Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1945)
Friday, June 15, 1945 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Other Graduates Day. There will be a piano solo by Orleta Boge, saxophone solo by Erwin ‘ * Paxson and the young mens chofus will sing The following students graduated Canyon Road, near Sylvan ; The orchestra will play at the even- from Raleigh school: Arden Arms- Werner J. Fritz, Minister field. Susannah Difani, William S. I lng service. Third Sunday after Trinity Harris, Yvonne L. Hibbard. Amaryl CHURCH OF THIS NAZARKNK Church School 9:45 a. m. lis Lilies, Paul H Oldenburg, Su Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor METIiODIST CHURCH Morning Service 11 o’clock. zanne Karyl Polsky, JoAnn Robin 9:43 a. m. Sunday School. Albert S. Hlsey, D. D., Minister Everybody welcome. son. Maureen Lee Smith, Balon Wes- 11 a .m. Worship service. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Observance of Father’s Day. Mrs. Bourquim Supt. Classes foi ternoff. CHURCH OF CHRIST 6 45 N. Y. P. S. and Hi-N-Y. all ages with a corps of competent Students graduating from the Ha- George W. Springer, Pastor 7 45 p. m. Evangelistic service. jzeldale school are: Wendell Ian j Morning worship and preaching at teachers. Wednesday 7:45 Mid-week prayer 9:45 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. ¡Broad, Charlotte Elsie Gutnecht, service. Sermon by the pastor. The last Roger Delbert Boulden, David Rob The Friend of God Following*'* the"""sermon, the Lord * »ervlc* of ‘ he church year befo™ ‘ he « t Stephens, Robert Edward Lewis, ’ annual conference. Donald Henry Stephens, Harry Ar- supper will ® be observed Official board meeting 8 p. m. AU thur Reilly. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Bible School class session 11 a. m. members invited. Bethany-*-Stanley Fred Lundahl. The Bible Church Christian Endeavor 6:45 p. m. Robeit Lloyd Zahler, Vern Vincent Evening worship service 8 p. m. Box 697, Beaverton BETHEL Dysle, James Rosenwald Stoller, ; Midweek Bible study and prayer Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Joyce Arlene Barton. service Wed. at 8 p. m. Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor Cooper Mt.—Dorothy Louise Leo- j Sunday morning there will be three Divine Services 11 a. m. . . - . | 9 45 a. m. Church School. Mlss pold. Betty Martha Schell. Esther Sunday School 9:45 a. m. special numbers honoring I Amarette Barns, Supt. I Marie Livermore. Doris Caroline Pal 11 a. m. Morning service. mer, Iola Jean ..Jenkins. Stephen Sermon by L. P. Putnam. Leroy Benham. 5:30 p. m. Intermediate Young Reedville i— Joanne Louise Mc- People. George, James E. Harris, George Ed 6:30 p. m. Senior Young People. ward Sinclair, Neil William Mcln- ¡nis, Harold W. Hoffman, Jack Stew- THE VALLEY j art Elerick, Lawence B. Kirkwood, COMMUNITY CHURCH ilda Lou Hagg, Patricia Anne Wolfe, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ' Donald W. Mason, Ann Marie Molek. 4110 SW Gabel Lane Orenco—Darlene June Glaske, Lor- A shipment of Bean Poles, Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor ! raine E. Tronnis, Jimmy Randell Morning worship 10:30 a. m. Shultz, -Edgar V. -Punzel, Wallace 4 in. Concrete Drain Sunday June 17—special fathers day Alexander, Robert Warren Alexan observance. der, Paul Leroy Estes, ..Anna Belle Tile; Septic Tanks; May I-ariscn, France» Jeanette AI.OIIA COMMUNITY CHURCH Brown, Donald Wayne Rich, Rose Grease Traps. Graydon D. Lores, Pastor Marie Motz, Mae Ardeel, Eleanore Sunday School 9:50 a. m. Gertrude Horning, Viriginia Mae En Texolite “330”, One Mary Antrim, Supt. gebretson, Howard Peterson, Leo- Morning worship 11 a. m. nore Theresa Horning, June Junette Coat Wall Paint Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Larison. Evening service by pastor. Long Life WEST liUJ.1 LUTHERAN CHURCH Church Services n JUST RECEIVED- REEDVIIJ.E COMMUNITY PRLSBYTBRIAN CHURCH Dutch Boy Paints KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. C A. B A K K E N , Mgr. (deaf C le a n e r s Why not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID EAL CLEAN ERS. OUR MOTTO: Good Service Good Cleaning Satisfied Customers 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton I N H O N O R OF O U R W A R DEAD A N D T H E 1 9 ,0 0 0 S O U T H E R N TACIFIC M EN AND W OM EN WHO EN T E R E D T H E A R M E D SERVICES W E H A V E SET ASID E JU N E 14, 19 4 5 AS SO U TH E R N WAR I In honor of the more than 19,000 «*;• rA 1 I r Cl Southern Pacific men and women' W i n s L /a k G lu s t e r who have entered the armed forces, ! An Eighth Air Force Bomber Sta- the 92.000 home front employees of tion, England -Sergeant Charles R the railroad observed their third an- Loomer, of Beaverton, Ore . 