had T here are 230,000 milcH o f railway I been 10.4, the lowest ever recorded tracks in the U nited States. j for the United States. Deaths from the five leading L E G A L N O T IC E ! causes were: heart diseases 426,391; i cancer and other malignant tumors 166,848; cerebral hemorrhages 127,- IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH­ 1 300; nephritis, a kidney disease, 99,* IN G TO N CO U N TY. 267; pneumonia and influenza 90,115, Sum m on« and Notion o f I*. E. 1IAGG J — B R E D G IL T S — F E E D P IG S and W E IN E R S . G otter at Scholls. 201 f ‘ Baseball’ Chute Lays Mine for B-29 Planes ELECTRIC HOME STORE C L E A N IN G & P R E S SIN G S E R V IC E W e d o quality w ork and give prom pt service. T IG A R D C L E A N E R S F ew doors W est o f B ank at Burn­ ham and Main Street, T igard tf F O R S A L E — Bred H eifers, y o u r, ch oice $55.00 each. G otter at Scholls. 26tf ! W asted — F A R M -F A R M S -F A R M S i D o you really w ant to sell your suburban hom e o r you r fa rm ? 1945 is the year to sell. List your p roperty with P ortlan d 's v ery a g ­ gressive R eal E state Com pany. "W e Sell 'E m ". Call us collect now or write. We appraise. S L A Y T E R R E A L T Y COM PANY “ In d ow n tow n P o itla n d ,” . 528 SW Salm on Street. B R . 1146. 51tf C O N T R A C T IN G Supplies, F ixtu ies H ardw are and Paint F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO., P hone T igard 3381 tt F O R S A L E —O at & V etch Hay. j baled. R1 B x 245, B eaverton, E . j L . Schultz. 27 ; F O R S A L E —New Zealand W hite rabbits, you ng does, and b u c k s , from pedi. stock, excell, condi., 4 lbs up, $2 up. W itch Hazel R a b ­ bit Farm , 14 mi S W itch Hazel S ch ool or Y oungs M arket, m ain hiw ay het. B eaverton & H illsboro. , 25tf E L E C T R IC A L C A L L B E A V E R T O N 2011 F or F urn ace V acuum Cleaning Services & R epairs on all types o f H eating Plants or F re d ’s F urn ace Service 227 S. T hird St.. H illsboro 20tf F O R S A L E —12 or 16 in. co rd j w ood, YOU H A U L lMi mi. fro m ; R ed R o ck Cheese Co. Felson, | R t 1, B ox 30, T ig a rd 2363. 28 ! \ t ; 30 P A P E R H A N G IN G — 10 Years experien ce. R ea son a b le rates, F irst Class. F ree estim ates. Call 8 to 5—CH. 1826. R . W H IT L O W . ! B ox 80 ', Tigard, O n . 26-3.Mf F O R S A L E — 1 5 yeaaj-old b la ck m are; 1 so ft m outh black m are; H arness for Team , $175 com plete. D enver A skew , P hon e T igard 2635, P. O. box 883, T igard. 31 j F O R S A L E —B lock & Slab w ood, $12; 3 co rd loads $25. P hon e or- ders to F. B. H ubbard, T igard 3157 a fte r 5:30 p. m. 32 H O wouldn’t buy VI ar Bonds to support men like l'vt Donald R. Lobaugh, Freeport, Pa. ? With his platoon's» nhdra» al blocked by enemy machine guns, he advanced alone and freed it. Lrawlmi; close to the enemy position under heavy lire, he threw a hand grenade and then rushed the Nips, tiring as he went. Struck time and again, he killed two of the enemy and forced the others to withdraw before his last fall. The Medal oi Honor was awarded* him posthumously. V S. Trtamry Dtfvnmemi W Jersey, Aloha, rt. 3. bx 1424. P hone Aloha F O R S A L E —W aln u t bedroom set. single bed, davenport, c o ffe e table, upholstered chair, 2 end tables, ■ library table, fru it jars, B e ith o ld i Ave., R t. 1, B ox 1978, telephone B eaverton 2509. 27 W A N T E D —Suburban and Farm P roperties H ave cash buyers fo r sm all acreage near M ultnom ah and T igard W ill gladly appraise you r property No obligation. C H A R L E S K H IN E S Co . R ealtors 1905 NE 16th. Portland. P hone OA. n » 4 *** e r o e s R A B B IT S W A N T E D T op OPA. will pick up A L D L R J iR O O K B A B B IT R Y • R t. 1. Bx. 582, T igard, Ore. Sattler R oad and Butler Ave. 31 Count each w ord. Including N am « and addreaa— O N L Y 2c A W O R D N o P hone O rder* Taken LAND C L E A R IN G — T ra ctors A vailable L. H. COBB. P hone B ea veiton 2881. ^ _____ I ) R A B B IT S W A N T E D All CLASSIFIED AD S F O R S A L E —Dresser, full size bed, sp rin g A mattress, garbage burn­ er. V ictrola. A loha 6463. 27 H Page 3 TO : Union High School D iatrlct No. 10 Jt.. W ash in gton County, Oregon, and 10 Jt., M ultnom ah County, Ore­ gon, and T o All T axpayers and Legal Voters Therein. IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N : You and each o f you ire hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions o f O.C.L.A. Section 111-3159 and 3160 the Board o f Di­ rectors o f the union high sch ool dis­ trict above named have filed In the above entitled court and cau se a pe­ tition for the exam ination and ju d g ­ m ent o f said cou rt on the regularity and legality o f the proceedin gs had for and in con n ection with and re­ lating to the creation and organl- , zation o f said union high sch ool dis- j trict and the election and organ iza­ tion o f said Board o f D ire cto is o f said union high sch ool district and i have petitioned fo r the order, Judg­ ment, and decree o f said cou rt that said union high sch ool d istrict is a duly, legally and validly organized union high sch ool district as alleged in the above entitled petition and 1 that the petitioners in said petition and proceedings are the duly elected, qualified, and actin g d irectors o f i said district. A ny person interested m ay at any i tim e before the expiration o f ten days from the date o f the last pub­ lic a t io n o f this notice, to-w it: wtth- ; in ten days from A ugust 3, 1945, ap- ' pear and contest the validity o f auch J proceedin g o r any o f the acta or 1 thing* in said petition enum erated. D A T E D Tia 17th day o f July. 1945. F irst published at B eaverton. Ore­ gon this 20th day o f July, 1945. P. L. P A T T E R S O N , A ttorney for Union H igh School Dis­ trict 10 Jt.. W ash in gton County. O re­ gon. and 10 Jt., M ultnom ah County Oregon. R esident A ttorney fo r Oregon, p. O. A ddress: C om m ercial National Bank Bldg. H illsboro, O regon Date o f first publication July 20. 11945. Data of last 1945. publication Aug. 3. COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS 134241 K. E. W ater Ave.. Portland Kepler Davenport fo. B E A V E R T O N , O I lE G o 4 Recovering and j Modernizing i Beaverton 3762 * Open 8 :3 0 to 6 E venings by A ppointm ent Men Wanted STEADY W ORK TIGARD I Concrete Products IN C O R P O R A T E D I Riverview Cemelc. y W E S T EN D SEJ.l.W OD D B R ID G E CREM ATO RIU M M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY C om plete Funeral Service la .V Cathedral Chain I at No I .» ' * < R iverside is a co-op eratp elation with as^'ta o f over : ,! CENTRAL!.! 11 LO C A TE D u Close to bus tran f po d ation an w alking distar> from dow ntow n ; r . J. P. Finley & Fcr M0HTICIAN HW FOI it I'll AT M O N T G O M L L . A T w ater $161