Friday, July 20, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O regon W O O D S A W IN G - J. gard 2484. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CARE hour. ton. CASH Musk Accompany All M EN W A N T E D — W oodw orkers, nailers and lum ber carriers, es­ sential industry 90c to 11.22's per hour, with tim e and a half for Saturday. Air K ing M fg. Corp.. Tigard. Oregon. 26 CLASSIFIED ADS Count each w ord, Including Nam e and address— O N L Y 2o A W O R D N o P hon e Orders T aken W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L m l l t n o m . a u p r e s s A L O H A N EW S C om plete Eastern W ashington County and W estern M ultnom ah County Coverage. W e assume no financial responsi­ bility fo r errors w hich may appear in advertisem ents published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f an advertisem ent in w hich the' typo­ graph ical m istake occurs. m F O R S A L E —Cash R egister, $25. Jackson Gro., 560 S. L om bard, nr. 5th, B eaverton. 25 F O R SA L E — 2 w ardrobe trunks, one large in excellent con dition, $100; m edium side in g ood con d i­ tion $65. R. H. Besm ehn, R t 1. box 372, 1 m ile S of B eaverton on ieft hand side o f H iwy 217. 25 ----------------------- ------------ |. F O R SA U S— M aytag Gasoline Mo- j tor, slightly used $30. 560 S W Main St., B eaverton. 25 F O R S A L E —'34 Studebaker Coupe C. E. Ferrington, cor. Allen Ave. & M enlo Dr., B eaverton, R l, Bx. 1017. 25 S A L E —R aspberries 12c a lb. yourself. 2 m iles S o f H uber nr C ooper Mt. Sch ool & R e- R d. Steve T op ich . 25 FOR p roof bed & ends. Cedar DENIAL PIATES Men Wanted P A IN T S TIGARD Concrete Products r* i¡ I. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN Y ou can use classified advs. to ad­ vantage. Plant one in this paper. You can use classified advs to ad­ vantage . Plant one in this paper. SW F O U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 rNO BRUSHING* KTeenite ends messy h a r m ­ fu l h r u s h i n f . Just put you r plate o r bridge in a g ! i « s o f wat er add a little Kleenite. ftvre s t o t Stai ns, di sc a' or a tio n s and d e nt ur e od ors d isa pp ea r. Y ou r teeth spark le like new . A sk yo u r drug gis t today f o r lUe emt a. KLEENITE the Brushless Way Get K L B I.N IT E today at B eaverton Pharm acy, and all good druggists W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E N O T N ECESSARY Steady W o rk with O vertim e APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT | COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS IS'ifl 8. E. W ater Ave., Portland Kepler Davenport Co. BEAVERTON , OREGON Recovering and Modernizing B e a v e r to n 3762 O pen 8 :3 0 to 6 E venings by Appointm ent ------------------ - --- ------------------------- j F O R S A L E —W alnut bedroom set, j dining room set. R yans, R t 2, 1 mi N B eaverton by Cedar St., above airport. 25 F O R SA L E — Gas R ange, pre-w ar Estate, th erm ostatically co n tro ll­ ed oven, metal utensil drawers, broiler. C hrom e trim . Call BE. j 0863, evenings only. R t 2, Bx. *10 B eaverton 25 F O R S A L E —L ot 149x188 South o f ; F ifth St., on Franklin, B eaverton, | A pply Jackson G rocery, 561 S ■ Lom bard. 25 ____________________ __________________ I F O R S A L E —New Zealand W hite rabbits, you ng does, and bucks [ from pedi. stock, excell. condi., 4 lbs up, $2 up. W itch H azel R ab- | bit Farm , >4 m i S W itch H azel ' School or Y oun gs M arket, m ain j hlw ay bet. B eaverton & H illsboro. | 25tf j W anted — F A R M -F A R M S -F A R M S D o you really want to sell your suburban hom e or your fa rm ? 1945 Is the year to sell. L ist your property with P ortlan d's very ag­ gressive R eal Estate Com pany. "W e Sell 'E m ". Call us collect now or write. We appraise. SL A Y TE R R E A L T Y COM PANY "In dow ntow n P ortland,” . 528 SW Salm on Street, B R . 1146. 51tf B R E D G IL T S — F E E D P IG S and W E IN E R S . G etter at Scholls 20tf F O R S A L E —4 ft green slab Aloha district $6 per cord. B lock A E d ­ g in g $7 per cord. B eaverton-Ti- gard-G arden H om e district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. B lock A E dgings $8 per cord. H. F. E lford. F orest Grove. P hone 56. tf C L E A N IN G A P R E S SIN G S E R V IC E W e do quality w ork and give prom pt service. T IG A R D C L E A N E R S Few doors W est o f Bank at B urn­ ham and Main Street, T igard tf Civilians Can Ely Now Bernard A irport S. A M. F L Y IN G S E R V IC E N orth End o f Field on Cedar St. B eaverton, Ore. P hone W E . *013 12tf Oil T inting on Y our Own P hotographs B rides a Specialty— Special Rates to Service Men— A T. 1758 P. E. 1IAGG H auling C ontractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed R o c k and R oad Gravel R oute 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon P hone T igard 2440 tf 1 H ID E S A W OOL, C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. AT. 533*. tf L. II. B R A W A N D Builder and Cabinet Muker M etzger, O regon Portland P hone—C H erry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any style draw ers and d oors; finish­ ed all sides. A nyone can set them. A L L K IN D S OF B U ILD IN G and C A B IN E T M A K IN G 51tf CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K —Let us plow you r garden. H ow ard j W m . Smith, Johnson Rd. & D ivis­ ion sts., P hone Beaverton 2462 *tf F O R S A L E - Dry and green B lock H om e R efrig era tion and washing m achine services. Call K. R. T w om bly CH. 2267. 