F riday, June 29, 194" CLASSIFIED WANT ADS [ If to b a cco gets any scarcer, the A C R E A G E Jk H O M ES W A N T E D blow ing o f sm oke rings will becom e W e can sell y ou r home, farm or a lost art. acreage. H ave hundreds o f b u j» W hat's needed in W ashington right ers that have cash. Y our W ash­ ington County specialist. I-ocated now is m ore brains and less brayin.' in P ortland at fo o t o f C anyon Rd. Call BK. 14*5 or write W A Y N E E. N AG LE 1800 SW J efferson , P ortland 1, Ore. tf CASH M usk A c c o m p a n y A ll C L A S S IF IE D A D S Count each w ord. Including N am e and address— O N LY So A W O R D N o P hon o O rders T aken W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M AH P R E S S A LO H A N E W S LAND C L E A R IN G — T ractors Available. L H. COBB, Phone B eaverton 2881. i't t LOST L O S T —Small P ig near R ed R ock Dairy. R ew ard. Fred W eller R t 1. box 70, T igard. 22 C om plete E astern W ashington County and W estern M ultnom ah County Coverage. W e assume no n nan clal responsi­ bility fo r errors w hich m ay appear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that y ort o f an advertisem ent in w hich the1 typ o­ graphical m istake occurs. MISCELLANEOUS I shall not be responsible fo r any ch arge accou n ts other than my ow n. W IL B U R E. CROCKER, B eaverton, Or., R t. 1, Bx 904. 22 C A LL B E A V E R T O N 2011 F or F urn ace V acuum Cleaning Services A R epairs on all types o f H eatin g Plants or F re d ’s F urn ace Service 227 S. Third St.. H illsboro 20tf • FOR SALE I k F O R SA L E — Day bed with springs $10; 3 straight back oak ch airs; 1 arm chair, 1 large dresser with m irror, 1 sm all dresser, 1 buck saw, 1 wash tub. 4013 SW Baird St., cor. Capitol H ighw ay. 22 F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O I O R CO., P hon e T igard 3381 tf F O R S A L E — V ulcan Gas R ange, therm ostat on oven. May be seen at R t 1, box 421 T igard on Bull Mt. road, also one box spring. 22 F O R SA L E — R adio 11 tube P hilco Console, excellent con dition. > P hone B eaverton 2684. 22 12tf Oil T in ting on Y our Own P hotograp hs Brides a Specialty— Special Rates to Service M en— AT. 1758 H A Y IN SH O CK —F o r Sale, Della C. Fisher, B eaverton. 22 F O R S A L E — In Beaverton, Ore., 6 rm house, m odern, furnished, oil heat—$3750. Im m ediate pos­ session, term s, ow ner. 421 SE T hird St., o f f Lom bard. 22 P A P E R IN G —P ain tin g A Kalso- m ining, neat, experienced w ork ­ man L. L. Seeley, R 2, B x 180-A B eaverton. P hone B eaverton 2516 40tf F O R S A L E — $12,500—35 A. near B ethany, open Sunday 2 to 5 p. m. All in cultivation, w idow no lon­ ger able to care for. 5 bedrom s, farm type home, well constructed. Plum bing, water system , base­ m ent A furnace, assorted fruits, walnuts, grapes and filberts, large barn, ch ick en houses, nr rd, creek O nly 4 m iles fro m C edar M ills on B ethany rd. — look fo r m y Open Sign —on rifcht, drive in to large yellow house. M RS. G E O R G E K E L L E R . B E. 7853, any time. 21 H ID E S A W OO L, CASO A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. A T. 5334. tf P. E. 11AGG H auling C ontractor C oncrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed R ock and R oa d Gravel R oute 1, B ox 28, Tigard, Oregon P hone T ig a rd 2446 tf L. H. D R A W A N D B uilder and C abinet M aker M etzger, O regon P ortland P hone— CH erry 2929 U nit cabinets, precision built, any style draw ers and d oors; finish­ ed all sides. A nyon e can set them. A L L K IN D S O F B U ILD IN G and C A B IN E T M A K IN G 51tf F O R S A L E — Cheap — V acuum sw eeper. Call at E nterprise of-1 fice, Beaverton. tf I F*OR S A L E - U pright Piano, fine con dition, lovely tone, m ahogany case. R easonable. A lso fruit jars. Mrs. W. H. Stennick, route 2. box ‘ 737, B eaverton, nr. E lm onica. 22 I F O R S A L E — B ay Shetland P o n y ,! - 4-year-old mare. Mrs. D. G. Ni- ; chol, Allen Ave., h alf mile W o f W atson, B eaverton. 22 S A L E —C om bination R a n g e : - and gas. H ans Nielsen, 1 1 Beaverton, Nielsen R d. Call J' 5 p. m. 22 B R E D G IL T S — F E E D P IG S and ! - W E IN E R S . C otter at Scholls. 