, Friday, July 27 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon P u tt 1 Better Planes Is Aim of Navy m - H. H. JK F F R IE S . PubUxhnr Development C c;s on Even In M dst of War; Jet Is Being Stressed. Published F riday o f each w eek by the P ion eer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon. E ntered as second-class m atter at the p o etofflce at Beaverton, Ore .J1.00 One Tear Subscription P ayable In Advance. B eaverton O ffice —E nterprise Bldg., P b on e B eaverton 2321 P ortland O ffice—108 Panam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder P b on e A Tw ater 6591 MP f l 0C)l A TI 0 I continued on its way, su fferin g much from hunger, as gam e w as very scarce. (T o be continued) Keep It Flying Streamline Dress Saves far Hands Lewis and Clark T he Great A m erican Odyssey A Condensed Story o f the H istoric E xpedition o f 1804-6 Copyright 1945 by W alter M eacham Dram atic Episodes N ow occu rred som e o f the moat dram atic incidents o f the entire ex pedition. As C lark approached the Indians, S acajaw ea exhibited signs o f extravagant Joy, dancing and suckAng her fingers, In dicatin g that these were her people. Then she recognized an Indian wom an who had been her childhood friend. T hey em braced In a very tender manner and show ed every evidence o f delight. Both had been taken prisoners by the M inatrees several years before and had shared the rig ors o f captivity until one escaped and returned to her people. Lew is and Clark were received by C hief C am eahw alt In truly cou rtly fashion. T hey were con ducted to the cou ncil tent and seated on a white robe. Small shells from the seashore, which had been secured in trade, were tied In their hair. E v eryone rem oved his m occasins and, after considerable cerem ony, the sm oking com m enced. In due tim e the con feren ce got un der way. In ord er to better co n verse with Cam eahwalt, Sacajaw ea was sent for to act as interpreter. N o soon er had she started to inter pret when. In the person o f C am eah walt, she recognized her brother. She Instantly ran to em brace him, th row ing her blanket ov er him and weep ing fo r Joy. T he ch ief wus greatly a ffected also, but m anaged to sup press his em otion to a degree. Sacajaw ea learned that all o f her fam ily were dead except tw o broth ers and the son o f her eldest sister. This sm all boy w as adopted by Sac- ajaw ou at once. The little Indian wom an recovered her com p osu re at last and the pow w ow continued. C hief C am eahw alt was im pressed with the white m en's talk and p rom ised to provide them with horses so they could continue their Journey. The Shoshone ch ief and his su b-ch iefs were then presented with g ifts a c cord in g to their rank and influ ence. C am eahw alt was presented with a medal with the likeness o f J efferson on one aids and on the re verse side a figu re o f clasped hands, a pipe and a tom ahaw k. He w as also presented w ith a u niform coat, shirt, pair o f scarlet leggins, som e to b a cco and oth er articles. These presents made him a rich man In the eyes o f is tribe and also its best dressed w arrior. Cam eahw alt took a liking to Captain Clark and bes tow ed his own nam e upon him, a sig nal honor am ong the Indians. The crossing o f the B itter R oot range was made near the present T endoy, Idaho, on the L em hi river. C aptain C lark set out with a num ber o f his men to try to d iscover a route to the Colum bia. On A ugust 21, he reached the Junction o f th«| present Lamht and Salm on rivers,| near the present tow n o f Salm on, l Idaho. H e nam ed the com bined j stream s the I^ewls river, in honor o f C aptain Lewis. T his is the pres ent Salm on river, a tributary o f the Snake. He continued dow n the stream a num ber o f miles to about the present Shoup, Idaho, when he| decided that this route w as an Im p racticable one, so turned back. In the m eantime. C aptain Lewis had been trading fo r horses and had s e - ! cured enough to supply the present needs o f the party. W ith an Indian guide, they struck out on August 30 to find a w ay out j o f the m ountains, m aking their way slow ly and painfully through dense thickets. over sharp rock s and precipices. T hey around ragged passed the ette o f the future Qib-1 bansvllle, Idaho, and over the rug-1 ged O lbbon s pass o f the B ltterroots into Montana. T heir route passed the present Hula, in what is know n as R osa's Hole. T hey follow ed the east bank o f C lark's river (B itter-i root) .past the future sites o f C o r-' vallia and Stevenaville. On Septem ber 4 they cam e upon a village o f Ootlaahoota, a branch o f a nation known as the