29 year nual "Southern Pacific War Ser- old waist gunner on a B-17 Flying vice Day" June 14. it was announc- Fortress has been awarded a second ed today. j Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal. Special homage was paid the rail- He won the decoration for "courage, road's honored war dead, now num- i coolness and skill" and for his out- bering approximately 200. They standing performance of duty dur- represent every front and every ser- inK a number of Eighth Air Force on vital German installa vice, their heroism recorded in the attacks employes’ monthly magadne and tions. Sgt. Loomer is the son of J. H. 1 their memory preserved on the com Loonier, route 2. Beaverton. His wife pany's service flag. lives in Loraine, Texas. The flyer won his wings at King -1 The National Safety council re port* thnt most of the serious cases man Field. Arizona, in May, 1944. of infection start from small He is now a member of the 486th wounds. Get immediate first aid Bomb. Gp., a unit of the Third Air treatment for a cut or scratch, espec Division the division cited by the President for its England-Africa ially in hot weather. Nearly three-fourths of all street shuttle bombing of the Messersch- car fatalities not Involving a motor schmitt plants at Regensburg. Ger vehicle - are persons over 45 years of many. nge, according to the National Safe ty Council. Jenne at Shaw Field Shaw Field, S. C., P-47 Thunder bolt pilots at this combat training school of the First Air Force are now being trained for future com bat assignments. , After completing the course, these pilots will receive additional gun-. nery training and then be assigned to tactical outfit. 2nd Lt. Eldon V. Jenne. route 2.; box 639, Beaverton, is among the student officers in training. KALE PRESENTS TWO OUTSTANDING FARM SERVICE PROGRAMS! TACIFIC The Beaverton Postoffice is ask- 1 ing for bids for 7 tons of hard lump coal. Melvin Le Roy Gumm of Beaver ton, is in the 1945 graduating class at the University of Oregon Medical School. He is one of 75 members. Commencement exercises will be held June 22 in the school auditorium on Marquam Hill. SER V IC E DAY Too Late to Classify WANT COOK -. Afternoon. at Skyway Restaurant, on highway, near Cedar St.. Beaverton 20 O n t b i t d ay S o u th e r n P a c ific m en and THESE SOLEMN FLEDGES: 2 . Support the Seventh War Loan 3 . Back up the Red Cross, Blood Banks and other tnr agencies 4« Give friendly service to all patron», with good teamwork SUNDAY, JUNE 17th FATHER'S D A T - $54 How about that com fortable new chair for HIM. We have them Some with an ottaman UP T) J I f »V F A F W S C m I o / u * coasli wa/ipvuiii. ■ LEONARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor Phone 3691 Welcome Fathers to Father's D ay Service 1 1 :0 0 A . N . Special Recognition of all Father’s Present K A l E 't F o rm S o iv k o D ir e c t o r Tlm oly a n d a a tfca n tativa b roadcast« ca ra r. »nf o vary a*«»« o f to r m in a , in clu d in g • • • • Lo cal a n d N a t io n a l M a r k e t Report« a W r o ih c r Report« a n d Rive r R ood m ga • Ttmofy N o « « oa N orv««tm g Domandt ond Loboc • Now« o t 4 -M C lu b s o n d Form O r g a n iso tio n t a C ro p a n d L iv a t t o r k Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company of M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894--. 