E n ti Friday, July 27, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Church Services ed w ith ou r pastor, his w ife • and children. W SCS m eets W ednesdays 10 to 3. C hoir p ractice W ed n esday 8 p. m. “ T he teeth m ay be false, but let the tongue be tru e."------A nnoym ous C H U R CH O F T IIK N A ZAH K N K L eonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. C H U R CH O F C H R IS T W alter Lovett, Supt. G eorge W . Springer, Pastor 11 a ,m. W orsh ip service. M orning w orship and preaching at P astor speaking. 9.45 a. m. T he Y oun g P eople's service and T op ic— A P repared Place. evening service will be dism issed In F ollow ing the serm on, the L o rd ’s fa v o r o f the O regon P a c ific Camp supper will be observed. M eeting now in progress at Yew- Bible School class session 11 a. m. A cres, 3 miles S o f P ortland on 82nd Christian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. Avenue. E ven ing w orship 8 p. m. M id-week prayer m eeting W ednes­ M idw eek Bible study and prayer d ay 7 45 p. ro. service W ednesday 8 p. m. T op ic—T he W ork o f the H oly S pir­ it. W E S T HILLS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES “ I 1FE ' was the subject of the Lesson - Sermon vi q a 1) Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 22. The Goldent Text was, “Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord, the God of Abraham, and the God. of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For he is not a God o f the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.” (Luke 20:37, 38). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereun- to thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” (I Tim. 6:12, 19). The Lesson-Sermon also includ­ ed the following correlative pass­ age; from the Christian Science textbook, “ Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “Be watchful, sober, and viligant. The way is straight and narrow, which leads to the understanding that God is the only Life. It is a warfare with the flesh, in which we must conquer sin, rickness, and death, either here or hereafter,—certain­ ly before w e can reach the goal of Spirit, or life in God.’’ (p. 324). IWfrihpC Trill “ JE f w v B U l v w Ficnrr' Recovered * 1 0 m Unusual Disease A A 1JJ Through Paris A.\'N At): MICH. -- A women is reported to have recovered from a rare d. < > c, the fir.-t case re­ corded in v I ' m : f Slat -t. Dr. Otto K. Engi ike. Washtenaw health offi­ cer, said he was notified by the state health department that the woman, ill several weeks, had been a victim of salmonella javiana, an ailment kin to typhoid, paratyphoid B, heretofore recorded only in Ba­ tavia, Dutch East Indies. • Continued from last w eek ) David L ofgren w rote: “T h e Hotel j des Invaiides where N apoleon is bur­ ied is m ost m agn ificen t ch u rch like building o f excellent proportions. Com ing in to the right o f the en­ tr a n c e is a room with the cry p t o f Joseph N apolsan. T he w indow s are such that a rather blue light fills the room. Then dow n a sh ort co r­ ridor iis the sarcophagus o f M arshal F och —a trem endous bronze cask et borne by several life-size figures. Then there w as a room with Jerom e Jap Cabinet Orders L U T H E R A N CH URCH N apoleon's casket and I believe that TH E VALLEY Canyon R oad, near Sylvan I Schools Shut for Year is the one H itler brou ght back from C O M M U N ITY C H U RCH W ern er J. Fritz, M inister Austria after F rance fell to the Ger­ U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N TOKYO.—The Japanese cabinet 9th Sunday a fter Trinity mans. In the center o f the building SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay Dr., ordered all schools, colleges and Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. and sunk several feet in to the R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor universities closed for one year Divine Service 11 a. m. ground is N apoleon ’s sarcophagus. It M orning service 10:30 a .m. and announced that the students S erm on : Stew ards o f God Is a m agificen t red m arble affair, W elcom e. would be mobilized for war and P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R CH yet elegantly sim ple. On the floor C om m union Service Aug. 5. food production, air raid defense around it is a m osaic with a sun T he Bible C hurch and "other urgent undertakings pattern. A ll around it are statues B ox 697, B eaverton that are immediately and directly o f angels. In fron t o f the tom b and F arm ington R d. at M enlo D rive M E TH O D IST CH URCH concerned with the prosecution of i on the m ain level is a replica o f the W alter R . Buhl, Pastor 4th and W atson Sts. ; altar at St. P eter’s in R om e. It is i the war.” Divine Services 11 a. m. R ev. E verett L. Bowers. P astor i a w onderful thing and very well set Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. P arson age: 356 B roadw ay | o f f by yellow stained glass w indow s Church School 9:45 a. m. Mrs. w hich throw a golden light. In Paris BETHEL There m ay not be a cough in a ca r­ Nan B ourqulm , Supt. it seems that every e ffo rt has been load but the spark from a carelessly C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CHURCH Youngsters and oldsters we have a made to produce the m ost beautiful throw n cigarette can be plenty irri­ R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor place fo r you. buildings Im aginable. W h e re v e r tating. 