Tushepaw s (H a th e a d s ), by w hom they were hokpttably received. Here, m ore horses were procured, giving them a total o f forty horses and three colts. A fter a b rief rest, the expedition l Good Deed Daily At 68 Interesting neckline treatment and graceful sleevelets add a glamor ous note to this streamlined date dress. The two-piece look is achieved by a deep tuck of fabric at the hip line. Make this pastel crepe in hya cinth blue, limelight, muled rose, and save for War Bonds. Patterns at local atores. u . S. Treasury Department W hile In B eaverton he sure to eal at the Greyhound C offee Shop. BUYERS— PACKERS — AH B erries, Prunes, Grapes— F E R T IL IZ E R , D l'S T . W E E V IL B A IT S , A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. Beaverton 3271 MAKE ICE CREAM A t horn# — A n y flavor — D « l i o o u » - - Smooth — N o ico c r yi to l» — N o cooking — N o ro w h i p p i n g — N o tcorchod flavor — E a t v — too■ pentivo — 20 recipe* in each 154 pkg. Ffooto tend thi* od for free full-size »a m ple offer, or buy from your grocer. LonooiiDciuiy f r o n d Homemode Ice Creom STABILIZER Is there anything you fa n cy to eat | b efore the ex ecu tion ? asked the war den. “ Yes, m ushroom s,” said the con- ; detuned man. “ I’ve alw ays been scared to try them In case I'd be poison ed."— Ex. I M M X 0 I M 1 - U S H O M A RO U N H U N O IC O J 001 I f . DONT WAIT - The Man W ho Is Contented to Wait For Customers T o Find 11 is Store Will Find Instead When It’s Too I.ate That He Need Not Wait Anymore TURKEYS Live Poultry and Eggs R eceivin g A D ressing P lants: P ortland, M cM innville, Salem. Albany, Eugene, R oseburg, R edm ond. Oregon. Main O ffice and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. P hone ItAst 5141 j De Laval 9 5519 8 W Portland Concrete Pipe & Product* Co. M acadam Ave.. Portland, 1 O regon AT. 8384 j What Are YOUR "Post War" Plans? We need a few men land. Our output at the into the war program but ly saleable when peace who want to work in Port present time is going 100% our production will be equal arrives. Our foundry has for thelast 30 years given our men steadier year-around work than any foundry in the country. W e are now equipped to make steel'castings to the most modern specifications and by the latest meth ods of manufacture. We have the utmost confidence in our ability to maintain our production after the war is over. Applicants will have to clear through the U. S. Employment service of the War Manpower Com- mission. S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S ( OM PI 1 1 I FO I IP M E N T ANO S U P P L IE S F O R THE D A IR Y See your Building Material Dealer W ho Are Interested in Working After the ALSO A E. Oak S t r e -t Portland, Ore V E N T IL A T E D " W E W A N T MEN W ar as W ell as During the W ar W ANTED chimney blocks SPECIAL Y ou know , fo r being alert and on you r toes, you will look high and low to outdo the boys at the oil sta tions. E ven now, with things upset, you hardly com e to a stop at the pum p until one o f ’em is Joh nn y-on - the-spot, w iping his hands and pre- aring to w ait on you like as if you are his one and best custom er. So m any folk s In the writin* busi ness, and the com m ent-on -th e-rad io racket are telling w hat is w ron g — and how to fix It—that we d on 't hear m uch about anyth in g that Is already ok ay and d on ’t need m eddlin' with, you d on 't hear o f m any pats on the hack.—ju st as if nc£>ody an ym ore ever did a sk ook um jo b at anything. So I am gon na be kind o f a rustic, or uncouth, or som ething, and adm it that som ething is okay. H ow 's business, I says to the lad cornin' on the run—w e ven tu rin g over in to the next cou n ty on our new 6 gallon coupon. N ot to o bad, he says, but gettin ’ a little better, like, he says, if you r fev er has been 104 and it drops to 103. T h at boy will get alon g — he is an op tim ist— som e day he will be fu rth er up the ladder. He is a shining exam ple for others. So this essay today is a pat on the back fo r oil—and the guys w ho never walk, but run. Y ours w ith the low down, JO S E R R A N E W YORK. — Constant develop ment of the navy's aviation even in the midst of war, with jet-propelled fighters, torpedo bombers and sea planes going into large-scale produc tion this year, was described here by Rear Adm. Dewitt C. Ram sey, chief of the bureau of aeronautics, as reported by the New York Herald- Tribune. New and replacement aircraft for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, will cost $ 3 , 000 , 000 , 000 , the admiral told 1,000 members and guests of the Wings club, which embraces i aviation executives