8tf V E T E R IN A R IA N —Dr. R aym ond | G. Vernon, Tigard, Ore., 2nd hse S L one Oak Garage, P hone T igard 2572. tf D R E S S M A K IN G A SE W IN G All kinds o f Clothing Made THELM A D EW T igard 2484 A ppointm ents a fter Sept. 1 E lectrical A ppliances R epaired R adios, R efrig era tors, W ashing M achines, Sew ing M achine and all household appliances— See E D D IE OLD M AN Joh nson R oad Opp. N. W . Christian H om e or M arshall W ells Hdw., B eaverton W E C U R E AN D SM O K E Y O l'R P O R K I I TS 25 years E xperience ALDER M ARKET Lew is Bros. Cor. 1st and W ashington St. PORTLAND, OREGON tf F O R S A L E —D ry and green B lock and Slab W ood, delivered 2-cord lote to Aloha,* B eaverton. Tigard. M ultnom ah W’ rite J. O. Johnson, Carlton. Ore., Bx 58*. tf W A N T E D -A n y am ount o f live poultry, good prices picked up on farm , also any kind o f berries Call evenings. B eaverton 2369, Hazel May. R t 3. B x 59 .Beaverton. 25 G overn m en ts eathai m eet t)iet # obligation s or they blow up and turn com m un istic .and this is follow ed by a dictator, and the people becom e virtually slaves. Y ou know what happened in E urope in past years where just exactly such procedure took place. W e d o not want it to happen here. i H O W often you hear a woman say: “ I’d rather go to Jonesville. Ï think the shops are so much better than those in Smithville.” How frequently the appraisal o f a city is the appraisal o f its shops and stores! This indicates the importance in our daily lives o f the business o f distribut­ ing merchandise— o f wholesaling and retailing. Seldom do we realize what a big business merchandising really is. The payroll alone o f Oregon merchants is over one hundred million dollars a year — which is “ big money” for any business. tf Most o f us take the retailer for granted. And we are hardly conscious at all TRACTO R W ORK W ANTED P low in g and G rading P H O N E C H erry 3*37 2nd house North of K raft Cheese Co. 50 tf W ANTED W A N T E D —Suburban and farm properties- H ave cash buyers for sm all a cie a g e s near Beaverton and W est Slope. W ill gladly ap­ praise your property. No ob lig a ­ tion C H A R L E S K H IN E S CO R ealtors. 1905 N E 10th, Portland P hon e W E 5395. 23tf O R E G O N ’S Shops# Stores# M arkets P A P E R IN G — PainMng & Kalso- m ining, neat, experienced work- | man L. L. Seeley, R 2, B x 180-A ; B eaverton. Phone B eaverton 2516 40tf F O R S A L E — Full size pre-w ar bed coil springs, Mrs. Geo. Thyng. B eaverton 3*42. 25 W ANT E L E C T R IC STO V E - P hone B eaverton 2321. tf W A N T L O C K E R - I n vicinity o f B eaverton.P hone B eaverton 2321. tf Tell It with a classified ad. ! o f wholesale and distributing organizations, which form the liaison between the manufacturer and the retailer. Few o f us indeed appreciate the value to us o f the opportunity for selection o f goods which retail merchandising affords. The fact is that the retailer’ s service in fitting merchandise, piece by piece, to the needs and desires o f every single consumer is one o f the most valuable elements in the goods the consumer buys. Merchandising is big business. It provides big payrolls, costs big money and gives big values. It has made many improvements and econom ics in recent years. A C R E A G E A H O M ES W A N T E D W e can sell your home, farm or acreage Have hundreds o f buy­ ers that have cash. Y our W ash­ ington County specialist. Ix>cated in Portland at foot o f C anyon Rd Call BK. 1475 or write W A Y N E E. N A G LE 1800 SA ’ Jefferson, Portland 1, Ore. tf M ore fa rm people were killed by acciden ts in the first tw o years A m ­ there My L ord ! H e § five stars and erica was In the war than hum an l o o !—O verseas GI after meet- w ere A m ericans killed in the war Inf Oen. Ike Eisenhower End Oi Age In Sight The w orld is not adrift. G od has STE AD Y W ORK his eternal plan for this age and aftei this, for the ages to com e, 1900 year * ago, when this ago began, he Iralay’s F resh opened the door to the nations to take M ix e d F eed s out of them a people for C hrists name. | LAND C L E A R IN G — T ractors FISHER THGRSEN PAINTS This is his plan for this age— A peo­ Available. L. H. COBB, P hon e! ple for Christ, from all nations. T he ! F or quality, fair price and B eaverton 2861. 