40 years of Reliable Service Chaa L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of ProtecUon” Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon F re d ’s F u rn ace S e rv ic e AT Hillsboro, 227 S. Third Will take orders for FURNACE VACUUM CLEANING P r o d u c t io n Call BEAVERTON 2011 among ourselves W. E. PE G G I? the friendly Southern Pacific 133U Uh TOUR (UAL • ITS MUTUAI PHONE BF.AVF.RTGN M il « ' Oregon Mutual rollcle* are N ON-AS.S ESS ABLE. You N E V E » pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintain* more than three time* the surplus required by Oregon Insurance I-aw*. • Form a n d Home G ordons MORTI CI AN Beaverton. Oregon Estab 1910 Serving 35 years w West Coast Telephone Co. now available MILLERS GROCERY « The American farmer is a practical man. He wants conveniences after the war that will really help him. That is why the telephone industry is working so hard to greatly improve rural telephone service . . . to find new ways of bringing the time and money saving benefits o f the telephone to all rural areas. Truly, post-war telephone service will give the farmer a new, a greater service. NEW CANNING JARS AT A GREATER VOICE FOR THE FARMER F e a t u r in g BURTON HUTTON 4 ■ - ¿ (f i t h e 9 r o m £ . “ p h o n e 3 5 3 5 B eaverton BROADWAY AT WATSON WANT TO KENT . clnity of Bucks Store. Mrs. Wal lace R. Wheeler. S Wheeler Ave Aloha. 20 women all o ter the sytlem gather to reaffirm 1 . Perform our job* with utmost efficiency srd »fety 1 ! 6th Army Group. Germany—The J city of Wurzburg, in south western, Germany, lay in ruins after receiving; terrible pastings from the air. The rubble-strewn streets and gutted i buildings were deceivingly quiet. But I hidden in doorways and behind walls, | ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD the enemy was waiting with m a-1 Sunday School 10 a. m. chine guns trained on advancing i Worship 11 a. m. X ¡American doughboys of an infantry i Thursdays 7:45 p. m. 'division. On the outskirts of the city. Com-1 CIIAPFL SERVICE bat Command “A” of the 12th Ar- j BEAVERTON FULL GOSPEL mored “Hellcat" Division stood pois Orville J. Poulin, Minister ed, ready to act as trouble shooters j I. O. O. F. Hall. Beaverton in case the Krouts proved difficult | Sundays 7:45 p. m. to route. A short time later, th e; Everybody welcome. ¡quiet was shattered as the well-en- > ST. CECELIA CIIURCII Masses 8:25 and 10:25 during t h e ¡trenched Germans poured round af- winter months. 1 ter round of fire into the American ■ ■ i infantry. Combat Command “A" moved in ' Navy Promotes Sheedy I swiftly, its advanced tank element ' ' i moved from one infantry sector to ^ Treasure Island, San Francisco, , anotheri blasting out the stubborn | Calif. The U. S. Naval Armed enemy in one Qf the last actions in Guard Center, Pacific, at Treasure crushing Germany. I Island, Calif., has announced the No prisoners wele taken, promotion from lieutenant, junior! The Seventh Army’s 12th Armor- grade, to lieutenant of Roy Herman ed Division| a component of Gen. Sheedy. (D)L, USNR, route 1, box Dever’s 6th Army Group> had three 606, Beaverton, Oregon. battalions—one of tanks, one of in- The Aimed Guard (enter super- fantry and one of field artillery—in vises the assignment of Naval of- its hard_hlttinK Combat Command fleers and enlisted personnel to the The fighting unit is support- gun crews o f merchant vessels In ed ^y companies of medics, ord- the Pacific. nance and combat engineers. Among the members of Combat Command ’'A", 12th Armored Di- i To Honor 19000 in vision was Pvt. Glenn L. Outhier Armed Forces (Tank) route 3 Beaverton, Oregon. Rev. Hampton, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E Geiger, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. \ COME IN AND SEE US Phone Beaverton 3201 Fought at Wurzburg ¡attack transport. After becoming a member of this subchaser's crew at Guadacanal, he Aboard a subchaser in the Pacific participated in patrols througnout Eugene Collins Springe*. 18, sonar the South Pacific. He saw his first man, third class. USNR, son of Fled action in the invasion of the Philip C. Springer, Portland, is a member pines. of the crew of this ship. Springer joined tire Navy in May, Home accidents for 1944 resulted in 1944 .after graduating from Beav erton High School. He attended the a wage loss, medical expense, and Navy's sonar school at -San Diego overhead cost of insurance totaling and then came to the Pacific on an $550,000,000,000. Springer on Subr.haser A LSO SERVICE and REPAIR ALL OF H E A T IN G P LAN TS TYPES :