and combat of ficers at its second annual dinner. Of primary importance, the ad miral said, were the steadily im proving fighters, with Grumman Hellcats and Vought Corsairs now THE SCHOOLS OF THE NATION are doing their part in the Seventh War being used as strafers. dive bomb Loan Drive by conducting an Equipment Campaign. As each piece of ers and rocket launchers, capable of equipment is bought through the sale of War Bonds its posture counterpart carrying bombloads up to 2,000 is pasted on the board until the soldier is equipped. Dona Overton, country pounds. Essex-class carriers, he student, of .Milwaukee High School, Oregon, shows Shorley Potter, city added, “ are now bearing an in student, of Lincoln High School, Portland, Oregon, how it’s done. creased complement of these versa LEGAL NOTICE tile fighter-bombers, thus increasing the air group’s ability to destroy IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E enemy aircraft without sacrifice of STATE OF OREGON FO R W A SH Wounded Marine Gets in its overall bomb-carrying capacity.” IN G T O N COUN TY. Licks in an Unusual V/ay Sum m ons and N otice o f Four Dive-Bombers Developing. V alidation P roceedings WITH TH E M AR IN ES. - Just be- “ Jet-propelled conceptions of vast dbuse Pic. Joseph J. Yunker of Ho ly improved power and perform In the M atter o f the creation and or ganization o f U nion H igh S ch ool boken, N. J., was wounded before ance will be in mass production by No. 10 Jt. o f W asington County, he could fire a shot, he wasn’t out the end of the y ear,” Admiral Ram O regon, and No. 10 Jt. o f M ultno of the battle. But he did get in his sey said. mah County, O regon licks in a rather unusual way, the I ’m 68 and I try to do m y good Four experimental dive-bombers T O : Union H igh School D istrict N o. Leatherneck reports. deed daily. So the youngish old are under development by different 10 Jt., W ash in gton County, O regon, Yunker had been treated for his man told It as we drove on into the com p a n ies. A new model torpedo and 10 Jt., M ultnom ah County, Ore Then we asked him —I f you plane with increased speed is al- injury and was lying in a tent ward city. gon, and T o All T axp ayers and out into eternity tins; this \ reacjy ¡n production, with additional when the Japs attacked. He spotted were E° out into eternity Legal V oters Therein. a sniper in a tree getting ready to !vf ry hour> would all your good deeds ; experimental craft under way. A IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E nnon up .in n against n n i n d the i h . hospital. hr,cnit,i I blot out even one sin? Would you! ------ „ ------- . __j . _______ open new navy land-type patrol plane is OF OREGON: Y ou and each o f you G od is] Ignoring painful wounds he had re ¡g o out a sinless b ein g ? ¡sinless, Christ* is sinless and so are | “ approaching m aturity.” The C ur- |are hereby n otified that pursuant to ceived that morning, Yunker raised tiss Seahawk, a new seaplane fo r ¡the provisions o f O.C.L.A. Section the angels in heaven. himself up and got a rifle that and 3160 the B oard o f D i- Then we w ent on to say. that | cruisers and battleships, r e ce n tly \ another paient had left in the tent. God is now calling out a people from 1 began large-scale output. ; le cto rs o f the union high sch ool dis- Resting the rifle across his pillow, all nations. The new models will spearhead \l ' c n * *n_ l_h® A people w ho believe i he aimed, squeezed one off, and top in Christ for cleansing and for the a naval air force which has already above entitled cou rt and cause a pe tition for the exam ination and ju d g pled the sniper. pow er o f a new life. W hen you per- ! downed more than 10,000 Japanese m ent o f said cou rt on the regularity mit your heurt to trust in Christ, 1 planes in three years, with an air and legality o f the p roceedin gs had the new life is on the way. Let combat advantage of more than five Americans to Observe fo r and in con nection w ith and re your heart believe that Christ has ! to one, the admiral said. He added lating to the creation and org a n i Eclipse of Sun July 9 cleansed away all the sins o f your | the navy had now launched a car zation o f said union high sch ool dis F rom that ! W ASHINGTON. — Americans will lifetim e and it is done. rier fleet numbering “ nearly 100 trict and the election and organ iza instant, with sins blotted out, G od | tion o f said B oard o f D irectors o f see their first total eclipse of the names you a sinless being. O N E — | units with an operating capacity of said union high sch ool d istrict and sun in 13 years on July 9, the ,, „ j , , . . He now has a new