20tf W anted — F A R M -F A R M S -F A R M S Do you really w ant to sell your suburban hom e or your fa rm ? 1946 is the year to sell. List you r p roperty with P ortla n d ’s very a g ­ gressive R eal E state Com pany. "W e Sell ’E m ” . Call us collect now or write. We appraise. S L A Y T E R R E A L T Y CO M PAN Y “ In dow ntow n P ortland,” . 528 SW’ Salm on Street, B R . 1146. 51tf E lectrical A ppliances R epaired R adios, R efrig era tors, W ashing M achines. Sew ing M achine and all household appliances—See E D D IE O LD M AN Joh nson R oad Opp. N. W . C hristian H om e or M arshall W ells Hdw., B eaverton tf F O R S A L E — 4 ft gTeen slab. A loha district $6 per cord. B lock A E d ­ g in g $7 per cord. B eaverton-Ti- gard-G arden H om e d istrict 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. B lock A E dgings $8 per cord. H. F. E lford. F orest Grove. P hone 56. tf H om e R efrig era tion m achine services. T w om bly CH. 2267. and washing Call K. R . 8tf F O R SA L E — D ry and green B lock and Slab W’ ood, delivered 2-cord lota to Aloha. B eaverton, Tigard, Multnomah. W’ rlte J. O. Johnson. C arlton, Ore., Bx 584. tf clients w aiting fo r farm s, acreage and homes and around V E T E R IN A R IA N — Dr. R aym ond G. V ernon, T igard, Ore., 2nd hse S L one Oak Garage, P hone T igard 2572. tf D R E S S M A K IN G & S E W IN G All kinds o f C lothing Made THELM A D E W T igard 2484 . tf W E C C R E A N D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K CUTS 25 years E xperience ALDER M ARKET L ew is Bros. Cor. 1st and W ashington St. PORTLAND. OREGON tf TRACTO R W ORK W ANTED P low in g and G rading P H O N E C ile rry 3437 2nd house N orth o f K ra ft Cheese Co. 50 tf Dead P H O N E BE. 7863 C O LLE C T or address card to M R S G E O R G E KELI-F.R S1IW SW M rChesney Rd. Portland I, Oregon tf M eacham By L. L. STEVENSON SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. Kepler Davenport Co. J Recovering and Modernizing De Laval Monroe kCrifell J. P. Finley & Son , MORTICIAN pened to Edgar Bergen. It happened to many others. Now it’s happened to me and I’d rather take my medi­ cine than have you youngsters take a chance on getting into trouble.” • • FOOD RATION STAMPS G O O D • G ood E x a m p le : That special bank SW FO U R T H A T M O N T G O M E R Y A T w ater 2181 Riverview Cemetery ciation with assets o f over $800,000 J. B. Imlay & Sons R E E D V IL L E WANTED ALO H A. O R E ) RABBITS W A N TE D B E S T P R IC E fo r R abbit Fryers, D P. M acD onald. R2, Bx 218, B eaver ton. P hone B eaverton 2260. W’ e pick up. tf KEEPtON WANT E L E C T R IC STOVE P hone B eaverton 2321. tf W A N T L O C K E R In vicinity o f B eaverton P hone B eaverton 2321. 1945 by W alter BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS TURKEYS ALSO Live Poultry and Eggs R eceivin g Portland, Albany, R edm ond, A Dressing Plants: M cM innville, Salem, Eugene, R oseburg, Oregon. Main O ffice and Plant 24 C opyright which Ellen Ballon has in her New York studio is just beginning to fill again. Miss Ballon keeps the bank solely for the purpose of sav­ ing dimes for the March of Dimes. | Each year, when the campaign to ROCKY’ M O U N T A IN N U R S E R Y aid infantile paralysis victims opens, B udding Plants, Shrubs Azealias. C am elios, Prim roses, the Canadian pianist opens her Panzies, R o ck Plants—C om plete , bank and her contribution is ready. W EST END line in season. "It is an inspiration to save for such S E L L W O O D B R ID G E Phone CH. 1087 or Cl I. 3003 a purpose,” she said. “ Whenever I O pposite M ultnom ah drug stores am tempted to spend a dime in­ CREMATORIUM stead of other change, I think of a MAUSOLEUM child with pleading eyes sitting in a wheeled chair and all my dimes go \ P A IN T S CEMETERY into a separate compartment in my C om plete Funeral Service in New , purse to be dropped into that little Im la y ’s F re sh C athedral Chapel at Na Extra cost bank just as soon as I return to my R iverside is a co-operative asso­ studio.” M ix e d F e e d s 8toclt p ick ed up free o f ch a rg e anyw here. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., P ortlan d. tf W A N T E D — L ive KanDita, to buy now. T op prices paid. R abbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week j days on ly until 7:30 p. m. 11 Beaverton A Condensed Story of the Historic Expedition of 1804-6 Starving Dutch Ate Bulbs F loyd the Only Casualty Sergeant Charles F loyd died A u g -! Starving Dutch people ate about Expert; Horseshoe pitchers gath­ ust 20 o f natural causes, at a p o in t 1™*0000000 o f their valuable tulip er daily in Central park and give I on the river below present Sioux bulbs in ,h c last >'ear o f Germ an oc- W A N TE D demonstrations of their skill in hot Ctty, Iowa. H e was buried o n a cu pancy E* tera o t ‘ uliP bulbs say contests. The other afternoon a high b lu ff with m ilitary honors, and ' they are flll'n g and taste like som c- rather small, brown-eyed, attractive 1 his grave was m arked w ith a cedar 'b in g betw een an onion and an arti- girl appeared and asked permission i post bearing his name and date o f c hoke T hey boiled them like pota- T oday a tall, stately obelisk l U),’ s ’ fr>’tng them when fat w as avail- to take part in the game. After a dcath. lot of chuckling, she was allowed to m arks the spot o f his interment, i at,te. ' — take a place. In no time at all, the His nam e was given to I l o y d 's ! liver, w hich flow s into the Missouri | D ress f o r S leep winsome miss proved to her com­ Essential Industry T w o m onths ago, M arines trained petitors that she knew all about ring­ a short distance above the b lu ff where he is burled. Floyd w as the fo r jungle figh tin g were sleeping ers, leaners and various other points EXPERIENCE only man lost on the entire trip. I with no cover oth er than a thin m os- of the game. In fact, she emerged • T here was one desertion, Joe B a r -; qulto netting. victor. Then it was learned that ter, a Frenchm an, called "L a Lib- j Now their norm al sleeping garb, NOT NECESSARY she’ s 20-vear-old Dixie Roberts of i erte." on this tem porate island includes Kent Cliffs, N. Y. Her father is P ow -w ow s w ere held w ith the In­ tw o sets o f dungarees, a sw eat shirt, Steady Work with Overtime horseshoe pitching champion up dians at various points and peace a w oolen khaki shirt, a blanket and there and he taught her. He also pacts were made with the S io u x ,! a poncho. A PPL Y AT B ig Sioux ! T he change in tem perature has taught her to shoot pool. Miss Rob­ A rikaras and Mandans. In addition to erts, whe is currently winning ap­ river was reached on A ugust 21 another draw back. plause with her super tap dancing at T w o hundred miles up this stream bringing chills to shivering M arines the swank Copacabana, is a vegetari­ | were located the quarries where the it keep« them scratch in g for fleas Indians got the stone w ith w hich to ] which are attracted by the warm th an. her diet consisting mostly of make their fam ous red-stone pipes o f their bedclothes, a ccord in g to -Sgt. green salads and vegetable juices. James river, near the present Y ank ­ J. P. Donahue. • • • August F u e l: During the recent cold spell. ton, S. D., was reached on 1820 H. E. W ater A ve„ Portland 27. Pryor, D orion and another New Yorkers with fireplaces put man were sent up the river to con ­ Second Thought them to good use and were rather tact ___ _ a village ....... _ __ T he Jap prisoner tried to con vin ce o f _____ Sioux ________ Indians ___ and inclined to look down on friends who invite them to a parley. L ew is and b *s ca P t°rs o f his desire to die for his BUYERS— PACKERS were entirely dependent on radia­ ¡C lark met the Indians tw enty miles E«nperor—but he lost his nerve when — All Berries, Prunes, G rapes— tors. Fireplaces are in great de­ 'fa rth e r up the Missouri, where the Marines called his bluff.. The Jap drew his knife across his mand in New York but New Yorkers | council was held with the usual for- F E R T IL IZ E R , DU ST, W E E V IL throat, but did not cut it. ‘ T think B A IT S . A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON have little if any storage space Tor | malities. Big Bend o f the M issouri was I’ll