48tf last man on the farthest shore is to service IN C O R P O R A T E D be sum m oned. He is to be told— | J. B. lm la y & S o n s W A N T E D — Suburban and Farm God had a son w ho died fo r your A LO H A . O R E sins R E E D VI LI E P rop erties—H ave cash buyers fo r By kindly word, holy life and | small acreage near M ultnom ah winsom e deed, the M essenger o f the and Tigard. W ill gladly appraise F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H a iry c ,o s -s ¡‘ re to draw that last man. And you r property. No obligation. Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf when that last one is brought in t o , C H A R L E S K. H IN E S Co., R ealtors j __ ■ , , --------------------- I fill out the roll-call, the age is ended 1905 N E 16th, P ortland, P hone W hen you are out in the wide open 1,1 AIN. W E . 5395. 23tf spaces, treat you r cam p fire as you At that moment, the Lord H im self W E S T EN D w ould a child. It craves attention s,' a" descend from heaven with a S E L L W O O D B R ID G E R A B B IT S W A N T E D and left to its ow n devises m ay be- shout, with the voice o f an a ich com e destructive. K eep O regon | * n>’ * l and the tru m p _of God^ and the R A B B IT S W A N T E D CREMATORIUM - , reen dead in Christ shall rise first. Then 1 I we o f His who are alive, shall be T op OPA, will pick up MAUSOLEUM •-------------------------------- i caught up along with them, to meet A L D E R B R O O K R A B B IT R Y W hile in B eaverton be sure to eat the lo r d in the clouds. So shall we CEMETERY R t. 1, Bx. 582, Tigard, Ore. st the Greyhound C offee Shop. evei be with the Lard. Sattler R oad and Butler Ave. 31 ______________ _ j Tlie great central passion in the C om plete Funeral Service in New , ' heart o f God, is to have a redeem ed C athedral (T ui | n 4 at N o Extru cost W e are told o f a place that is peopje on w hom He m ay spend his M IS C E L L A N E O U S R iverside is a co-operative asso­ paved with g ood intentions and yet ,OV(l through tim e and eternity. To ciation with assets o f over $800,000 continually swept by fire. Many bare bm guch a f o , Hi, Father, id „ ^ H i s blood. He one, W O O D S A W IN G — Frank Jersey, hills here in O regon are constant re- c h ' , 9t m inders that we should be safe by fot „ su ffer,,a fol sill , hat he might U3 to God Y ou are H is an Aloha, rt. 3. bx 1424. Phone Aloha being sure that the last spark is out br, b efore we leave an y fire. K eep Ore- for h eie and n ow . \Vhat does CENTRALLY* 6141- 6617. 30 gon Green. your heart say? LOCATED . Glad o f a line as to w hat you get Close to bus trans- Careful ch eck in g o f all c a n n i n g ^ , Qf these mes8ap08i patd for by FU C H IA S ’ p oitation and equipm ent before vising m ay p r e v e n t ^ fc||M , bU8iness man t w ulking distance death or injury. E ven canning is N ow B loom in g at from downtown. CA M ELIA L A N D N U R S E R Y | the sam e as inviting an accident to M any varieties to ch oose from ! happen. 1)4 B lock s o ff ltiw ay 3101 SW M cChesney Rd. T im e lost from farm acciden ts last on W alnut Ave., T igard 26 Portland. O regon year equaled that required to p ro­ duce five bushels o f wheat for every person in the United States. C ALL B E A V E R T O N 2011 W hile sb jp p ln g sat at the G rey •* F or F u rn a ce V acuum Cleaning The cigarette that satisfies is the 4t the Greyhound C offee Shop Services & R epairs on all types o f one that is carefu lly extinguished a f­ H eating Plants ter sm oking. W herever you are get nr F red's F urn ace Service that habit. Kill that last spark. F or Stove and D.esel Oil Call Harry 227 S. Third St., H illsboro 20tf Keep O regon Green. Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf S A L E -B a b y crib, w ater­ mattress, like new. w ooden ! springs, cheap, odds and 1 M ary Medill, Vi mi N on t F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O TO R CO.. P hone T igard 3381 tf St., B eaverton. 25 F O R S A L E — Bench m odel cream separator. Guy W oodw orth, B eav­ erton 2820. 25 • D c i l d •to c*t picked up free of ch arge anyw here Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland tf Com m e n ia l fots'sta are owned hy | G overnm ent 26‘ r , farm ers 3 0 ',, | Remove Stoins, add New Sparkle to sm all Industry 20*., large industry 15**. Riverview Cemetery FOR SALE FOR P ick Ave., usser OF C H IL D R E N — Day or 964 W atson St., Beaver­ 25 M. Dew, Ti- 31 I Page 3 ltaalf. Portland General Electric Company •¥ Pioneer in supplying electric light and power to homes, ogritulture, manufacture and mercantile enterprises