photo o f you that literally thousands of airplanes.” have petitioned for the order, ju d g United States naval observatory re- , shoW8 you sinlcsg and ROWned in his Recalls Days on the Langley. ment, and decree o f said cou rt that In reminiscent vein, • Admiral Ve£ ; ed T-eCent y ' own righteousness. T W O — He puts The direct course of the eclipse your name in his B ook o f «Life, Ramsey recalled his service from said union high sch ool district is a duly, legally and validly organ ized will start near Boise, Idaho, and T H R E E - He gives you the urge to 1926 to 1928 as navigator of the union high sch ool district as alleged pass across Butte, Mont. From there do his will and to look to Christ for pioneer carrier, the Langley. In test in the above entitled petition and it will swing across Canada, Green- ¡the power. flight operations those days off that the petitioners in said petition land, through the Scandinavian ! T o this man of 68, It was all new ; southern California, he noted, “ we and proceedin gs are the duly elected, peninsula, across Russia near Mos- that his good deeds would not save frequently encountered Japanese qualified, and acting d irectors o f cow and end up in Russian Turke- him. And from w hat follow ed, he Marus that always seemed to have said district. Stan, must have been turning his heart to engine, steering or navigational dif A ny person interested m ay at any The eclipse will appear partial Chrlst- W hat does your heart say? ficulties that put them on converg tim e before the expiration o f ten throughout the U nited S tates e x ce p t Do >:ou sm less in G od 8 siR h t' ing courses with us and brought days fro m the date o f the last pub * jour heart knows. lication o f this notice, to-w it: w ith within the narrow path of totality. j W ould be glad to have a line as to , them to positions from which they in ten days from A ugust 3, 1945, ap could closely observe u s.” your victory in Christ for this space | He praised British-American co pear and contest the validity o f such ¡paid fo r by a Seattle businessm an. ; Government Takes Action proceed in g or any o f the acts or operation in the war, and recalled things in said petition enum erated. To Bar Bond Speculation I that during the Coral sea sweeps, D A T E D Tis 17th day o f July, 1945. W A S H IN G T O N .-T h e treasury an , he had the British carrier Victori- F irst published at B eaverton, Ore 3101 SW M cChesney Rd. nounced that maturity dates on the | ous under his command in a South gon this 20th day o f July, 1945. Portland. O regon Seventh war loan bonds will be with Pacific task force. The ships worked P. L. P A T T E R S O N , held until the last minute to pre so closely that on occasion they ex A ttorn ey fo r U nion H igh S ch ool D is In baseball a runner is either out changed aircraft squadrons. vent speculation trading by corpora trict 10 Jt., W ashington County, O re or safe, but In the great ou tdoors va tions and insurance companies. The Victorious had a highly ob gon, and 10 Jt., M ultnom ah C ounty cation land o f O regon a fire must be Oregon. Maturities on the E bonds— those out to be safe. P lay ball with na structed flight deck, in contrast to the Sar: t a's !!00-foot stretch. The ; R esiden t A ttorn ey fo r Oregon, purchased by ordinary individuals ture. Keep O regon Green. — will be the same 10 years at the first British torpedo pilot to land i P. O. A ddress: C om m ercial N ational sam e interest rates as heretofore. on the S rnloga announced jubilant Bank Bldg, H illsboro, O regon W hile sh ip p in g eat at the Grey- D ate o f first publication Ju ly 20, The next drive starts May 14. Pre ly that it was lihe “ landing on your 1945. at the Greyhound C offee Shop. sale efforts have been started. tote of T e x a s." Date o f last publication Aug. 3, 1945. F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry I F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry I Y ou m ay think you have a soap Barnes. Phone B eaverton 3231. tf Barnes. T urn w ar stam ps into B onds P hone B eaverton 3231. tf 1 that does everything, but if you want to keep you r fire record clean it is I better to depend on com m on sense, j Give serious thought to you r fire. K eep O regon Green. INDUSTRY [ concrete ■ The Low Down From Hickory Grove iltm ek frifell T| You may contact our employment office at 2141 N. W. 25th avenue between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., Mon days through Fridays, and 8 a m., until 12 noon Satur days. ELECTRIC STEEL FOUNDRY N. W. 25th and Wilson Street iH>'>ond Ball Park IW t Fit-Id F ence) 130 NW Park AT. 0481 SELLW O O D BUS OR 23rd STREET CAR