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss M orning w orship 11 a. m. W hen in you r car, use the you go in Paris there Is som ething i ash tray; when walking, grind out the This m orning we shall recognize A m arette Barns, Supt. really beautiful. E ach building I k a butt in m ineral earth or rocks. K eep 11 a. m. M orning service. the 170th anniversary o f the found­ w ork o f art. Sunday m orn in g I O regon Green. 6:30 p. m. Interm ediate Y o u n g , ing o f the Chaplaincy. W e w elcom e went up to the Church o f the Sacre you to take part. S erm on: Should People. Coueur (S acred H eart). It is a 6:30 p. m. Senior Y oun g People. Cross Go to B attle? relatively new building having been look bock upon it with the greatest E ntertain m en t: Sunday evening C H A P E L S E R V IC E built after W orld W a r I. It is lo­ of pleasure. I’m so happy that the ut 7:30 Rev. and M rs. B ow ers will B E A V E R T O N FU LL G O SPE L cated high on a hill and overlook s opportunity cam e my w ay—and par­ hold open house fo r the m em bers i the entire city. C onstructed o f gleam ­ ticularly to fly, since it is usually O rville J. Poulin, M inister and friends o f th e church, at the I. O. O. F. Hall. B eaverton ing white stone, is really a w on d er­ an arduous tw o day trip by truck n ew ly acquired parsonage M ay we M I L L I N G C O . ful sight. W hile I w as in there a and train. Sundays 7:45 p. m. take advantage o f this Inform al o p ­ 6 6 S N. Tillam ook $*. Portland, Ora. mass was in progress, w hich added E verybod y w elcom e. I am looking fow ard to seeing you portunity to becom e better aequalnt- a great deal to the en joym en t o f the folks and the states and hope that it Van Hyning Joins Navy visit. F rom there I w ent dow n to- all may m aterialize as I hope. Seventeen-year-old John Van H yn ­ w ards the P lace de la M adeleine, j ing o f B eaverton, enlisted in the ‘ where the M adeleine C hurch is locat- j m arine corps reserve July 16, thru ed- It is built on the ord er o f the the P ortland recruiting station. He Parthenon in Athens. T here was a is now aw aiting orders to report to service being con ducted on the steps j with all the gorgeou s color o f the I j San D iego for "b o o t" training. I took several plc- T he son o f Mr. and Mrs. H enry J. Rom an church. ' Van H yning, route one. Private Van tures as It was an unusual sight. ( DUE TO E X C E S S A C I D ) H yning form erly attended B eaverton Then in the afternoon I took a tour Union high school. to Versailles to see the fam ous pal- ------ —----------- ---------------------------------- | ace. It is d ifficu lt to im agine the A LO H A C O M M U N IT Y C H U RCH I trem endous beauty o f that building, G raydon D. L oree, P astor j It is still bein g brou ght back to its j Sunday Sch ool 9:50 a- m. j original con dition sin ce the libera- M ary Antrim , Supt. SAFE - N O S O D A - N O L A X A T I V E i tion o f France. Many o f the paint- M orning wo-rship 11 a. m. I ings are being brought ou t o f the | (EH70(f 3 s q u a r e m e a l s a d a y 1 Y outh F ellow ship 7 p. m. i storage places and every day items 8 ft. Bean Poles G e t T E B S I N T o d a y • In P o n d e r o r T a b le t f o r m • $ 1 .2 5 a t E ven ing service by pastor. , are being replaced. TKe grounds are j really w onderful, although m uch o f 3 and 4 ft. Fence Pickets ST. C E C E L IA C H U R CH the area has gone into disrepair. W e i M asses 8:25 and 10:25 during Die saw Marie A ntoin ette's “ P etit T ria-I Texolite Washable ! w inter months. ■ non” —her ow n lodge, as well as the m istresses’ house. W e drove back Interior Finish R E K M V IIJ.E C O M M U N ITY to Paris through the forest o f St. F R l.K B Y T E R IA N C H U R CH Cloud. T hat just about took ca re o f mr-tuoio (« - ) DUTCH BOY PAINT R ev. H am pton, Pastor | Sunday and I needed to rest up. O n , Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. G. Monday I had decided to go back t o 1 Geiger, Supt. | some o f the places visited on the W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. I tour and get a better look at them. APR MAY JUNE JULY I AUG. SEPT OCT Y ou n g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. | So, soon it was tim e to leave. Y ou A LO H A A SS K M B B t O F GOD ! can well im agine that I was m ig h t y ; Sunday School 10 a. m. j tired w alking so much, although ev- RED W orsh ip 11 a. m. i eryone uses the M etro as m uch as T hursdays 7:45 p. m. -, - m a «r— IJ I possible. T he M etro is a very ex- Phone Beaverton 3201 C. A. BAKKEN, Mgr. ! cellent system o f subw ays and wo : 2 2 