call his b lu ff” said M arine P fc. R. fireplace wood, so wood is bought by Miller. He drew his com bat knife the stick. Department stores also ] reached on Septem ber 20, in present and handed it to the Jap. South Dakota T he Bend w as over have been advertising some kind of The Jap drew erect, refused the artificial logs that burn for an hour eighteen miles around the loop and knife, and m arched the rest o f the Beaverton 3271 less than a mile across the neck. or more and leave little ash, and F our days later they arrived at pres­ way to headquarters stiffly at at- few ashes are something to be de­ ent Pierre on Bad river, where W il­ ention. sired because ashes are not easy to son P rice Hunt set out w ith his As- dispose of. Demand for wood is so torians in 1811 on his epochal land Real Estate Transfers constant that one firm up in Harlem jou rn ey to the Columbia, A. A Canfield et ux to Paul A m ort has been selling it for the last 75 On O ctober 18, Lewis and Clark et ux pt lot 14 Evelyn sub dlv Gar- years. The present price is $1.50 ! cam e to the mouth o f a stream | den Home. BEAVERTON , OREGON G uy Alexander et al to L aw rence for a bag of hardwood, the customer I where there were large quantities to come and get it and take it home. ¡o f round stones, resem bling cannon D Maim et ux lots 29 and 38 Blk A • • • balls, so they named the stream Cun- Beaverton. R e lie f; The head of a concern ! nonball river. Olive K R ich ardson et at to Dean H unting was good, the explorers Bnuguess et ux lot 5 blk 42 Metzger that traces persons who skip out and leave installments unpaid and which living on the tenderest portions of Acre. Dean Bauguess et ux to J Fred also does a general investigating ; buffalo, elk, deer and antelope. For business, told of a client who had | a change they had d u cks andfish. Dewey, lot 5 blk 42 M etzger A cre Trs here would be lean days ahead Hugh Dawson et ux to John A Beaverton 3762 made a cross country trip to marry T when their m ouths would w ater and Pederson et ux 4 acres Johnson Est. a man whom she had known so their stom achs yearn for those deli- add B eaverton-Reedville. Open 8:30 to 6 shortly that she wanted his record cacies. | John H F M atney et ux to C R E venings by A ppointm ent gone into thoroughly. Two days lat­ W in ter was now com in g on and i Haller et ux lot 11 M atncy’s add, er, a report was made to her that Lewis and C lark looked fo r a suit-1 Beaverton. painted the man in anything but a able place to m ake a perm anent [ Curtis E Mason et ux to W E favorable light. Among other things, cam p. The principal M andan vil- 1 Cam pbell lots 7 and 8 nnd parts o f he had impersonated an army of­ lage was located south o f present 4 ,5, 6, & 9 blk E Steel’s add B eaver- ficer, assumed a professional title Stanton. N orth Dakota, below the \ ton. A loca- j Hans Hansen to Gerald B G ray et and had concealed a former mar­ mouth o f the K n ife river. S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S tion was selected across the Missouri ! ux 1.20 acres o f lot 276 Johnson Est, riage. In addition, he had omitted C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AN D mention of a prison term he had from the M andan village at a w o o d -! add B eaverton-R eedville. S U P P L IE S FOR T H E D A IR Y spot on the north rbank o f the I M E P aget et ux to L ouis E R o g - served. At the conclusion, the red­ ed IN D U S T R Y river, which here flow s east. On j ers et ux lot 4 blk 27 M etzger A cre headed widow smiled sweetly and N ovem ber 2 they com m en ced the Trs. said, “ Oh, is that all? I was afraid ¡erection o f their buildings and stock ! E ric Pantzer et ux to Sidney E he might have been involved in ade o f cottonw ood logs. T hey call- ! W ilson et ux lot 12 N ichols add C ar­ something really bad." And then ed it F ort Mandan. H ere they j den Home. spent the w inter o f 1804-5, about she went ahead and married him. F rank J H ornung et ux to James Ndnufarture-' A DMrtbuton • • • sixteen hundred miles from the J Jersey et ux lot 115 N ichols add IVtRYTMINC. Decision: Reports one of our Hol­ m outh o f the Missouri It