can get around very easily, even ' though we d on ’t read French. All the lines are very well m arked and I there are very good m aps and dia­ gram s put out by the R ed Cross. M onday night I had to leave and TJ4RU SEPT. 30 In order to overhaul and got out to the airport to m ake res­ BEAVERTON, OREGON ervations fo r the fligh t back to improve our machinery, Brunsw ick. I stayed at the airport —they have facilities fo r transient passengers. T he w eather becam e and to replenish our sup very dull T uesday m orn in g but wo Next stamps become good Aug.I In describing som ething he wished I I tried to take off, gettin g on ly as fa i­ ply of feed F R A N C I S ns R helm s and had to turn back to to m ake plain, a man suld, “ W h y it Is as plain as A BC .” “ Y es,” said the bystander, -Paris. W e returned at 9:30 and wait- .... ■■■ k ■ “ But the man you are talkin g to Is D E F.” BROTHERS stores will I ed around fo r quite a while u n t il, T U Isaiah the prophet o f old said — “ The ' the announced that all flights to G e r -1 THRU JULY 31 w ay o f holiness . . . . shall be for those: 2 2 he closed from August 6 : many had been canceled. By that the w a y fa rin g men, though fools, shall not I------------ tim e a large num ber o f passengers err therein." Y Z was waiting to get passage and fo r ­ léonard C. Johnson to August 11, both days THRU AUG 31 But Sim ple and plain then as A B C. 2 2 tunately I was booked fo r a seat, so • _ P hone 3691 could it be you are w illingly D E F. d i d n ’t have to w orry like som e did. irtclusive. F or once .the arm y didn 't give all THRU SEPT. 3 0 the preference to officers. I f a p ri­ vate had a seat booked, no one ou t­ ranked him, for if som e high ran k ­ TH RU O C T . 31 ing o ffice r w asn’t there when they ch ecked the passenger list, his name Y ou r patronage is greatly appre­ Next stomps become good Aug. I was dropped and the next person ciated and we ask you r coopera­ added, regardless o f rank. That W hy not favor your own city and community by made m any o f us feel good, for so tion d u rin g th is interm ission, ! often the o ffice rs get all the con sid e­ taking all your clothes to the IDEAL CLFAN- w hich we hope will enable us to ration all the tim e at the expense of ERS. THRU AUG 31 ! the others. AVell, the w enther didn't serve you better In the future. I clear up. so after dinner we went OUR M O TTO : i back to Paris until 7 o ’clock and G O OD S E R V IC E G O OD CIJCANING V I went out again. On W ed n esd ay! A IR P LA N E S T A M P S - B O O K NO. 3 S A T IS F IE D C U STO M E R S m orning fligh ts were again post- j - poned and I finally got o ff to W ios- GOOO INDEFINITELY • D t> ! baden that afternoon. T he trip w as very pleasant, arriving there at 4:15 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton Stayed overnight there and took o ff for B runsw ick at 9:30 the next m orn ­ 6319 SW Capitol Hiway ing, arriving here about noon. A-T6 TNNU S E P T . 21 1 W hen Col. Haight saw me a fte r w a r d 1 “ I in the o ffic e he said he was glad to ___________ ________ _____ see me back as he was goin g to the C U P THIS CHART FOR FUTURE R E F E R E N C E R iviera and he had to wait until 1 cam e back. All In all. it was really a w onderful trip and I shall alw ays TRIANGLE Our Telephone Number 3201 'Diàfoeóà Call Us for Your Building Material Needs . „ .. I e B I IM Dean Drug Store 5 45 RATION STAMPS GOOD COME IN AND SEE US KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. STAMPS NOTICE CHURCH of the NAZARENE Do Ton Know Tour A B C 's? BLUE STAMPS *5 E 30 R Ö H ■ (deal Cleaners SUGAR STAMPS SHOE STAMPS Four Days Service HILLSBORO ELECTRIC COMPANY COMMERCIAL, MILL General Maintenance I b itc h P aint. R e p a ir in g E lectrica l ELECTRIC HOME STORE ( m&ranteed JA M E S H IG G IN S Service — Phone Hillsboro 16F14 JAS E W O IJO R D , Owner N E W C A N N IN G J A R S now available AT Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF MeMINNYILLE Organised ISM— 40 years o f Reliable Service Chan L Walker, Agent "Every Form of Protection" •M i I ESSEN TIAL— POST W AR Phone 1732 Hllleboro, Oregon Can Use Permanent Employees JANITOR-Starting Salary $175 month Operators and Other Help Needed MILLERS GROCERY Oregon Mutual Potlrtea nre N O N -A SS ESS ABIE.. You N E V E R pay more than the premium on the face of the pulley Oregon Mutual maintains more than three ttmee the eurpiue required h» Oregvo Insurance U m . N e w Location 112 So. 3rd A v e . HELP WANTED Aloha, Oregon ‘No Job Too Small or Too Lar^c" , GASOLINE COUPONS N OW O PEN ton e. * For A E le c t r ic a l S u p p lies, F ix tu res, H o u se w a re s, H a rd w a re , Hem- and HOUSE W IRING Workmanship Francis Brothers AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. W . E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N B eaverton, Oregon Eatab. 1910 Servin g 35 yeara PHONE B F .W K R T G N 3411 4624 S. W. BERTH A-BEAVERTON Phone BEacon 6389 Glencullen H IG H W AY Glencullen, Oregon Bus Service right to the Door J