had taken Garden Hom e. -» d a ir y m a n ’ lywood sentinels: Four fans showed one hundred nnd sixty-five days Carl F F ix et ux to Frank S W olf up at Danny Kaye’s home to ask tto make the journey at an average et ux lots 21, 28 and SVfc o f lot 29 his permission to picket two of the [o f about ten m iles a day. D urham Acres. T radin g was resorted to during Lloyd Edw Anderson et ux to R obt small Los Angeles theaters that barterin g E P robst et ux pt blk 11 H ockens 136 N W Park AT. «461 were featuring shorts made eight the winter, the Indians or nine years ago and which in no corn and pumpkins, for iron articles add Beaverton. Fritz Eisner et ux to E dw C W a r­ way show Kaye’s talents. Danny made by the blacksm iths, and for CENTRALLY j other articles o f trade. T he tw o ner et ux lot 23 H offa rb er Trs. said “ no” and explained that the LOCATED ! ram ps exchanged visits and pro­ Close to bus trans­ time always comes in a performer’s vided entertainm ent for one another The fla g w as hoisted am id the early career when he either must pot tation and j Christm as day, however, the In­ cheers o f the men and a salute from w alk in g distance make shorts to pay the rent and gro­ dians were excluded, bein g in­ their guns. Cruzatte, the one- cery bills in order that he may go form ed that this was a "B ig Mcdi- eyed boatm an, got out his fiddle, R i­ from downtow n. onward or upward—or he gets along 'cin e Dny” fo r the white men, when vet danced on his head, and the A grand men san g and danced until a late without the shorts and the groceries. ¡they wished to be alone. “ You take your choice and you’ re I feast was prepared and toasts were hour. This was the first Christm as stuck with it,” continued Danny. “ It drunk to P resident J efferson nnd celebration that fa r West. I other high govern m en t officials. (T o be con tin u ed) happened to Joe Penner; it hap­ F or quality, fa ir price and service M E N W A N T E D — W oodw ork ers, nailers and lum ber carriers, es­ sential industry 90c to $1.224 per hour, with tim e and a h alf fo r Saturday Air K in g M fg Corp.. T igard. Oregon. 26 In CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K —Let us plow you r garden. H ow ard W m . Smith, Johnson R d. A Divis­ ion sts., P hone B eaverton 2462 4tf FISHER THORSEN PAINTS W A N TE D Have C ivilians Can F ly N ow B ernard A irport S. & M. F L Y IN G S E R V IC E N orth E nd o f Field on Cedar St. B eaverton, Ore. P hone W E . 7013 F O R S A L E — One acre standing hay N E corn er 7th and L om bard Sts., B eaverton. R eady to har­ vest now. Inquire Enterprise, B eaverton 2321. 22 FOR W ood mi. S after C L E A N IN G A P R E S SIN G S E R V IC E W e do quality w ork and give prom pt service. T IG A R D C L E A N E R S F ew doors W est o f Bank at Burn­ ham and Main Street, T igard tf Invasion Costs More M on ey- Up Youi Payroll Savings today A day-by-day program for National F arm Safety W eek. July 22-28, was announced today by the National Safety Council. E ach day o f the week has been designated fo r a sp ecific safety ac­ tivity. Sunday, the first day o f the Sec­ ond National F arm Safety W eek, will be observed as church day. National S afety C ouncil figures in­ dicate that -n early 7500 -fa r m hom o i fatalities o ccu r each year. Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak St re -t, Portland, Ore. with WAR BONDS Phone 1'Ast 5141 • • • End Piece: Crossing Lexington avenue on 49th street, Igor Gorin, young baritone, narrowly avoided being run over by a truck when his eyes suddenly lighted on the curious electric legend, "She Corner.” When he had regained the curb, and his composure, he discovered that some bulbs were missing in the sign, “ Shelton Corner Bar.” Bell S y n d ica te.— WNU F ea tu res. 200 U-Boets Reported Ready for Sea Attack LONDON. — Information from neutral and underground sources indicates that the Germans are ready to send 200 U-boats out to attack convoys en route to France and Russia, the Daily Telegraph said. The newspaper said the German navy had been report­ ed to have 400 serviceable sub­ marines. c u r this chart for futurs RcrtRencc